67 research outputs found

    Fisher Information and entanglement of non-Gaussian spin states

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    In this thesis, we study a novel method to extract the Fisher information of quantum states from direct measurements without the need for state reconstruction. Our method characterizes the distinguishability of experimental probability distributions of the collective spin. The Fisher information is obtained via the observed rate of change of their statistical distance as a function of an experimental control parameter, which constitutes a phase transformation of the quantum state. The employed experimental system is a binary Bose-Einstein condensate of several hundred atoms. We use a combination of coherent collisional interaction and linear Rabi coupling of the two atomic states to generate collective non-classical spin states via quantum dynamics close to an unstable fixed point of the corresponding classical system. The fast redistribution of quantum uncertainty results in Gaussian spin-squeezed states for short evolution times which turn into non-Gaussian states on an experimentally feasible time scale. For the generated non-Gaussian states we observe a Fisher information larger than the number of atoms in the detected ensemble, which is a signature of particle entanglement, in a regime where no spin-squeezing is present. We confirm the implied resource for quantumenhanced measurements with the implementation of a model-free Bayesian protocol which obtains a sensitivity beyond the standard quantum limit in accordance with the extracted Fisher information

    Quantum-Enhanced Sensing Based on Time Reversal of Nonlinear Dynamics

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    We experimentally demonstrate a nonlinear detection scheme exploiting time-reversal dynamics that disentangles continuous variable entangled states for feasible readout. Spin-exchange dynamics of Bose-Einstein condensates is used as the nonlinear mechanism which not only generates entangled states but can also be time reversed by controlled phase imprinting. For demonstration of a quantum-enhanced measurement we construct an active atom SU(1,1) interferometer, where entangled state preparation and nonlinear readout both consist of parametric amplification. This scheme is capable of exhausting the quantum resource by detecting solely mean atom numbers. Controlled nonlinear transformations widen the spectrum of useful entangled states for applied quantum technologies.Comment: 9 pages, 3 figures, 3 pages supplementary material, 2 supplementary figure

    Universal dynamics of rogue waves in a quenched spinor Bose condensate

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    Universal scaling dynamics of a many-body system far from equilibrium signals the proximity of the time-evolution to a non-thermal fixed point. We find universal dynamics connected with rogue-wave like events in the mutually coupled magnetic components of a spinor gas which propagate in an effectively random potential. The frequency of these caustics is affected by the time varying spatial correlation length of the potential, giving rise to an additional exponent δc≃1/3\delta_\mathrm{c} \simeq 1/3 for temporal scaling, which is different by a factor ∼4/3\sim 4/3 from the exponent βV≃1/4\beta_V \simeq 1/4 characterizing the scaling of the correlation length ℓV∼t βV\ell_V \sim t^{\,\beta_V} with time. As a result of the caustics, real-time instanton defects appear in the Larmor phase of the spin-1 system as vortices in space and time. The temporal correlations determining the frequency of instanton events to occur scale in time as t δIt^{\, \delta_\mathrm{I}}. This suggests that the universality class of a non-thermal fixed point could be characterized by different, mutually related exponents defining the coarsening evolution in time and space, respectively. Our results have a strong relevance for understanding pattern coarsening from first principles and potential implications for dynamics ranging from the early universe to geophysical dynamics and micro physics

    Xenobiotic metabolism and its physiological consequences in high-Antarctic Notothenioid fishes.

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    The Antarctic ecosystem is progressively exposed to anthropogenic contaminants, such as polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). So far, it is largely unknown if PAHs leave a mark in the physiology of high-Antarctic fish. We approached this issue via two avenues: first, we examined the functional response of the aryl hydrocarbon receptor (Ahr), which is a molecular initiating event of many toxic effects of PAHs in biota. Chionodraco hamatus and Trematomus loennbergii served as representatives for high-Antarctic Notothenioids, and Atlantic cod, Gadus morhua as non-polar reference species. We sequenced and cloned the Ahr ligand binding domain (LBD) of the Notothenioids and deployed a GAL4-based luciferase reporter gene assay expressing the Ahr LBD. Benzo[a]pyrene (BaP), beta-naphthoflavone and chrysene were used as ligands for the reporter gene assay. Second, we investigated the energetic costs of Ahr activation in isolated liver cells of the Notothenioids during acute, non-cytotoxic BaP exposure. In the reporter assay, the Ahr LBD of Atlantic cod and the Antarctic Notothenioids were activated by the ligands tested herein. In the in vitro assays with isolated liver cells of high-Antarctic Notothenioids, BaP exposure had no effect on overall respiration, but caused shifts in the respiration dedicated to protein synthesis. Thus, our study demonstrated that high-Antarctic fish possess a functional Ahr that can be ligand-activated in a concentration-dependent manner by environmental contaminants. This is associated with altered cost for cellular protein synthesis. Future studies have to show if the toxicant-induced activation of the Ahr pathway may lead to altered organism performance of Antarctic fish. Supplementary Information The online version contains supplementary material available at 10.1007/s00300-021-02992-4
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