
Hubungan Antara Kadar Debu Kapas Dengan Penurunan Fungsi Paru Pada Pekerja Bagian Weaving PT. Kusumahadi Santosa Karanganyar


Cotton dust including organic dust containing carbon that are fibrosis of the lungs. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between levels of cotton dust with decreased lung function in workers weaving section PT. Kusumahadi Santosa Karanganyar. Analytic observational research with cross sectional study design proportional random sampling. The total samples were 41 respondents. The file were analyzed using univariate and bivariate. The results of measurements of average levels of cotton dust in the weaving is 0,556 mg /m^3. Data analysis used Spearman Rho. The study concluded there is a correlation between the level of cotton dust levels with a decrease in lung function obtained p-value 0.016 <0.05 by the closeness of the relationship is weak (r=0,374). It is recommended that supervise the workers to wear personal protective equipment disciplinary masks

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