6,037 research outputs found

    FILOU oscillation code

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    The present paper provides a description of the oscillation code FILOU, its main features, type of applications it can be used for, and some representative solutions. The code is actively involved in CoRoT/ESTA exercises (this volume) for the preparation for the proper interpretation of space data from the CoRoT mission. Although CoRoT/ESTA exercises have been limited to the oscillations computations for non-rotating models, the main characteristic of FILOU is, however, the computation of radial and non-radial oscillation frequencies in presence of rotation. In particular, FILOU calculates (in a perturbative approach) adiabatic oscillation frequencies corrected for the effects of rotation (up to the second order in the rotation rate) including near degeneracy effects. Furthermore, FILOU works with either a uniform rotation or a radial differential rotation profile (shellular rotation), feature which makes the code singular in the field.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figures. Astrophysics and Space Science (in press

    Symmetry-induced interference effects in metalloporphyrin wires

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    Organo-metallic molecular structures where a single metallic atom is embedded in the organic backbone are ideal systems to study the effect of strong correlations on their electronic structure. In this work we calculate the electronic and transport properties of a series of metalloporphyrin molecules sandwiched by gold electrodes using a combination of density functional theory and scattering theory. The impact of strong correlations at the central metallic atom is gauged by comparing our results obtained using conventional DFT and DFT+U approaches. The zero bias transport properties may or may not show spin-filtering behavior, depending on the nature of the d state closest to the Fermi energy. The type of d state depends on the metallic atom and gives rise to interference effects that produce different Fano features. The inclusion of the U term opens a gap between the d states and changes qualitatively the conductance and spin-filtering behavior in some of the molecules. We explain the origin of the quantum interference effects found as due to the symmetry-dependent coupling between the d states and other molecular orbitals and propose the use of these systems as nanoscale chemical sensors. We also demonstrate that an adequate treatment of strong correlations is really necessary to correctly describe the transport properties of metalloporphyrins and similar molecular magnets

    VISIR-VLT high resolution study of the extended emission of four obscured post-AGB candidates

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    The onset of the asymmetry of planetary nebulae (PNe) is expected to occur during the late Asymptotic Giant Branch (AGB) and early post-AGB phases of low- and intermediate-mass stars. Among all post-AGB objects, the most heavily obscured ones might have escaped the selection criteria of previous studies detecting extreme axysimmetric structures in young PNe. Since the most heavily obscured post-AGB sources can be expected to descend from the most massive PN progenitors, these should exhibit clear asymmetric morphologies. We have obtained VISIR-VLT mid-IR images of four heavily obscured post-AGB objects barely resolved in previous Spitzer IRAC observations to analyze their morphology and physical conditions across the mid-IR. The VISIR-VLT images have been deconvolved, flux calibrated, and used to construct RGB composite pictures as well as color and optical depth maps that allow us to study the morphology and physical properties of the extended emission of these sources. We have detected extended emission from the four objects in our sample and resolved it into several structural components that are greatly enhanced in the temperature and optical depth maps. They reveal the presence of asymmetry in three young PNe (IRAS 15534-5422, IRAS 17009-4154, and IRAS 18454+0001), where the asymmetries can be associated with dusty torii and slightly bipolar outflows. The fourth source (IRAS 18229-1127), a possible post-AGB star, is better described as a rhomboidal detached shell. The heavily obscured sources in our sample do not show extreme axisymmetric morphologies. This is at odds with the expectation of highly asymmetrical morphologies in post-AGB sources descending from massive PN progenitors. The sources presented in this paper may be sampling critical early phases in the evolution of massive PN progenitors, before extreme asymmetries develop.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figure

    Detailed study of SNR G306.3-0.9 using XMM-Newton and Chandra observations

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    We used combined data from XMM-Newton and Chandra observatories to study the X-ray morphology of SNR G306.3-0.9. A spatially-resolved spectral analysis was used to obtain physical and geometrical parameters of different regions of the remnant. Spitzer infrared observations were also used to constrain the progenitor supernova and study the environment in which the SNR evolved. The X-ray morphology of the remnant displays a non-uniform structure of semi-circular appearance, with a bright southwest region and very weak or almost negligible X-ray emission in its northern part. These results indicate that the remnant is propagating in a non-uniform environment as the shock fronts are encountering a high-density medium, where enhanced infrared emission is detected. The X-ray spectral analysis of the selected regions shows distinct emission-line features of several metal elements, confirming the thermal origin of the emission. The X-ray spectra are well represented by a combination of two absorbed thermal plasma models: one in equilibrium ionization with a mean temperature of ~0.19 keV, and another out of equilibrium ionization at a higher temperature of ~1.1 or 1.6-1.9 keV. For regions located in the northeast, central, and southwest part of the SNR, we found elevated abundances of Si, S, Ar, Ca, and Fe, typical of ejecta material. The outer regions located northwest and south show values of the abundances above solar but lower than to those found in the central regions. This suggests that the composition of the emitting outer parts of the SNR is a combination of ejecta and shocked material of the interstellar medium. The comparison between the S/Si, Ar/Si, and Ca/Si abundances ratios (1.75, 1.27, and 2.72 in the central region, respectively), favor a Type Ia progenitor for this SNR, a result that is also supported by an independent morphological analysis using X-ray and IR data.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figures. Accepted by Astronomy and Astrophysic
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