10 research outputs found

    Perancangan dan Pengujian Katup Membran Pada Katup Tekan Pompa Hydram Design and Performance Assesment of Membran Delivery Valve in Hydram Pump

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    Pompa hydram dengan ukuran yang sangat besar, terbesar yang telah ada di Bali, telah dirancang dan dibuat pada kegiatan Iptek bagi Masyarakat (IbM) tahun 2010. Pompa hydram tersebut beroperasi pada head sangat tinggi yaitu 90 meter pada panjang pipa tekan 900 meter. Namun, karena tingginya head operasi pompa tersebut maka katup tekannya cepat sekali rusak. Untuk itu perlu dicarikan solusi untuk menghindari cepatnya kerusakan katup tekan tersebut, salah satunya adalah dengan menggunakan katup tekan model membran dimana luasan yang bertumbukan relatif sangat kecil sehingga gaya tumbukan pada katup yang terjadi akibat palu air kecil pula. Oleh sebab itu perlu diketahui bagaimana rancangan dan performansi model katup plat, dan membran pada katup tekan pompa hydram. Dari rancangan model katup membran tersebut dilakukan pengujian performansi pompa hydram pada ketinggian air suplai 3 meter dan ketinggian pemompaan 10, 15 dan 20 meter. Kemudian hasilnya dibandingkan dengan performansi katup tekan model plat. Dari hasil pengujian menunjukkan bahwa katup tekan model ‘membran’ memberikan unjuk kerja atau performansi seperti debit pemompaan, daya output, efisiensi volumetris maupun efisiensi total yang jauh lebih baik dibandingkan katup tekan model ‘plat’. Kata Kunci: pompa hydram, katup plat, katup membran, performansi pompa hydram Abstract A big hydram pump, may be biggest one in Bali, has been designed and constructed on community services activity, Iptek bagi Masyarakat (IbM), in year 2010. The pump works on a high geodetic head 90 meter with length of delivery pipe 900 meter. However, because of that high head condition has been made its delivery valve ease to broken. Therefore, it needs a solution to avoid that problem. One potential solution is by use membran type of delivery valve, which is this valve has less impact area than plat valve type, therefore impulse force that takes placed is smaller as well. Furthermore, it needs to make design of plat and membran type of hydram pump delivery valve, and then assess its performance. Both type of delivery valve are operated with 3 meters drive-head on variation of delivery head i.e 10, 15 and 20 meters. Then, their performance are comparised. The results show that the membran type of delivery valve give better performance such as capacity, power, volumetric efficiency and total efficiency than the plat type Keywords: hydram pump, plat delivery valve, membran delivery valve, hydram pump performanc


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    Anemia dapat diartikan sebagai kurangnya kadar haemoglobin (Hb) dalam darah terutama akibat kurangnya zat besi (Fe). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui prevalensi anemia serta pengaruh konsumsi tablet Fe terhadap kadar hemoglobin pada ibu hamil di UPTD Puskesmas Tampaksiring II. Penelitian menggunakan rancagan cross sectional. Sampel penelitian adalah semua ibu hamil yang mendapat asupan tablet Fe dan melakukan pemeriksaan hemoglobin di UPTD Puskesmas Tampaksiring II dalam periode Januari 2019 sampai dengan April 2021. Prevalensi anemia dihitung dengan menentukan prosentase anemia dari seluruh sampel. Data yang diperoleh dianalisis dengan analisis wilcoxon rank test. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa prevalensi ibu hamil yang mengalami anemia sebelum konsumsi tablet Fe sebesar 18,8% atau 73 orang dari 389 ibu hamil, sedangkan prevalensi ibu hamil yang mengalami anemia setelah konsumsi tablet Fe menurun menjadi sebesar 0,3% atau hanya terjadi pada 1 orang dari 389 ibu hamil. Konsumsi Table Fe mampu meningkatkan kadar haemoglobin secara signifikan (p<0,01; Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test), dimana rata-rata kadar Hb sebelum konsumsi tablet Fe sebesar 11,18 g/dl, sedangkan rata-rata kada Hb sesudah konsumsi tablet Fe meningkat menjadi 12,31 g/dl. Kesimpulan, Konsumsi tablet Fe menurunkan prevalensi anemia ibu hamil periode Januari 2019 sampai dengan April 2021 dan meningkatkan kadar hemoglobin pada ibu hamil di UPTD Puskesmas Tampaksiring II

    Characteristics and performance analysis of activated carbons derived from different precursors and activators for waste water adsorption

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    Domestic waste such as methylene blue from the dyeing process and detergent from laundry activities are sources of water pollution. Before being dumped into the water, this waste must be minimized. One approach that can be utilized is the adsorption method with activated carbon. To generate activated carbon with the properties required for this purpose, an appropriate precursor and manufacturing conditions must be chosen. The objective of this research is to investigate the characteristics and performance of activated carbon derived from various precursors (Petung and Santong bamboos) and activators (Ar, N2, and CO2) for detergent and methylene blue dye adsorption. The difficulty to be solved is determining the best precursor and activator for maximum methyl blue and detergent adsorption. Characterizations included FTIR, XRD, SEM, TGA, and adsorption isotherm testing. The study's findings show that activated carbons have functional groups O-H (hydroxyl), C-H (aldehydes and alkenes), C=C aromatic rings, C-H aromatic groups, and an amorphous structure. The presence of a porous and amorphous structure, as well as the C=C aromatic ring, makes activated carbons capable of absorbing methyl blue and detergent. Santong bamboo-activated carbon activated with argon has the best characteristics and adsorption capability. This activated carbon has a fixed carbon content of 76.34 %, pore volumes of 0.362 cc/g, average pore widths of 1.967 nm, pore surface area of 291.487 m2/g, bimodal pore size distribution, and methylene blue and detergent adsorption capabilities of 19.733 cc/g and 1.689 cc/g, respectively. The results obtained are on a laboratory scale, which necessitates additional research, particularly on how to create reservoirs and regenerate activated carbon simply and affordabl

    Assessment Performance of Pumps as Hydro-Turbines

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    The basic principle work of hydro-turbines are reversal of pumps, therefore, an alternative solution that can be developed inovercoming problem to get hydro turbines are by using pumps, by flowing water in the reverse direction through in thepumps, as hydro turbines. Those are supported by availability of pumps widely in the market and have been mass-producedhence they were relatively cheap. The aims of this research are to determine performances of pumps as turbines - reversepumps. This experiment assesses performance of two small pumps that are centrifugal ‘diffuser-pump’ and ‘volute-pump’ ashydro turbines with various debit and head of water flow resource, such as output-powers and their efficiencies. The resultsshow that the centrifugal diffuser-pump as hydro turbine performs maximum efficiency about 20,6%, where is as pump fromits brochure suppose 47%. In the other hand, the centrifugal volute-pump as turbine achieves maximum efficiency about32%, where is expected 26% as pump from its brochure. Both type of the pumps present that the maximum efficiency asturbines performed at head of water flow resource through the pumps as high as their maximum characteristic head of thepumps. Furthermore, both pumps as turbines generate high shaft revolution that was about 1.500 rpm at their maximumefficiency. Although those efficiencies are considerably low to an ideal efficiency 100%, however, the volute-pump as turbineperforms a reasonably efficiency (32%) that higher than (at least is same as) the efficiency of its pump characteristic (26%),and this pump available very widely in the market. Should be pointed out that bigger dimension pumps propose higherefficiency up to about 86%, therefore they are expected to give higher efficiency as well. So, centrifugal volute-pumps arepotential alternative solution to be used as hydro turbines

    Appraisal of Technical and Economic Potential Micro Hydro Power in Bali

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    Energy consumption particularly on electrical energy is continuously rising as a result of economical rising and community development. Therefore it needs to be responded about this condition by developing renewable energy utilization which is available. Renewable energy resources are possibly developed in Bali such as solar energy, wind energy, hydropower, sea energy, and biomass. However, one of renewable energy resources that is mostly possible to be developed in Bali is hydropower in micro scale wich is named microhydro. The microhydro works by using water flow which has debit and head. However, it needs an analysis both on technical and financial analysis. Technical analysis is carried out by checking debit and head of the water flow, and then calculates power would be generated, as well as the microhydro equipments such as a suitable choosen of turbine, generator, and control system. In other hand, financial analisis is carried out by estimating cost for construction the microhydro system, then by using Net Present Value (NPV) analysis to check that the system is profitable to be constructed. The result noted that Bali has some potential microhydros or pycohydros that are profitable to be developed both on rivers and irrigations system. Financial analyses show that microhydro systems are profitable to be constructed (NPV is positive) as long as their heads are at least 10 meters, in other side, debit are more affected their generated powers. However, in their implementations, there are some barriers in utilize those water flow resources as microhydro systems, such as those sites were used for other objects for instant as tourism destinations, or for cultures conservation, and the communities have not knew the advantages of microhydro yet therefore it needs socialization to the communities


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    Pompa hidram bekerja berdasarkan prinsip palu-air. Ketika aliran fluida dihentikan secara tiba-tiba, maka perubahan momentum massa fluida tersebut akan meningkatkan tekanan secara tiba-tiba pula. Peningkatan tekanan ini digunakan untuk mengangkat sebagian fluida tersebut ke tempat yang lebih tinggi. Untuk itu, penelitian ini berusaha untuk mengetahui besarnya head tekanan akibat palu-air pada instalasi pompa hidram dengan dan tanpa tabung udara. Parameter yang diamati adalah besarnya peningkatan tekanan pada pipa penghantar, badan pompa, leher pompa, pipa penyalur serta debit yang dihasilkan pada bak limbah dan bak penampung. Dari hasil penelitian didapatkan bahwa head tekanan balik di dalam pipa penghantar menurun dari 103,87 m tanpa menggunakan tabung udara menjadi 37,85 m dengan tabung udara. Selanjutnya, dalam pipa penyalur head tekanan akibat water hammer meningkat dari 0,29 m tanpa menggunakan tabung udara menjadi 2,9 m dengan menggunakan tabung udara. Sehingga pemasangan tabung udara dapat meningkatkan efisiensi pompa hidram secara signifikan dari 0.72 % tanpa tabung menjadi 19,45 % dengan tabung udara

    Experimental Study of Acceleration Effect To Hydram Pump Performance

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    The hydram pump is a motorless pump, which is its working mechanism use potential energy only. The hydram pump consists of a component called an air vessel. Until now, it is not exactly known yet what is the effect of air vessel to performance of hydram pump. To get the effect of air vessel to performance of hydram pump can be used indicator diagram. This research carried out by use of head and the length variation of drive pipe of the hydram pump. Then, characteristic in drive pipe and delivery pipe of the hydram pump were observed. The results show that the use of the air vessel in the hydram pump able to decrease the acceleration head significantly which happened in delivery pipe, that is 0,35 meters to 0,04 meters, so that the pumped water to the reservoir through delivery pipe is more stable. In addition, the efficiency increase from 17,03% up to 52,99%. So, the air vessel gives a big effect to the performance of hydram pump

    Kajian eksperimental head losses katup limbah pompa hydram

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    Abstrak Disain katup limbah yang baik dan penyetelan panjang langkah (stroke) yang tepat merupakan faktor penting untuk operasi pompa hydram yang halus dan efisien. Katup limbah harus mampu menutup dengan cepat untuk menghasilkan tekanan tinggi pada saat terjadi water hammer. Disain detail katup limbah meliputi luas lubang katup limbah, luas penampang piringan katup, dan panjang langkah katup. Penelitian sebelumnya menyarankan bahwa diameter lubang katup limbah harus sama atau lebih besar dengan diameter pipa penggerak untuk menghindari terhambatnya aliran air keluar katup limbah. Namun diameter optimal katup limbah belum diketahui. Katup limbah tertutup akibat gaya drag yang terjadi karena aliran air melewati katup tersebut. Jadi geometri katup limbah adalah sedemikian rupa sehingga gaya seret tersebut meningkat dengan cepat sesuai arah pergerakan katup tersebut menuju posisi tertutupnya. Friction drag mengakibatkan kehilangan energi atau head losses aliran air melewati katup limbah yang merupakan besarnya perubahan energi aliran sebelum dan sesudah katup limbah tersebut. Head losses tersebut dapat diinvestigasi dengan mengukur tekanan di bawah katup limbah dan debit aliran yang mengalir melewati katup limbah tersebut pada posisi kesetimbangannya. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa rasio diameter lubang katup limbah terhadap diameter pipa penggerak yang mengakibatkan head losses terendah adalah sekitar 130 persen atau pada rasio luas penampangnya sekitar 172 persen. Kata kunci: Pompa hydram, katup limbah, head losses, rasio diameter Abstract Suitable design and appropriate stroke adjustment of a waste valve are important factors for smooth and efficient hydram pump operation. The waste valve must be able to close quickly to produce high pressure during a water hammer take placed. In addition, detailed design of the waste valve comprises of the hole-diameter of the valve, the cross-sectional area of valve disc, and the valve step stroke. Prior researches suggest that the hole-diameter of the waste valve should be equal to or greater than the diameter of the drive pipe to avoid obstruction of the outflow passes throught the waste valve. However, the optimal diameter of the waste valve is unidentified yet. The waste valve is closed due to the drag force that take places as the water flow passes through the valve. Therefore, the geometry of the waste valve is such that the drag force increases rapidly as the direction of the valve moves to its closed position. Friction drag results in loss of energy or head losses of water flow through the waste valve which is the magnitude of the change of energy flow before and after the waste valve. Head losses can be investigated by measuring the pressure under the waste valve and the flow discharge flowing through the waste valve at its equilibrium position. The results showed that the ratio of the diameter of the waste valve to the diameter of the diameter of the drive pipe which is resulting in the lowest head losses was about 130 percent or at the cross-sectional area ratio was about 172 percent. Keywords: Hydraulic ram, waste valve, head lsses, diameter rati

    Rancangan Alkaline Fuel Cell Sederhana dengan Menggunakan Stainless Steel sebagai Elektrodanya

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    Penggunaan stainless steel sebagai material elektroda pada alkaline fuel cell telah diteliti. Adabeberapa tipe/seri stainless steel yang mudah didapatkan di pasaran, yaitu seri 430 dan seri304. Pada penelitian ini telah dikaji penggunaan kedua seri pelat stainless steel tersebut biladigunakan sebagai elektroda dengan disusun secara seri pada rangkaian pengujiannya.Rangkain seri tersebut dirancang untuk penggunaan 1 pasang, 2 pasang dan 3 pasangelektroda. Selama pengujian, untuk melihat pengaruhnya tersebut, konsentrasi KOH yangdigunakan sebagai elektrolit juga divariasikan dari konsentrasi 10% sampai 70% berbasismassa. Dimensi efektif elektroda yang digunakan adalah sebesar 90 mm x 200 mm, denganjarak antar anoda dan katoda sebesar 10 mm. Supply hidrogen dan oksigen dijaga masingmasingpada tekanan 1 bar dan 0,5 bar secara berturut-turut. Hasil pengujian menunjukkanbahwa dengan perbedaan konsentrasi KOH pada elektrolit akan memberikan suhu operasiyang berbeda. Semakin tinggi konsentrasi KOH semakin tinggi pula suhu elektrolit yangdihasilkan. Performa alkaline fuel cell yang lebih baik ditunjukkan bila menggunakan pelatstainless steel seri 304 dibandingkan menggunkan pelat stainless steel seri 430, dan padakonsentrasi KOH yang paling tinggi dicapai performa yang paling tinggi pula. Pengunaan 3pasang elektroda yang tersusun seri juga menunjukkan hasil yang terbaik dibandingkandengan menggunakan 1 atau 2 pasang elektroda, baik itu dari sisi tegangan, arus dan dayalistrik yang dihasilkan.Kata Kunci: Alkaline fuel cell, stainless steel, susunan elektroda, konsentrasi KOH, performa The use of stainless steel as an electrode material in alkaline fuel cells has been investigated.There are several types/series stainless steel that is easily available in the market, namely the430 series and 304 series. In this studies, the use of the series of stainless steel plates whenused as electrodes arranged in series with the circuit testing have examined. Combination of theseries is designed to use 1 pair, 2 pairs and 3 pairs of electrodes. During the test, to see theeffect, the concentration of KOH used as the electrolyte in this experiment is also varied from10% to 70% based on mass. Dimensions of effective electrode used in this experiment is equalto 90 mm x 200 mm, the distance between the anode and cathode is kept at 10 mm. Supply ofhydrogen and oxygen respectively maintained at a pressure of 1 bar and 0.5 bar respectively.The test results showed that the difference in concentration of KOH electrolyte will give adifferent operating temperature. The higher concentration of KOH, the higher electrolytetemperature will be generated. Alkaline fuel cell better performance demonstrated when usingstainless steel plates 304 series instead of using the stainless steel plate 430 series, and at thehighest concentration of KOH, the highest performance is achieved anyway. The use of 3 pairsof electrodes are arranged series also showed the best results compared to using 1 or 2 pairs ofelectrodes, both in terms of voltage, current and power output.Keyword: Alkaline fuel cell, stainless steel, electrode composition, KOH concentration,performanc

    Penentuan dimensi perpipaan sistem pompa paralel

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    Abstrak: Sistem pompa paralel direncanakan untuk mendapatkan kapasitas pemompaan yang lebih besar, yaitu hasil perkaliandari kapasitas masing-masing pompa dengan jumlah pompa yang beroperasi. Namun pada kenyataannya di lapangan,kapasitas aliran air yang dialirkan oleh sistem paralel tiga unit pompa booster jauh lebih kecil dari tiga kali kapasitasspesifikasi pompanya. Padahal, jika pompa tersebut dioperasikan hanya satu unit menghasilkan kapasitas sesuaidengan spesifikasi pompanya. Hal tersebut disebabkan karena unjuk kerja sistem pompa sangat dipengaruhi olehsistem instalasi perpipaannya. Untuk itu perlu dilakukan pengujian sistem perpipaan pompa booster untukmendapatkan model instalasi perpipaan yang dapat menghasilkan unjuk kerja yang optimal. Penelitian ini dilakukandengan membuat sebuah model yang serupa dengan aslinya namun dimensinyag diperkecil. Pengujian dilakukan padavariasi diameter pipa header dengan sudut tee pada pipa hisap unit pompa 90o (tee-T) dan 45o (tee-Y), danmemvariasikan panjang serta diameter pipa hisap pompa. Hasil penelitian menghasilkan sebuah prosedur disain danformula dimensi perpipaan instalasi pompa paralel yang menghasilkan unjuk kerja pompa yang terbaik.Kata kunci: Sistem pompa pararel, header pipa, T-yee, pipa isap, unjuk kerja pompa Abstrac: tA parallel pump system is planned to get a greater pumping capacity. Total capacity of a parallel pump is the product ofthe capacity of each pump with the number of operating pumps. But in fact on the most applications, for instant, theflow capacity of water delivered by the three unit parallel pump system is much smaller than three times the capacity ofthe pump specifications. In the other hand, if the pump is operated only one unit it generated capacity in accordancewith the pump specifications. This is caused by that the pump system performance is strongly influenced by the pipinginstallation systems. Therefore, It is necessary for testing the piping system of parallel pump to get a parallel pumppiping model that can produce the best performance. The research was done by creating a parallel pump model that issimilar to the original but with smaller dimension. Tests performed on the header pipe diameter variation with angle ofthe tee on the suction and discharge pipe pump is 90? (tee-T) and 45? (tee-Y), and varying the length and diameter ofthe pump suction pipe. The results of the study find a design procedure and formulas in determining dimension ofpipeline parallel pump installations that generates the best pump performance.Keywords: parallel pump system, header pipe, tee-Y, suction pipe, pump performnac