163 research outputs found

    Free three-valued Closure Lukasiewicz Algebras

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    In this paper, the structure of finitely generated free objects in the variety of three-valued closure Lukasiewicz algebras is determined. We describe their indecomposable factors and we give their cardinality.Fil: Abad, Manuel. Universidad Nacional del Sur. Departamento de Matemática; ArgentinaFil: Díaz Varela, José Patricio. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Bahía Blanca. Instituto de Matemática Bahía Blanca. Universidad Nacional del Sur. Departamento de Matemática. Instituto de Matemática Bahía Blanca; ArgentinaFil: Rueda, Laura Alicia. Universidad Nacional del Sur. Departamento de Matemática; ArgentinaFil: Suardíaz, Ana María. Universidad Nacional del Sur. Departamento de Matemática; Argentin

    Determinación del efecto del capital humano en la innovación, las ventas y el rendimiento de las Mipymes

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    Fil: Herrera, Julieta. Universidad de Flores; Argentina.Fil: Fedeli, Franco. Universidad de Flores; Argentina.Fil: Salillas Salomonsohn, Paula Carolina. Universidad de Flores; Argentina.Fil: Beltramino, Nicolás Salvador. Universidad Nacional Villa María; Argentina.Fil: Suardíaz, Estanislao Jorge. Universidad de Flores; Argentina

    Estudio de la eficacia del test TNO en la detección precoz de la ambliopía en atención primaria

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    Ambliopia is the most common preventable cause of the loss of vision in developed countries, affecting the 2-5% of the population. This may evolve due to an abnormal visual experience, during the phase of visual development.  Strabismus is the principal cause of the development of ambliopia, being 30 – 50% of the cases. The early detection of visual alterations causing ambliopia is considered to be of primary importance as the treatment is only effective during infancy, when the visual system becomes mature.The Health Council of the Canary Island Government a few years ago developed a program for the detection of visual alterations in childhood, and has recently incorporated the introduction of the TNO test to the habitual examinations. This investigation precisely intends to value the efficiency of the TNO Test in the early detection of ambliopia and the comparison with other habitual tests that are carried out in Primary Care.During the study, an exhaustive revision and comparative analysis is made of the vision tests of 358 medical records in a health centre in the province of Santa Cruz de Tenerife, corresponding to children between 3 and 6 years old. According to the results obtained, we can surmise that the TNO test is a valid test for the detection of anomalies, which can be used in the early detection of ambliopia, in comparison to the most popular tests used habitually in a health care centre for the detection of strabismus and ambliopia.La ambliopía es la causa prevenible más común de pérdida de visión en los países desarrollados, afectando al 2-5% de la población, se puede desarrollar debido a una experiencia visual anómala, durante la fase del crecimiento visual. El estrabismo es la principal causa del desarrollo de la ambliopía, dándose en el 30-50% de los casos. Se considera de primordial importancia la detección temprana de las alteraciones visuales causales de la ambliopía ya que su tratamiento es sólo efectivo en la infancia, mientras se produce la maduración del sistema visual.La Consejería de Sanidad del Gobierno de Canarias, en el ánimo de la prevención de la salud, desarrolla desde hace varios años un Programa de Detección de Alteraciones Visuales en la infancia, y recientemente ha incorporado a las exploraciones habituales la implantación del Test TNO. Esta investigación precisamente pretende valorar la eficacia del Test TNO en la detección precoz de la ambliopía y su comparación con las demás pruebas habituales realizadas en Atención Primaria.En el estudio se realiza una exhaustiva revisión y análisis comparativo de las pruebas de visión de 358 historias clínicas de un centro de salud de la provincia de Santa Cruz de Tenerife, correspondiente a niños entre 3 y 6 años de edad.Según los resultados obtenidos, se puede conjeturar que el test TNO es una prueba igual o más valida en la detección de anomalías que puedan servir en la detección precoz de la ambliopía, en comparación con los test más populares utilizados habitualmente en un centro de Atención Primaria para la detección de estrabismo y ambliopía

    Resultados y perspectivas de las reformas en Etiopía (2018-2022)

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    La elección en abril de 2018 de Abiy Ahmed como Primer Ministro de Etiopía creó una gran expectativa entre los etíopes y las principales potencias mundiales, por su agenda de profundas reformas económicas, políticas, sociales y de política exterior, un intento por revertir la compleja situación que vivía ese país. Las medidas propuestas, interdependientes, necesitadas de un consenso nacional para avanzar ante las diferencias, buscaban construir una democracia liberal, revitalizar la economía nacional y liderar la integración regional, vía además para ofrecer una nación más estable y segura a los inversionistas extranjeros. La victoria abrumadora del Partido de la Prosperidad en las elecciones generales de 2021 constituyó, por su parte, una oportunidad para mostrar resultados positivos del proceso de reformas. Sin embargo, estas no lograron los resultados propuestos hasta el 2022, con una economía etíope en proceso de desaceleración, agravada por el efecto de la pandemia y las sanciones unilaterales de Estados Unidos y países aliados.  Es necesario un proceso de reconciliación nacional que preserve la integridad territorial y la soberanía del país, principalmente por las consecuencias provocadas por el conflicto interno. África necesita una Etiopía fuerte y estable, por su protagonismo político internacional y su liderazgo en el Cuerno Africano. Este trabajo se propone analizar los resultados de las reformas llevadas a cabo por el Primer Ministro Abiy Ahmed en Etiopía entre 2018 y 2022

    Resultados y perspectivas de las reformas en Etiopía (2018-2022)

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    The election in April 2018 of Abiy Ahmed as Prime Minister of Ethiopia created great expectations amongEthiopians and the main world powers, due to his agenda of deep economic, political, social and foreignpolicy reforms, an attempt to reverse the complex situation that nation lived. The proposed, interdependentmeasures, which needed a national consensus to move forward in the face of differences, sought to build a liberal democracy, revitalize the national economy and lead regional integration, as well as offeringa more stable and secure nation to foreign investors. The overwhelming victory of the Prosperity Party inthe 2021 general elections was, for its part, an opportunity to show positive results of the reform process.However, these did not achieve the proposed results until 2022, with an Ethiopian economy in the process of slowing down, aggravated by the effect of the pandemic and the unilateral sanctions of the United States and allied countries. A national reconciliation process is necessary to preserve the territorial integrity and sovereignty of the country, mainly due to the consequences caused by the internal conflict. Africa needs a strong and stable Ethiopia, due to its international political role and its leadership in the Horn of Africa. This paper aims to analyze the results of the reforms carried out by Abiy Ahmed in Ethiopia between 2018 and 2022.La elección en abril de 2018 de Abiy Ahmed como Primer Ministro de Etiopía creó una gran expectativa entre los etíopes y las principales potencias mundiales, por su agenda de profundas reformas económicas, políticas, sociales y de política exterior, un intento por revertir la compleja situación que vivía ese país. Las medidas propuestas, interdependientes, necesitadas de un consenso nacional para avanzar ante las diferencias, buscaban construir una democracia liberal, revitalizar la economía nacional y liderar la integración regional, vía además para ofrecer una nación más estable y segura a los inversionistas extranjeros. Lavictoria abrumadora del Partido de la Prosperidad en las elecciones generales de 2021 constituyó, por su parte, una oportunidad para mostrar resultados positivos del proceso de reformas. Sin embargo, estas no lograron los resultados propuestos hasta el 2022, con una economía etíope en proceso de desaceleración, agravada por el efecto de la pandemia y las sanciones unilaterales de Estados Unidos y países aliados. Es necesario un proceso de reconciliación nacional que preserve la integridad territorial y la soberanía del país, principalmente por las consecuencias provocadas por el conflicto interno. África necesita una Etiopía fuerte y estable, por su protagonismo político internacional y su liderazgo en el Cuerno Africano.Este trabajo se propone analizar los resultados de las reformas llevadas a cabo por el Primer Ministro Abiy Ahmed en Etiopía entre 2018 y 2022

    Wastewater quality estimation through spectrophotometry-based statistical models

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    Local administrations are increasingly demanding real-time continuous monitoring of pollution in the sanitation system to improve and optimize its operation, to comply with EU environmental policies and to reach European Green Deal targets. The present work shows a full-scale Wastewater Treatment Plant field-sampling campaign to estimate COD, BOD5, TSS, P, TN and NO3-N in both influent and effluent, in the absence of pre-treatment or chemicals addition to the samples, resulting in a reduction of the duration and cost of analysis. Different regression models were developed to estimate the pollution load of sewage systems from the spectral response of wastewater samples measured at 380-700 nm through multivariate linear regressions and machine learning genetic algorithms. The tests carried out concluded that the models calculated by means of genetic algorithms can estimate the levels of five of the pollutants under study (COD, BOD5, TSS, TN and NO3-N), including both raw and treated wastewater, with an error rate below 4%. In the case of the multilinear regression models, these are limited to raw water and the estimate is limited to COD and TSS, with less than a 0.5% error rateThe authors wish to thank the financial support received from the Seneca Foundation of the Región de Murcia (Spain) through the program devoted to training novel researchers in areas of specific interest for the industry and with a high capacity to transfer the results of the research generated, entitled: “Subprograma Regional de Contratos de Formación de Personal Investigador en Universidades y OPIs” (Mod. B, Ref. 20320/FPI/17)

    Performing calibration of transmittance by single rgb-led within the visible spectrum

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    Spectrophotometry has proven to be an effective non-invasive technique for the characterization of the pollution load of sewer systems, enabling compliance with new environmental protection regulations. This type of equipment has costs and an energy consumption which make it difficult to place it inside a sewer network for real-time and massive monitoring. These shortcomings are mainly due to the use of incandescent lamps to generate the working spectrum as they often require the use of optical elements, such as diffraction gratings, to work. The search for viable alternatives to incandescent lamps is key to the development of portable equipment that is cheaper and with a lower consumption that can be used in different points of the sewer network. This research work achieved the following results in terms of the measured samples: First, the development a calibration procedure that enables the use of RGB-LED technology as a viable alternative to incandescent lamps, within the range of 510 to 645 nm, with high accuracy. Secondly, demonstration of a simple method to model the transmittance value of a specific wavelength without the need for optical elements, achieving a cost-effective equipment. Thirdly, it provides a simple method to obtain the transmittance based on the combination of RGB colors. Finally its viability is demonstrated for the spectral analysis of wastewater.The authors are grateful for the financial support received from the Seneca Foundation of the Región de Murcia (Spain) through the program devoted to training novel researchers in areas of specific interest for the industry and with a high capacity to transfer the results of the research generated, entitled: “Subprograma Regional de Contratos de Formación de Personal Investigador en Universidades y OPIs” (Mod. B, Ref. 20320/FPI/17)

    Communication: Accurate determination of side-chain torsion angle χ1 in proteins: Phenylalanine residues

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    The following article appeared in Journal of Chemical Physics 134.6 (2011): 061101 and may be found at http://scitation.aip.org/content/aip/journal/jcp/134/6/10.1063/1.3553204Quantitative side-chain torsion angle χ1 determinations of phenylalanine residues in Desulfovibrio vulgaris flavodoxin are carried out using exclusively the correlation between the experimental vicinal coupling constants and theoretically determined Karplus equations. Karplus coefficients for nine vicinal coupling related with the torsion angle χ1 were calculated using the B3LYP functional and basis sets of different size. Optimized χ1 angles are in outstanding agreement with those previously reported by employing x ray and NMR measurementsFinancial support from the MICINN of Spain (Project No. CTQ2007-66547 and CTQ2010-19232), the Comunidad de Madrid (Project Nos. S2009/ENE-1743) and AECID (Project No. D/023653/09) is gratefully acknowledged. Computational facilities have been provided by CCC-UA

    Implementing Early Warning Systems in WWTP. An investigation with cost-effective LED-VIS spectroscopy-based genetic algorithms

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    Measuring how the pollution load evolves in real time along sewer networks is key for proper management of water resources and protecting the environment. The technique of molecular spectroscopy for water characterization has increasingly widespread use, as it is a non-invasive technique that leads to the correlation of the physical-chemical conditions of wastewater with spectroscopic surrogates by a series of mathematical estimation models. In the present research work, different symbolic regression models obtained with evolutive genetic algorithms are evaluated for the estimation of chemical oxygen demand (COD); five-day biochemical oxygen demand (BOD5); total suspended solids (TSS); total phosphorus (TP); and total nitrogen (TN), from the spectral response of samples measured between 380 and 700 nm and without the use of chemicals or pre-treatment. Around 650 wastewater samples were used in the campaign, from 43 different wastewater treatment plants (WWTP) in which both, raw/influent and treated/effluent, were examined through 18 models composed of Classical Genetic Algorithm (CGA), the Age-Layered Population Structure (ALPS), and Offspring Selection (OS) by mean of HeuristicLab software, to make a comparison among them and to determine which models and wavelengths are most suitable for the correlation. Models are proposed considering both raw and treated samples together (15) and only with tertiary treated wastewater reclaimed for agriculture irrigation effluent (3). The Pearson correlation coefficients were in the range of 67–91% for the test data in the case of the combined models. The results conform the first steps for a real-time monitoring of WWTP.The author Daniel Carreres Prieto wishes to thank the financial support received from the Seneca Foundation of the Región de Murcia (Spain) through the program devoted to training novel researchers in areas of specific interest for the industry and with a high capacity to transfer the results of the research generated, entitled: “Subprograma Regional de Contratos de Formación de Personal Investigador en Universidades y OPIs” (Mod. B, Ref. 20320/FPI/17). The present research has been funded by the project MONITOCOES: New intelligent monitoring system for microorganisms and emerging contaminants in sewage networks. Reference: RTC2019-007115-5 by the Ministry of Science and Innovation - State Research Agency, within the RETOS COLABORACIÓN 2019 call, which supports cooperative projects between companies and research organizations, whose objective is to promote technological development, innovation and quality research. The authors wish to thank the help and availability received from the company Munuera Laboratories during the field campaign