9 research outputs found


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    The present study aimed at finding out the response of learners in an EFL Listening class to the use of web-based listening tasks and their academic achievement in the class. The subjects of the study were 22 university students. The method employed was mixed method. Data were collected using questionnaire and achievement tests. The results showed that 90.9% of the learners enjoyed and were interested in the online activity. The t-test analyses also showed that there was significant difference between the Means of scores of learners in the midterm test and final test on Listening 1 and Listening 2

    EFL Pre-Service Teacher Constructs and Practices of Critical Thinking

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    Most studies on critical thinking involving preservice teachers (PST) focused on their perception about critical thinking and learning activities, how to improve critical thinking skills through various learning methods, techniques, and strategies in the classroom, and classroom teacher-learner interaction to facilitate critical thinking activities. Irrespective of the existing studies conducted on critical thinking in the classroom, it is still an important issue for PSTs in especially investigating how the construct of critical thinking defined by the PSTs is translated into learning objectives as the learning objectives become the foundation in designing learning activities. This study was, therefore, conducted to explore both the preservice teachers’ construct of critical thinking and how the construct is translated into learning objectives in their lesson plans. This current study adopted a case study model emphasizing on the occurrence of cases in the field for the sake of seeking answers to those cases. The respondents of this study were six PSTs conducting their practice teaching at vocational and senior high school for three months. Data collected consist of two types, namely: data from written interview about construct of PSTs’ critical thinking and data dealing with critical thinking practices in a form of design of learning activities collected from lesson plans. Findings show that the respondents are able to define what critical thinking is based on the keywords signifying what critical thinking is. However, crosscheck on how the construct is transferred into the learning objectives set in the lesson plan does not show encouraging results

    Deconstruction of Gendered Dialogues in English Language Students Textbook for Grade 12 Senior High School

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    Education plays a significant role in maintaining or deconstructing patriarchal gender constructions in society. Within this ambivalent arena, this study aimed to analyze the representation of gender constructions in a textbook for grade 12 Indonesian EFL students published by the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Indonesia in 2018. The textual analysis proposed by McKee is used to analyze the data. Language functions attributed to the two genders are used as the parameters to find their feminine or masculine depiction based on Lakoff (1973) and Coates (2013) combined with Millet’s Sexual Politics. The study revealed that the textbook shows gender deconstructions towards language functions used in female-only, male-only and mixed sex dialogues. The deconstruction of the stereotypes can be seen from the presence of feminine traits in male characters, such as asking for information and producing more phatic and expressive utterances than females. In contrast, female characters are depicted to be dominantly produced masculine traits, such as being knowledgeable by giving more information than men and dominating in conversations. Although, at some points, the characters are still associated with stereotyped gender traits, the efforts to deconstruct traditional images of both genders need to be appreciated even though they still seem ambivalent

    Instructional Design of Call: a Perspective of Flexibility, Learning Goal, and Computer Roles

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    : Instructional Design of Call: A Perspective of Flexibility, Learning Goal, and Computer Roles. The purpose of this study is to review instructional design (ID) used in computer assisted language learning (CALL) studies. The Eight models of ID derived from three different dimensions of online learning, namely: learning content delivery (flexibility), learning goal, and computer roles serve as the basis of analysis for the corpus CALL-related articles which become the source of data. A hundred and forty-seven articles were reviewed resulting in eighty-six articles matching the curent study. The findings show that 5 out of eight models emerge in the CALL literature. Details about learning flexibility and computer roles are discussed in the article

    EFL Teacher Identity Development during Teacher Professional Education Programme

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    This study aims to identify the development of teacher participants of PPG. The development of the identity is considered urgent to explore especially because  PPG is conducted fully online facilitated by an LMS. Instructors and participants are required to conference online and do assignments online as well as teaching practice. The current stud is conducted based on content analysis method involving six respondents. Data was interpreted from recordings during online discussion session.The research findings indicate that the new skills acquired during PPG fall within the area of use of technology, pedagogy, and collaboration.&nbsp

    Deconstruction of Gendered Dialogues in English Language Students Textbook for Grade 12 Senior High School

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    Education plays a significant role in maintaining or deconstructing patriarchal gender constructions in society. Within this ambivalent arena, this study aimed to analyze the representation of gender constructions in a textbook for grade 12 Indonesian EFL students published by the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Indonesia in 2018. The textual analysis proposed by McKee is used to analyze the data. Language functions attributed to the two genders are used as the parameters to find their feminine or masculine depiction based on Lakoff (1973) and Coates (2013) combined with Millet’s Sexual Politics. The study revealed that the textbook shows gender deconstructions towards language functions used in female-only, male-only and mixed sex dialogues. The deconstruction of the stereotypes can be seen from the presence of feminine traits in male characters, such as asking for information and producing more phatic and expressive utterances than females. In contrast, female characters are depicted to be dominantly produced masculine traits, such as being knowledgeable by giving more information than men and dominating in conversations. Although, at some points, the characters are still associated with stereotyped gender traits, the efforts to deconstruct traditional images of both genders need to be appreciated even though they still seem ambivalent


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    AbstractPronunciation for Indonesian EFL students is tricky and challenging due to the different phonetic systems of the student's mother tongue and the target language. Integrating YouTube into English language learning could overcome these issues. The present study reviewed previous studies about the benefits of integrating YouTube as instructional media in promoting EFL students' pronunciation. This study was library research following George's (2008) model by selecting recent publications on the topic to summarize how YouTube videos affect students' English pronunciation and highlight a research gap that could be taken by future research. The review revealed that YouTube had benefitted students in aspects of pronunciation: stress, intonation, rhythm, voice quality, gestures, vowels, and consonants, although research on the application's use for improving students' rhythm is minimal despite the availability of relevant videos. This finding implies the need for more research on improving students' rhythm using YouTube video. Bahasa Indonesia AbstrakPengucapan bahasa Inggris sangat rumit untuk pebelajar Indonesia karena perbedaan dalam sistem fonetik bahasa ibu dan bahasa target siswa. Integrasi video YouTube ke dalam pembelajaran bahasa Inggris dapat mengatasi masalah ini. Kajian ini mencermati hasil penelitian terkini mengenai integrasi video YouTube sebagai media pembelajaran untuk meningkatkan pelafalan bahasa Inggris siswa. Penelitian ini merupakan kajian pustaka menggunakan model dari George (2008), dengan melibatkan peneitian terkait untuk menghasilkan gambaran umum mengenai pengaruh video Youtube terhadap pelafalan siswa untuk menyoroti kesenjangan penelitian yang masih ada sehingga menjadi masukan untuk penelitian selanjutnya. Ditemukan bahwa Youtube meningkatkan pelafalan siswa dari tekanan, intonasi, ritme, kualitas suara, gestur, pelafalan suara vokal dan konsonan. Namun, penelitian yang menyoroti pemanfaatan Youtube untuk meningkatkan ritme dalam pelafan siswa masih terbatas, walaupun Youtube menyediakan banyak video yang relevan. Temuan ini berimplikasi pada perlunya penelitian lebih lanjut mengenai pemanfaatan video YouTube untuk mengembangkan ritme pelafalan bahasa Inggris siswa

    Micro Learning Media for Teaching English at Junior High School Students

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    The students’ lacked of interest in learning English at Junior High School tended to cause of having short memory on the material being explained. Micro-learning is a tiny activity by teachers and learners in the classroom, to help the students’ short memory. This means that teachers need to provide a bit-sized learning material to help students to maintain their memories. Based on the phenomena developing video materials using the micro-learning concept is badly needed. The aim of this study is to develop micro learning media for teaching English at junior high school students. The micro-learning video developed in this research are combined with three teaching model namely; problem-based learning, project-based learning and discovery-based learning. The effectiveness of the developed video materials for the learners at junior high school was evaluated using criteria of a good English material suggested by the formula. Moreover, the checklist consisted 5 scales of scoring they are; 5 represents excellent, 4 represents good, 3 represents average, 2 represents below average, and 1 represents poor. The result showed that the quality of the developed micro-learning-based video materials implemented at junior high school was good. Thus, the micro-learning based video materials were good to help the students at junior high school to sustain their memories in learning English