24,368 research outputs found

    Versatile analog pulse height computer performs real-time arithmetic operations

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    Multipurpose analog pulse height computer performs real-time arithmetic operations on relatively fast pulses. This computer can be used for identification of charged particles, pulse shape discrimination, division of signals from position sensitive detectors, and other on-line data reduction techniques

    Pulse-height defect due to electron interaction in dead layers of Ge/Li/ gamma-ray detectors

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    Study shows the pulse-height degradation of gamma ray spectra in germanium/lithium detectors to be due to electron interaction in the dead layers that exist in all semiconductor detectors. A pulse shape discrimination technique identifies and eliminates these defective pulses

    Ultrastable reference pulser for high-resolution spectrometers

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    Solid-state double-pulse generator for a high resolution semiconductor detector meets specific requirements for resolution /0.05 percent/, amplitude range /0.1-13 MeV/, and repetition rate /0.1-1000 pulses per second/. A tag pulse is generated in coincidence with each reference pulse

    Weak Lensing Determination of the Mass in Galaxy Halos

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    We detect the weak gravitational lensing distortion of 450,000 background galaxies (20<R<23) by 790 foreground galaxies (R<18) selected from the Las Campanas Redshift Survey (LCRS). This is the first detection of weak lensing by field galaxies of known redshift, and as such permits us to reconstruct the shear profile of the typical field galaxy halo in absolute physical units (modulo H_0), and to investigate the dependence of halo mass upon galaxy luminosity. This is also the first galaxy-galaxy lensing study for which the calibration errors are negligible. Within a projected radius of 200 \hkpc, the shear profile is consistent with an isothermal profile with circular velocity 164+-20 km/s for an L* galaxy, consistent with typical disk rotation at this luminosity. This halo mass normalization, combined with the halo profile derived by Fischer et al (2000) from lensing analysis SDSS data, places a lower limit of (2.7+-0.6) x 10^{12}h^{-1} solar masses on the mass of an L* galaxy halo, in good agreement with satellite galaxy studies. Given the known luminosity function of LCRS galaxies, and the assumption that MLβM\propto L^\beta for galaxies, we determine that the mass within 260\hkpc of normal galaxies contributes Ω=0.16±0.03\Omega=0.16\pm0.03 to the density of the Universe (for β=1\beta=1) or Ω=0.24±0.06\Omega=0.24\pm0.06 for β=0.5\beta=0.5. These lensing data suggest that 0.6<β<2.40.6<\beta<2.4 (95% CL), only marginally in agreement with the usual β0.5\beta\approx0.5 Faber-Jackson or Tully-Fisher scaling. This is the most complete direct inventory of the matter content of the Universe to date.Comment: 18 pages, incl. 3 figures. Submitted to ApJ 6/7/00, still no response from the referee after four months

    Anomalously small wave tails in higher dimensions

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    We consider the late-time tails of spherical waves propagating on even-dimensional Minkowski spacetime under the influence of a long range radial potential. We show that in six and higher even dimensions there exist exceptional potentials for which the tail has an anomalously small amplitude and fast decay. Along the way we clarify and amend some confounding arguments and statements in the literature of the subject.Comment: 13 page

    High resolution Ge/Li/ spectrometer reduces rate-dependent distortions at high counting rates

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    Modified spectrometer system with a low-noise preamplifier reduces rate-dependent distortions at high counting rates, 25,000 counts per second. Pole-zero cancellation minimizes pulse undershoots due to multiple time constants, baseline restoration improves resolution and prevents spectral shifts

    Myomectomy as a pregnancy-preserving option in the carefully selected patient

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    Objectives: To present the indications for myomectomy during pregnancy and to discuss complications possibly related and unrelated to the procedure. Method and Results: A 33-year-old patient at 18 weeks of gestation underwent removal of a 1,570-gram symptomatic fundic myoma. Histologically the patient had a leiomyomatous neoplasm of uncertain malignant potential. The pregnancy was continued under sequential observation with magnetic resonance imaging and ultrasound. At 36 weeks of gestation a healthy girl with an upper extremity limb defect was born via cesarean section. Follow-up of the mother and the child was uneventful. Conclusions: Certain known risk factors in pregnant women with myomas can predispose to complications during pregnancy. Women with such risk factors or women who have failed medical therapy should be offered the option of undergoing myomectomy as a pregnancy-preserving procedure. Copyright (C) 2002 S. Karger AG, Basel

    Medical Board of California

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    Medical Board of California

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    Internal mode mechanism for collective energy transport in extended systems

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    We study directed energy transport in homogeneous nonlinear extended systems in the presence of homogeneous ac forces and dissipation. We show that the mechanism responsible for unidirectional motion of topological excitations is the coupling of their internal and translation degrees of freedom. Our results lead to a selection rule for the existence of such motion based on resonances that explains earlier symmetry analysis of this phenomenon. The direction of motion is found to depend both on the initial and the relative phases of the two harmonic drivings, even in the presence of noise.Comment: Final version, to appear in Physical Review Letter