146 research outputs found

    Soundtrack recommendation for images

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    The drastic increase in production of multimedia content has emphasized the research concerning its organization and retrieval. In this thesis, we address the problem of music retrieval when a set of images is given as input query, i.e., the problem of soundtrack recommendation for images. The task at hand is to recommend appropriate music to be played during the presentation of a given set of query images. To tackle this problem, we formulate a hypothesis that the knowledge appropriate for the task is contained in publicly available contemporary movies. Our approach, Picasso, employs similarity search techniques inside the image and music domains, harvesting movies to form a link between the domains. To achieve a fair and unbiased comparison between different soundtrack recommendation approaches, we proposed an evaluation benchmark. The evaluation results are reported for Picasso and the baseline approach, using the proposed benchmark. We further address two efficiency aspects that arise from the Picasso approach. First, we investigate the problem of processing top-K queries with set-defined selections and propose an index structure that aims at minimizing the query answering latency. Second, we address the problem of similarity search in high-dimensional spaces and propose two enhancements to the Locality Sensitive Hashing (LSH) scheme. We also investigate the prospects of a distributed similarity search algorithm based on LSH using the MapReduce framework. Finally, we give an overview of the PicasSound|a smartphone application based on the Picasso approach.Der drastische Anstieg von verfügbaren Multimedia-Inhalten hat die Bedeutung der Forschung über deren Organisation sowie Suche innerhalb der Daten hervorgehoben. In dieser Doktorarbeit betrachten wir das Problem der Suche nach geeigneten Musikstücken als Hintergrundmusik für Diashows. Wir formulieren die Hypothese, dass die für das Problem erforderlichen Kenntnisse in öffentlich zugänglichen, zeitgenössischen Filmen enthalten sind. Unser Ansatz, Picasso, verwendet Techniken aus dem Bereich der Ähnlichkeitssuche innerhalb von Bild- und Musik-Domains, um basierend auf Filmszenen eine Verbindung zwischen beliebigen Bildern und Musikstücken zu lernen. Um einen fairen und unvoreingenommenen Vergleich zwischen verschiedenen Ansätzen zur Musikempfehlung zu erreichen, schlagen wir einen Bewertungs-Benchmark vor. Die Ergebnisse der Auswertung werden, anhand des vorgeschlagenen Benchmarks, für Picasso und einen weiteren, auf Emotionen basierenden Ansatz, vorgestellt. Zusätzlich behandeln wir zwei Effizienzaspekte, die sich aus dem Picasso Ansatz ergeben. (i) Wir untersuchen das Problem der Ausführung von top-K Anfragen, bei denen die Ergebnismenge ad-hoc auf eine kleine Teilmenge des gesamten Indexes eingeschränkt wird. (ii) Wir behandeln das Problem der Ähnlichkeitssuche in hochdimensionalen Räumen und schlagen zwei Erweiterungen des Lokalitätssensitiven Hashing (LSH) Schemas vor. Zusätzlich untersuchen wir die Erfolgsaussichten eines verteilten Algorithmus für die Ähnlichkeitssuche, der auf LSH unter Verwendung des MapReduce Frameworks basiert. Neben den vorgenannten wissenschaftlichen Ergebnissen beschreiben wir ferner das Design und die Implementierung von PicassSound, einer auf Picasso basierenden Smartphone-Anwendung

    Building and Maintaining Halls of Fame over a Database

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    Halls of Fame are fascinating constructs. They represent the elite of an often very large amount of entities---persons, companies, products, countries etc. Beyond their practical use as static rankings, changes to them are particularly interesting---for decision making processes, as input to common media or novel narrative science applications, or simply consumed by users. In this work, we aim at detecting events that can be characterized by changes to a Hall of Fame ranking in an automated way. We describe how the schema and data of a database can be used to generate Halls of Fame. In this database scenario, by Hall of Fame we refer to distinguished tuples; entities, whose characteristics set them apart from the majority. We define every Hall of Fame as one specific instance of an SQL query, such that a change in its result is considered a noteworthy event. Identified changes (i.e., events) are ranked using lexicographic tradeoffs over event and query properties and presented to users or fed in higher-level applications. We have implemented a full-fledged prototype system that uses either database triggers or a Java based middleware for event identification. We report on an experimental evaluation using a real-world dataset of basketball statistics

    Stress distribution as a cause of industrial steel chimney root section failure

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    Ovaj rad razmatra iniciranje otkaza korene sekcije industrijskog čeličnog dimnjaka visine 60 m. Prsline nastale u čeličnoj strukturi spoljašnjeg plašta dimnjaka značajno su uticale na integritet strukture. Izvršena je analitička i numerička analiza pojave prslina. Analiza metodom konačnih elemenata ukazala je na postojanje zona sa visokom koncentracijom napona. Identifikovane zone poklopile su se sa mestima na kojima je došlo do iniciranja prslina. Rezultati analize razjasnili su uzroke otkaza i omogućili izradu programa sanacije i dalje mere održavanja dimnjaka.This paper has studied failure initiation of the root section of 60 m tall industrial steel chimney. Cracks that occurred in steel wall of the wind shield have significantly influenced integrity of the structure. Analytical and numerical analysis of failure occurrence was performed. Location of extreme stress values in the steel structure were identified numerically by finite element method. Identified locations coincided with the location of the cracks initiation. The results of analysis identified causes of the failure initiation and allowed expression of the recommendation for root redesign and further maintenance procedures

    Stress distribution as a cause of industrial steel chimney root section failure

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    Ovaj rad razmatra iniciranje otkaza korene sekcije industrijskog čeličnog dimnjaka visine 60 m. Prsline nastale u čeličnoj strukturi spoljašnjeg plašta dimnjaka značajno su uticale na integritet strukture. Izvršena je analitička i numerička analiza pojave prslina. Analiza metodom konačnih elemenata ukazala je na postojanje zona sa visokom koncentracijom napona. Identifikovane zone poklopile su se sa mestima na kojima je došlo do iniciranja prslina. Rezultati analize razjasnili su uzroke otkaza i omogućili izradu programa sanacije i dalje mere održavanja dimnjaka.This paper has studied failure initiation of the root section of 60 m tall industrial steel chimney. Cracks that occurred in steel wall of the wind shield have significantly influenced integrity of the structure. Analytical and numerical analysis of failure occurrence was performed. Location of extreme stress values in the steel structure were identified numerically by finite element method. Identified locations coincided with the location of the cracks initiation. The results of analysis identified causes of the failure initiation and allowed expression of the recommendation for root redesign and further maintenance procedures

    Measurement and analysis of vibrations on the helicopter structure in order to detect defects of operating elements

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    U radu je prezentovan praktičan primer merenja i analize vibracija na helikopterskoj strukturi sa ciljem da se otkriju potencijalna oštećenja radnih elemenata. Sveobuhvatna metodologija merenja vibracija je predstavljena u ovom članku i sprovedena sa ciljem da se utvrdi ispravan rad rotirajućih komponenata. Poseban osvrt je dat na analizi uzdužnih i vertikalnih vibracija trupa helikoptera u frekventnom domenu za različite profile leta. Merenje i analiza vibracija na određenim lokacijama helikopterske strukture, rezultiralo je blagovremenim tehničkim pregledom odgovarajuće komponente i otkrivanjem njenog površinskog oštećenja. Praktična upotreba predložene metodologije merenja i analize je moguće implementirati na više vrsta letelica u cilju produženja životnog veka.A practical example of the measurement and analysis of vibrations on helicopter structures in order to detect defects on operating elements is presented in this paper. A comprehensive methodology of vibration testing is presented in this article and implemented in order to determine the correct operation of rotating components. A particular attention is given to the analysis of longitudinal and vertical vibrations on the helicopter fuselage in the frequency domain for different flight profiles. The vibration measurement and analysis on specific locations on a helicopter structure resulted in a timely technical review of a relevant component and a disclosure of the damage on its surface. The proposed methodology of measurement and analysis can be implemented on different types of aircraft in order to extend their life expectancy.

    Measurement and analysis of vibrations on the helicopter structure in order to detect defects of operating elements

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    U radu je prezentovan praktičan primer merenja i analize vibracija na helikopterskoj strukturi sa ciljem da se otkriju potencijalna oštećenja radnih elemenata. Sveobuhvatna metodologija merenja vibracija je predstavljena u ovom članku i sprovedena sa ciljem da se utvrdi ispravan rad rotirajućih komponenata. Poseban osvrt je dat na analizi uzdužnih i vertikalnih vibracija trupa helikoptera u frekventnom domenu za različite profile leta. Merenje i analiza vibracija na određenim lokacijama helikopterske strukture, rezultiralo je blagovremenim tehničkim pregledom odgovarajuće komponente i otkrivanjem njenog površinskog oštećenja. Praktična upotreba predložene metodologije merenja i analize je moguće implementirati na više vrsta letelica u cilju produženja životnog veka.A practical example of the measurement and analysis of vibrations on helicopter structures in order to detect defects on operating elements is presented in this paper. A comprehensive methodology of vibration testing is presented in this article and implemented in order to determine the correct operation of rotating components. A particular attention is given to the analysis of longitudinal and vertical vibrations on the helicopter fuselage in the frequency domain for different flight profiles. The vibration measurement and analysis on specific locations on a helicopter structure resulted in a timely technical review of a relevant component and a disclosure of the damage on its surface. The proposed methodology of measurement and analysis can be implemented on different types of aircraft in order to extend their life expectancy.

    Multi-objective fuzzy optimization of sizing and location of piezoelectric actuators and sensors

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    Ovaj rad predstavlja višeciljnu fazi optimizaciju veličine i položaja piezoelektričnih aktuatora i senzora na tankozidu kompozitnu gredu za aktivno upravljanje vibracija koristeći stepen upravljivosti (DC) kontrolisanih modova kao kriterijum optimizacije. Proces optimizacije je izvršen uz ograničenje promene prvobitnih dinamičkih karakteristika, uključujući ograničenje u porastu mase, upotrebljavajući ili zanemarujući ograničenja stepena upravljivosti rezidualnih modova za redukciju 'spillover' efekta. Pseudociljne funkcije izvedene na bazi teorije fazi skupova na jedinstven način definišu globalne funkcije cilja eliminišući upotrebu kaznenih funkcija. Problem je definisan upotrebom metode konačnih elemenata bazirane na 'TSD' teoriji. 'Particle Swarm' optimizacija je upotrebljena za nalaženje optimalne konfiguracije. Nekoliko numeričkih primera je prikazano za slučaj konzole.This paper presents the multi-objective fuzzy optimization of sizing and location of piezoelectric actuators and sensors on the thin-walled composite beam for active vibration control, using the degree of controllability (DC) for controlled modes as optimization criteria. The optimization process is performed constraining the original dynamics properties change including the limitation of increase of the mass, using or neglecting the limitation in degrees of controllability for residual modes for reduction spillover effect. Pseudogoal functions derived on the fuzzy set theory gives a unique expression for global objective functions eliminating the use of penalty functions. The problem is formulated using the finite element method based on the third-order shear deformation theory. The particle swarm optimization technique is used to find optimal configuration. Several numerical examples are presented for the cantilever beam

    Language Importance Score

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    A system and method are disclosed for classifying videos based on a Language Importance Score (LIS) indicating how important it is to understand a certain language to be able to understand a given video. The method extracts video features directly from the video after it has been uploaded rather than by analysing viewing patterns from logs. The level of LIS is classified as LOW, MID, or HIGH based on the degree of ease for a user to understand. Global/multilingual video platforms can use this system to optimize search to improve viewer experience effectively


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    A system and method are disclosed for classifying videos based on a Language Importance Score (LIS) indicating how important it is to understand a certain language to be able to understand a given video. The method extracts video features directly from the video after it has been uploaded rather than by analysing viewing patterns from logs. The level of LIS is classified as LOW, MID, or HIGH based on the degree of ease for a user to understand. Global/multilingual video platforms can use this system to optimize search to improve viewer experience effectively