28 research outputs found

    Gastric emptying after overnight fasting and clear fluid intake: a prospective investigation using serial magnetic resonance imaging in healthy children†

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    Background Current guidelines recommend preoperative fasting of 2 h for clear fluids, which is often exceeded in routine clinical practice. Existing data on residual gastric volumes in children do not consider fluid intake within <2 h and rely on the aspiration of gastric contents via a gastric tube. This study evaluated the emptying of clear fluids from the stomach using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Methods Healthy volunteers aged 6-14 years were asked to fast overnight. MRI scans to assess gastric volumes were obtained before and immediately after drinking 7 ml kg−1 of diluted raspberry syrup and then every 30 min up to 120 min. Volumes were determined by a blinded investigator and indexed gastric fluid/air volumes (GFVw/GAVw) and half-life (t1/2) of GFVw course after clear fluid intake were calculated. Results Sixteen children, median age 9.2 (range 6.4-12.8) years, were investigated. Median (range) GFVw was 0.62 (0.15-0.97) ml kg−1 before and 6.68 (4.77-7.78) ml kg−1 immediately after fluid intake, and 2.92 (0.43-5.04), 1.27 (0.28-3.62), 0.42 (0.07-2.49), and 0.32 (0.04-1.13) ml kg−1 30, 60, 90, and 120 min thereafter. Median GFVw declined exponentially (t1/2=26.1 min). Median individual t1/2 was 23.6 (range 17.9-47.8) min. GAVw showed considerable intra- and inter-individual variation. Conclusions In healthy school children, gastric emptying after ingestion of clear fluid occurs with a median half-life time of <30 min but with considerable inter-individual variatio

    Implications of early respiratory support strategies on disease progression in critical COVID-19: a matched subanalysis of the prospective RISC-19-ICU cohort.

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    Uncertainty about the optimal respiratory support strategies in critically ill COVID-19 patients is widespread. While the risks and benefits of noninvasive techniques versus early invasive mechanical ventilation (IMV) are intensely debated, actual evidence is lacking. We sought to assess the risks and benefits of different respiratory support strategies, employed in intensive care units during the first months of the COVID-19 pandemic on intubation and intensive care unit (ICU) mortality rates. Subanalysis of a prospective, multinational registry of critically ill COVID-19 patients. Patients were subclassified into standard oxygen therapy ≄10 L/min (SOT), high-flow oxygen therapy (HFNC), noninvasive positive-pressure ventilation (NIV), and early IMV, according to the respiratory support strategy employed at the day of admission to ICU. Propensity score matching was performed to ensure comparability between groups. Initially, 1421 patients were assessed for possible study inclusion. Of these, 351 patients (85 SOT, 87 HFNC, 87 NIV, and 92 IMV) remained eligible for full analysis after propensity score matching. 55% of patients initially receiving noninvasive respiratory support required IMV. The intubation rate was lower in patients initially ventilated with HFNC and NIV compared to those who received SOT (SOT: 64%, HFNC: 52%, NIV: 49%, p = 0.025). Compared to the other respiratory support strategies, NIV was associated with a higher overall ICU mortality (SOT: 18%, HFNC: 20%, NIV: 37%, IMV: 25%, p = 0.016). In this cohort of critically ill patients with COVID-19, a trial of HFNC appeared to be the most balanced initial respiratory support strategy, given the reduced intubation rate and comparable ICU mortality rate. Nonetheless, considering the uncertainty and stress associated with the COVID-19 pandemic, SOT and early IMV represented safe initial respiratory support strategies. The presented findings, in agreement with classic ARDS literature, suggest that NIV should be avoided whenever possible due to the elevated ICU mortality risk

    Dynamics of disease characteristics and clinical management of critically ill COVID-19 patients over the time course of the pandemic: an analysis of the prospective, international, multicentre RISC-19-ICU registry.

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    BACKGROUND It remains elusive how the characteristics, the course of disease, the clinical management and the outcomes of critically ill COVID-19 patients admitted to intensive care units (ICU) worldwide have changed over the course of the pandemic. METHODS Prospective, observational registry constituted by 90 ICUs across 22 countries worldwide including patients with a laboratory-confirmed, critical presentation of COVID-19 requiring advanced organ support. Hierarchical, generalized linear mixed-effect models accounting for hospital and country variability were employed to analyse the continuous evolution of the studied variables over the pandemic. RESULTS Four thousand forty-one patients were included from March 2020 to September 2021. Over this period, the age of the admitted patients (62 [95% CI 60-63] years vs 64 [62-66] years, p < 0.001) and the severity of organ dysfunction at ICU admission decreased (Sequential Organ Failure Assessment 8.2 [7.6-9.0] vs 5.8 [5.3-6.4], p < 0.001) and increased, while more female patients (26 [23-29]% vs 41 [35-48]%, p < 0.001) were admitted. The time span between symptom onset and hospitalization as well as ICU admission became longer later in the pandemic (6.7 [6.2-7.2| days vs 9.7 [8.9-10.5] days, p < 0.001). The PaO2/FiO2 at admission was lower (132 [123-141] mmHg vs 101 [91-113] mmHg, p < 0.001) but showed faster improvements over the initial 5 days of ICU stay in late 2021 compared to early 2020 (34 [20-48] mmHg vs 70 [41-100] mmHg, p = 0.05). The number of patients treated with steroids and tocilizumab increased, while the use of therapeutic anticoagulation presented an inverse U-shaped behaviour over the course of the pandemic. The proportion of patients treated with high-flow oxygen (5 [4-7]% vs 20 [14-29], p < 0.001) and non-invasive mechanical ventilation (14 [11-18]% vs 24 [17-33]%, p < 0.001) throughout the pandemic increased concomitant to a decrease in invasive mechanical ventilation (82 [76-86]% vs 74 [64-82]%, p < 0.001). The ICU mortality (23 [19-26]% vs 17 [12-25]%, p < 0.001) and length of stay (14 [13-16] days vs 11 [10-13] days, p < 0.001) decreased over 19 months of the pandemic. CONCLUSION Characteristics and disease course of critically ill COVID-19 patients have continuously evolved, concomitant to the clinical management, throughout the pandemic leading to a younger, less severely ill ICU population with distinctly different clinical, pulmonary and inflammatory presentations than at the onset of the pandemic

    Gastric emptying after overnight fasting and clear fluid intake: a prospective investigation using serial magnetic resonance imaging in healthy children

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    BACKGROUND: Current guidelines recommend preoperative fasting of 2 h for clear fluids, which is often exceeded in routine clinical practice. Existing data on residual gastric volumes in children do not consider fluid intake within <2 h and rely on the aspiration of gastric contents via a gastric tube. This study evaluated the emptying of clear fluids from the stomach using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). METHODS: Healthy volunteers aged 6-14 years were asked to fast overnight. MRI scans to assess gastric volumes were obtained before and immediately after drinking 7 ml kg(-1) of diluted raspberry syrup and then every 30 min up to 120 min. Volumes were determined by a blinded investigator and indexed gastric fluid/air volumes (GFV(w)/GAV(w)) and half-life (t(1/2)) of GFV(w) course after clear fluid intake were calculated. RESULTS: Sixteen children, median age 9.2 (range 6.4-12.8) years, were investigated. Median (range) GFV(w) was 0.62 (0.15-0.97) ml kg(-1) before and 6.68 (4.77-7.78) ml kg(-1) immediately after fluid intake, and 2.92 (0.43-5.04), 1.27 (0.28-3.62), 0.42 (0.07-2.49), and 0.32 (0.04-1.13) ml kg(-1) 30, 60, 90, and 120 min thereafter. Median GFV(w) declined exponentially (t(1/2)=26.1 min). Median individual t(1/2) was 23.6 (range 17.9-47.8) min. GAV(w) showed considerable intra- and inter-individual variation. CONCLUSIONS: In healthy school children, gastric emptying after ingestion of clear fluid occurs with a median half-life time of <30 min but with considerable inter-individual variation


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    The supports of a overhead wiring used in transport take up substantial loads both because of wires and constructions holding them and wind, dynamic and other extraordinary impacts. In case of using single-member piles a question about their stability appears. For this reason different sleepers constructions are used. In order to improve the bearing capacity of horizontally loaded single pile supports of the contact systems used in urban, road and rail transport, power lines, etc.., it is recommended to use sleepers as horizontally laid under the ground in the depth of support beams. The calculation methods for different support sleepers of different lengths and cross sections are not well investigated. The proposed calculation method allows determining the carrying capacity of horizontally loaded bearings with soil pieces of different structural dimensions and their location in the soil, which allows choosing the best option for cost and material consumption. The calculations offered by the authors prove the efficiency of sleepers use in order to increase the bearing capacity of horizontally loaded piles and the possibility to chose their size

    Rilevamento automatico di Cydia Pomonella (L.) nella difesa integrata

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    La Cydia pomonella (L.), nota come carpocapsa, rappresenta nella melicoltura italiana il fitofago principale e la sua elevata dannosit\ue0 alle produzioni richiede una gestione fitosanitaria sempre pi\uf9 attenta all\u2019efficacia dell\u2019intervento ed ai problemi dell\u2019ambiente. Tra le strategie di difesa attuate negli anni, la lotta integrata rappresenta una delle pratiche pi\uf9 diffuse in Italia ed \ue8 attuata mediante il campionamento dell\u2019insetto con trappole sessuali monitorate periodicamente dall\u2019uomo. L\u2019obiettivo del presente lavoro \ue8 stato quello di sviluppare un sistema elettronico che, associato alle classiche trappole a feromoni utilizzate per il monitoraggio dello sfarfallamento della carpocapsa, consenta di identificare in modo automatico ed in tempo reale la presenza del fitofago

    Fasting times and gastric contents volume in children undergoing deep propofol sedation--an assessment using magnetic resonance imaging

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    Aim:  To investigate the effect of fasting times for clear fluids and solids/non-clear fluids on gastric content volume using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Methods:  Pediatric patients undergoing diagnostic MRI under deep propofol sedation, with the stomach located within the area of diagnostic study, were included in this clinical observational study. According to standard institutional guidelines, children were allowed to eat/drink until 4 h and to drink clear fluids until 2 h before scheduled induction time of anesthesia. Gastric content volume per kg body weight (GCVw) was determined using MRI and compared with actual fasting times prior to induction. Results:  Overall 68 patients aged from 0.3 to 19.6 (2.8) years were investigated. Fasting time for clear fluids ranged from 1.1 to 15.5 (5.5) h, for non-clear fluids/solids from 4.0 to 20.2 (6.7) h. GCVw ranged from 0.2 to 6.3 (0.75) ml·kg−1 and showed no significant negative correlation to fasting times for clear fluids (r = −0.07, P = 0.60) and non-clear fluids/solids (r = −0.08, P = 0.51). Conclusions:  Based on this preliminary data, GCVw showed considerable variation but did not correlate with fasting times in children and adolescent patients. Recommended fasting times were often exceeded