6,430 research outputs found

    Building Advocacy Capacity: Where Grantees Started

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    Describes the baseline levels of core advocacy capacities of groups participating in Consumer Voices for Coverage, a twelve-state initiative to build consumer organizations' network and advocacy capacity. Discusses lessons learned and recommendations

    Dynamics and Community Structure of Zooplankton in the Davis Strait and Northern Labrador Sea

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    The dynamics and community structure of zooplankton in the Davis Strait and the northern Labrador Sea were studied over an annual cycle (23 April 1977 - 16 May 1978). "Biological spring", defined as the time of year which includes the annual phytoplankton increase and subsequent increases in zooplankton abundance, proceeds in a counterclockwise sense around the region. It is first observed in April near the southern Greenland coast, from where it proceeds north in the Davis Strait, then moves southward in the Baffin Current and along the retreating ice edge before reaching the Hudson Strait in September and October. Recurrent group analysis was used to identify communities of zooplankton in the region. Distributions of these groups were closely related to the hydrography. The West Greenland Drift is characterized by abundant populations of Calanus finmarchicus, C. hyperboreus, Oithona similis, Conchoecia obtusata, Metridia longa and Microcalanus pygmaeus. The colder, less saline water of the Baffin Current and the Hudson Strait arctic outflow are characterized by populations of Calanus glacialis and the early developmental stages of Pseudocalanus minutus. The breeding cycles of the three species of Calanus tend to be separated both spatially and temporally.Key words: Davis Strait, Labrador Sea, Zooplankton, Zoogeography, arctic, recurrent group analysis, CalanusLe présent article étudie la dynamique et la structure communautaire du zooplancton dans le détroit de Davis et dans le nord de la mer du Labrador au cours d'un cycle annuel (du 23 avril 1977 au 16 mai 1978). Le "printemps biologique", cette période au cours de laquelle se produit une augmentation du phytoplancton suivie d'une augmentation dans la quantité de zooplancton, voit ces activités s'effectuer dans le sens inverse des aiguilles d'une montre. La première manifestation est observée en avril prés de la côte sud du Groenland, d'où elle se poursuit au nord dans le détroit de Davis, puis vers le sud dans le courant de Baffin et suivant les contours reculants de la banquise pour arriver au détroit d'Hudson en septembre et en octobre. Des analyses périodiques de groupes ont permis d'identifier les communautés de zooplancton dans la région. La distribution de ces groupes est liée de près à l'hydrographie. La dérive ouest-groenlandaise est caractérisée par d'abondantes populations de Calanus finmarchicus, C. hyperboreus, Oithona similis, Conchoecia obtusata, Metridia longa et Microcalanus pygmaeus. L'eau plus froide et moins saline du courant de Baffin et de l'écoulement arctique du détroit d'Hudson est caractérisée par des populations de Calanus glacialis et des premiers stades de développement de Pseudocalanus minutus. Les cycles de reproduction pour les trois espèces de Calanus ont tendance à être indépendants selon leur nature spatiale et temporelle.Mots clés: détroit de Davis, mer du Labrador, zooplancton, zoogéographie, arctique, analyse périodique de groupes, Calanu

    Self-consistent Treatment of Crystal-Electric-Field-Levels in the Anderson Lattice

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    We consider an Anderson lattice model with a spin 1/2 degenerated conduction electron band and localized ionic CEF-levels, classified according to the irreducible representation of the point group of the lattice. We present the self-consistency equations for local approximations ("d→∞"d\rightarrow\infty" approximation) for the periodic Anderson model. It leads to a matrix formulation of the effective local density of states and the lattice ff-Green's function. We derive the quasi-particle life-time which enters the Boltzmann transport equations. The impact of a kk-dependent hybridization is discussed. We prove that vertex corrections will vanish, as long as all states of an irreducible representation couple to the conduction electron band with a hybridization matrix element of the same parity.Comment: 3 pages, REVTeX type, proceedings of SCES96 Z\"uric

    Comparative Study of Complete and Partial Omentectomy in Radical Subtotal Gastrectomy for Early Gastric Cancer

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    ∙ The authors have no financial conflicts of interest. © Copyright: Yonsei University College of Medicine 2011 This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial Licens

    Molecular Gas in the Powerful Radio Nucleus of the Ultraluminous Infrared Galaxy PKS 1345+12

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    Millimeter CO(1-0) interferometry and high resolution, Hubble Space Telescope (HST) 1.1, 1.6, and 2.2 micron imaging of the radio compact galaxy PKS 1345+12 are presented. With an infrared luminosity of 2x10^{12} L_sun, PKS 1345+12 is a prime candidate for studying the link between the ultraluminous infrared galaxy phenomenon and radio galaxies. These new observations probe the molecular gas distribution and obscured nuclear regions of PKS 1345+12 and provide morphological support for the idea that the radio activity in powerful radio galaxies is triggered by the merger of gas rich galaxies. Two nuclei separated by 2" (4.0 kpc) are observed in the near-infrared; the extended southeastern nucleus has colors consistent with reddened starlight, and the compact northwestern nucleus has extremely red colors indicative of an optical quasar with a warm dust component. Further, the molecular gas, 3mm continuum, and radio emission are coincident with the redder nucleus, confirming that the northwestern nucleus is the site of the AGN and that the molecular gas is the likely fuel source.Comment: LaTex, 5 pages with 1 postscript and 1 jpg figure, ApJ Letters, in press (August 20, 1999

    Characterizing Cosmic-Ray Propagation in Massive Star-forming Regions: The Case of 30 Doradus and the Large Magellanic Cloud

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    Using infrared, radio, and γ-ray data, we investigate the propagation characteristics of cosmic-ray (CR) electrons and nuclei in the 30 Doradus (30 Dor) star-forming region in the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC) using a phenomenological model based on the radio-far-infrared correlation within galaxies. Employing a correlation analysis, we derive an average propagation length of ~100-140 pc for ~3 GeV CR electrons resident in 30 Dor from consideration of the radio and infrared data. Assuming that the observed γ-ray emission toward 30 Dor is associated with the star-forming region, and applying the same methodology to the infrared and γ-ray data, we estimate a ~20 GeV propagation length of 200-320 pc for the CR nuclei. This is approximately twice as large as for ~3 GeV CR electrons, corresponding to a spatial diffusion coefficient that is ~4 times higher, scaling as (R/GV)δ with δ ≈ 0.7-0.8 depending on the smearing kernel used in the correlation analysis. This value is in agreement with the results found by extending the correlation analysis to include ~70 GeV CR nuclei traced by the 3-10 GeV γ-ray data (δ ≈ 0.66 ± 0.23). Using the mean age of the stellar populations in 30 Dor and the results from our correlation analysis, we estimate a diffusion coefficient D_R ≈ (0.9-1.0) × 10^(27)(R/GV)0.7 cm^(2) s^(–1). We compare the values of the CR electron propagation length and surface brightness for 30 Dor and the LMC as a whole with those of entire disk galaxies. We find that the trend of decreasing average CR propagation distance with increasing disk-averaged star formation activity holds for the LMC, and extends down to single star-forming regions, at least for the case of 30 Dor

    Simultaneous Observations of the Chromosphere with TRACE and SUMER

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    Using mainly the 1600 angstrom continuum channel, and also the 1216 angstrom Lyman-alpha channel (which includes some UV continuum and C IV emission), aboard the TRACE satellite, we observed the complete lifetime of a transient, bright chromospheric loop. Simultaneous observations with the SUMER instrument aboard the SOHO spacecraft revealed interesting material velocities through the Doppler effect existing above the chromospheric loop imaged with TRACE, possibly corresponding to extended non-visible loops, or the base of an X-ray jet.Comment: 14 pages, 10 figures, accepted by Solar Physic

    Phase diagrams of spin ladders with ferromagnetic legs

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    The low-temperature properties of the spin S=1/2 ladder with anisotropic ferromagnetic legs are studied using the continuum limit bosonization approach. The weak-coupling ground state phase diagram of the model is obtained for a wide range of coupling constants and several unconventional gapless ''spin-liquid'' phases are shown to exist for ferromagnetic coupling. The behavior of the ladder system in the vicinity of the ferromagnetic instability point is discussed in detail.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figure
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