247 research outputs found

    The gender gap in science: How long until women are equally represented?

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    Women comprise a minority of the Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics, and Medicine (STEMM) workforce. Quantifying the gender gap may identify fields that will not reach parity without intervention, reveal underappreciated biases, and inform benchmarks for gender balance among conference speakers, editors, and hiring committees. Using the PubMed and arXiv databases, we estimated the gender of 36 million authors from >100 countries publishing in >6000 journals, covering most STEMM disciplines over the last 15 years, and made a web app allowing easy access to the data (https://lukeholman.github.io/genderGap/). Despite recent progress, the gender gap appears likely to persist for generations, particularly in surgery, computer science, physics, and maths. The gap is especially large in authorship positions associated with seniority, and prestigious journals have fewer women authors. Additionally, we estimate that men are invited by journals to submit papers at approximately double the rate of women. Wealthy countries, notably Japan, Germany, and Switzerland, had fewer women authors than poorer ones. We conclude that the STEMM gender gap will not close without further reforms in education, mentoring, and academic publishing

    Meta-analytic evidence that sexual selection improves population fitness

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    Sexual selection has manifold ecological and evolutionary consequences, making its net effect on population fitness difficult to predict. A powerful empirical test is to experimentally manipulate sexual selection and then determine how population fitness evolves. Here, we synthesise 459 effect sizes from 65 experimental evolution studies using meta-analysis. We find that sexual selection on males tends to elevate the mean and reduce the variance for many fitness traits, especially in females and in populations evolving under stressful conditions. Sexual selection had weaker effects on direct measures of population fitness such as extinction rate and proportion of viable offspring, relative to traits that are less closely linked to population fitness. Overall, we conclude that the beneficial population-level consequences of sexual selection typically outweigh the harmful ones and that the effects of sexual selection can differ between sexes and environments. We discuss the implications of these results for conservation and evolutionary biology

    Insect visual sensitivity to long wavelengths enhances colour contrast of insects against vegetation

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    The sensitivity of animal photoreceptors to different wavelengths of light strongly influence the perceived visual contrast of objects in the environment. Outside of the human visual wavelength range, ultraviolet sensitivity in many species provides important and behaviourally relevant visual contrast between objects. However, at the opposite end of the spectrum, the potential advantage of red sensitivity remains unclear. We investigated the potential benefit of long wavelength sensitivity by modelling the visual contrast of a wide range of jewel beetle colours against flowers and leaves of their host plants to hypothetical insect visual systems. We find that the presence of a long wavelength sensitive photoreceptor increases estimated colour contrast, particularly of beetles against leaves. Moreover, under our model parameters, a trichromatic visual system with ultraviolet (λ(max) = 355 nm), short (λ(max) = 445 nm) and long (λ(max) = 600 nm) wavelength photoreceptors performed as well as a tetrachromatic visual system, which had an additional medium wavelength photoreceptor (λ(max) = 530 nm). When we varied λ(max) for the long wavelength sensitive receptor in a tetrachromatic system, contrast values between beetles, flowers and leaves were all enhanced with increasing λ(max) from 580 nm to at least 640 nm. These results suggest a potential advantage of red sensitivity in visual discrimination of insect colours against vegetation and highlight the potential adaptive value of long wavelength sensitivity in insects

    Academic teachers' workplace learning and its role in the formation of their teaching practices

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    Few studies have examined the character of academic teachers' workplace learning and its role in the formation of their teaching practices. There is also a lack of appropriate theoretical and conceptual frameworks, or 'analytical perspectives', in the literature. This thesis is based on a small-scale, ethnographic-style case-study of the workplace learning of seven lecturers who comprise the Pharmacy Practice subjectgroup (PPG) in a 'new' university in the UK. During a six month period, qualitative data were gathered through observation of working activities and individual interviews, complemented by document review. The concepts and principles of Engestrom's Activity Theory were used to examine the character of the participants' workplace learning; its motives and its functions in relation to their teaching practices. The case study also evaluated this analytical perspective. Learning was a pervasive constituent of the participants' normal collaborative working activities. It had complex historical, social, cultural and individual dimensions; diverse motives, and its functions included the maintenance; adaptation and radical transformation of teaching practices. A comprehensive, coherent, systematic understanding of these characteristics required the adoption of the work-group as the prime unit of analysis, rather than individual members, and an acknowledgment that learning was a communal process involving various forms of participation. Thus the case study provides further evidence that academic teachers' practices are highly complex, 'situated' and often collectively formed in small-scale work groups, especially disciplinary or specialist-subject groups. These insights indicate that the technical-rational and interpretive-constructive analytical perspectives which are widely adopted to understand academic teachers' work and learning cannot provide an adequate account of their workplace learning or its functions. The thesis provides an alternative perspective, together with detailed insights, examples and findings, which can be used to inform measures intended to improve university teaching and support the professional development of academic teachers

    Male?biased sexual selection, but not sexual dichromatism, predicts speciation in birds

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    Sexual selection is thought to shape phylogenetic diversity by affecting speciation or extinction rates. However, the net effect of sexual selection on diversification is hard to predict because many of the hypothesized effects on speciation or extinction have opposing signs and uncertain magnitudes. Theoretical work also suggests that the net effect of sexual selection on diversification should depend strongly on ecological factors, though this prediction has seldom been tested. Here, we test whether variation in sexual selection can predict speciation and extinction rates across passerine birds (up to 5812 species, covering most genera) and whether this relationship is mediated by environmental factors. Male?biased sexual selection, and specifically sexual size dimorphism, predicted two of the three measures of speciation rates that we examined. The link we observed between sexual selection and speciation was independent of environmental variability, though species with smaller ranges had higher speciation rates. There was no association between any proxies of sexual selection and extinction rate. Our findings support the view that male?biased sexual selection, as measured by frequent predictors of male?male competition, has shaped diversification in the largest radiation of birds

    Last male sperm precedence in a polygamous squid

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    Differential sperm usage from consecutive matings, or sperm precedence, is vital in determining male reproductive success and the outcome of sperm competition for many organisms. Sperm precedence also has significant consequences for mating system dynamics, including both male and female adaptations for increasing reproductive success and avoiding the costs of mating. Despite sexual selection being a strong driver of reproductive behaviour and morphology in cephalopods, surprisingly few studies have investigated sperm dynamics in this group. To redress this gap, we experimentally quantified sperm precedence patterns in the dumpling squid, Euprymna tasmanica, controlling for recent male mating history (first vs. second mating), mating position, and mating frequency. We found that the last male to mate gains an advantage in this system, with the second mating male siring up to 75% of offspring at the beginning of the laying period. The proportion of offspring attributable to the second mating male decreases to 54% by the end of the laying period, potentially as a result of changes in the velocity or number of sperm released from spermatangia over time. There is also significant variation among females in patterns of sperm precedence. This variation was not associated with whether it was the male's first or second mating, male mass, the duration of copulation or the number of pumps (sperm removal behaviour) by the second male. If widespread in cephalopods, last male sperm precedence could help to explain the evolution of mate guarding (or long copulation duration) and sperm removal behaviour in this group

    Color change for Thermoregulation versus camouflage in free-ranging lizards

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    Animal coloration has multiple functions including thermoregulation,camouflage, and social signaling, and the requirementsof each function may sometimes conflict. Many terrestrial ectothermsaccommodate the multiple functions of color through color change.However, the relative importance of these functions and how colorchangingspecies accommodate themwhen they do conflict are poorlyunderstood because we lack data on color change in the wild. Here, weshow that the color of individual radio-tracked bearded dragon lizards,Pogona vitticeps, correlates strongly with background color andless strongly, but significantly, with temperature. We found no evidencethat individuals simultaneously optimize camouflage and thermoregulationby choosing light backgrounds when hot or dark backgroundswhen cold. In laboratory experiments, lizards showed both UV-visible(300–700 nm) and near-infrared (700–2,100 nm) reflectance changesin response to different background and temperature treatments, consistentwith camouflage and thermoregulatory functions, respectively,but with no interaction between the two. Overall, our results suggestthat wild bearded dragons change color to improve both thermoregulationand camouflage but predominantly adjust for camouflage, suggestingthat compromising camouflage may entail a greater potentialimmediate survival cost

    Multiscale evaluation of thermal dependence in the glucocorticoid response of vertebrates

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    Environmental temperature has profound effects on animal physiology, ecology, and evolution. Glucocorticoid (GC) hormones, through effects on phenotypic performance and life history, provide fundamental vertebrate physiological adaptations to environmental variation, yet we lack a comprehensive understanding of how temperature influences GC regulation in vertebrates. Using field studies and metaand comparative phylogenetic analyses, we investigated how acute change and broadscale variation in temperature correlated with baseline and stress-induced GC levels. Glucocorticoid levels were found to be temperature and taxon dependent, but generally, vertebrates exhibited strong positive correlations with acute changes in temperature. Furthermore, reptile baseline, bird baseline, and capture stressinduced GC levels to some extent covaried with broadscale environmental temperature. Thus, vertebrate GC function appears clearly thermally influenced. However, we caution that lack of detailed knowledge of thermal plasticity, heritability, and the basis for strong phylogenetic signal in GC responses limits our current understanding of the role of GC hormones in species’ responses to current and future climate variation

    Variation in Phenotype, Parasite Load and Male Competitive Ability across a Cryptic Hybrid Zone

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    BackgroundMolecular genetic studies are revealing an increasing number of cryptic lineages or species, which are highly genetically divergent but apparently cannot be distinguished morphologically. This observation gives rise to three important questions: 1) have these cryptic lineages diverged in phenotypic traits that may not be obvious to humans; 2) when cryptic lineages come into secondary contact, what are the evolutionary consequences: stable co-existence, replacement, admixture or differentiation and 3) what processes influence the evolutionary dynamics of these secondary contact zones?Methodology/principal findingsTo address these questions, we first tested whether males of the Iberian lizard Lacerta schreiberi from two highly genetically divergent, yet morphologically cryptic lineages on either side of an east-west secondary contact could be differentiated based on detailed analysis of morphology, coloration and parasite load. Next, we tested whether these differences could be driven by pre-copulatory intra-sexual selection (male-male competition). Compared to eastern males, western males had fewer parasites, were in better body condition and were more intensely coloured. Although subtle environmental variation across the hybrid zone could explain the differences in parasite load and body condition, these were uncorrelated with colour expression, suggesting that the differences in coloration reflect heritable divergence. The lineages did not differ in their aggressive behaviour or competitive ability. However, body size, which predicted male aggressiveness, was positively correlated with the colour traits that differed between genetic backgrounds.Conclusions/significanceOur study confirms that these cryptic lineages differ in several aspects that are likely to influence fitness. Although there were no clear differences in male competitive ability, our results suggest a potential indirect role for intra-sexual selection. Specifically, if lizards use the colour traits that differ between genetic backgrounds to assess the size of potential rivals or mates, the resulting fitness differential favouring western males could result in net male-mediated gene flow from west to east across the current hybrid zone.Devi Stuart-Fox, Raquel Godinho, Joëlle Goüy de Bellocq, Nancy R. Irwin, José Carlos Brito, Adnan Moussalli, Pavel Široký, Andrew F. Hugall and Stuart J. E. Bair
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