225 research outputs found

    Some thoughts on the life story method in labour history and research on rural women

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    SUMMARY Some social scientists see life?story interviews as the best method to obtain answers to normative and unquantitiable questions, expecially in women's research in this article a historian draws on her own research experience on the Cuban tobacco industry to show how life stories when used sensitively, can be an invaluable methodological tool. RESUMEN Algunas reflexiones sobre el mĂ©todo de historia de vida en la historĂ­a laboral e investigacion sobre las mujeres rurales Diversos cientistas sociales consideran las entrevistas de historia de vida como el mejor mĂ©todo para despejar incĂłgnitas normativas e incuantificables, especialmente en la investigaciĂłn sobre las mujeres. En este articulo, una historĂ­adora utiliza su propia experiencia de investigaciĂłn en la industria cubana del tabaco para demostrar que la historia de vida pueda constituir un instrumento mitodolĂłgico invalorable cuando se usa con sensibilidad. RESUMES Quelques pensĂ©es sur la mĂ©thode autobiographique dans l'histoire de la main d'oeuvre et la recherche sur les paysannes Quelques sociologues considĂ©rent les Ă­nterviews autobiographiques comme les meilleures mĂ©thodes pour obtenir les rĂ©ponses de questions normatives et non determinĂ©es, surtout dans la recherche qui concerne les femmes. Dans cet article une historienne se sert de sa propre expĂ©rience de recherche sur l'Ă­ndustrie du tabac Ă  Cuba pour montrer comment les interviews autobĂ­ographiques lorsqu'elles sont utilisĂ©es efficacement, peuvent ĂȘtre outil de mĂ©thodologĂ­e de trĂšs grande valeur

    Beyond the Black Atlantic:: Understanding Race, Gender and Labour in the Global Havana Cigar

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    Aus historischer Perspektive lĂ€sst sich die Karibik nicht nur als Teil einer Atlantischen, sondern darĂŒber hinaus einer globalen Welt verstehen. Im Zuge der kolonialen Expansion zirkulierten zwischen den als East und West Indies bezeichneten Regionen, GĂŒter, Menschen und Ideen. Im 19. Jahrhundert war Kuba ein Knotenpunkt innerhalb der so entstandenen Netzwerke, und die kubanische Zigarre etablierte sich als globales Luxusprodukt. In vielen Teilen der Welt begehrt und nachgeahmt, wurde El Habano zu einem mythenumgebenen HerzstĂŒck transnationaler Produktions- und Handlungsprozesse: industrielles und agrikulturelles Wissen, Saatgut sowie menschliche ArbeitskrĂ€fte wanderten zwischen den verschiedenen Regionen umher. Der Artikel verfolgt die grenzĂŒberschreitenden Wege und Mythen von El Habano vom 19. bis ins 21. Jahrhundert und nimmt verschiedenen StĂ€tten der Produktion in Kuba, Florida, Connecticut sowie Indonesien in den Blick

    Le pouvoir des plus faibles : L’anase et le projet de coopĂ©ration rĂ©gionale en Asie de l’Est

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    Les projets de coopĂ©ration rĂ©gionale sont gĂ©nĂ©ralement menĂ©s par des puissances rĂ©gionales, exception faite de l’anase qui, Ă  l’inverse, se situe devant le Japon et la RĂ©publique populaire de Chine comme promoteur actuel du rĂ©gionalisme. InspirĂ©es de l’expĂ©rience europĂ©enne, les principales thĂ©ories sur la coopĂ©ration rĂ©gionale sont d’une utilitĂ© limitĂ©e pour comprendre le succĂšs des États faibles de l’anase. Une perspective institutionnaliste fondĂ©e sur une ontologie constructiviste sera privilĂ©giĂ©e afin de dĂ©montrer que le rĂŽle central de l’anase dans les initiatives rĂ©gionales en Asie de l’Est est maintenu en raison de perceptions spĂ©cifiques de ses États membres. Ces derniers associent leur propre succĂšs Ă©conomique Ă  l’expansion des normes et pratiques de l’anase, notamment par crainte d’ĂȘtre subordonnĂ©s politiquement et Ă©conomiquement aux intĂ©rĂȘts des puissances rĂ©gionales.In each of the world’s major regional groupings the regionalism project has been promoted and shaped by the area’s major powers. However, in East Asia, the asean members, rather than Japan or the People’s Republic of China, have been at the heart of attempts to advance the cause of regionalism. Theories of European integration are of limited help in exploring why the relatively weak members of the East Asian region have been so successful in steering the regionalism project. By fusing an institutionalist approach embedded in a constructivist ontology, the argument is that asean’s central role in regional initiatives comes from the association by member states of their national economic success with the expansion of their collective norms and practices in East Asia. Moreover, the member states’ will comes from a fear of political and economic subordination to the region’s major powers

    Osteoarthritis increases the risk of cardiovascular disease: Data from the osteoarthritis initiative

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    Objective: Although osteoarthritis (OA) is a common condition in older adults, the role of OA in increasing cardiovascular disease (CVD) incidence is still debated. The aim of this study was to investigate the association between OA and the onset of CVD in a large database of American adults. Design: Longitudinal. Setting: Community-dwelling. Participants: People with OA or at high risk of OA. Measurements:. Osteoarthritis was defined as the presence of OA of the hand, knee, hip, back/neck or of other sites. CVD was defined as self-reported presence of heart attack, heart failure, stroke and other cerebral atherosclerotic conditions, and peripheral artery disease. Results: A total 4,265 persons without CVD (mean age=60.8 years, females=59.2%) at baseline were analyzed (1,775 with OA versus 2,490 without). Over a mean of 8.2 years, according to an adjusted Cox’s regression analysis for 11 potential baseline confounders, study participants with OA of any joint had a significantly higher risk of developing CVD compared to those without OA (Hazard ratio (HR): =1.27; 95% CI: 1.03-1.56). The presence of hand OA was associated with a higher risk of developing CVD (HR=1.31; 95%CI: 1.01-1.68) with respect to those who had no OA. Knee, hip and back/neck OA did not, instead, increase the risk of developing CVD. The association between OA and CVD was significant in the women, but not in the men. Conclusions: OA, in particular, when it affects the hand and is found in women, was associated with a higher risk of developing CVD

    Prospectus, July 12, 1988

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    UIDB/04666/2020 UIDP/04666/2020El trasfondo general de este dossier es contribuir al estudio del papel del tabaco en la integración del sistema atlåntico del tabaco ibérico. Queremos recalcar, desde un principio, tanto la importancia comercial y cultural del tabaco, como la trascendencia fiscal de este producto en la construcción del Estado moderno, papel que se mantiene con una nueva formulación durante el siglo XIX. El tabaco tiene una gran trascendencia social, en consecuencia, en la historia de la humanidad desde una perspectiva global. En el marco de los imperios ibéricos, se produjo a través de esta solanåcea una conexión de ida y vuelta entre Europa-América-África e, incluso, Asia, sin olvidarnos de sus respectivos archipiélagos.publishersversionpublishe

    A cryogenic liquid-mirror telescope on the moon to study the early universe

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    We have studied the feasibility and scientific potential of zenith observing liquid mirror telescopes having 20 to 100 m diameters located on the moon. They would carry out deep infrared surveys to study the distant universe and follow up discoveries made with the 6 m James Webb Space Telescope (JWST), with more detailed images and spectroscopic studies. They could detect objects 100 times fainter than JWST, observing the first, high-red shift stars in the early universe and their assembly into galaxies. We explored the scientific opportunities, key technologies and optimum location of such telescopes. We have demonstrated critical technologies. For example, the primary mirror would necessitate a high-reflectivity liquid that does not evaporate in the lunar vacuum and remains liquid at less than 100K: We have made a crucial demonstration by successfully coating an ionic liquid that has negligible vapor pressure. We also successfully experimented with a liquid mirror spinning on a superconducting bearing, as will be needed for the cryogenic, vacuum environment of the telescope. We have investigated issues related to lunar locations, concluding that locations within a few km of a pole are ideal for deep sky cover and long integration times. We have located ridges and crater rims within 0.5 degrees of the North Pole that are illuminated for at least some sun angles during lunar winter, providing power and temperature control. We also have identified potential problems, like lunar dust. Issues raised by our preliminary study demand additional in-depth analyses. These issues must be fully examined as part of a scientific debate we hope to start with the present article.Comment: 35 pages, 11 figures. To appear in Astrophysical Journal June 20 200

    Testing the causal relationships of physical activity and sedentary behaviour with mental health and substance use disorders: a Mendelian randomisation study

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    Observational studies suggest that physical activity can reduce the risk of mental health and substance use disorders. However, it is unclear whether this relationship is causal or explained by confounding bias (e.g., common underlying causes or reverse causality). We investigated the bidirectional causal relationship of physical activity (PA) and sedentary behaviour (SB) with ten mental health and substance use disorders, applying two-sample Mendelian Randomisation (MR). Genetic instruments for the exposures and outcomes were derived from the largest available, non-overlapping genome-wide association studies (GWAS). Summary-level data for objectively assessed PA (accelerometer-based average activity, moderate activity, and walking) and SB and self-reported moderate-to-vigorous PA were obtained from the UK Biobank. Data for mental health/substance use disorders were obtained from the Psychiatric Genomics Consortium and the GWAS and Sequencing Consortium of Alcohol and Nicotine Use. MR estimates were combined using inverse variance weighted meta-analysis (IVW). Sensitivity analyses were conducted to assess the robustness of the results. Accelerometer-based average PA was associated with a lower risk of depression (b = -0.043, 95% CI: -0.071 to -0.016, effect size[OR] = 0.957) and cigarette smoking (b = -0.026; 95% CI: -0.035 to -0.017, effect size[ÎČ] = -0.022). Accelerometer-based SB decreased the risk of anorexia (b = -0.341, 95% CI: -0.530 to -0.152, effect size[OR] = 0.711) and schizophrenia (b = -0.230; 95% CI: -0.285 to -0.175, effect size[OR] = 0.795). However, we found evidence of reverse causality in the relationship between SB and schizophrenia. Further, PTSD, bipolar disorder, anorexia, and ADHD were all associated with increased PA. This study provides evidence consistent with a causal protective effect of objectively assessed but not self-reported PA on reduced depression and cigarette smoking. Objectively assessed SB had a protective relationship with anorexia. Enhancing PA may be an effective intervention strategy to reduce depressive symptoms and addictive behaviours, while promoting sedentary or light physical activities may help to reduce the risk of anorexia in at-risk individuals
