26 research outputs found

    2-Hydrazonyl-Propandihydrazide - A Versatile Precursor for High-Energy Materials

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    In this work, 2-hydrazonyl-propandihydrazide (2), a new precursor for energetic materials based on diethyl 2,2-diazidomalonate (1) was investigated. Therefore, its versatility was shown by various secondary reactions, including formation of energetic salts (3-5), the synthesis of a nitrogen-rich bistriazole (10) and a highly instable diazido derivative (6). In addition, a Curtius degradation could be observed in detail. When possible, the compounds were analyzed by low temperature X-ray diffraction. All measurable compounds were analyzed by H-1 and C-13 NMR spectroscopy, elemental analysis, differential thermal analysis (DTA) and regarding their sensitivity towards impact and friction according to BAM standard techniques. All promising compounds were evaluated regarding their energetic behavior using the EXPLO5 code (V6.05) and compared to RDX and CL-20. In addition, compound 2 was investigated towards its aquatic toxicity, using the bioluminescent bacteria vibrio fischeri

    The Updated BaSTI Stellar Evolution Models and Isochrones: I. Solar Scaled Calculations

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    We present an updated release of the BaSTI (a Bag of Stellar Tracks and Isochrones) stellar model and isochrone library for a solar scaled heavy element distribution. The main input physics changed from the previous BaSTI release include the solar metal mixture, electron conduction opacities, a few nuclear reaction rates, bolometric corrections, and the treatment of the overshooting efficiency for shrinking convective cores. The new model calculations cover a mass range between 0.1 and 15 Msun, 22 initial chemical compositions between [Fe/H]=-3.20 and +0.45, with helium to metal enrichment ratio dY /dZ=1.31. The isochrones cover an age range between 20 Myr and 14.5 Gyr, take consistently into account the pre-main sequence phase, and have been translated to a large number of popular photometric systems. Asteroseismic properties of the theoretical models have also been calculated. We compare our isochrones with results from independent databases and with several sets of observations, to test the accuracy of the calculations. All stellar evolution tracks, asteroseismic properties and isochrones are made available through a dedicated Web site

    Nanometre spaced electrodes on a cleaved AlGaAs surface

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    We present a novel technique for fabricating nanometre spaced metal electrodes on a smooth crystal cleavage plane with precisely predetermined spacing. Our method does not require any high-resolution nanolithography tools, all lateral patterning being based on conventional optical lithography. Using molecular beam epitaxy we embedded a thin gallium arsenide (GaAs) layer in between two aluminium gallium arsenide (AlGaAs) layers with monolayer precision. By cleaving the substrate an atomically flat surface is obtained exposing the AlGaAs–GaAs sandwich structure. After selectively etching the GaAs layer, the remaining AlGaAs layers are used as a support for deposited thin film metal electrodes. We characterized these coplanar electrodes by atomic force microscopy and scanning electron microscopy; this revealed clean, symmetric and macroscopically flat surfaces with a maximum corrugation of less than 1.2 nm. In the case of a device with a 20 nm thick GaAs layer the measured electrode distance was 22.5 nm with a maximum deviation of less than 2.1 nm. To demonstrate the electrical functionality of our device we positioned single colloidal gold nanoparticles between the electrodes by an alternating voltage trapping method; this resulted in a drop of electrical resistance from ~11 G Ω to ~1.5 k Ω at 4.2 K. The device structure has large potential for the manipulation of nanosized objects like molecules or more complex aggregates on flat surfaces and the investigation of their electrical properties in a freely suspended configuration

    Systematic Generation of Patient-Derived Tumor Models in Pancreatic Cancer

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    In highly aggressive malignancies like pancreatic cancer (PC), patient-derived tumor models can serve as disease-relevant models to understand disease-related biology as well as to guide clinical decision-making. In this study, we describe a two-step protocol allowing systematic establishment of patient-derived primary cultures from PC patient tumors. Initial xenotransplantation of surgically resected patient tumors (n = 134) into immunodeficient mice allows for efficient in vivo expansion of vital tumor cells and successful tumor expansion in 38% of patient tumors (51/134). Expansion xenografts closely recapitulate the histoarchitecture of their matching patients’ primary tumors. Digestion of xenograft tumors and subsequent in vitro cultivation resulted in the successful generation of semi-adherent PC cultures of pure epithelial cell origin in 43.1% of the cases. The established primary cultures include diverse pathological types of PC: Pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (86.3%, 19/22), adenosquamous carcinoma (9.1%, 2/22) and ductal adenocarcinoma with oncocytic IPMN (4.5%, 1/22). We here provide a protocol to establish quality-controlled PC patient-derived primary cell cultures from heterogeneous PC patient tumors. In vitro preclinical models provide the basis for the identification and preclinical assessment of novel therapeutic opportunities targeting pancreatic cancer