23 research outputs found

    Optimalisasi Pemberdayaan Fasilitas Kesehatan Melalui Edukasi Pelayanan Prima dan Promosi Media Digital di Puskesmas Bayan Kabupaten Lombok Utara Nusa Tenggara Barat

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    Service excellence in healthcare is critical in order to providing quality care and maintaining doctor and patient loyalty. In an effort to provide maximum service, of course, health facilities must think of excellent service as the main option to realize a perfect service quality. The Puskesmas is one of the First Level Health Facilities which is the main reference when people need first aid for health problems. The Puskesmas in this context is the first gateway for health services aimed at providing first aid to the community. The purpose of this service is to present important issues related to achieving service excellence in healthcare and the role of customer service in Puskesmas. This community service uses a controlled and participatory descriptive observational approach as well as Focus Group Discussion (FGD). The output of this community service is increasing awareness, knowledge and skills about excellent service and maximizing existing resources to provide the best service to the community. On the other hand, this dedication is also aimed at providing further understanding about promotions using digital media to facilitate service activities at the Bayan Health Center


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    Kota Mataram  merupakan ibu kota provinsi yang dihuni oleh penduduk yang multi etnik dan multi agama. Memperhatikan konfigurasi dan profil kedua kelompok mayoritas di Kota Mataram, yakni suku Sasak yang Islam dan suku Bali yang Hindu, dapatlah dipahami bahwa telah terjadi persaingan, kontestasi dan kompetisi diantara mereka. Oleh karena itu, gesekan, atau bahkan konflik kerap terjadi di antara mereka. Upaya penanganan konflik dan pemeliharaan kerukunan juga telah banyak dilakukan, baik oleh pemerintah maupun kelompok masyarakat. Sayangnya, sejauh ini sejumlah upaya penanganan pascakonflik kerapkali terkesan tidak tuntas. Sehingga  perlu dilakukan upaya untuk memahami timbulnya konflik dimasyarakat dari sudut pandang komunikasi. Penelitian ini bertjuan untuk mengetahui (1) penyebab konflik antar kelompok masyarakat di Kota Mataram (2) solusi dan pemecahan konflik yang mereka harapkan serta (3) kendala-kendala yang dihadapi dalam menyelesaikan konflik antar kelompok masyarakat di Kota Mataram.Dari hasil penelitian ini diharapkan dapat dihasilkan, laporan penelitian, artikel untuk jurnal atau seminar dan bagian dari buku ajar.  Penelitian ini akan menggunaan metode deskriptif menjelaskan dan mendeskripsikan akar persoalan atau akar permasalahan yang menyebabkan terjadinya konflik antar etnis atau antar kelompok dalam etnis yang sama


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    The purposes of this research are to 1) determine the level of consumer satisfaction with taro chips products at UD Selalu Jaya in Mataram City, 2) find out what are the attributes of taro chips that determine customer satisfaction, 3) determine the relationship between product quality and customer satisfaction levels of taro chips.The method used in this research is descriptive method and data collection techniques using a questionnaire / questionnaire and observation. This research was conducted in Mataram City by determining three districts, namely Mataram District, Selaparang District and Cakranegara District. Determination of respondents was determined by as many as 50 respondents, the type of data used was quantitative and qualitative data, while the data source used was primary data. The data obtained were analyzed by 1) Validity and Reliability Test, 2) Importance Performance Analysis (IPA), and Customer Satisfaction Index (CSI).The results of the study said that 1) the level of customer satisfaction with the UD Selalu Jaya taro chips product in the city of Mataram using the calculation of the Customer Satisfaction Index (CSI) shows that all consumers are quite satisfied, this can be seen from the CSI value of 0.64 with a scale range. 0.51-0.65.) The relationship between product quality and the level of consumer satisfaction, the relationship shows a positive linearity relationship, namely the higher the product performance, the higher the level of consumer satisfaction. Attributes that need to be prioritized to be improved are product quality, shape, color and aroma

    Maize Farmer Partnership Sustainability Study in the Post Arisa Project (Applied Research and Innovation System in Agriculture) in Kayangan District, North Lombok Regency

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    The University of Mataram is coordinating the ARISA Corn (Applied Research and Innovation System in Agriculture) Intervention Project, which includes partners such as Bank NTB Syariah, PT. Syngenta, the Department of Agriculture, Retailer of Subsidized Fertilizers, and buyers of produce have exceeded their target of increasing 30% in revenue. The purpose of this study consisted of a general objective, namely to analyze the sustainability of the ARISA partnership project in the village of Gumantar, Kayangan District, North Lombok Regency and a specific purpose to analyze the sustainability of the partnership of corn farmers who carried out the ARISA project in the village of Kayangan District, North Lombok Regency. This study uses descriptive methods and data collection techniques with survey techniques. The sampling technique used was purposive sampling (deliberately) with the consideration that only 1 of these villages participated in the ARISA project at the beginning of the project. The technique of determining respondents using proportional sampling was determined by 15 respondents because only the corn farmers participated in the ARISA project from the beginning to the end of the project. The data analysis used is qualitative descriptive analysis. The results show that the sustainability of the partnership in the ARISA project is still ongoing even though the program has ended in 2018. The partnership between farmers and Unram does not continue in terms of the application of technology. The partnership with Bank NTB Syariah through the application of people's business credit applications and purchasing inputs according to recommendations with new suppliers is still ongoing. Field agricultural extension staff manage and coordinate fertilizer distribution with RDKK and merchants. The collaboration with yield buyers continues with new purchasers

    Pemberdayaan Kelompok Tani pada Teknologi Pemanfaatan Energi Baru Terbarukan Berbasis Jarak Pagar untuk Percepatan Terbentuknya Desa Mandiri Energi di Kawasan Amor-Amor, Kabupaten Lombok Utara, NTB

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    JJatropha curcas L. in the Amor-Amor, North Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara have been grown and developed long ago. It was just as fences of land, yards, and roads, and used as a source of traditional medicine but not as alternative energy sources and as a crop yield. Even if Jatropha seed oil can be used as an energy source family. No commercialize and intensively cultivation, such as the use of high yielding varieties, planting distance, fertilizing and other maintenance, and intercropping with food crops. Another problem faced by farmer groups members is difficult to get fertilizers, proper cultivation techniques, the difficulty of obtaining diesel fuel to operate the water bore-pumps for irrigation purposes. Through science and technology communication activities (Ipteks) was expected to formed the Energy Independent Village. This Ipteks such as counselling, training, and demonstrations conducted by the research team has been able to provide rationalization and true understanding to the farmer groups on aspects of Jatropha as an alternative source of fuel.  Understanding includes benefits of crop as a source of fuel, good cultivation techniques, the potential economic and environmental impact, plant waste management and Jatropha seed oil processing and other benefits plant. Counselling and training undertaken has been able to generate interest and need for farmers to adopt the technology introduced. In addition, education and training was provided to farmers has also empowered them, by involving farmer participatory on any activities performed. Farmer’s empowerment has successes. It was at the phase awareness, interest, and evaluation of the adoption process

    A typology of natural resource use for livelihood impact assessments in Nusa Tenggara Barat Province, Indonesia

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    The vulnerability of less developed regions is exacerbated by a lack of information to inform appropriate adaptation planning. We addressed this challenge in the islands of Lombok and Sumbawa (Nusa Tenggara Barat Province, Indonesia) by combining multiple sources of knowledge to develop a typology of natural resource use by communities of the province. This enabled an assessment of future impacts of drivers of change such as population growth and climate change. The typology was developed by cluster analysis of an inventory of the use of ecosystem goods and services (EGS) by the 105 rural subdistricts in the province. The data were largely elicited from expert knowledge, augmented by a rapid rural appraisal of communities' marine resource use in Sumbawa. Exploratory analysis of existing secondary data on livelihoods and land use provided context and skeleton data, which were developed further by experts. Overall, 82 EGS were identified from nine terrestrial, coastal, marine and freshwater habitats. EGS included livestock, cropping, forestry, wildlife hunting, fishing, aquaculture, mining, water (for drinking and agriculture) and tourism. The typology comprised seven types that captured 42% of the variation in the data matrix. The types were moderately spatially aggregated and showed some congruence with administrative (district) boundaries. We discuss the implications of the results for planning livelihood adaptation strategies, and out-scaling these among subdistricts of matching types

    4. A Missing Link in Empowerment Program in Indonesia

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    Abstrak Pemerintah daerah telah diberikan otoritas untuk melaksanakan program pemberdayaan. Dukungan regulasi dan keuangan telah diberikan oleh pemerintah pusat dan badan pemberdayaan masyarakat juga telah di bentuk. Namun dampak dari program pemberdayaan masih rendah. Apa yang menyebabkan hal ini terjadi? Untuk menjawab pertanyaan ini survei dengan wawancara langsung dan wawancara mendalam dengan stakeholder kunci telah dilakukan di tujuh desa pesisir di Lombok. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan, walaupun berbagai upaya telah dilakukan oleh pemerintah untuk memberdayakan masyarakat pesisir, namun aparat pemerintah yang diharapkan melaksanakan program pemberdayaan tidak dilatih tentang pemberdayaan itu sendiri. Akibatnya aparat tidak mempunyai pengetahuan, keterampilan, dan prilaku yang memberdayakan sehingga mereka tetap mengimplementasikan cara lama yang top down dan pendekatan target. Hal ini berakibat pada gagalnya program. Abstract Local government was given authority to implement empowerment programs. Support including regulations, and financial were also provided by the central government. Empowerment bureau was established to accelerate empowerment programs. However, the impact of the empowerment program was low. What missing in government effort to empower coastal community in Lombok? To answer this question, a survey with face to face interview and in-depth interview with key stakeholders was carried out in seven coastal villages. The results indicate, even though various efforts have been carried out by the government to empower coastal communities, government staff who implement empowerment program were not trained on empowerment. As a result there was no change in government staff members’ knowledge, skills and behaviours, and staff continued practising the old top down mode of delivery and target focused approach to development processes. This had led to program failure

    5. Proses pemberdayaan dalam kelompok yang dibentuk pemerinta: studi kasus di daerah pesisir Lombok

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    Abstrak Kelompok secara meluas telah digunakan dalam msayarakat dalam memecahkan masalah sosial dan khususnya dalam melaksanakan program pemerintah. Tetapi sampai saat ini belum ada penelitian tentang proses pemberdayaan pada kelompok yang dibentuk oleh pemerintah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui proses pemberdayaan pada kelompok-kelompok yang dibentuk oleh pemerintah. Sepuluh kelompok pemberdayaan yang dibentuk pemerintah diteliti dengan fokus kajian pada aspek pembentukan kelompok, formulasi tujuan kelompok, struktur kelompok dan pengambilan keputusan. Data dikumpulkan melalui wawancara mendalam terhadap sekitar 60 orang responden. Data kemudian dianalisis dengan analisis kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan  bahwa proses pembentukan kelompok, penyusunan pengurus, perumusan tujuan dan pengambilan keputusan tidak memberdayakan kelompok.  Abstract Groups are used extensively by the community as the traditional way of solving social problems, and the government in implementation of development programs. However, empowerment process in government initiated group was not yet studied. The objective of this study was to examine the process of empowerment in government initiated groups. Ten empowerment groups established by government were studied, focusing on group establishment process, structure, goal setting and decision making process. Data was collected through in-depth interview with 60 respondents. Qualitative data analysis was used. The results indicated that  group establishment, group structure development, goals formulation and decision making process were not empowering

    The Relationship of the Role of Forest Farmer Group with the Successful Level of Community Forest Management (Hkm) in the Merejebonga Area

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    The purpose of this research is to: (1) find out the level of performance of the role and success of farming groups in the management of Community Forests; (2) Knowing the contribution of community forest income to the total income of members of forest farming groups; (3) Analyze the magnitude of the relationship between indicators of group role and indicators of the success of agricultural groups in the management of Community Forests. This study uses descriptive methods. This research was conducted in The Merejebonga Forest Area, West Lombok Regency. The determination of the Merejebonga Forest Area as a place of research was conducted on a "Purposive Sampling" basis with the consideration that the Kemsyarakatan Forest in the Merejebonga Forest Area is still relatively new. In general, the role of teaching and learning in the management of Community Forests Merejebonga falls into the category of quite a role, cooperation is included in the category of role, and production units are included in the category of quite instrumental. Success in the management of Community Forest Merejebonga falls into the category of success, the contribution of Community Forest income in the category is quite successful and empowerment is included in the category of quite successful. The contribution of Community Forest income is slightly below the poverty line in 2021, but community forest income can help in the fulfillment of per capita quality every month. The role between the teaching and learning indicator with the success of the group on the indicator of group power is related and the role between the indicator of the production unit and the success of the farmer group on the indicator of group power related

    Owned and unowned dog population estimation, dog management and dog bites to inform rabies prevention and response on Lombok Island, Indonesia.

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    Although Indonesia has been rabies-infected since at least the 1880s, some islands remain rabies-free, such as Lombok. However, due to its adjacency to rabies-infected islands such as Bali and Flores, there is considerable risk of a rabies incursion. As part of a rabies risk assessment project, surveys were conducted to estimate the size of the dog population and to describe dog management practices of households belonging to different ethnic groups. A photographic-recapture method was employed and the number of unowned dogs was estimated. A total of 400 dog owning households were interviewed, 300 at an urban site and 100 at a rural site. The majority of the interviewed households belonged to the Balinese ethnic group. Owned dogs were more likely male, and non-pedigree or local breed. These households kept their dogs either fully restricted, semi-free roaming or free-roaming but full restriction was reported only at the urban site. Dog bite cases were reported to be higher at the urban site, and commonly affected children/young adults to 20 years old and males. A higher number of unowned dogs was observed at the urban site than at the rural site. Data generated within these surveys can inform rabies risk assessment models to quantify the probability of rabies being released into Lombok and resulting in the infection of the local dog population. The information gained is critical for efforts to educate dog owners about rabies, as a component of preparedness to prevent the establishment of rabies should an incursion occur