35 research outputs found

    Size Matters: Problems and Advantages Associated with Highly Miniaturized Sensors

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    There is no doubt that the recent advances in nanotechnology have made it possible to realize a great variety of new sensors with signal transduction mechanisms utilizing physical phenomena at the nanoscale. Some examples are conductivity measurements in nanowires, deflection of cantilevers and spectroscopy of plasmonic nanoparticles. The fact that these techniques are based on the special properties of nanostructural entities provides for extreme sensor miniaturization since a single structural unit often can be used as transducer. This review discusses the advantages and problems with such small sensors, with focus on biosensing applications and label-free real-time analysis of liquid samples. Many aspects of sensor design are considered, such as thermodynamic and diffusion aspects on binding kinetics as well as multiplexing and noise issues. Still, all issues discussed are generic in the sense that the conclusions apply to practically all types of surface sensitive techniques. As a counterweight to the current research trend, it is argued that in many real world applications, better performance is achieved if the active sensor is larger than that in typical nanosensors. Although there are certain specific sensing applications where nanoscale transducers are necessary, it is argued herein that this represents a relatively rare situation. Instead, it is suggested that sensing on the microscale often offers a good compromise between utilizing some possible advantages of miniaturization while avoiding the complications. This means that ensemble measurements on multiple nanoscale sensors are preferable instead of utilizing a single transducer entity

    Determination of nitrogen dioxide, sulfur dioxide, ozone, and ammonia in ambient air using the passive sampling method associated with ion chromatographic and potentiometric analyses

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    Concentrations of nitrogen dioxide (NO2), sulfur dioxide (SO2), ozone (O3), and ammonia (NH3) were determined in the ambient air of Al-Ain city over a year using the passive sampling method associated with ion chromatographic and potentiometric detections. IVL samplers were used for collecting nitrogen and sulfur dioxides whereas Ogawa samplers were used for collecting ozone and ammonia. Five sites representing the industrial, traffic, commercial, residential, and background regions of the city were monitored in the course of this investigation. Year average concentrations of ≤59.26, 15.15, 17.03, and 11.88 μg/m3 were obtained for NO2, SO2, O3, and NH3, respectively. These values are lower than the maxima recommended for ambient air quality standards by the local environmental agency and the world health organization. Results obtained were correlated with the three meteorological parameters: humidity, wind speed, and temperature recorded during the same period of time using the paired t test, probability p values, and correlation coefficients. Humidity and wind speed showed insignificant effects on NO2, SO2, O3, and NH3 concentrations at 95% confidence level. Temperature showed insignificant effects on the concentrations of NO2 and NH3 while significant effects on SO2 and O3 were observed. Nonlinear correlations (R2 ≤ 0.722) were obtained for the changes in measured concentrations with changes in the three meteorological parameters. Passive samplers were shown to be not only precise (RSD ≤ 13.57) but also of low cost, low technical demand, and expediency in monitoring different locations

    Entwicklung von Aptameren fuer Biosensoren

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    Available from TIB Hannover: RR 6252(2003,13) / FIZ - Fachinformationszzentrum Karlsruhe / TIB - Technische InformationsbibliothekSIGLEDEGerman


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    The paper describes redox mediators enabling an efficient electron transfer between biological redox systems and the electrode surface in amperometric biosensors. Criteria for the selection of appropriate mediators are discussed. Different technological aspects of anchoring the mediator by a simple physical entrapment into the electrode material of both conventional electrodes and screen-printed forms are illustrated. Investigations are performed with tetrathiafulvalene and several quinoid redox-dye derivatives serving as redox couples for glucose oxidase, lactate oxidase, peroxidase, "phenol oxidase", bacteria, NADH, and cytochrome c. Characteristics of several enzyme electrodes are presented

    Kinetic and Stoichiometric Characterisation of Streptavidin-Binding Aptamers

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    Aptamers are oligonucleotide ligands that are selected for high-affinity binding to molecular targets. Only limited knowledge relating to relations between structural and kinetic properties that define aptamer-target interactions is available. To this end, streptavidin-binding aptamers were isolated and characterised by distinct analytical techniques. Binding kinetics of five broadly similar aptamers were determined by surface plasmon resonance (SPR); affinities ranged from 35-375 nM with large differences in association and dissociation rates. Native mass spectrometry showed that streptavidin can accommodate up to two aptamer units. In a 3D model of one aptamer, conserved regions are exposed, strongly suggesting that they directly interact with the biotin-binding pockets of streptavidin. Mutational studies confirmed both conserved regions to be crucial for binding. An important result is the observation that the most abundant aptamer in our selections is not the tightest binder, emphasising the importance of having insight into the kinetics of complex formation. To find the tightest binder it might be better to perform fewer selection rounds and to focus on post-selection characterisation, through the use of complementary approaches as described in this stud

    Kinetic and Stoichiometric Characterisation of Streptavidin-Binding Aptamers

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    Aptamers are oligonucleotide ligands that are selected for high-affinity binding to molecular targets. Only limited knowledge relating to relations between structural and kinetic properties that define aptamer-target interactions is available. To this end, streptavidin-binding aptamers were isolated and characterised by distinct analytical techniques. Binding kinetics of five broadly similar aptamers were determined by surface plasmon resonance (SPR); affinities ranged from 35-375 nM with large differences in association and dissociation rates. Native mass spectrometry showed that streptavidin can accommodate up to two aptamer units. In a 3D model of one aptamer, conserved regions are exposed, strongly suggesting that they directly interact with the biotin-binding pockets of streptavidin. Mutational studies confirmed both conserved regions to be crucial for binding. An important result is the observation that the most abundant aptamer in our selections is not the tightest binder, emphasising the importance of having insight into the kinetics of complex formation. To find the tightest binder it might be better to perform fewer selection rounds and to focus on post-selection characterisation, through the use of complementary approaches as described in this stud