236 research outputs found

    Factors related to compliance with periodontal disease treatment appointments : a literature review

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    Periodontal disease is considered a public health problem due to its high prevalence worldwide. Currently, the treatment of periodontal disease is not always successful due to many aspects, including non-compliance with scheduled appointments by the pati

    Ventilation and air-conditioning systems in dental clinics and COVID-19 : how much do we know?

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    This study evaluated the association between knowledge and management of ventilation and air-conditioning systems (VAC) to avoid the spread of the SARS-CoV-2 virus in health facilities by dentists and demographic variables. A cross-sectional digital me

    Convolution on neural networks for high-frequency trend prediction of cryptocurrency exchange rates using technical indicators

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    This study explores the suitability of neural networks with a convolutional component as an alternative to traditional multilayer perceptrons in the domain of trend classification of cryptocurrency exchange rates using technical analysis in high frequencies. The experimental work compares the performance of four different network architectures -convolutional neural network, hybrid CNN-LSTM network, multilayer perceptron and radial basis function neural network- to predict whether six popular cryptocurrencies -Bitcoin, Dash, Ether, Litecoin, Monero and Ripple- will increase their value vs. USD in the next minute. The results, based on 18 technical indicators derived from the exchange rates at a one-minute resolution over one year, suggest that all series were predictable to a certain extent using the technical indicators. Convolutional LSTM neural networks outperformed all the rest significantly, while CNN neural networks were also able to provide good results specially in the Bitcoin, Ether and Litecoin cryptocurrencies.We would also like to acknowledge the financial support of the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities under grant PGC2018-096849-B-I00 (MCFin

    Enhancing LoRaWAN scalability with Longest First Slotted CSMA

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    Financiado para publicación en acceso aberto: Universidade de Vigo/CISUGCompelling features such as low power consumption and low complexity make LoRaWAN one of the most promising technologies to provide long-range connectivity to resource-constrained devices. However, LoRaWAN suffers from limited scalability since it uses an Aloha-based protocol for accessing the channel that causes a huge amount of frame collisions when the number of devices (or the network load) is high. This paper presents LFS-CSMA, a new medium access control mechanism that enhances the scalability of LoRaWAN networks by just combining the well-known slotted Aloha and CSMA schemes in a novel manner. With LFS-CSMA, longer frames are transmitted earlier within a given timeslot. Thus, devices with short frames to be transmitted can check the channel availability before sending them and avoid collisions if they detect an ongoing transmission. Performance results show that LFS-CSMA causes far less collisions than traditional MAC mechanisms, thus improving the scalability of LoRaWAN networks significantly.Agencia Estatal de Investigación | Ref. PID2020-113240RB-I00Xunta de Galici

    Condiciones de salud bucal de los recuperadores informales del sector de guayaquil y de sus familias. Medellín, Colombia, 2003

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    ABSTRACT: A study was undertaken to characterize the socioeconomic and health conditions of the informal recyclers of the sector of Guayaquil, Medellín - Colombia, that shows how the life conditions define to a large extent their health situation. There, in a population of 68 recyclers and relatives, a transversal descriptive study was carried out in order to find out about their oral health conditions. By means of an oral clinic history some aspects related to their representations and practices in health habits were recognized, also a complete examination, following the design of the III National Study of Oral Health on 1998, was done. The findings indicate to us how this group is in unfavorable conditions with respect to the general population and gives us standards to establish clear intervention strategies that permit to improve their precarious health conditions by offering welfare.RESUMEN: Se realizó una investigación que caracteriza las condiciones socioeconómicas y de salud de los recuperadores informales del sector de Guayaquil, Medellín, Colombia, la cual muestra cómo las condiciones de vida definen en gran medida su situación de salud. Allí, en una población de 68 recuperadores y familiares se elaboró un estudio de carácter descriptivo, transversal, para conocer sus condiciones de salud bucal. Por medio de la anamnesis y de un examen odontológico completo, siguiendo los lineamientos del III Estudio Nacional de Salud Bucal de 1998, se reconocieron algunos aspectos relacionados con sus representaciones y prácticas en salud, hábitos, y la situación de salud bucal de cada individuo. Los hallazgos nos indican cómo este grupo está en condiciones desfavorables con respecto a la población general y nos da pautas para establecer estrategias de intervención claras que permitan mejorar sus condiciones de salud tan precarias ofreciendo bienestar

    Caracterización de las acciones inseguras en odontología (AIO) en una institución de docencia-servicio, Medellín (Colombia), 2015-2017

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    RESUMEN: El establecimiento de acciones para mejorar la cultura de la seguridad del paciente en instituciones públicas y privadas parece requerir de sistemas de vigilancia epidemiológica. Este estudio pretende caracterizar las atenciones inseguras en odontología (AIO) según diferentes variables, en una institución pública que forma recursos humanos en salud bucal en Medellín (Colombia). Métodos: estudio descriptivo longitudinal de las AIO reportadas en la Facultad de Odontología de la Universidad de Antioquia durante el periodo 2015-2017. Para ello se diseñó un formulario mediante la herramienta Google Docs™ (disponible si se solicita a los autores). Se describieron las variables sociodemográficas mediante frecuencias absolutas y relativas y se realizaron pruebas de significancia estadística χ2 para observar diferencias entre las variables. Se contó con la aprobación ética de la institución. Resultados: durante el periodo de estudio (33 meses), se reportaron 541 AIO, el 65% durante el año 2015. La mayor frecuencia de AIO se reportó en la clínica del niño (84%). De igual manera, un 84% de estas AIO se clasificaron como fallas en la atención en salud. Estas fallas fueron reportadas mayormente por estudiantes, por hombres, por personas ≤ 24 años, por estudiantes de pregrado, y en pacientes del sexo masculino y personas ≤ 12 años. Se encontraron diferencias significativas (p < 0,05) entre los diferentes tipos de AIO y las variables consideradas en el análisis, y según el periodo de ocurrencia de las atenciones y el tipo de clínica. Conclusiones: se encontraron diferencias en el reporte de AIO según las variables consideradas en el análisis.ABSTRACT: The implementation of measures to improve the culture of patient safety in public and private institutions seems to require the development of epidemiological surveillance systems. This study aims to characterize unsafe acts in dentistry (UAD) according to several variables in a dental school of a public university in Medellín (Colombia). Methods: longitudinal descriptive study of the UADs reported at the Universidad de Antioquia School of Dentistry during the period 2015-2017. To this end, a form was designed using the Google Docs™ tool (available upon request to the authors). The sociodemographic variables were described using absolute and relative frequencies, and χ2 statistical significance tests were used to identify differences among the variables. This study had institutional ethical approval. Results: during the study period (33 months), 541 UADs were reported, 65% of them during the year 2015. The highest frequency of UAD was reported at the Children’s Clinic (84%). Also, 84% of these UADs were classified as healthcare failures. These failures were mostly reported by students, males, persons aged ≤ 24 years, and undergraduate students, and they generally occurred in male patients and persons aged ≤ 12 years. Significant differences were found (p < 0.05) between the various types of UADs and the variables included in the analysis on the one hand, and time when the services were provided and type of clinic on the other. Conclusions: differences in the reporting of UADs were considering to the variables included in the analysis. Keywords: patient safety, risk management, medical errors, security management. Palabras clave: seguridad del paciente, gestión de riesgos, errores médicos, gestión de la segurida

    Conocimientos, actitudes y prácticas en salud bucal, medios de comunicación y mercadeo social en escolares de 7 a 12 años de una institución de Medellín

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    ABSTRACT: One of the most affected groups by oral health problems is the paediatric population, therefore the present research was undertaken, mainly focusing in the knowledge, attitudes, practices and some expectations in oral health, mass media, and social marketing in children of 7 to 12 years of age from the Rafael Uribe Uribe school in Medellín city. A structured interview format was designed with 31 questions that enquired about this subject, and then an analysis of variables was made by establishing analysis categories within the objectives of the study. The results showed that the students have some knowledge on the relationship of the dentist’s role as a integral person on the promotion of oral health, prevention and rehabilitation; some previous knowledge and association with dental caries, a very positive perception about the dentist consultation and good self-esteem of their teeth. In relation to their practices; the children have received instruction in oral health by the dentistry personal as well as from their family and they utilize the basic elements for their hygiene. Also, they recognize informative and/or communicative elements in the dental office and in a lower rate, in the educational institution; they think it is important to give messages in oral health through the dialogue with the dentist and they declare certain inclinations and preferences with mass media and publicity in the radio, television and others. This information permitted the design of strategies for campaigns on oral health promotion, where other disciplines were involved such as communication, psychology and social marketing as alternatives to contribute to the oral health positioning in the population studied. In addition, a framework of reference for future intervention projects in specific populations is constituted involving a high communicative and educational component.RESUMEN: Una de las poblaciones más afectadas por los problemas de salud bucal es la infantil, por lo tanto se realizó la presente investigación, enfocada en los conocimientos, actitudes, prácticas y algunas expectativas frente a la salud bucal, medios de comunicación, y mercadeo social en los niños de 7 a 12 años de la escuela Rafael Uribe Uribe de la ciudad de Medellín. Para ello se diseñó un formato de entrevista estructurada con 31 preguntas que indagaron acerca del tema, y luego se hizo un análisis por categorías establecidas entre los objetivos de la investigación. Los resultados muestran como los escolares tienen algunos conocimientos con relación al papel del odontólogo cómo un ser integral en la promoción de la salud bucal, la prevención y la rehabilitación; algunos saberes previos y asociaciones con la caries dental, una percepción muy positiva ante la consulta odontológica y buena autoestima ante sus dientes. En cuanto a sus prácticas; los escolares han recibido instrucción en salud bucal tanto por el personal odontológico como de su familia y utilizan los elementos básicos para su higiene. También reconocen elementos informativos y comunicativos en el consultorio odontológico y en menor medida en la institución educativa; resaltan como importante para impartir mensajes en salud bucal a través de la charla con el odontólogo y manifiestan ciertos gustos y preferencias con medios de comunicación y publicidad en la radio, la televisión y otros. Esta información permitió el diseño de estrategias para campañas de promoción de la salud bucal, donde se tuvieron en cuenta otras disciplinas como la comunicación, la psicología y el mercadeo social como alternativas para contribuir al posicionamiento de la salud bucal en la población estudiada. Así, se constituye un marco de referencia para futuros proyectos de intervención en poblaciones específicas que involucren alto componente educativo y comunicativo

    Supporting tech founders—a needs‑must approach to the delivery of acceleration programmes for a post‑pandemic world

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    Along with most economic sectors, the COVID-19 crisis has had a strong impact on start-up accelerators, forcing them to seek urgent and imaginative solutions to quickly adapt to a new environment. The enforced change brought challenges that have been exacerbated by the sudden slowdown in economic activity. Despite these difficulties, it has become clear that the accelerated digital transformation that emerged through a needs-must approach to engage with start-ups through remote means has also presented new opportunities for accelerators to improve their programmes. This article analyses the impact of the COVID crisis on the organisation and results obtained by a European accelerator, which delivers programmes for growth stage technology start-ups. For this purpose, two very similar programmes have been analysed and compared: one focused on industrial technologies (delivered in 2019–2020) and another one focused on products and services built on space technologies (2020–2021). The research has been undertaken using observational techniques, reinforced through the collection of primary and secondary data throughout the study duration. The result of the analysis point to a possible post-COVID accelerator model that blends online and remote delivery as a new way of improving the experience of start-ups and optimising the use of scarce resourcesThis work has been partially funded by the European Commission under the project “Space End: Endeavour Space Hub” (GA #870480)

    Benchmarking of meteorological indices for sky cloudiness classification

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    Sky classification is a complex problem, due in part to such abstract conceptual definitions as clear, intermediate, and overcast, as well as other intermediate ranges. The CIE (Commission Internationale de L’Éclairage) Standard classification offers a solution to this problem, although its application requires data on the luminance distribution of the whole sky that are less commonly available. A benchmarking and classification system of ten meteorological indices is introduced in this study to classify the sky types from overcast to clear. The indices can be calculated from measurements of global, diffuse, and direct irradiance that are widely available from meteorological ground stations. The classification system uses confusion matrices, a machine-learning tool that generates a visual display of the results of supervised-learning algorithms. The CIE Standard skies classification, applied to half hourly sky-scanner measurements in Burgos (Spain), over the period June 2016 - May 2017, is used in this study as a baseline reference for a comparative review of the results from the meteorological indices and their results. They are classified by four performance ratings: Accuracy, Jaccard, Cohen, and Matthews, which feature both classification similarity and the randomness of any agreement. All meteorological indices yielded a high average degree of accuracy - close to 80% - in a detailed review of their classification. Neverthless, the results suggested that Perez’s Clearness Index based on global, diffuse and direct radiation measurements offered the most precise classification of the skies, followed closely by the Klucher Clearness Index and the Perraudeau Nebulosity Index.Regional Government of Castilla y León under the “Support Program for Recognized Research Groups of Public Universities of Castilla y León” (ORDEN EDU/667/2019) and the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation & Universities under the I + D + i state programme “Challenges Research Projects” (Ref. RTI2018-098900-B-I00