47 research outputs found

    Effects of Urtica dioica on hepatic ischemia‐reperfusion injury in rats

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    OBJECTIVES: To evaluate the effects of Urtica dioica on hepatic ischemia-reperfusion injury. METHODS: Thirty adult male Wistar albino rats were divided into three groups: sham group (group 1), control group (group 2), and Urtica dioica group (group 3). All the rats were exposed to hepatic ischemia for 60 min, followed by 60 min of reperfusion. In group 2, a total of 2 ml/kg 0.9% saline solution was given intraperitoneally. In group 3, a total of 2 ml/kg Urtica dioica was given intraperitoneally. At the end of the procedure, liver tissue and blood samples were taken from all rats. Serum aspartate aminotransferase, alanine aminotransferase, lactate dehydrogenase, ceruloplasmin, catalase, paraoxonase, arylesterase, and lipid hydroperoxide levels were measured. Liver tissue histopathologies were also evaluated by light microscopy. RESULTS: Serum aspartate aminotransferase, alanine aminotransferase and lactate dehydrogenase levels were significantly higher in group 2 than in group 1, and significantly lower in group 3 than in group 2. Also, group 2 had higher serum lipid hydroperoxides and ceruloplasmin levels but lower catalase, paraoxonase, and arylesterase levels than group 1. In group 3, serum lipid hydroperoxides and ceruloplasmin levels were significantly lower, and catalase, paraoxonase, and arylesterase levels were higher than those in group 2. Histopathological examination showed that liver tissue damage was significantly decreased in group 3 compared with group 2. CONCLUSIONS: Urtica dioica has a protective effect on the liver in hepatic ischemia-reperfusion-injured rats

    The evaluation of Pat-Pat related injuries in the western black sea region of Turkey

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    BACKGROUND: Accidents caused by motorized vehicle in the agricultural sector are frequently observed. In Turkey; accidents arising from motorized vehicles, named Pat-Pat, which are used by farmers in the Western Black Sea region is not unusual. METHODS: One hundred five patients who were brought into the Emergency Department of Duzce University, Medical Faculty Hospital between September 2009 and August 2010 due to Pat-Pat related accidents were evaluated. RESULTS: The cases consisted of 73 (69.5%) males and 32 (30.5%) females, ranging from 2 to 73 years of age. In the 10-39 age group, a total of 63 (60.0%) cases were determined. The months when the greatest rate of cases applied to the hospital consisted of July, August, September and the season is summer. The cases were exposed to trauma in roads in 54 (51.4%), and 51 (48.6%) occurred in agricultural area without roads. Eighty seven (82.9%) cases were injured due to the overturning of vehicle. The patients were brought to the hospital using a private vehicle in 54 (51.4%) of the cases and in 51 (48.6%) cases, 112 ambulance system was used. The cases were determined to apply to the hospital most frequently between 6 pm-12 am. The injuries frequently consisted of head-neck and spine traumas, thorax traumas and upper extremity traumas. In 55 (52.4%) cases, open wound-laceration was determined. Seventy five (71.4%) cases were treated in the Emergency Department, and 28 (26.7%) were hospitalized. Three (2.9%) cases were deceased. CONCLUSIONS: Serious injuries can occur in Pat-Pat related accidents, and careful systematic physical examination should be conducted. In order to prevent these accidents, education of farm operators and engineering studies on the mechanics and safety of these vehicles should be taken and legal regulations should be created

    Akciğer hid atik kistinin güncel tedavisi ve komplikasyonları

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    Amaç: Bu çalışmada, akciğer hidatik kisti tanısıyla cerrahi tedavi uygulanan hastaların ilk başvuru şikayetlerinin ve ameliyat sonuçlarının irdelenmesi ve ayrıca karaciğer hidatik kist oranının belirlenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Yöntemler: Çalışmaya, 2004-2008 yılları arasında akciğer hidatik kisti tanısı ile öpere edilen toplam 70 hasta dahil edildi. Bu hastaların klinik, radyolojik ve cerrahi tedavi ile ilgili özellikleri retrospek-tif olarak değerlendirildi. Bulgular: Hastaların 30'unda kist/kistler perfore, 40 hastada intakt idi. 70 hastanın 35'i sağ 29'u sol da yerleşimli üç hastada ise bilateral akciğer kisti bulunmaktaydı. Hastaların 49'una kistektomi ve kapito-naj (%70) operasyonu uygulanırken, yedi hastaya kistektomi iki hastaya ise wedge rezeksiyon uygulandı. Perfore kistlerin %23'ü (7 hasta) hastaneye klinik ve radyolojik olarak pnömotoraks/hidropnö-motoraks bulgularıyla başvurdu. Hastaların dokuzunda komplikasyon gelişirken en sık görülen komplikasyon atelektazi idi. Sonuç: Akciğer kist hidatiğinin güncel tedavisinde parankim koruyucu cerrahi yaklaşım etkili ve güvenilir bir tedavi seçeneğidir. Eşlik eden karaciğer kubbe kistlerine aynı seansta müdahale edilebilmektedir. Perfore kistlerin pnömotoraks bulgularıyla acil kliniklere başvurabilecekleri akılda tutulmalıdır.Aim: In this study, we aimed to investigate the first presenting complaints and operative results of patients who were operated for lung hydatid cyst and to determine the rate of co-existing liver hydatid cysts. Methods: Seventy patients who had been operated for lung hydatid cyst between 2004 and 2008 were included in the study. Clinical, radiological and surgical data of these patients were evaluated retrospectively. Results: The cyst(s) were perforated in 30 patients and were intact in 40 patients. They were right-sided in 35 patients, left-sided in 29, and bilateral lung cysts in three patients. Of the patients, 49 (70%) had undergone cystotomy and capitonage, seven patients-cystotomy, and two patients had undergone wedge resection. Of the perforated cysts, 23% presented with clinical and radiological findings of pneumothorax. Complications were observed in nine patients and the most common complication was atelectasis. Conclusion: Parenchyma-sparing surgery is a safe and effective treatment modality for lung hydatid cysts. Accompanying liver dome cysts can be intervened at the same session. The rate of cases with perforated cysts presenting to emergency clinics with findings of pneumothorax should not be overlooked

    Robat-assisted pulmonary lobectomy

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    PubMed ID: 20429315[No abstract available

    Current Therapies for Pulmonary Hydatid Cyst and its Complications

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    Aim: In this study, we aimed to investigate the first presenting complaints and operative results of patients who were operated for lung hydatid cyst and to determine the rate of co-existing liver hydatid cysts. Methods: Seventy patients who had been operated for lung hydatid cyst between 2004 and 2008 were included in the study. Clinical, radiological and surgical data of these patients were evaluated retrospectively. Results: The cyst(s) were perforated in 30 patients and were intact in 40 patients. They were right-sided in 35 patients, left-sided in 29, and bilateral lung cysts in three patients. Of the patients, 49 (70%) had undergone cystotomy and capitonage, seven patients-cystotomy, and two patients had undergone wedge resection. Of the perforated cysts, 23% presented with clinical and radiological findings of pneumothorax. Complications were observed in nine patients and the most common complication was atelectasis. Conclusion: Parenchyma-sparing surgery is a safe and effective treatment modality for lung hydatid cysts. Accompanying liver dome cysts can be intervened at the same session. The rate of cases with perforated cysts presenting to emergency clinics with findings of pneumothorax should not be overlooked. (The Me di cal Bul le tin of Ha se ki 2011; 49: 105-9

    Robot-assisted pulmonary lobectomy

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    WOS: 000275575500001PubMed: 20429315

    Entübe bir hastada trakeobronşiyal sisteme yerleştirilmiş nazogastrik tüp

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    [No abstract available