495 research outputs found

    "Ibland sjunger de gÀrna med." En deskriptiv studie om Sfi-pedagogers uppfattningar av musik i Sfi-undervisning.

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    Metod Studiens kvantitativa del bestÄr av en enkÀtudersökning som besvarades av 141 informanter fördelade pÄ tio utbildningssamordnare i tre vÀstsvenska kommuner. MÄlgruppen var verksamma Sfi-pedagoger. Studiens kvalitativa del utgörs av en fenomenografisk vetenskaplig ansats, dÀr fokus varit pÄ pedagogers uppfattningar. Resutatet har sedemera tolkats med en hermeneutisk ansats. Resultat Studiens resultat visar att majoriteten av de deltagande informanterna anvÀnder sig av musik i sin Sfi- undervisning. SkÀlet till att pedagoger anvÀnder sig av musik Àr att musik upplevs lustfyllt av bÄde pedagoger och elever. Det som framkom i resultatet var att musik frÀmst anvÀnds i uttalsundervisning. SkÀlen till att pedagoger inte anvÀnder sig av musik i sin Sfi-undervisning Àr brist pÄ tid och metod. Betydelse för lÀraryrket För dem som redan anvÀnder sig av musik i Sfi-undervisning kan vÄra resultat ses som en bekrÀftelse pÄ det de gör. För dem som inte redan anvÀnder sig av musik kan vÄra resultat bli en inspirationskÀlla. Det vi efterstrÀvar som kan vara av betydelse för lÀraryrket, sÀrskilt inom Sfi, Àr att musik blir ett etablerat arbetssÀtt

    Tyrosine phosphorylation of Grb14 by Tie2

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Growth factor receptor bound (Grb) proteins 7, 10 and 14 are a family of structurally related multi-domain adaptor proteins involved in a variety of biological processes. Grb7, 10 and 14 are known to become serine and/or threonine phosphorylated in response to growth factor (GF) stimulation. Grb7 and 10 have also been shown to become tyrosine phosphorylated under certain conditions. Under experimental conditions Grb7 is tyrosine phosphorylated by the Tie2/Tie-2/Tek angiogenic receptor tyrosine kinase (RTK). Furthermore, Grb14 has also been shown to interact with Tie2, however tyrosine phosphorylation of this Grb family member has yet to be reported.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Here we report for the first time tyrosine phosphorylation of Grb14. This phosphorylation requires a kinase competent Tie2 as well as intact tyrosines 1100 and 1106 (Y1100 and Y1106) on the receptor. Furthermore, a complete SH2 domain on Grb14 is required for Grb14 tyrosine phosphorylation by Tie2. Grb14 was also able to become tyrosine phosphorylated in primary endothelial cells when treated with a soluble and potent variant of the Tie2 ligand, cartilage oligomeric matrix protein (COMP) Ang1.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Our results show that Grb14, like its family members Grb7 and Grb10, is able to be tyrosine phosphorylated. Furthermore, our data indicate a role for Grb14 in endothelial signaling downstream of the Tie2 receptor.</p

    Tuning a synthetic in vitro oscillator using control-theoretic tools

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    This paper demonstrates the effectiveness of simple control-theoretic tools in generating simulation-guided experiments on a synthetic in vitro oscillator. A theoretical analysis of the behavior of such system is motivated by high cost, time consuming experiments, together with the excessive number of tuning parameters. A simplified model of the synthetic oscillator is chosen to capture only its essential features. The model is analyzed using the small gain theorem and the theory of describing functions. Such analysis reveals what are the parameters that primarily determine when the system can admit stable oscillations. Experimental verification of the theoretical and numerical findings is carried out and confirms the predicted results regarding the role of production and degradation rates


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    The purpose of the thesis was to find if there is an interest for businesses in the cross-border municipalities, Ylitornio in Finnish Lapland and ÖvertorneĂ„ in Swedish Norrbotten, to create a cross-border Green Care Cluster and to find the challenges for it and also to recognise the opportunities that could improve the cross-border interaction. The region for research was chosen since it is the hometowns of the author. Green Care is a new concept in tourism and therefore scarce information about the topic is available. The main concept for Green Care is to increase physical and mental well-being through nature-based products and services. In this research Green Care was supported by sustainable tourism, well-being tourism and authenticity. Qualitative research methods were used in the thesis project, semi-structured interviews and also qualitative content analysis of the collected data. The interviews conducted were individual face-to-face interviews which took place in October 2013. Findings from the examined interviews expressed the desire from both countries businesses to increase the cooperation between the tourism actors. Yet, nothing has happened since there is no driving force to push it forward at the moment. Also the interest for a Green Care Cluster was grand between the actors. Everyone was interested in participating though two businesses felt their participation was not relevant at the moment but certainly in the near future. The interest to use coopetition as an approach in the cluster seemed positive however, with clear regulations in which areas cooperation or competition is used. As for the opportunities the municipalities may sponsor the cluster in the future for it to expand to the whole Torne Valley region

    Co-isolation of extracellular vesicles and high-density lipoproteins using density gradient ultracentrifugation

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    Extracellular vesicles (EVs) facilitate intercellular communication by carrying bioactive molecules such as proteins, messenger RNA, and micro (mi)RNAs. Recently, high-density lipoproteins (HDL) isolated from human plasma were also reported to transport miRNA to other cells. HDL, when isolated from human plasma, ranges in density between 1.063 and 1.21 g/mL, which grossly overlap with the reported density of EVs. Consequently, HDL and EV will be co-isolated when using density gradient ultracentrifugation. Thus, more stringent isolation/separation procedures of EV and HDL are essential to know their relative contribution to the pool of circulating bioactive molecules

    CO80 89. Estudio multicéntrico español de la capacidad predictiva de las escalas de riesgo CHADS2 y CHA2DS2vasc en el accidente cerebrovascular tras cirugía coronaria aislada

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    ObjetivosValidar las escalas de riesgo CHADS2 y CHA2DS-2VASC como modelos predictivos de desarrollo de accidente cerebrovascular (ACV) en cirugĂ­a coronaria aislada (CCA).Material y mĂ©todosPacientes consecutivos sometidos a CCA en 16 hospitales españoles. Excluidos casos con igual o mĂĄs de una variable/s incompleta/s. Puntuaciones CHADS2 y CHA2DS2VASC computadas para todos los pacientes, considerĂĄndose variable de resultado la apariciĂłn de ACV (ataque isquĂ©mico transitorio [AIT]/ictus) perioperatorio precoz (primer mes postoperatorio y/o alta hospitalaria). AnĂĄlisis uni y multivariante. La capacidad discriminativa fue cuantificada por el cĂĄlculo del ĂĄrea bajo la curva ROC (AUC).ResultadosVeinte mil novecientos ochenta pacientes incluidos, 282 desarrollaron ACV postoperatorio (1,34%). La incidencia de ACV fue superior en pacientes con insuficiencia cardĂ­aca congestiva (ICC) y/o fracciĂłn de eyecciĂłn inferior al 40% (4,10 vs 0,83%), diabĂ©ticos (1,70 vs 1,11%), hipertensos (1,60 vs 0,98%), ACV previo (2,72 vs 1,26%) y a enfermedad arterial perifĂ©rica (EAP) (3,04 vs 1,04%; p < 0,05). En el anĂĄlisis multivariante, ICCC (odds ratio [OR]: 4,06), ACV previo (OR: 1,48), EAP (OR: 1,49) constituyeron factores de riesgo independientes para el desarrollo de ACV postoperatorio (p < 0,05). El AUC para CHADS2 fue 0,666, y para CHA2DS2VASc 0,655 (p < 0,0001). La distribuciĂłn de las tasas de ACV postoperatorio segĂșn las puntuaciones de las anteriores escalas se recoge en la figura 1 (p < 0,0001). Figura 1Tasas de ACV postoperatorio en pacientes sometidos a CCA segĂșn puntuaciones de las escalas CHADS2 (gris) y CHA2DS2VASC (negro).ConclusionesLas escalas de riesgo CHADS2 y CHA2DS-2VASC pueden resultar Ăștiles en la prĂĄctica clĂ­nica para estratificar el riesgo de desarrollo de ACV postoperatorio en pacientes sometidos a CCA

    Closed-loop Prevention of Hypotension in the Heartbeating Brain-dead Porcine Model

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    Objective: The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate feasibility of a novel closed-loop controlled therapy for prevention of hypertension in the heartbeating brain-dead porcine model. Methods: Dynamic modeling and system identification were based on in-vivo data. A robust controller design was obtained for the identified models. Disturbance attenuation properties, and reliability of operation of the resulting control system, were evaluated in vivo. Results: The control system responded both predictably and consistently to external disturbances. It was possible to prevent mean arterial pressure to fall below a user-specified reference throughout 24 h of completely autonomous operation.Conclusion: Parameter variability in the identified models confirmed the benefit of closed-loop controlled administration of the proposed therapy. The evaluated robust controller was able to mitigate both process uncertainty and external disturbances. Significance: Prevention of hypertension is critical to the care of heartbeating brain-dead organ donors. Its automation would likely increase the fraction of organs suitable for transplantation from this patient group

    Reaching “an audience that you would never dream of speaking to”: influential public health researchers’ views on the role of news media in influencing policy and public understanding.

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    While governments and academic institutions urge researchers to engage with news media, traditional academic values of public disengagement have inhibited many from giving high priority to media activity. In this interview-based study, we report on the views about news media engagement and strategies used by 36 peer-voted leading Australian public health researchers in six fields. We consider their views about the role and importance of media in influencing policy; their reflections on effective or ineffective media communicators; and strategies used by these researchers about how to best retain their credibility and influence while engaging with the news media. A willingness and capacity to engage with the mass media was seen as an essential attribute of influential public health researchers.NHMR

    Reaching “an audience that you would never dream of speaking to”: influential public health researchers’ views on the role of news media in influencing policy and public understanding.

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    While governments and academic institutions urge researchers to engage with news media, traditional academic values of public disengagement have inhibited many from giving high priority to media activity. In this interview-based study, we report on the views about news media engagement and strategies used by 36 peer-voted leading Australian public health researchers in six fields. We consider their views about the role and importance of media in influencing policy; their reflections on effective or ineffective media communicators; and strategies used by these researchers about how to best retain their credibility and influence while engaging with the news media. A willingness and capacity to engage with the mass media was seen as an essential attribute of influential public health researchers.NHMR
