10 research outputs found

    Internalizing Islamic Values in Electrochemistry Learning

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    The purpose of this paper is to describe a potential way of integrating the knowledge of electrochemistry with a story in the Al-Quran particularly in the sura of Al-Kahfi, verse 83-96. The story tells about an implicit understanding of the concept of electro chemistry. Having the story in the learning of electrochemistry is aimed to internalizing the spirit of Islam in the learning of electro chemistry. Using a classroom action research, this study involved 95 students who are taking the course of Basic Chemistry 2. This study used three instruments, namely: observation sheet of students activity, observation sheet of students attitute, and self-assessment questionnaire. Based on the data, the study found that students were considerably active in each stage of the learning process with the average of activitiy is 78% (good). With regards to attitude, only aspect of responsibility that was not well appeared while the aspects of religious curiosity, cooperative, and communication relatively presente

    Application of corrosion e-module to improve high-level thinking ability

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    The media used in learning can be used as an alternative effort to improve the ability of high-level thinking. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to apply corrosion e-module to improve students' high-level thinking ability. The method used is pre-experiment with research subjects as much as 38 students of Chemistry Education second semester. Information is obtained by measuring the improvement of students' high-level thinking ability. The n-gain value in cognitive analyzes is 0.639 with moderate improvement category, the cognitive rate is evaluated at 0.543 with the category of moderate increase and the cognitive level created by 0.73 with the high increase category. Overall n-gain students' high thinking ability is 0.637 with moderate improvement category. This shows the teaching materials in the form of emodule play a role in activating the learning process that impact on learning outcomes. Thus, corrosion learning using e-module can improve students' high-level thinking ability

    Multimedia Based on Scientific Approach for Periodic System of Element

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    This study aims to describe the application of interactive multimedia on the concept of the periodic system of elements. The study was conducted by using the one-shot case study design. The subjects in this study were 35 high school students of class XI IPA. Results showed that the stages of observing, questioning, data collecting (experimenting), and communicating are all considered very good. This shows that multimedia can assist students in explaining the development of the periodic system of elements, ranging from Triade doberrainer, Newland Octarchic Law, Mendeleyev, and the modern periodic, as well as atomic radius, ionization energy, and electronegativity of an element in the periodic system