171 research outputs found

    Simone de Beauvoir, du Deuxième sexe à La Vieillesse : quand l’intime gagne le politique

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    Le Deuxième Sexe (1949) et La Vieillesse (1970), essais philosophiques, ont une portée politique. Or si l’intime reste à l’état de traces dans le premier essai, Beauvoir livre explicitement sa propre expérience dans le second. Entre 1949 et 1970, la situation de l’écrivain a évolué mais aussi son écriture : quatre volumes autobiographiques sont parus. Le second essai rejoint l’autobiographie dans une intertextualité étroite qui révèle une dialectique constante entre la singularité de son expérience intime et la portée universelle et politique qu’elle veut conférer à son œuvre.Philosophical essays, Le Deuxième Sexe (1949) and La Vieillesse (1970) have a political impact. Yet, even if there are just hints of private life in the first essay, Beauvoir explicitely confides her own experience in the second one. Between 1949 and 1970, the writer’s situation, as well as her writing evolved: she wrote four autobiographies. The second essay is close to an autobiography with a narrow intertextuality revealing a constant dialectic between her unique private experience and the universal and political impact she wants to confer on her work

    D’où vient-on ? Fragilités intimes et collectives

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    Le triomphe de Thomas Zins (2017) de Matthieu Jung et Leurs enfants après eux (2018) de Nicolas Mathieu ont pour personnage principal un adolescent lorrain, l’un dans les années 90, l’autre dans les années 80, confronté au passage à l’âge adulte. Nous nous proposons d’étudier comment ces deux romanciers disent les vulnérabilités contemporaines en nouant les trajectoires intimes pour peindre un destin collectif dans un contexte socio-économique qui les détermine autant qu’il les uniformise, alors que l’individu dans sa singularité n’est pas solidaire du monde dans lequel il vit. Nous analyserons tout particulièrement la question de l’origine : « d’où vient-on ? » Aussi bien du point de vue familial (et notamment de la relation père-fils), social que géographique. Cette analyse dégagera des fragilités identitaires et collectives qui dessinent des individus écartelés entre le désir de « rompre » et l’implacable nécessité de « recevoir ».Le triomphe de Thomas Zins (2017) by Matthieu Jung and Leurs enfants après eux (2018) by Nicolas Mathieu are about a teenager from the Lorraine region (in France), one in the 1990s, the other in the 1980s, who is confronted with becoming an adult. We will study how these two novelists tell contemporary vulnerabilities by tying together intimate paths in order to depict a collective destiny ; this, in a socio-economic context which determines them as well as it standardizes them, whereas the individual, in their uniqueness, are not united with the world they live in. We will particularly focus on the question of the origin : « where are we from ? » And this, as well from a family point of view (and especially the relation between a father and a son), as from a social and geographical point of view. This analysis will draw both identity and collective weaknesses which shape individuals who are torn between the desire to « break off » and the implacable necessity to « receive »

    Emmanuel Carrère : se réfléchir dans le miroir des monstres

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    Nous nous proposons d’étudier les figures du monstre dans l’œuvre d’Emmanuel Carrère à la lueur de ses choix narratifs. En effet, à partir de L’Adversaire, il utilise le dispositif autobiographique, instaurant ainsi un effet de miroir entre un personnage dont il va retracer le parcours et lui-même, narrateur et auteur. Ces figures du monstre sont : Jean-Claude Romand dans L’Adversaire, Georges Zourabichvili, son grand-père, dans Un roman russe, Limonov dans le roman éponyme. À cette liste, il convient d’ajouter Carrère lui-même, que l’on retrouve également en contrepoint de figures plus positives dans D’autres vies que la mienne et Le Royaume. Le résultat relève à la fois de la biographie et de l’autobiographie. La fiction est aussi présente quand l’auteur utilise son imagination pour tenter de comprendre les monstres. Une hybridité formelle propre à restituer l’hybridité du monstre.We will study the representations of the monster in Emmanuel Carrère’s work in the light of his narrative choices. Indeed, ever since L’Adversaire, he has used the autobiographical medium, thereby establishing a mirror effect between the character whose journey he is going to relate and himself—the narrator and author of the story. These representations of the monster are: Jean-Claude Romand in L’Adversaire, Georges Zourabichvili, the author’s grandfather, in Un roman russe, Limonov in the eponymous novel. To this list should be added Carrère himself, who also appears in contrast to more positive figures in D’autres vies que la mienne and Le Royaume. The result is both biography and autobiography. Fiction is also present when the author uses his imagination to try to understand monsters. A formal hybridity which is suitable for rendering the monster’s hybridity


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    In the title compound, C16H12N2S3, the two benzothia­zole groups are oriented differently with respect to the –CH2– groups, one being approximately staggered and one nearly eclipsed. A sulfur–π inter­action of 3.3627 (11) Å is observed between the bridging thio­ether S atom and a thia­zole ring. The crystal packing is further stabilized by inter­molecular C—H⋯N and C—H⋯π inter­actions

    Survey of sex/gender diversity in the GEDA 2019/2020-EHIS study – objectives, procedure and experiences

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    Sex/gender diversity is increasingly recognised by society and should be taken into account more in populationrepresentative studies, as they are important data sources for targeting health promotion, prevention and care. In 2019, the Robert Koch Institute started a population-representative health survey with the study Health in Germany Update (GEDA 2019/2020-EHIS) with a modified, two-stage measures of sex/gender. The survey covered sex registered at birth and gender identity with an open response option. This article describes the aims, the procedure and the experiences with the operationalisation of sex/gender and the results. Out of 23,001 respondents, 22,826 persons are classified as cisgender, 113 persons as transgender and 29 persons as gender-diverse. 33 respondents were counted as having missing values. A survey of interviewers showed that the two-stage measures of sex/gender had a high level of acceptance overall and that there were only a few interview drop-outs. On the basis of previous experience, the modified query can be used for further surveys, but should also be adapted in perspective. For this purpose, participatory studies are desirable that focus on how the acceptance of measures of sex/gender can be further improved and how hurtful experiences in the context of the questions asked can be avoided

    Bis(1,3-benzothia­zol-2-amine-κN 3)silver(I) nitrate acetone solvate

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    In the title compound, [Ag(C7H6N2S)2]NO3·C3H6O, the AgI ion is coordinated to two benzothia­zol-2-amine ligands via the thia­zole N atoms in an approximately linear arrangement. The dihedral angle between the mean planes of the two 1,3-benzothia­zole groups is 5.9 (3)°. Both amine groups on the ligands are oriented in the same direction and are engaged in N—H⋯O hydrogen bonding with the nitrate counter-anion, forming one-dimensional columns along the b-axis direction. Voids created by inefficient crystal packing are occupied by acetone solvent mol­ecules which are disordered over two sites with occupancies of 0.563 (11) and 0.437 (11)

    Development of the EORTC QLQ-CAX24, a questionnaire for cancer patients with cachexia

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    Context Cachexia is commonly found in cancer patients and has profound consequences; yet there is only one questionnaire that examines the patient's perspective. Objective To report a rigorously developed module for patient self-reported impact of cancer cachexia. Methods Module development followed published guidelines. Patients from across the cancer cachexia trajectory were included. In Phase 1, health-related quality of life (HRQOL) issues were generated from a literature review and interviews with patients in four countries. The issues were revised based on patient and health care professional (HCP) input. In Phase 2, questionnaire items were formulated and translated into the languages required for Phase 3, the pilot phase, in which patients from eight countries scored the relevance and importance of each item, and provided qualitative feedback. Results A total of 39 patients and 12 HCPs took part in Phase 1. The literature review produced 68 HRQOL issues, with 22 new issues arising from the patient interviews. After patient and HCP input, 44 issues were formulated into questionnaire items in Phase 2. One hundred ten patients took part in Phase 3. One item was reworded, and 20 items were deleted as a consequence of patient feedback. Conclusions The QLQ-CAX24 is a cancer cachexia-specific questionnaire, comprising 24 items, for HRQOL assessment in clinical trials and practice. It contains five multi-item scales (food aversion, eating and weight-loss worry, eating difficulties, loss of control, and physical decline) and four single items
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