234 research outputs found

    Strategic distribution network planning with smart grid technologies

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    This paper presents a multiyear distribution network planning optimization model for managing the operation and capacity of distribution systems with significant penetration of distributed generation (DG). The model considers investment in both traditional network and smart grid technologies, including dynamic line rating, quadrature-booster, and active network management, while optimizing the settings of network control devices and, if necessary, the curtailment of DG output taking into account its network access arrangement (firm or non-firm). A set of studies on a 33 kV real distribution network in the U.K. has been carried out to test the model. The main objective of the studies is to evaluate and compare the performance of different investment approaches, i.e., incremental and strategic investment. The studies also demonstrate the ability of the model to determine the optimal DG connection points to reduce the overall system cost. The results of the studies are discussed in this paper

    Benefits of demand-side response in providing frequency response service in the future GB power system

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    The demand for ancillary service is expected to increase significantly in the future Great Britain (GB) electricity system due to high penetration of wind. In particular, the need for frequency response, required to deal with sudden frequency drops following a loss of generator, will increase because of the limited inertia capability of wind plants. This paper quantifies the requirements for primary frequency response and analyses the benefits of frequency response provision from demand-side response (DSR). The results show dramatic changes in frequency response requirements driven by high penetration of wind. Case studies carried out by using an advanced stochastic generation scheduling model suggest that the provision of frequency response from DSR could greatly reduce the system operation cost, wind curtailment, and carbon emissions in the future GB system characterized by high penetration of wind. Furthermore, the results demonstrate that the benefit of DSR shows significant diurnal and seasonal variation, whereas an even more rapid (instant) delivery of frequency response from DSR could provide significant additional value. Our studies also indicate that the competing technologies to DSR, namely battery storage, and more flexible generation could potentially reduce its value by up to 35%, still leaving significant room to deploy DSR as frequency response provider

    Nonlinear and Randomized Pricing for Distributed Management of Flexible Loads

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    Factoring flexible demand non-convexities in electricity markets

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    The benefits of integrating European electricity markets

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    The European Commission's Target Electricity Model (TEM) aims to integrate EU electricity markets. This paper estimates the potential benefit of coupling interconnectors to increase the efficiency of trading day-ahead, intra-day and balancing services across borders. Further gains are possible by eliminating unscheduled flows and avoiding the curtailment of renewables with better market design. In the short run the gains could be as high as €3.9 billion/yr, more than 100% of the current gains from trade. About one-quarter of this total comes from day-ahead coupling and another third from shared balancing. If shared balancing is so valuable, completing the TEM becomes more urgent, and regulators should ensure these gains are paid to interconnectors to make the needed investment in the cross-border links more commercially profitable.This paper builds on and extends work under contract ENER/B1/491-1/2012, published as Newbery et al. (2013).This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from Elsevier via http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.enpol.2016.03.04

    Reliability standards for the operation and planning of future electricity networks

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    Electricity networks, designed and operated in accordance with the historic deterministic standards, have broadly delivered secure and reliable supplies to customers. A key issue regarding their evolution is how the operation and planning standards should evolve to make efficient use of the existing assets while taking advantage of emerging, non-network (or non-wires) technologies. Deployment of the smart grid will require fundamental changes in the historical principles used for network security in order to ensure that integration of low-carbon generation is undertaken as efficiently as possible through the use of new information and communication technology (ICT), and new flexible network technologies that can maximize utilization of existing electricity infrastructure. These new technologies could reduce network redundancy in providing security of supply by enabling the application of a range of advanced, technically effective, and economically efficient corrective (or post-fault) actions that can release latent network capacity of the existing system. In this context, this paper demonstrates that historical deterministic practices and standards, mostly developed in the 1950s, should be reviewed in order to take full advantage of new emerging technologies and facilitate transition to a smart grid paradigm. This paper also demonstrates that a probabilistic approach to developing future efficient operating and design strategies enabled by new technologies, will appropriately balance network investment against non-network solutions while truly recognizing effects of adverse weather, common-mode failures, high-impact low-probability events, changing market prices for pre- and post-contingency actions, equipment malfunctioning, etc. This clearly requires explicit consideration of the likelihood of various outages (beyond those considered in deterministic studies) and quantification of their impacts on alternative network operation and investment decisions, which cannot be undertaken in a deterministic, “one size fits all” framework. In this context, we developed advanced optimization models aimed at determining operational and design network decisions based on both deterministic and probabilistic security principles. The proposed models can recognize network constraints/congestion and various operational measures (enabled by new technologies) composed of preventive and corrective control actions such as operation of special protection schemes, demand side response and generation reserve utilization and commitment, considering potential outages of network and generation facilities. The probabilistic model proposed can also provide targeted levels of reliability and limit exposure to severe low probability events (mainly driven by natural hazards) through the use of Conditional Value at Risk (CVaR) constraints, delivering robust and resilient supplies to consumers at the minimum cost. Through various case studies conducted on the Great Britain (GB) power network, we set out the key questions that need to be addressed in support of the change in network reliability paradigm, provide an overview of the key modelling approaches proposed for assessing the risk profile of operation of future networks, propose a framework for a fundamental review of the existing network security standards, and set out challenges for assessing the reliability and economics of the operation of future electricity network

    An MPEC approach for analysing the impact of energy storage in imperfect electricity markets

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    Although recent studies have investigated the impacts of energy storage on various aspects of power system operation and planning, its role in imperfect electricity markets has not been explored yet. This paper provides for the first time theoretical and quantitative evidence of the beneficial impact of energy storage in limiting market power by generation companies. Quantitative analysis is supported by a bi-level optimization model of the imperfect electricity market setting, accounting for the time-coupling operational constraints of energy storage. This bi-level problem is solved after converting it to a Mathematical Program with Equilibrium Constraints (MPEC). Case studies are carried out on a test market with day-ahead horizon and hourly resolution

    On optimal coordinated dispatch for heterogeneous storage fleets with partial availability

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    This paper addresses the problem of optimal scheduling of an aggregated power profile (during a coordinated discharging or charging operation) by means of a heterogeneous fleet of storage devices subject to availability constraints. Devices have heterogeneous initial levels of energy, power ratings and efficiency; moreover, the fleet operates without cross-charging of the units. An explicit feedback policy is proposed to compute a feasible schedule whenever one exists and scalable design procedures to achieve maximum time to failure or minimal unserved energy in the case of unfeasible aggregated demand profiles. Finally, a time-domain characterization of the set of feasible demand profiles using aggregate constraints is proposed, suitable for optimization problems where the aggregate population behaviour is of interest
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