46 research outputs found
An in vitro analysis model for investigating the staining effect of various chlorhexidine-based mouthwashes
There are different mouthwashes containing chlorhexidine in different concentrations, as well as various excipients. Chlorhexidine induce stains or discoloration in teeth and mucous membranes. The aim of this work was to design a model to reproduce in vitro staining associated with the use of different mouthwashes containing chlorhexidine. We used as substrates of natural teeth and elephant ivory slices. Different incubation baths were conducted over 21 days in culture dishes at 37°C. At the beginning of experiment before incubation (D0) and after 21 days (D21) of incubation with different mouthwashes, pictures of substrates were taken in a standardized manner and an image analysis software was used to analyse and quantify the staining under the various conditions by using the 3 main colours (Red, Green, Blue, RGB). The results of this work demonstrate a very good reproducibility of the protocol, and secondly, a different expression statistically significant of the primary blue colour. We suggest that for a given concentration of chlorhexidine, the staining effects may vary depending on the excipients used. This replicable model, easy to implement over a relatively short duration, can be used for evaluation of existing mouthwashes, and to test the excipients anti discoloration proposed by manufacturers
Diagnostic value of VEGF in peri-implantitis and its correlation with titanium particles: A controlled clinical study.
VEGF is prototypic marker of neovascularization, repeatedly proposed as intrinsic characteristic of peri-implantitis. This study aimed to assess pattern of VEGF in peri-implantitis, its correlation with titanium particles (TPs) and capacity as respective biomarker.
Pathological specificity of VEGF was assessed in peri-implant granulations using immunohistochemistry, periodontal granulations represented Ti-free positive controls. VEGF was correlated to TPs, identified using scanning electron microscopy coupled with dispersive x-ray spectrometry. Diagnostic accuracy, sensitivity and specificity of VEGF were estimated in PICF specimens from peri-implantitis, peri-implant mucositis (PIM) and healthy peri-implant tissues (HI) using machine learning algorithms.
Peri-implantitis exhibited rich neovascular network with expressed density in contact zones toward neutrophil infiltrates without specific pattern variations around TPs, identified in all peri-implantitis specimens (mean particle size 8.9 ± 24.8 µm2; Ti-mass (%) 0.380 ± 0.163). VEGF was significantly more expressed in peri-implantitis (47,065 ± 24.2) compared to periodontitis (31,14 ± 9.15), and positively correlated with its soluble concentrations in PICF (p = 0.01). VEGF was positively correlated to all clinical endpoints and significantly increased in peri-implantitis compared to both PIM and HI, but despite high specificity (96%), its overall diagnostic capacity was average. Two patient clusters were identified in peri-implantitis, one with 8-fold higher VEGF values compared to HI, and second with lower values comparable to PIM.
VEGF accurately reflects neovascularization in peri-implantitis that was expressed in contact zones toward implant surface without specific histopathological patter variation around TPs. VEGF answered requests for biomarker of peri-implantitis but further research is necessary to decrypt its exact underlying cause
Varijacija profila citokina u gingivalnoj zglobnoj tečnosti između različitih grupa parodontalno zdravih zuba
Profiling of biomarkers of physiological process represents an integrative part in optimisation of diagnostic markers in order to adjust the diagnostic ranges to the potential effects of the local factors such occlusal forces in case of periodontal tissues. The objective of this study was estimation of IL-1β, IL-2, IL-4, IL-5, IL- 6, IL-9, IL-10, IL-12, IL-13, IL-17, IL-22, TNFα and IFNγ concentrations in gingival crevicular fluid samples (GCF) between different groups of teeth. Two hundred fifty-nine systemically healthy non-smokers having at least one vital tooth without restorations, with healthy periodontal tissues, were clinically examined and the GCF sample was retrieved. The cytokine levels were estimated using flow cytometry and compared between central incisors (CI), lateral incisors, canines, first premolars, second premolars, first molars and second molars. Cytokine profiles varied between different groups of teeth with tendency of increase in proinflammatory cytokines from anterior teeth toward molars. Molars might be considered teeth with natural predisposition for faster bone resorption while the adjustment of diagnostic range of periodontal biomarkers for anterior or posterior teeth should be considered within diagnostic context. Cytokine profiles varied between different groups of teeth with tendency of increase in proinflammatory cytokines from anterior teeth toward molars. Molars might be considered teeth with natural predisposition for faster bone resorption while the adjustment of diagnostic range of periodontal biomarkers for anterior or posterior teeth should be considered within diagnostic context.Profilisanje biomarkera fiziološkog procesa predstavlja integrativni deo optimalizacije dijagnostičkih markera, kako bi se dijagnostički rasponi prilagodili potencijalnim uticajima lokalnih faktora poput okluzijskih sila u slučaju parodontalnih tkiva. Cilj ove studije bila je procena koncentracija IL-1b, IL-2, IL-4, IL-5, IL-6, IL-9, IL-10, IL-12, IL-13, IL-17, IL- 22, TNFα i IFNγ u uzorcima gingivalne tečnosti (GT) kod različitih grupa zuba. Klinički je pregledano dvesta pedeset devet sistemski zdravih nepušača sa najmanje jednim vitalnim zubom bez restauracija, sa zdravim parodontalnim tkivima, i uzet je GT uzorak. Nivoi citokina procenjeni su protočnom citometrijom i upoređeni između centralnih sekutića (CS), bočnih sekutića, očnjaka, prvih i drugih premolara, kao i prvih i drugih kutnjaka. Profil citokina varirao je između različitih grupa zuba sa tendencijom povećanja pro-upalnih citokina od prednjih zuba do kutnjaka. Molari se mogu smatrati zubima sa prirodnom predispozicijom za bržu resorpciju kosti, dok bi podešavanje dijagnostičkog raspona parodontalnih biomarkera za prednje ili zadnje zube trebalo razmotriti unutar dijagnostičkog konteksta
Receptor activator of nuclear factor kappa B (RANK) as a determinant of peri-implantitis
Background/Aim. Peri-implantitis presents inflammatory process that affects soft and hard supporting tissues of osseointegrated implant based on inflammatory osteoclastogenesis. The aim of this study was to investigate whether receptor activator of nuclear factor kappa B (RANK) concentrations in peri-implant crevicular fluid could be associated with clinical parameters that reflect inflammatory nature of peri-implantitis. Methods. The study included 67 patients, 22 with diagnosed peri-implantitis, 22 persons with healthy peri-implant tissues and 23 patients with periodontitis. Clinical parameters from each patient were recorded and samples of peri-implant/gingival crevicular fluid were collected for the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) analysis. Results. RANK concentration was significantly increased in samples from the patients with periimplantitis when compared to healthy implants (p < 0.0001), where the average levels were 9 times higher. At the same time RANK concentration was significantly higher in periimplantitis than in periodontitis sites (p < 0.0001). In implant patients pocket depths and bleeding on probing values were positively associated with high RANK concentrations (p < 0.0001). Conclusion. These results revealed association of increased RANK concentration in samples of periimplant/ gingival crevicular fluid with peri-implant inflammation and suggests that RANK could be a pathologic determinant of peri-implantitis, thereby a potential parameter in assessment of peri-implant tissue inflammation and a potential target in designing treatment strategies
Experimental Animal Models in Periodontology: A Review
In periodontal research, animal studies are complementary to in vitro experiments prior to testing new treatments. Animal models should make possible the validation of hypotheses and prove the safety and efficacy of new regenerating approaches using biomaterials, growth factors or stem cells. A review of the literature was carried out by using electronic databases (PubMed, ISI Web of Science). Numerous animal models in different species such as rats, hamsters, rabbits, ferrets, canines and primates have been used for modeling human periodontal diseases and treatments. However, both the anatomy and physiopathology of animals are different from those of humans, making difficult the evaluation of new therapies. Experimental models have been developed in order to reproduce major periodontal diseases (gingivitis, periodontitis), their pathogenesis and to investigate new surgical techniques. The aim of this review is to define the most pertinent animal models for periodontal research depending on the hypothesis and expected results
Interactions entre les maladies parodontales et les maladies cardiovasculaires
PARIS7-Odontologie (751062104) / SudocPARIS-BIUM (751062103) / SudocSudocFranceF
Lumière sur les triangles noirs (étiologie, prévention et possibilités thérapeutiques)
Les pertes tissulaires du secteur antérieur maxillaire aboutissent à la formation de triangles noirs interdentaires. Leur apparition est souvent un motif de consultation chez les patients soucieux de l'esthétique de leur sourire. La gestion de ces zones inesthétiques se fera par une approche pluridisciplinaire qui, en fonction des situations cliniques, pourra associer une thérapeutique parodontale, souvent chirurgicale, réparatrice et régénératrice avec utilisation de biomatériaux, combinée si nécessaire à une thérapeutique prothétique, idéalement fixée. Les facteurs étiologiques de l absence des papilles sont aujourd hui bien connus. Différentes classifications sur la compétence papillaire sont disponibles afin de permettent au praticien d évaluer le défaut et de prévoir le pronostic de sa thérapeutique. La distance verticale existant entre le point de contact de deux dents adjacentes et le sommet de la crête osseuse correspondante, est décrite comme le facteur prédictif principal de la présence ou de l absence papillaire. Dans ce travail, nous aborderons les différentes classifications ainsi que les différentes approches thérapeutiques envisageables afin de prendre en charge et de traiter ces triangles noirs interdentaires situés dans le secteur antérieur maxillaire. Récemment les techniques de thérapies cellulaires ont vu le jour. Elles permettent d apporter des résultats cliniques prometteurs dans la reconstruction de l esthétique gingivale papillaire.NANTES-BU Médecine pharmacie (441092101) / SudocSudocFranceF
Utilisation des mesures d'adsorption de gaz pour l'étude des surfaces internes des minéraux (résumé)
Deloye François-Xavier, Struillou R. Utilisation des mesures d'adsorption de gaz pour l'étude des surfaces internes des minéraux (résumé). In: Bulletin du Groupe français des argiles. Tome 21, fascicule 2, 1969. pp. 127-130
Intérêts, indications et limites de l'allogreffe dermique en chirurgie plastique parodontale
Les techniques en chirurgie plastique parodontale sont en constante évolution. L'utilisation de la matrice dermique acellulaire a été proposée comme alternative aux techniques chirurgicales conventionnelles afin d'éviter un deuxième site opératoire et ainsi limiter le temps chirurgical et les suites opératoires. Les études disponibles dans la littérature évaluent l'intérêt de ce biomatériau comparé aux techniques chirurgicales de référence. Dans cette thèse nous évaluerons les indications et limites des greffes dermiques en se basant sur une analyse critique de la littérature.NANTES-BU Médecine pharmacie (441092101) / SudocNANTES-Bib.Odontologie (441092219) / SudocSudocFranceF
Critères de choix et de succès en chirurgie plastique parodontale dans le traitement des récessions de classe I et II de Miller (analyse de la littérature)
Apparue dans les années 1950, la chirurgie mucogingivale a vu son champ d'application s'étendre pour devenir une véritable chirurgie plastique parodontale. L'arsenal chirurgical initial avec les lambeaux, les greffe gingivales, s'est enrichi de nouvelles techniques plus complexes. La richesse des publications sur ces thèmes, amène le chirurgien dentiste à déterminer ses critères de décision, en fonction des résultats cliniques escomptés. L'ensemble des revues systématiques s'accordent pour dire que la majorité des chirurgies plastiques parodontales peuvent être utilisées comme procédure de recouvrement des récessions gingivales. La greffe conjonctive subépithéliale reste la technique la plus fiable en termes de taux moyen de recouvrement et de recouvrement à 100%. L'esthétique, également reconnu comme objectif principal des chirurgies mucogingivales, demeure un critère très subjectif. Les divergences des paramètres d'évaluation du résultat esthétique obtenu, rendent difficile toutes conclusions définitives. Toutefois, un résultat esthétique final optimal semble obtenu par l'utilisation de la technique bilaminaire. De nouvelles recherches cliniques contrôlées, randomisées et à long terme et de nouvelles études multicentriques seront nécessaires pour étayer les arguments et justifier les résultats trouvés, cela afin de tirer des conclusions plus précises et documentées.NANTES-BU Médecine pharmacie (441092101) / SudocNANTES-Bib.Odontologie (441092219) / SudocSudocFranceF