10 research outputs found

    Social Capital Capacity as Prediction of Dengue Control

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    The program of elimination of mosquito breeding places is still low since there is no public participation effort in vector control. Social capital is key factor for sustaining any health programs implemented. This study was aimed to analyze the effectiveness of social capital impact on participation and environmental based dengue prevention programs. Study design was cross sectional. Population study was community around Bantul district. Sample was collected as 600 house hold devide on two categories endemic and potential areas. Data was collected with interviews and observation. Data were analyzed with person corelation, confirmatory analyzed and path way analyzed. There were significantly relationships between social capital and family perseption, disease perception, individual perception, environment perception and larva density p < 0,05. Relationship between perception of counselling and family perception, dengue programs and family perception p < 0,05, and the strongest factor is environment participation (r=0.296). Based on the path analysis for potential areas, social capital was effectively for increased larvae free index through family perception. Theoretically, model for social capital is more efficient in increasing the number of free larvae index through community environment participation. In potential areas, social capital is concluded to be more effectively increase of larva index through participation of individuals. In endemic areas, that dengue programs increase larva index more effectively, compared with social capital does. Strengthening of social capital is important because it effectively the coverage of larva index through environment participation both areas

    Hubungan Intensitas Kebisingan Dan Beban Kerja Dengan Stres Kerja Pada Pekerja Bagian Spinning Di PT. Kusumaputra Santosa Karangayar

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    The Sound from spinning engine at textile mill above threshold 85 db could cause noise. Engine noise could cause disorder of workers like job stress. Close with spinning machine can increase workload and increasing pulse. The purpose of this study is to know correlationnoise intensity and workload with job stresson part of spinning workers in KusumaputraSantosa corporation of Karangayar. The method use analytic observational with cross sectional approach. The sample was all of workers of spinning part count 59 persons, with taking sample use total of sampling. Research instruments use noise measurement, pulse measurement and stress questionnaires. analysis data use correlation Pearson product moment and rank spearman test.The results showed that average noise intensity was 90.91dB. There were 14 respondents with workload medium category and 29 respondents with workload light category. There were 27 respondents with medium stress category, 19 stress light category, 13 respondents with no stress. Correlation intensity noise with stress Test obtained p= 0,001. Correlation workload with stress test obtained p= 0,001. conclusionof this research, there is correlation noise intensity and workload with job stressof spinning workers in Kusumaputrasantosa corporation of Karangayar

    Keefektifan Metode Fitoremidiasi dengan Pemanfaatan Tanaman Eceng Gondok untuk Menurunkan Kadar Amoniak Limbah Rumah Sakit PKU Muhammadiyah Surakarta

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    Liquid waste containing ammonia subtances can affect human health and the enviroment. Ammonia levels based on preliminary test result will be undertaken at the Hospital of PKU Muhammadiyah Surakarta of 0,620 mg / l, the result exceeded the water quality standar of waste. One of the ways that can be done to reduce levels of ammonia with fitoremidiasi method using the water hyacinth plant. This research study design was a true experiment with pretes and posttest with control grup. Location of researc at the Hospital of PKU Muhammadiyah Surakarta. Phytoremidiation uses 4 plants, 6 plants, and 8 plants hyacint done for 7 days in 15 liters of waste water. The average yield of the activity level of ammonia after the treatments is 99.459%, 99.524%, and 99,606%. The statistical test used is the One Way Anova. The result of the study obtained plants water hyacinth effectiveto reduce the ammonia on the water waste debgab doses effevtie 8 plant (p-value 0,001)

    Hubungan Antara Kebisingan Dan Beban Kerja Dengan Stres Kerja Pada Pekerja Unit Perbaikan Di Pt. Kai Daop VI Yogyakarta Dipo Solo Balapan

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    There are factors that affect the working environment such as physical factors, and the effect on health and safety in the workplace. The work environment is one of the main sources of potential occupational health hazards. One of the factors in the work environment is noise. Noise can have an impact, one of which can cause stress to a person exposed to noise. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between noise, age, length of employment, length of employment, and workload with work stress on workers' Service section VI DAOP PT KAI Yogyakarta DIPO Solo Racing. The sampling technique was purposive sampling method and using predetermined criteria to obtain a sample of 48 respondents. Instruments in this study was the measurement of the noise level by using a sound level meter and questionnaires noise, the stress of work, duration of work, tenure, and workload. Data analysis was performed using univariate and bivariate using Pearson's chi-square. The results showed a significant relationship between noise with work stress ((2 = 9.872; (= 0.002), age and job stress ((2 = 7.378; (= 0.002), length of employment with job stress ((2 = 16.061; ( = 0.000), duration of employment with job stress ((2 = 13.428; (= 0.000), and workload with job stress ((2 = 16.092; (= 0.000). Suggestions for the company is the quality control of the work to the employee by way of guidance periodically, giving insenftif, refreshing, and outbound order to reduce work stress

    Hubungan Antara Kadar Debu Kapas Dengan Penurunan Fungsi Paru Pada Pekerja Bagian Weaving PT. Kusumahadi Santosa Karanganyar

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    Cotton dust including organic dust containing carbon that are fibrosis of the lungs. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between levels of cotton dust with decreased lung function in workers weaving section PT. Kusumahadi Santosa Karanganyar. Analytic observational research with cross sectional study design proportional random sampling. The total samples were 41 respondents. The file were analyzed using univariate and bivariate. The results of measurements of average levels of cotton dust in the weaving is 0,556 mg /m^3. Data analysis used Spearman Rho. The study concluded there is a correlation between the level of cotton dust levels with a decrease in lung function obtained p-value 0.016 <0.05 by the closeness of the relationship is weak (r=0,374). It is recommended that supervise the workers to wear personal protective equipment disciplinary masks

    Keefektifan Dosis Poly Aluminium Chloride (Pac) Dalam Menurunkan Kadar Phosphate Pada Air Limbah Laundry Di Gatak Gede, Boyolali

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    KEEFEKTIFAN DOSIS POLY ALUMUNIUM CHLORIDE (PAC) DALAM MENURUNKAN KADAR PHOSPHATE PADA AIR LIMBAH LAUNDRY DI GATAK GEDE, BOYOLALI. Phosphate dalam air dapat menyebabkan pertumbuhan lumut dan mikro algae berlebihan yang membuat pancaran sinar matahari ke dalam air berkurang, sehingga proses fotosintesis di dalam air yang dapat menghasilkan oksigen juga berkurang. Hasil pengukuran kadar phosphate air limbah laundry di Gatak Gede, Boyolali sebesar 9,50 mg/l. Nilai ini melebihi baku mutu yang telah ditetapkan. Tujuan dalam penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui dosis koagulan Poly Alumunium Chloride (PAC) yang paling efektif dalam menurunkan kadar phosphate pada air limbah laundry. Jenis penelitian ini merupakan true exsperiment dengan rancangan penelitian pretest posttest with control group. Populasi dari penelitian ini adalah air limbah laundry yang dihasilkan dari seluruh proses pengolahan dan teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan quota sampling.Uji statistik menggunakan uji One Way Anova dengan hasil analisis data p–0,0001 (p≤0,01), sehingga Ha diterima yang artinya terdapat dosis yang paling efektif dalam penambahan koagulan PAC dalam penurunan kadar phosphate air limbah laundry di Gatak Gede, Boyolali. Penurunan paling efektif didapatkan sebesar 88% (1,09 mg/l) pada dosis 0,75 gram. Kata Kunci : Air limbah laundry, phosphate, Poly Alumunium Chloride (PAC

    Perbedaan Pengaruh Pendidikan Kesehatan Tentang Karies Gigi Melalui Media Buku Cerita Bergambar Dan Leaflet Terhadap Pengetahuan, Sikap, Dan Perilaku Anak Sekolah Dasar Di Kabupaten Malang

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    According to WHO, increased prevalence of dental caries in 12 years old group, which amounts to 13,7% in 2007(28,9%) to 2013(42,6%). The media that used in this health education are picture story book and leaflet. East Java Province is one of three provinces that have increased oral and dental problems highest in Indonesia. The aim of this research is to know the differenciate influence of health education about dental caries by using picture story book and laflet of knowledge, attitude, and behaviour of elementary school in Malang regency. The research metohod is used Quasy Experiment. The plan of this research is used Pre-test and Post-test design. The population of this research are all of the students 3th class and 4th class in Elementary School Kemiri 1 dan Elementary School Tegalsari 1, that are 97 students. The selection of sample by Proportionale Stratifed Random Sampling as many as 78 students. The result of this research show that there is increase of knowledge (p=0,0001), the attitude (p=0,0001), the habitual of teeth brush (p=0,0001), and the step of teeth brush correctly (p=0,0001) of the group picture story and leaflet. The result of Mann Whitney show that there is significant difference between picture story book and leaflet of knowledge (p=0,037), the attitude (p=0,0001), and the step of teeth brush correctly (p=0,033). There is not significant difference of the habitual of teeth brush (p=0,121)

    Hubungan Peran Kelompok Pendukung Ibu Dengan Keberhasilan Pemberian Asi Eksklusif Di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Gambirsari Surakarta

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    Exclusive breastfeeding is only giving breast milk, when baby was born until six month, without any other food. The aim of exclusive breastfeeding program is to implementation one of MDGS project, for decrease morbidity and mortality from neonatal and babies. The coverage of exclusive breastfeeding in Surakarta (55,7%) is still under national target level (80%). One of the eforts from goverment to increase exclusive breastfeeding is to decided ten steps for succesfully suckle program, among of them is to organization mother supporting group. The aim of this research is to knowing the role in mother supporting group with succesfully of giving exclusive breastfeeding at Puskesmas Gambirsari Surakarta. The method of this research is using crossectional design. There were 88 samples. They were taken by simple random sampling technique. Chi-square and Fisher exact were used as bivariat analysis. The result of bivariat analysis showed that there are relationship between mother decided for suckle with succesfully giving exclusive breastfeeding (p=0,039) and there are not relationship between the role in mother supporting group with mother decided for suckle (p=0,611) and succesfully of giving exclusive breastfeeding (p=0,192)

    Effect Of Counseling Using Social Capital Implementation On Container Index (CI) Of Aedes Aegypti Larvae

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    Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF) still becomes one of community health problems in Indonesia, until now it cannot be overcome and become highest dengue fever case in the world. Even it can be found almost in every province in Indonesia. Mosquito nest eradication program (PSN) that has been conducted, and previous research results is not sufficient to overcome DHF and it cannot improve community participation in PSN program. In order to make it continuous, it is needed to do community social capital mapping before conducting health promotion.The research aims to determine the effect of counseling using social capital implementation on Container Indeks (CI) of Aedes aegypti larvae in Panggungharjo, Sewon, Bantul.The research used quasi experiment with pre and post with control design. It used 60 families as control group and 60 families as the treatment group. The analysis method used was independent t-test.The research results showed that counseling using social capital implementation and community trust to community leaders as the counselor, in this case was the head of the neighborhood had an influence toContainer Indeks (CI) of Aedes aegypti larvae in Panggungharjo, Sewon, Bantul (p,0.001).It is suggested that counseling using social capital implementation, especially from people that are trusted by the community can be implemented in PSN program. It can become one of the models in preventing DHF to complete health promotion efforts that have been conducted all this time

    Intisari epidemiologi

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    vii, 126 hlm. : ilus. ; tab. ; 20 cm