20 research outputs found

    Study of Development Potential Chrysanthemum in Buleleng Regency

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    The purpose of this study was to determine the potential of agro-climate, technology of cultivation, harvest and post-harvest chrysanthemums. This study uses survey method, through the collection of primary data and secondary data. This research is located in the village of Pancasari, District Sukasada, Buleleng Bali Province. Descriptive survey conducted on 40 respondents chrysanthemum growers using the component identification of determinants of commodity production chrysanthemum include: site selection, infrastructure, crop production processes and post-harvest handling. The survey results showed that 100% of the farmers have chosen a suitable location with agro-climatic conditions required by the chrysanthemum plant, and 86.09% of the farmers have been using the means needed to support the process of crop production. In the process of production of 78% in accordance with the operational procedures. At the stage of harvest and post-harvest handling 80% have been implemented by farmers and some still use conventional methods of handling. Thus Pancasari village has a potential location for the cultivation of chrysanthemum as a mainstay commodity

    Effect of Plant Material and Variety for Production and Quality Chrysanthemum

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    The purpose of this study was to determine the effect between types of cuttings and between varieties of plant material on any type of plant material chrysanthemum cuttings. Methods trial with a randomized block design factorial nested pattern. The results showed that the treatment effect of plant cuttings type of material does not give a significant effect on all parameters observed. Influence of cuttings between varieties at any plant material gives a significant influence on the parameters, the maximum number of leaves, flower stalks weight and economical weight of fresh flowers. The average weight of the highest economical due to the influence between the varieties in each type of plant material cuttings from mother plants found in fiji white varieties 93.83 g and not significant with 93.46 g fiji yellow varieties. So also in effect between varieties on any type of cuttings from the plant material production plant gives the same result

    Panjang stek dan Rootone-F pada pertumbuhan dan stek pucuk tanaman krisan (Chrysanthemum, sp)

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    This study aims to determine the interaction of Rootone-F concentration and Long Cuttings on chrysanthemum shoot cuttings. This research was conducted in Green House in Agro Pudak Lestari, Pancasari Village, Sukasada District, Buleleng Regency. The time in this study was held for 21 days, from 2, April 2018 to 22, April 2018. This experiment was a factorial experiment using a randomized block design (RBD) pattern. The first treatment of Rootone-F (R) concentration consists of four levels, namely Control: (R0), a concentration of 225 mg.l-1: (R1), a concentration of 450 mg.l-1: (R2), a concentration of 675 mg.l-1: (R3). The second treatment is the length of cuttings consisting of three levels, namely the length of cuttings 4 cm: P1, the length of cuttings 7 cm: P2, the length of cuttings 10 cm: P3. The results of the study show that the interaction between Rootone-F with Long Cuttings has no significant effect (P≥0.05) on all observed variables. The treatment of Rootone-F concentration had a very significant effect (

    The period of leaf level and the conflict in efforts to get the ordinary siam plant

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    The aim of this research to get a picture of the prolific bud leaves, flowering in the framework of the formation of harvest fruit Siam. Shoots are produced from cultured vegetative vegetation, I e without going through a marriage process because it comes from one parent. The critical point of the formation of the fruit is largely determined by the flowering formation process. Environmental factors and nutritional and hormonal activity in the plant and environmental factors that influence flowering are a mineral nutrient balance, temperature, sunlight intensity and photoperiod. The study was conducted from March to November 2017, in Seming Village, Kerta District, Gianyar Regency of Bali Province. The research is descriptive so there is no special treatment given to the samples. The research is done by the descriptive method that is continuous research so that there is a thorough knowledge about the horticultural cultivation problem of tropical fruit, especially the citrus fruit so that the physiology science of flowering and flowering is obtained in relation get the fruit of the harvest. The citrus varieties used in this research are Siamese orange varieties that have been 6 years old. The number of samples observed as many as 10 plants with the observation of the shoot formation period with the observation once every two days, the percentage of leaf buds, the period of leaf buds, the number of buds that developed. The results showed that the cultivation of Siam plant experienced shoot growth period during one phase of growth 3 times in one period of growth.&nbsp


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    Abstract This study aims to determine the effect of treatment of fertilization time and dosage of nitrogen to the growth and yield of peanut plants. This experiment is a two-factor experiment with incomplete randomized block design. The first factor is the time (S) of fertilizer consisting of three levels: During planting (S0), 15 days after planting (S1), 30 days after planting (S2), The second factor is the dosage of Nitrogen (N) fertilizer consisting of three levels: 25 kg/ha (N1), 50 kg/ha (N2). The results showed that treatment of fertilization time and a dose of nitrogen showed no significant effect on plant height, maximum leaf number, leaf area index, the total pod containing, total void pod, total pod number, oven dry weight of oven plants, and harvesting index. The interaction of nitrogen dose with a time of fertilization gave a very real effect to most observed variables except for maximum plant height, maximum leaf number, leaf area, harvest index that is not significant. The high dry weight of seed oven per plant was obtained at the fertilizer interaction treatment at 15 days after planting and the dose of nitrogen 25 kg/ha was 30.33 g and or increased by 152.75% and when compared with the control of 12.00 g. From a result of regression analysis got an optimum dose of nitrogen fertilizer that is 34.15 kg/ha with the dry weight of oven seeds per plant maximum 26.73 g. Keywords: Fertilization time, nitrogen dosage, peanut resul


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    This report presents the result of survey and mapping of bamboo and bamboo-waste in Bangli Regency done by LP2M/Faculty of Agriculture Warmadewa University in cooperation with Bali Clean Energy TaskForce for the purpose of calculating and estimating the potential of bamboo-waste as source of supply feedstock for 1 MW pilot project Community Based Biomass Fuel Cell (CBBFC) is planned located at Desa Bangkalet, in Bangli Regency. There were 178 households (HH) that having and planting bamboo at their land area, and 50 unit micro and smallscale household handy-crafts (MSSHH) that producing bamboo-waste by-product) surveyed. The respondents constitute of 4% of their total population, and nearly 98% of respondents agrees and supports the idea of the proposed pilot project. The total land area having by the said households is nearly 205.8 Hectare (≈ 2,058,000 m2), and out of this figure, there are around 105.7 Hectare (≈ 1,057,000 m2) specifically used for bamboo plantation, with typical bamboo’s density of 20 sticks/m2 and typical weight of 1.5 kg/m of bamboo-length. Based on site observation, and by using conservative-assumption that is default-number of specific bamboo-area is 30%, typical bamboo-waste produced by 1 stick of bamboo is 40% and efficiency of collecting bamboo-waste of 30%, then the total bamboo-waste that could be produced by the said household respondents is estimated to be of 31.3 ton/day. Moreover, there are 39 units (out of 50 units) of MSSHH have their own land area, this accounted of 14.8 Hectare (≈ 148,000 m2) of land, could produce 4.4 ton/day, and additional of 0.6 ton/day from their by-product-waste. Therefore, the sum up of all respondents could produce bamboo-waste at volume of 38.3 ton/day. The last figure is 2 times bigger than 15 ton/day of bamboo-waste required to produce 1 MW of electricity through Fuel Cell process

    Pengembangan Budaya Mutu di Perguruan Tinggi

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    Budaya mutu sejatinya merupakan sistem nilai organisasi yang menciptakan lingkungan yang kondusif untuk keberlangsungan perbaikan mutu yang berkesinambungan. Budaya mutu terdiri dari nilai-nilai, tradisi, prosedur yang mengikuti siklus PPEPP yang telah terjadi secara terus menerus berkesinambungan menuju continues quality improvement dan harapan tentang promosi mutu. Dalam upaya mengembangkan Budaya Mutu di Universitas Warmadewa, semua pihak yang berkepentingan (internal stakeholders) di Universitas Warmadewa harus berpikir, bersikap, dan bertindak berdasarkan Standar Pendidikan Tinggi (Standar Dikti) (SN-Dikti) dan standar tambahan yang ditetapkan oleh Universitas Warmadewa. Untuk menjadi universitas yang bermutu, tentunya praktik baik budaya mutu harus dijalankan di setiap unit pelaksana di lingkungan Universitas Warmadewa. Salah satu upaya atau bukti dijalankannya praktik baik budaya mutu adalah diterbitkannya buku tentang praktik baik berupa book chapters. Book Chapters ini disusun dengan mengundang para penulis dari kalangan dosen hingga pejabat stuktural Warmadewa untuk mengekspresikan praktik baik yang dialaminya terkait penjaminan mutu. Terbitnya Book Chapters ini tentunya juga sebagai penanda bahwa praktik baik budaya mutu sudah berjalan di Warmadewa

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    Pemberian Rootone F dan Asal Bagian Stek Terhadap Pertumbuhan Akar Stek Daun Lidah Mertua (Sansevieria trifasciata lorentii)

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    These research aims to find out the influence of the Rotoone F interactions and the cuttage part of lidah mertua leaf.  It was conducted at the Faculty of Agriculture Green House in Warmadewa University, was commencing on 18th April 2017 until 18th July 2017.  This kind of experiment was a factorial one that using Design of Experiment (RAL).  First treatment was Rootone F that 4 levels consistend which 0 g/stek as control (R0); 0,2 g/stek (R1); 0,4 g/stek (R2); 0,6 g/stek (R3). Second treatment was the cuttage part of the leafthat 3 levels consisted wich the tip (SU), the middle (ST), petiole (SP).  The result has been shown that the best root growth can be obtained without Rootone F and part of the tip lea