187 research outputs found

    Do Universities Have a Role in Managing Public Schools: Lessons from the Penn Partnership Schools

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    Over the past several years, the standards based reform movement has produced increasingly dramatic shifts in the relationship between educational policies and school-based practices. The No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 has further intensified public scrutiny and local accountability for demonstrating that all children meet national standards in their learning. However, to achieve desired improvements in student learning, it is clear that many schools must fundamentally rethink the ways in which they organize instructional practices

    Staying Power: The Future of Manufacturing in Massachusetts

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    Reviews the state's manufacturing employment since 1939; analyzes current data by industry, economic share, workers' demographics, and location; and projects trends through 2016. Based on surveys and interviews, examines manufacturers' perspectives

    Passive und naive Helden. Georg Lukács als Kritiker der Tragödie Gerhart Hauptmanns

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    Der Beitrag bietet eine selektive Skizze von Georg Lukács' Kritik an Gerhart Hauptmann zwischen 1903 und 1946. Schwerpunkte sind 1) Lukács’ Kritik des Naturalismus, wie er sie darlegt in seiner 'Entwicklungsgeschichte des modernen Dramas' im Kontext der "Suche nach dem großen Drama", das heißt der Tragödie, 2) Lukács' Urteile über Hauptmann, in denen er aus der Perspektive marxistischer Literaturkritik Sprach- und Denkbilder des Tragischen und der Tragödie auf die Persönlichkeit des Dichters überträgt

    Are old-old patients with major depression more likely to relapse than young-old patients during continuation treatment with escitalopram?

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Escitalopram has shown efficacy and tolerability in the prevention of relapse in elderly patients with major depressive disorder (MDD). This <it>post-hoc </it>analysis compared time to relapse for <it>young-old </it>patients (n = 197) to that for <it>old-old </it>patients (n = 108).</p> <p>Method</p> <p>Relapse prevention: after 12-weeks open-label treatment, remitters (MADRS ≤12) were randomised to double-blind treatment with escitalopram or placebo and followed over 24-weeks. Patients were outpatients with MDD from 46 European centers aged ≥75 years (<it>old-old</it>) or 65-74 years of age (<it>young-old</it>), treated with escitalopram 10-20mg/day. Efficacy was assessed using the Montgomery Åsberg Depression Rating Scale (MADRS).</p> <p>Results</p> <p>After open-label escitalopram treatment, a similar proportion of <it>young-old </it>patients (78%) and <it>old-old </it>patients (72%) achieved remission. In the analysis of time to relapse based on the Cox model (proportional hazards regression), with treatment and age group as covariates, the hazard ratio was 4.4 for placebo <it>versus </it>escitalopram (χ<sup>2</sup>-test, df = 1, χ<sup>2</sup>= 22.5, p < 0.001), whereas the effect of age was not significant, with a hazard ratio of 1.2 for <it>old-old </it>versus <it>young-old </it>(χ<sup>2</sup>-test, df = 1, χ<sup>2 </sup>= 0.41, p = 0.520). Escitalopram was well tolerated in both age groups with adverse events reported by 53.1% of <it>young-old </it>patients and 58.3% of <it>old-old </it>patients. There was no significant difference in withdrawal rates due to AEs between age groups (χ<sup>2</sup>-test, χ<sup>2 </sup>= 1.669, df = 1, p = 0.196).</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p><it>Young-old </it>and <it>old-old </it>patients with MDD had comparable rates of remission after open-label escitalopram, and both age groups had much lower rates of relapse on escitalopram than on placebo.</p

    The Value of Public Sector Audit:Literature and History

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    This paper explores the value of financial statement auditing in the public sector. The study applies theory about auditing from the private sector as well as the public sector to explore ways in which public sector auditing can be expected to be valuable. It shows that there are a number of complementary explanations that can be applied to examine the value of public audit, including agency, signaling, insurance, management control, governance and confirmation explanations. The evidence from research and history is generally consistent with the agency and management control explanations. There is some support for the signaling and insurance explanations, while research evidence suggests that governance has differing impact in the public sector compared to the private. The confirmation hypothesis is also potentially relevant. Reviewing the history of the development of public sector auditing functions shows that at least some developments were consistent with explanations such as agency theory and management control. Auditing in the public sector is an area where more research is valuable. The paper concludes with a discussion of issues for further investigation

    He who has will be given? Promotion of highly gifted students and fairness

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    In diesem Aufsatz geht es um eine Analyse der Argumente zugunsten von Hochbegabtenförderung. Diese wird einerseits mit dem Verweis auf das Gemeinwohl begründet und andererseits damit, dass sie den Hochbegabten selbst geschuldet sei. Im Folgenden liegt der Schwerpunkt auf der Analyse solcher pädagogischer Argumente, welche die Hochbegabtenförderung mit Forderungen der Chancengleichheit oder Gerechtigkeit begründen. Dabei wird sich zeigen, dass die Analyse dieser Argumente um eine wichtige Perspektive ergänzt werden muss: Der Begabungsbegriff muss genauer in den Blick genommen und mit den Argumenten für die Hochbegabtenförderung abgeglichen werden. Die hier vorgelegte Analyse weckt auf diese Weise Zweifel an der Behauptung, dass die Hochbegabtenförderung ein Gebot der Gerechtigkeit sei. (DIPF/Orig.)The article analyzes arguments in favor of the promotion of highly gifted students. This promotion is, on the one hand, justified by referring to the general welfare and, on the other, by arguing that it is owed to the highly talented students themselves. In the following, the focus will be on the analysis of pedagogical arguments which justify the promotion of highly gifted students on the basis of demands for equal opportunities and fairness. It will be shown that the analysis of these arguments has to be supplemented by an important perspective: the concept of talent has to be examined more closely and to be synchronized with arguments in favor of the promotion of highly gifted students. The analysis presented here raises doubts as to the claim that the promotion of highly talented students constitutes a dictate of fairness. (DIPF/Orig.

    "Ausgleich von Revolution und Tradition" : Hofmannsthals ambivalentes Verhältnis zum 'Berliner' Theater der zwanziger Jahre

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    Wohl keine andere Zusammenarbeit eines Theaterpraktikers mit einem Bühnenautor ist im deutschsprachigen Theater des 20. Jahrhunderts ähnlich kontinuierlich und fruchtbar verlaufen wie diejenige Max Reinhardts mit Hugo von Hofmannsthal. Wenn man die Geschichte von Hofmannsthals Beziehung zu Berlin überblickt, dann lässt sich leicht erkennen, dass der Erste Weltkrieg darin eine Zäsur markiert. Bis 1916 war die deutsche Reichshauptstadt für den Wiener Autor der wichtigste Publikations- und Aufführungsort und zugleich ein intellektueller Fixpunkt. In Berlin wurde er bekanntlich erst zum Bühnenautor. Fast alle Uraufführungen jener Zeit fanden dort statt, auch weil er Anfang des Jahrhunderts mit Max Reinhardt am Deutschen Theater seinen, den 'wirklichen' Regisseur gefunden hatte. In der "BZ am Mittag" ließ er sich am 18. Januar 1905 in Berlin mit der Aussage zitieren, er kenne keine Stadt, "in der das Theater eine so vollendete Pflege genösse"; die darstellerischen Leistungen dort befänden sich "auf unerreichter Höhe" und das Publikum zeige ein "ebenso feinsinniges wie erstaunlich vielseitiges Verständnis"