19 research outputs found

    Występowanie zjawiska pracoholizmu wśród pielęgniarek. Badania wstępne

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    Workaholism is the most socially accepted addiction in modern society. The aim of study was to investigate the workaholism among professional nurses, depending on age, education, work experience, number of children, and place of employment. The study was conducted in 2012. Robinson's WART scale in its polish adaptation by Wojdyło was used in the study to measure the addiction percentage. The study results showed that 18.69% of nurses are workaholics. High absorption with work is most common between people between 35-45 years of age, displaying the need of achieving an appropriate professional position and its prestige. Nurses with work experience of 20 or more years represent higher commitment to their profession. Persons with children have are more susceptible to becoming workaholic. Nurses working on preservative branches are more susceptible to the appearance of workaholism than those working on children and treatment wards. Above dissertations are inducing more distant exploration of the workaholism phenomenom in the occupational group of nurses through the prism of other variables.Pracoholizm jest najbardziej akceptowanym społecznie uzależnieniem współczesnego społeczeństwa. Celem badań było określenie wystąpienia zjawiska pracoholizmu w grupie zawodowej pielęgniarek w zależności od wieku, wykształcenia, stażu pracy, liczby posiadanych dzieci i miejsca zatrudnienia. W badaniach przeprowadzonych w 2012 roku zastosowano skalę WART Robinsona w polskiej adaptacji dokonanej przez Wojdyło. Z badań wynika że 18,69% pielęgniarek to pracoholicy. Wysokie zaabsorbowanie pracą dotyczy grupy wiekowej pomiędzy 35-45 rokiem życia, przejawiającej potrzebę zdobycia odpowiedniej pozycji zawodowej i prestiżu. Badane z ponad 20-letnim stażem pracy w zawodzie wykazują większe zaangażowanie w pracę. Osoby, które mają dzieci, są bardziej narażone na wystąpienie tego zjawiska. Pielęgniarki pracujące na oddziałach zachowawczych są częściej uzależnione od pracy niż osoby pracujące na oddziałach dziecięcych i zabiegowych. Powyższe rozważania skłaniają do dalszej eksploracji zjawiska pracoholizmu w grupie zawodowej pielęgniarek przez pryzmat innych zmiennych

    Identification of physical occupational hazards and proposals for preventive measures at the warehouse keeper's workplace

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    Warehouse keeper is a person responsible in the workplace for receiving goods into the warehouse, storing stored goods, maintaining the identification system adopted and picking and releasing goods from the warehouse. At the time of receipt of goods, he makes a quantitative and qualitative acceptance. It then ensures appropriate storage conditions for the given type of goods and decides on the location of the goods in the storage rooms. The stored goods protect against damage, spoilage, destruction and theft. He is financially responsible for the goods and resources entrusted to him. Depending on the type of goods stored, the conditions prevailing in storage rooms may be onerous (open, closed, above-ground or underground rooms, heated or cooled, ventilated or humidified, etc. ). The warehouse keeper usually works in one-shift system, but sometimes the nature of the company requires work in shifts, day and night, on public holidays. A warehouse keeper is exposed to a wide range of occupational hazards, from physical, chemical, biological and psychosocial. The aim of this work is to identify physical occupational hazards and to propose preventive measures at the warehouse keeper's workplace

    Characteristics of selected methods of risk assessment

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    The risk assessment forms the basis for the employer's use of work organisation and the creation of workplaces to protect employees against accident risks and the impact of harmful and disruptive factors. Risk assessment is also the basis for the identification and elimination by the employer of risks to the health and life of workers through the use of appropriate technologies, equipment, materials and substances that do not cause such risks. In cases where it is not possible to reduce the risk by this route, the employer is obliged to apply appropriate collective protection measures and, as a last resort, personal protective equipment. If significant changes are introduced, the occupational risks associated with the new risks must be assessed. Each time new machinery is purchased, new substances or technologies are introduced which may give rise to new risks, the risks involved must be reassessed. The aim of this work is to characterise the selected methods by which a comprehensive risk assessment can be carried out at the workplace

    Identification of physical occupational hazards and proposals for preventive measures at the warehouse keeper's workplace

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    Kowalczyk Anna, Chodoła Izabela, Kulczycka Kinga, Stychno Ewa. Identification of physical occupational hazards and proposals for preventive measures at the warehouse keeper's workplace. Journal of Education, Health and Sport. 2018;8(9):1715-1725. eISNN 2391-8306. DOI http://dx.doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.1438839 http://ojs.ukw.edu.pl/index.php/johs/article/view/6136 https://pbn.nauka.gov.pl/sedno-webapp/works/879949 The journal has had 7 points in Ministry of Science and Higher Education parametric evaluation. Part b item 1223 (26/01/2017). 1223 Journal of Education, Health and Sport eissn 2391-8306 7 © The Authors 2018; This article is published with open access at Licensee Open Journal Systems of Kazimierz Wielki University in Bydgoszcz, Poland Open Access. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial License which permits any noncommercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author (s) and source are credited. This is an open access article licensed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non commercial license Share alike. (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/) which permits unrestricted, non commercial use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the work is properly cited. The authors declare that there is no conflict of interests regarding the publication of this paper. Received: 04.09.2018. Revised: 20.09.2018. Accepted: 20.09.2018. Identification of physical occupational hazards and proposals for preventive measures at the warehouse keeper's workplace Anna Kowalczyk1, Izabela Chodoła2, Kinga Kulczycka3, Ewa Stychno3 1 Wydział Lekarski i Nauk o Zdrowiu, Uniwersytet Jana Kochanowskiego w Kielcach 2Studentka na kierunku Zarządzanie i Inżynieria Produkcji, Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy w Lublinie 3 Katedra i Zakład Zarządzania w Pielęgniarstwie, Uniwersytet Medyczny w Lublinie Adres do korespondencji / Address for correspondence mgr inż. Anna Kowalczyk e-mail: [email protected] ORCID ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4732-3934 SUMMARY Warehouse keeper is a person responsible in the workplace for receiving goods into the warehouse, storing stored goods, maintaining the identification system adopted and picking and releasing goods from the warehouse. At the time of receipt of goods, he makes a quantitative and qualitative acceptance. It then ensures appropriate storage conditions for the given type of goods and decides on the location of the goods in the storage rooms. The stored goods protect against damage, spoilage, destruction and theft. He is financially responsible for the goods and resources entrusted to him. Depending on the type of goods stored, the conditions prevailing in storage rooms may be onerous (open, closed, above-ground or underground rooms, heated or cooled, ventilated or humidified, etc. ). The warehouse keeper usually works in one-shift system, but sometimes the nature of the company requires work in shifts, day and night, on public holidays. A warehouse keeper is exposed to a wide range of occupational hazards, from physical, chemical, biological and psychosocial. The aim of this work is to identify physical occupational hazards and to propose preventive measures at the warehouse keeper's workplace. Keywords: occupational hazards, occupational risk assessment, occupational risk management

    Pracoholizm w kategoriach deprecjacji pracy pielęgniarki. Wybrane aspekty = Workaholism in categories of nurses’ work depreciation. Chosen aspects

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    Stychno Ewa, Kulczycka Kinga. Pracoholizm w kategoriach deprecjacji pracy pielęgniarki. Wybrane aspekty = Workaholism in categories of nurses’ work depreciation. Chosen aspects. Journal of Education, Health and Sport. 2016;6(10):11-21. eISSN 2391-8306. DOI http://dx.doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.159507http://ojs.ukw.edu.pl/index.php/johs/article/view/3920   The journal has had 7 points in Ministry of Science and Higher Education parametric evaluation. Part B item 755 (23.12.2015).755 Journal of Education, Health and Sport eISSN 2391-8306 7© The Author (s) 2016;This article is published with open access at Licensee Open Journal Systems of Kazimierz Wielki University in Bydgoszcz, PolandOpen Access. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial License which permits any noncommercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium,provided the original author(s) and source are credited. This is an open access article licensed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial License(http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/) which permits unrestricted, non commercial use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the work is properly cited.This is an open access article licensed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/) which permits unrestricted, non commercialuse, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the work is properly cited.The authors declare that there is no conflict of interests regarding the publication of this paper.Received: 02.09.2016. Revised 24.09.2016. Accepted: 07.10.2016.   Pracoholizm w kategoriach deprecjacji pracy pielęgniarki. Wybrane aspektyWorkaholism in categories of nurses’ work depreciation. Chosen aspects Stychno Ewa, Kulczycka Kinga Katedra i Zakład Zarządzania w Pielęgniarstwie, Wydział Nauk o Zdrowiu UM w LublinieChair and Department of Management in Nursing Faculty Health Sciences Medical University of Lublin   Słowa kluczowe: pielęgniarki, pracoholizm, stres, wypalenie zawodoweKeys words: nurses, workaholism, stress, occupational burnout syndrome   StreszczeniePracoholizm jest zjawiskiem badanym przede wszystkim przez psychologów, którzy koncentrują się na relacjach pracoholika z bliskimi mu osobami. Ale skutki tego uzależnienia ujawniają się także w funkcjonowaniu pielęgniarki w środowisku pracy. Pielęgniarstwo należy do zawodów, w których ciągły stres jest nieodłącznym aspektem, wynikającym z natury pracy. Niewłaściwe radzenie sobie ze stresem w sytuacjach trudnych prowadzi do powstania zespołu wypalenia zawodowego. Dlatego zagadnienie to powinno stanowić obszar poszukiwań badawczych także dla kadry zarządzającej kapitałem ludzkim.Cel pracyCelem niniejszego opracowania jest omówienie pracoholizmu i jego negatywnych skutków (stres i wypalenie zawodowe) w kategoriach deprecjacji pracy pielęgniarki.Pracoholizm zaburza równowagę pomiędzy pracą zawodową a życiem prywatnym. Ograniczeniu ulega zaangażowanie pracownika w życie rodzinne, brakuje czasu na realizację własnych zainteresowań. Sytuacja taka powoduje stres i zjawisko wypalenia zawodowego, a w także negatywne konsekwencje dla jednostki, jak i jej najbliższego otoczenia. Narastające trudności związane z wykonywaną pracą, stała rywalizacja, niepewność zatrudnienia będą potęgowały negatywny aspekt pracoholizmu i osłabiały mechanizmy przystosowawcze.  WnioskiKonieczne jest uświadomienie sobie przez kadrę zarządzającą faktu, iż pracownicy - pracoholicy nie przynoszą organizacji tylu korzyści, co pracownicy posiadający umiejętność panowania nad własnym życiem, pracą i rodziną. SummaryWorkaholism is a phenomenon researched mostly by psychologists, whom focalize on the workaholic’s relations with his relatives. Nursing is one professions in which stress is irreplaceable and is a result of the nature of the profession itself. Inappropriate dealing with stress leads to developing the burnout syndrome. Yet this addiction has a negative influence on workaholic’s actions in his work environment. Therefore this issue should be taken into an area of scientific research also by staff managers of human resources.Aim of studyThis study’s purpose is to research workaholism and its negative impact in categories of nurses’ work depreciation.       Workaholism disrupts the balance between professional work and personal life.The addict’s commitment to his family becomes severely limited, he lacks time for personal arrangements and interests.Such state of affairs causes further stress and burnout, which spreads over the individual’s relatives. Increasing difficulties related to performed work, constant state of competition, uncertainty of employment will be intensifying  the negative aspect of  workaholism and weakening adaptive mechanisms.ConclusionTherefore, it is vital for the management staff to realise that employees-workaholics do not benefit the company as much as employees with the ability to control their own lives, work and family

    Diagnosis of the physical strain at the truck operator's workstation

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    The occupation of a truck driver may involve excessive physical effort, long hours of sitting in a forced posture (uncomfortable seat) and exposure to prolonged general vibrations. As a result of this type of occupational exposure, pain in the musculoskeletal system may develop over a shorter or longer period of time. In order to counteract the adverse effects of strenuous physical activity, it is recommended to measure and reduce it to a safe level, as recommended by physiologists and ergonomists. The aim of this study is to assess the physical strain on the stand of a truck operator according to the Lehmann method

    Ergonomic workload and well-being of nurses working in shifts

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    Admission. Operating time is determinant of a healthy lifestyle. Shift work carries with it many negative health effects. Difficulties in adjusting to changing biological clock functioning day and night are the cause of stress and lack of tolerance by the body. Biological effects associated with the disorder are biological rhythms that contribute to sleep disorders. The aim of the study was to investigate health problems of nurses working in shifts resulting from nieergonomicznego workload.Findings. Nurses report the occurrence of many symptoms of discomfort associated with shift work, which are not due to report after medical advice. The workload is greater in the group performing professional activities in non-standard times. Being is worse in the group of nurses working in shifts.Conclusions Among the most common health problems, up to 63.5% of nurses declares chronic fatigue, 40.6% of cardiovascular problems, and 28.1% gastrointestinal disorders. Employees working in two shifts often have trouble sleeping, consisting of waking several times during the night, than who work in shift system. Physical activity and spending time with your family or loved ones reduces the frequency of problems. The vast majority (65.7%) of respondents among shift workers, occupational exposure has been associated with an accident or work

    Physiotherapists absorption of their professional work

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    Introduction Absorption of professional work is often perceived intuitively as a zeal for work. High preoccupation with work is referred to as workaholism. Spence and Robbins describe a workaholic as the person who „is highly engaged with work, feels obligated or forced to work because of internal pressure and feels less satisfied with work”. AimThe aim of the study was to evaluate physiotherapists' absorption of their professional work.Material and methodsTwo tools were used for the study: the Scale of Being Absorbed by Work – SZAP Golińska and Occupational Stress Scale PMI. The study was conducted in a group of 111 subjects (70 women, 41 men, aged 20-50)ResultsIt has been shown high level of work absorption concerned 15% of physiotherapists (17 persons) average level concerned 77% of respondents (86 persons), low level concerned7% of respondents (8 persons). Conclusions Workaholism, in the profession of physiotherapist, refers more often to men than to women. The most preoccupied are physiotherapists aged 31-40. High preoccupation negatively affects relationships with friends and family of physiotherapists. More preoccupied with work physiotherapists more often neglect their hobbies than less absorbed. With the increase in work absorption occupational stress is also increasing among physiotherapists in all aspects of stress (general stress, stress resulting from interpersonal and communication stress, work-house stress, work-related stress)

    Zaangażowanie w pracy pielęgniarek - przegląd badań

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    Work engagement and positive attitudes towards an organization are of significant importance to the functioning of employees. This article is devoted to a review of research into nursing work engagement. We reviewed publications available in the PUBMED database. For the purposes of this paper, engagement in work will be understood in accordance with Schaufeli and Bakker as a positive, fulfilling, work-related state of mind that is characterized by vigour, dedication, and absorption.Zaangażowanie w pracę i pozytywne postawy wobec organizacji mają istotne znaczenie dla funkcjonowania pracowników. Artykuł poświęcony jest przeglądowi badań dotyczących zaangażowania w pracę pielęgniarek. Przeglądu dokonano na podstawie publikacji zawartych w bazie Pubmed. Na potrzeby prowadzonych w prezentowanym artykule analiz, zaangażowanie w pracę rozumiane będzie zgodnie z koncepcją Schaufeliego i Bakkera jako pozytywny stan umysłu związany z pracą, charakteryzujący się wigorem, oddaniem się pracy i zaabsorbowaniem

    Characteristics of occupational hazards at the workplace of a nurse

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    The occupational exposure of nurses is very closely related to the specificity of the place where they carry out their work. Her workplace may be located in health centres, hospital halls, operating theatres, maternity wards, schools, nursing homes, hospices, sanatoriums, and if necessary also in the patient's home. The range of risks that can affect her health and well-being is therefore very wide. It is therefore necessary to identify them precisely and to analyse them thoroughly. The aim of this paper is to present and briefly characterize selected occupational hazards in the position of nurse. The risk of an accident is posed by hazards such as slippery surfaces, electricity, needles, sharp instruments, glass objects, hot appliances, gases and liquids, chemicals, compressed gas, heavy objects or dangerous patient behaviour. In addition to hazardous factors, nurses are also affected by harmful or disruptive factors that lead to illness or well-being. These include stress, shift work, mobbing, infectious material, latex, medicines including cytostatics, electromagnetic fields, UV radiation, ionizing, laser and infrared radiation, cold and hot microclimate, noise, vibrations. The workload of nurses is to a large extent also influenced by ergonomic factors, mainly many hours of work in a forced position and excessive physical effort associated with lifting patients. Each of these risks, if not addressed, not only has a negative health impact in the form of work-related diseases or accidents at work, but also reduces the effectiveness of nurses' work or is a cause of malfunction