183 research outputs found

    Ethical Decision Making Considering Stakeholder Interest

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    A focus on short-term profit as an exclusive measure of business success has led to an erosion of stakeholder trust and opened the door for ethical misconduct. This study explored attributes of ethical conduct by business leaders and developed a process for decision making taking stakeholder interest into account.https://scholarworks.waldenu.edu/archivedposters/1060/thumbnail.jp

    Terror and territory: A spatio-temporal analysis of ISIL

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    The Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL), alternatively the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS), is one of many non-state organizations that resulted from the extensive foreign intervention in the Middle East leading up to current conflicts there. Like the wider network that it used to be part of, ISIL is considered to be a great threat to modern first world countries. Using data from the Global Terrorism Database (GTD), this paper analyzed the relationship between the amount of territory ISIL held from June 2014 to December 2015 and the attacks it carried out in that time, using Standard Deviational Ellipses to analyze directional orientation and distribution density of the attacks. The results showed that there was a slight correlation between significant land loss and increases in attacks in the following quarter

    A Simulator for the IBM 3705 Communications Controller

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    This paper describes a computer program which was developed to simulate the IBM 3705 Communications Controller, using the IBM System/360 and System/370 computers. The architecture of the 3705 is discussed in some detail, and the structure of the simulator is described. Future enhancements to the present program are suggested, along with possible applications

    Experiences Managing Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus among Parents of African-American Youth

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    Type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM) is one of the most frequently diagnosed endocrine and metabolic conditions that occur during childhood. This research study utilized a phenomenological study design to examine how the lived experiences of 20 African American (AA) parents of children with T1DM recruited using social media affects their management and control of the disease among AA youth age 5-17 years old. The interview questions were outlined in categories that tested key constructs of the health belief model (HBM) to determine the perceived barriers, seriousness, and susceptibility to maintaining good glycemic control for their children. Data from each interview was classified and coded to identify and categorize, and then used as codes. Themes were then developed in order to determine intent and importance of the responses. Three themes emerged: the disease\u27s impact on the life of the parents, its impact on the life of the child, and its social impact. The impact on the parents\u27 lives included financial burden and time management. The impact on the lives of the child included, the parent\u27s beliefs and fears about their child\u27s future with diabetes and their child\u27s ability to successfully manage their diabetes. The impact on the socialization for both the parent and the child, included family socialization, how others perceived diabetes and diabetes management, teaching diabetes management to others, and the parent\u27s trust in other\u27s ability to manage their child\u27s diabetes. The findings of this research study provides insight into population based needs for successful diabetes management, such as how to make healthier cultural and ethnic meals and the need for culturally-centered whole family diabetes education, to enhance family relationships and diabetes management

    Preparing students to be ethical decision makers

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    ethics, academia, corporate social responsibility, decision making, leadership, stakeholder interest, financial misconduct

    Gamification: uno strumento per il miglioramento della brand image di una cittĂ  e della sua attrattivitĂ  turistica

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    Vivendo oramai nell’era web del 3.0 le strategie di marketing devono puntare a rendere il mondo un posto migliore attraverso la diffusione di valori carichi di una funzione emotiva e spirituale che prendano in considerazione le esigenze interiori ed emozionali del cliente finale. Nel caso della creazione di una brand image cittadina è consolidato il trend dei messaggi promozionali e dei progetti coinvolgenti che puntano a solleticare le corde più profonde dell’animo dei visitatori. Il gioco è una risposta molto efficace per raggiungere quest’ultimo obiettivo. Il fatto di applicare strategie volte ad attrarre e fidelizzare un cliente/visitatore attraverso logiche ludiche in un contesto per sua natura non propriamente “gaming”, come può essere una città, porta il pubblico a cambiare il proprio atteggiamento da consumatore a protagonista della propria esperienza. Questa tesi ha l’obiettivo di evidenziare tutti gli aspetti della gamification e di come essa possa giovare al miglioramento della brand image di una città. Nell’ultimo capitolo verrà inoltre esposto un piccolo progetto di gioco per migliorare l’immagine che i turisti hanno di Lucca ed in particolare dei suoi cittadini

    Progressive Style in Classical Form: An Interpretive Analysis of Beethoven’s Piano Sonata No. 31 in Ab Major, Op. 110

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    An analysis of the musical form of Beethoven’s Piano Sonata no. 31, Op. 110 includes a brief overview of the historical significance of Beethoven as an innovator in formal design and musical texture. The analysis reveals specific indicators and examples of his deviations from traditional forms, which more obviously occur in movements one and three. An in-depth harmonic and motivic study of the third movement fugue and its placement within the last movement exposes further aspects of Beethoven’s progressive compositional creativity
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