324 research outputs found

    Parc eòlic de l'Ametlla de Mar

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    El treball està compost de: I.Memòria II.Plànols III.Plec de condicions IV.Annex: Estudi d'impacte ambiental i estudi bàsic de seguretat i salutL’objectiu del projecte és dissenyar les instal·lacions d’un parc eòlic, per poder satisfer la demanda d’energia elèctrica, sempre creixent, d’una forma neta que no emet gasos contaminants. La zona escollida està situada a la comarca del Baix Ebre, més concretament al municipi de l’Ametlla de Mar, segons les dades de les que es disposen determinen que hi ha suficient potencial eòlic per fer viable el projecte. El parc eòlic de l’Ametlla de Mar constarà de 5 aerogeneradors, la qual cosa suposarà una potència instal·lada de 8,3MW. Segons la velocitat mitjana anual de 9,03m/s estimada la producció prevista voltarà els 35,10GWh anuals

    Gravitational dismantling of the Miocene mountain front of the Gibraltar Arc system deduced from the analysis of an olistostromic Complex (Western Betics)

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    A mélange complex seals the internal-external zone boundary of the western part of the Gibraltar Arc orogenic belt and constitutes a key element to establish milestones of the Betic-Rif tectonic evolution. The blocks and olistoliths embedded in this mélange provide constraints on the geological history of the main tectonic units involved in the Miocene mountain front. We mapped and analysed the blocks and olistoliths included in this mélange in order to understand its age and genesis, which have long been a matter of debate. The relationships of this mélange La Joya Olistostromic Complex (LaJOC) with the basement units together with the high variability of the block lithologies suggest a sedimentary origin for this mélange. Two large-scale olistoliths retain their original structure prior to their emplacement in the LaJOC Basin. The sedimentological and structural analysis allowed us to correlate these olistoliths with the folded and thrust sequence belonging to the Miocene Betic-Rif accretionary prism (Flysch Trough units), and to constrain the age of deposition of the La Joya Olistostromic Complex. The age of the matrix of the mélange deposits is poorly known because of the lack of in-place fauna. Indeed, the formation of the inherited fold-and-thrust structure of these olistoliths is well-known in the western Betics. Accordingly, the LaJOC should have been deposited during middle Miocene times and the blocks and olistoliths included within the mélange would derive from the gravitational dismantling of the Gibraltar Arc mountain front. The data presented help us to understand the formation of reliefs and basins in the western part of the Gibraltar Arc orogenic system

    Formation of vesicles with an organometallic amphiphilic bilayer by supramolecular arrangement of metal carbonyl metallosurfactants

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    Metallo-vesicles are formed in water medium as a result of the supramolecular arrangement of molybdenum carbonyl metallosurfactants. These new kind of surfactants contain a hydrophobic metal carbonyl fragment and are easily prepared from surfactant phosphine ligand

    New rhenium complexes with ciprofloxacin as useful models for understanding the properties of [99mTc]-ciprofloxacin radiopharmaceutical

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    Rhenium complexes with the antibiotic ciprofloxacin have been prepared to be studied as models of technetium radiopharmaceuticals. With this aim, the new rhenium complexes 1 {[ReO(Cpf)2]Cl}, 2 {[ReO(CpfH)2]Cl3} and 3 {fac-[Re(CO)3(H2O)(Cpf)]} with ciprofloxacin (CpfH=ciprofloxacin; Cpf=conjugated base of ciprofloxacin) have been synthesised and characterised by elemental analyses, IR, NMR ((1)H, (19)F and (13)C CP-MAS) spectroscopy, as well as MS measurements. All spectroscopic data are consistent with the coordination of ciprofloxacin in all these complexes through the carbonyl and the carboxylate oxygen atoms with the formation of a six member chelate ring. The study of a Tc-ciprofloxacin solution by ESI-MS reveals the presence of [TcO(Cpf)2](+) cations, which agrees with the hypothesis that complexes 1 and 2 can be seen as model rhenium complexes of this radiopharmaceutical. Antimicrobial and DNA gyrase inhibition studies performed with complexes 2 and 3 have shown a very similar behaviour between complex 2 and the free antibiotic, whereas complex 3 exhibit a lower antimicrobial activity. Based on a joint analysis of the data reported in the literature and the chemical and biological results obtained in this study, a tentative proposal to explain some aspects of the behaviour of Tc-ciprofloxacin radiopharmaceutical has been made

    Un nou mètode per sintetitzar compostos de tecneci i fabricar radiofàrmacs

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    La ràpida semidesintegració de l'isòtop de tecneci emprat per elaborar radiofàrmarcs ha portat al grup Síntesi i aplicacions bioorgàniques i bioinorgàniques de la UAB a dissenyar un nou mètode de preparació de compostos de tecneci radioactius mitjançant el bescanvi amb un element no radioactiu (zinc). La nova molècula resultant marca els liposomes, estructures que permeten l'encapsulament de fàrmacs i que poden ser de gran utilitat en la diagnosi i teràpia de malalties.La rápida semidesintegración del isótopo de tecnecio empleado para elaborar radiofármarcos ha llevado al grupo Síntesis y aplicaciones bioorgánicas y bioinorgánicas de la UAB a diseñar un nuevo método de preparación de compuestos de tecnecio radiactivos mediante el intercambio con un elemento no radiactivo (zinc). La nueva molécula resultante marca los liposomas, estructuras que permiten la encapsulación de fármacos y que pueden ser de gran utilidad en el diagnóstico y terapia de enfermedades

    New bioconjugated rhenium carbonyls by transmetalation reaction with zinc derivatives

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    The transmetallation reaction between zinc dithiocarbamates and rhenium carbonyls has been used as a new strategy to link biomolecules to transition metals. The zinc(II) dithiocarbamate of isonipecotic acid (1) and the succinimidyl ester derivative (2) were prepared by straight forward procedures and were fully characterized by spectroscopic and X-ray diffraction methods, showing in both cases the presence of dinuclear complexes. Complex 2 reacted with all the primary and secondary amines studied (glycine methyl ester, β-alanine methyl ester, 1-(2-methoxyphenyl)piperazine and D-(+)-glucosamine) through the activated succinimidyl ester group, linking the metallic fragment with the biomolecule by the formation of a peptidic bond, and leading to the respective bioconjugated zinc complexes 3-6. In all cases, these zinc complexes could be isolated from the reaction medium by simple precipitation. These results evidence the potential of complex 2 to be used as a synthon to link the zinc dithiocarbamate fragment to biomolecules that contain an amine group. Complexes 3-6 were characterized by the usual spectroscopic methods and all data agree with the proposed structures, which do not contain significant interactions between the zinc fragment and the functional groups of these biomolecules. The transmetallation reaction between the zinc complexes 3-6 and the rhenium carbonyl [ReBr₃(CO)₃]²⁻ led to the expected rhenium dithiocarbamates 7-10 with no change in the organic dithiocarbamate fragments, confirming the viability of this reaction as a tool for linking biomolecules to transition elements. All complexes were characterized by spectroscopic methods and the crystal structure of 8 was studied by X-ray diffraction analysis. All data demonstrated that the biomolecule is positioned far away from the fac-{Re(CO)₃} fragment and the octahedral coordination around the metal is completed by the functionalized dithiocarbamate and a phosphine ligand. Finally, the analysis by ESI-MS spectrometry of the reaction between the zinc complex 4 and a water solution of [Re(H₂O)₃(CO)₃]+ at a very low concentration (10 ppm) showed that the transmetallation reaction took place even though the solubility of the zinc complex in water medium was as low as 0.66 ppm. This preliminary result supports the viability of this approach for the preparation of rhenium and technetium target specific radiopharmaceuticals since the preparation of these compounds are always performed in water medium