521 research outputs found

    DNA barcoding reveals unexpected diversity of deep-sea octopuses in the north-east Atlantic

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    The taxonomy of Bathypolypus and Muusoctopus has long been confounded by poor original descriptions and difficulty in distinguishing among species morphologically. We aimed to use DNA barcoding in conjunction with species delimitation techniques and morphological identification of mature males to identify the species of Bathypolypus and Muusoctopus present in the North-east Atlantic and provide additional information on species distributions. From 298 specimens collected during biannual Deepwater Timeseries cruises and other aligned surveys undertaken by Marine Scotland onboard MRV Scotia between 2005–19, we identified Bathypolypus arcticus, B. ergasticus, B. bairdii, B. sponsalis, B. pugniger, Muusoctopus normani and M. johnsonianus as well as an unidentified Muusoctopus species that we conclude is likely to be a new species. We show the utility of DNA barcoding in identifying difficult to distinguish species such as deep-sea octopuses. Studies like ours are essential to provide clarity on the taxonomy of such groups and to determine the true diversity and distribution of species within them

    Long distance (>20 km) downstream detection of endangered stream frogs suggests an important role for eDNA in surveying for remnant amphibian populations

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    Background Globally, amphibian species have suffered drastic population declines over the past 40 years. Hundreds of species are now listed as Critically Endangered, with many of these considered “possibly extinct”. Most of these species are stream-dwelling frogs inhabiting remote, montane areas, where remnant populations are hard to find using traditional surveys. Environmental DNA (eDNA) could revolutionize surveys for ‘missing’ and endangered amphibian populations by screening water samples from downstream sections to assess presence in the upstream catchments. However, the utility of this survey technique is dependent on quantifying downstream detection probability and distances. Methods Here we tested downstream detection distances in two endangered stream frogs (Litoria lorica and L. nannotis) that co-occur in a remote stream catchment in north-east Australia, and for which we know precise downstream distributional limits from traditional surveys. Importantly, the two last populations of L. lorica persist in this catchment: one small (~1,000 frogs) and one very small (~100 frogs). We conducted eDNA screening at a series of sites kilometers downstream from the populations using precipitation from two fixed water volumes (15 and 100 mL) and via water filtering (mean 1,480 L). Results We detected L. nannotis and the small L. lorica population (~1,000 frogs) at most sampling sites, including 22.8 km downstream. The filtration method was highly effective for far-downstream detection, as was precipitation from 100 mL water samples, which also resulted in consistent detections at the far-downstream sites (including to 22.8 km). In contrast, we had limited downstream detection success for the very small L. lorica population (~100 frogs). Discussion The ecological aspects of our study system, coupled with thorough traditional surveys, enabled us to measure downstream eDNA detection distances with accuracy. We demonstrate that eDNA from a small population of approximately 1,000 frogs can be detected as far as 22.8 km downstream from the population. Water filtration is considered best for eDNA detection of rare aquatic species—indeed it was effective in this study—but we also achieved far-downstream detections when precipitating eDNA from 100 mL water samples. Collecting small water volumes for subsequent precipitation in the lab is more practical than filtration when surveying remote areas. Our downstream detection distances (>20 km) suggest eDNA is a valuable tool for detecting rare stream amphibians. We provide recommendations on optimal survey methods

    Mitochondrial and nuclear genetic analyses of the tropical black-lip rock oyster (Saccostrea echinata) reveals population subdivision and informs sustainable aquaculture development

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    The black-lip rock oyster (Saccostrea echinata) has considerable potential for aquaculture throughout the tropics. Previous attempts to farm S. echinata failed due to an insufficient supply of wild spat; however, the prospect of hatchery-based aquaculture has stimulated renewed interest, and small-scale farming is underway across northern Australia and in New Caledonia. The absence of knowledge surrounding the population genetic structure of this species has raised concerns about the genetic impacts of this emerging aquaculture industry. This study is the first to examine population genetics of S. echinata and employs both mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit I gene (COI) and single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) markers

    Systematics of RR Lyrae Statistical Parallax III: Apparent Magnitudes and Extinctions

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    We sing the praises of the central limit theorem. Having previously removed all other possible causes of significant systematic error in the statistical parallax determination of RR Lyrae absolute magnitudes, we investigate systematic errors from two final sources of input data: apparent magnitudes and extinctions. We find corrections due to each of ~0.05 mag, i.e., ~1/2 the statistical error. However, these are of opposite sign and so roughly cancel. The apparent magnitude system that we previously adopted from Layden et al. was calibrated to the photometry of Clube & Dawe. Using Hipparcos photometry we show that the Clube & Dawe system is ~0.06 mag too bright. Extinctions were previously pinned to the HI-based map of Burstein & Heiles. We argue that A_V should rather be based on new COBE/IRAS dust-emission map of Schlegel, Finkbeiner & Davis. This change increases the mean A_V by ~0.05 mag. We find M_V=0.77 +/- 0.13 at [Fe/H]=-1.60 for a pure sample of 147 halo RR Lyraes, or M_V=0.80 +/- 0.11 at [Fe/H]=-1.71 if we incorporate kinematic information from 716 non-kinematically selected non-RR Lyrae stars from Beers & Sommer-Larsen. These are 2 and 3 sigma fainter than recent determinations of M_V from main sequence fitting of clusters using Hipparcos measurements of subdwarfs by Reid and Gratton et al. Since statistical parallax is being cleared of systematic errors and since the chance of a >2 sigma statistical fluctuation is <1/20, we conclude that these brighter determinations may be in error. In the course of three papers, we have corrected 6 systematic errors whose absolute values total 0.20 mag. Had these, contrary to the expectation of the central limit theorem, all lined up one way, they could have resolved the conflict in favor of the brighter determinations. In fact, the net change was only 0.06 mag.Comment: submitted to ApJ, 21 pages, 2 tables, 4 figure

    Sleep duration and risk of obesity among a sample of Victorian school children

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    Abstract Background Insufficient sleep is potentially an important modifiable risk factor for obesity and poor physical activity and sedentary behaviours among children. However, inconsistencies across studies highlight the need for more objective measures. This paper examines the relationship between sleep duration and objectively measured physical activity, sedentary time and weight status, among a sample of Victorian Primary School children. Methods A sub-sample of 298 grades four (n = 157) and six (n = 132) Victorian primary school children (aged 9.2-13.2 years) with complete accelerometry and anthropometry data, from 39 schools, were taken from a pilot study of a larger state based cluster randomized control trial in 2013. Data comprised: researcher measured height and weight; accelerometry derived physical activity and sedentary time; and self-reported sleep duration and hypothesised confounding factors (e.g. age, gender and environmental factors). Results Compared with sufficient sleepers (67 %), those with insufficient sleep (<10 hrs/day) were significantly more likely to be overweight (OR 1.97, 95 % CI:1.11-3.48) or obese (OR 2.43, 95 % CI:1.26-4.71). No association between sleep and objectively measured physical activity levels or sedentary time was found. Conclusion The strong positive relationship between weight status and sleep deprivation merits further research though PA and sedentary time do not seem to be involved in the relationship. Strategies to improve sleep duration may help obesity prevention initiatives in the future

    Composition of objectively measured physical activity and sedentary behaviour participation across the school-day, influence of gender and weight status: cross-sectional analyses among disadvantaged Victorian school children

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    BACKGROUND: The after-school period has been described as the \u27critical window\u27 for physical activity (PA) participation. However, little is known about the importance of this window compared with the before and during-school period among socioeconomically disadvantaged children, and influence of gender and weight status. METHODS: 39 out of 156 (RR=25%) invited primary schools across 26 local government areas in Victoria, Australia, consented to participate with 856 children (RR=36%) participating in the wider study. The analysis sample included 298 Grade 4 and Grade 6 children (mean age: 11.2&plusmn;1.1; 44% male) whom met minimum accelerometry wear-time criteria and had complete height, weight and health-behaviours questionnaire data. Accelerometry measured duration in daily light-intensity PA (LPA), moderate-to-vigorous PA (MVPA) and sedentary time (ST) was calculated for before-school=8-8:59, during-school=9:00-15:29 and after-school=15:30-18:00. Bivariate and multivariable linear regression analyses were conducted. RESULTS: During-school represented the greatest accumulation of LPA and MVPA compared with the before and after-school periods. Boys engaged in 102 min/day of LPA (95% CI 98.5 to 104.9) and 62 min/day of MVPA (95% CI 58.9 to 64.7) during-school; girls engaged in 103 min/day of LPA (95% CI 99.7 to 106.5) and 45 min/day of MVPA (95% CI 42.9 to 47.4). Linear regression models indicated that girls with overweight or obesity engaged in significantly less LPA, MVPA and more time in ST during-school. CONCLUSIONS: This study highlights the importance of in-school PA compared with after-school PA among socioeconomically disadvantage children whom may have fewer resources to participate in after-school PA

    Future challenges in cephalopod research

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    We thank Anto´nio M. de Frias Martins, past President of the Unitas Malacologica and Peter Marko, President of the American Malacological Society for organizing the 2013 World Congress of Malacology, and the Cephalopod International Advisory Committee for endorsing a symposium held in honour of Malcolm R. Clarke. In particular, we would like to thank the many professional staff from the University of the Azores for their hospitality, organization, troubleshooting and warm welcome to the Azores. We also thank Malcolm Clarke’s widow, Dorothy, his daughter Zoe¨, Jose´ N. Gomes-Pereira and numerous colleagues and friends of Malcolm’s from around the world for joining us at Ponta Delgada. We are grateful to Lyndsey Claro (Princeton University Press) for granting copyright permissions.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Salmonella typhimurium's transthyretin-like protein is a host-specific factor important in fecal survival in chickens.

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    The transthyretin-like protein (TLP) from Salmonella enterica subspecies I is a periplasmic protein with high level structural similarity to a protein found in mammals and fish. In humans, the protein homologue, transthyretin, binds and carries retinol and thyroxine, and a series of other, unrelated aromatic compounds. Here we show that the amino acid sequence of the TLP from different species, subspecies and serovars of the Salmonella genus is highly conserved and demonstrate that the TLP gene is constitutively expressed in S. Typhimurium and that copper and other divalent metal ions severely inhibit enzyme activity of the TLP, a cyclic amidohydrolase that hydrolyses 5-hydroxyisourate (5-HIU). In order to determine the in vivo role of the S. Typhimurium TLP, we constructed a strain of mouse-virulent S. Typhimurium SL1344 bearing a mutation in the TLP gene (SL1344 ΔyedX). We assessed the virulence of this strain via oral inoculation of mice and chickens. Whilst SL1344 ΔyedX induced a systemic infection in both organisms, the bacterial load detected in the faeces of infected chickens was significantly reduced when compared to the load of S. Typhimurium SL1344. These data demonstrate that the TLP gene is required for survival of S. Typhimurium in a high uric acid environment such as chicken faeces, and that metabolic traits of Salmonellae in natural and contrived hosts may be fundamentally different. Our data also highlight the importance of using appropriate animal models for the study of bacterial pathogenesis especially where host-specific virulence factors or traits are the subject of the study