829 research outputs found

    Fractured lives : a memoir

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    Includes abstract.Includes bibliographical references (leaves 264-265).Fractured Lives is a non-fiction work. Part autobiography, part history, part social comment and part war story, it covers a 15 year period, from the early 1980’s to the mid 1990’s when I was making documentaries about the wars taking place in the Southern African region. The films were not about Africa or war, so much as about the effect of war on people’s lives, especially those of women and children. Fractured Lives draws on the experience of making the films, using the stories of people who appear in them. It is my view of what we experienced during those journeys and I drive the narrative, although it is more about the people and places I was filming than about me. I have called it Fractured Lives because the lives of many people I filmed were destroyed almost beyond understanding

    The only way to teach these people is to kill them : Pedagogy as communicative action in the major plays of David Mamet

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    The mentor-student relationship is a recurring motif in the work of playwright David Mamet. Mamet\u27s portrayal of this relationship demonstrates a conception of human interaction in ways that closely parallel Jurgen Habermas\u27s theory of communicative action. Habermas posits his theory as a decentered method of examining human subjects\u27 attempts to establish intersubjective claims of validity with other subjects through the media of communication and argumentation. Within this concept, Habermas defines the Ideal Speech Situation (ISS), or rational discourse free of any relations of domination aimed at creating an intersubjective recognition of validity between two speaking subjects; Mamet\u27s own conception of community parallel\u27s Habermas\u27s ideal. The playwright\u27s characters disrupt possibilities for ideal communication in large part through the invocation of the role of mentor, a position understood as one of superiority within the lifeworld of Mamet\u27s characters; Mamet\u27s social context also reflects Paulo Freire\u27s banking concept of education ; Freire\u27s theory provides a versatile heuristic in which to frame these educational relationships for Habermasian analysis. The following plays serve as primary material for this dissertation: Sexual Perversity in Chicago, American Buffalo, A Life in the Theatre, Glengarry Glen Ross, Speed-the-Plow, Oleanna, and The Cryptogram. In addition, secondary materials such as Mamet\u27s minor plays, screenplays, fiction writing and essays serve to contextualize the major works and illustrate the broad scope of this motif

    Postlarval Scombroid Fishes of the Genera Acanthocybium, Nealotus, and Diplospinus from the Central Pacific Ocean

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    Exclusive of the mackerels and tunas, whose commercial importance has caused them to be studied extensively, the early life history of scombroid fishes is poorly known. This is particularly true of the families Gempylidae and Trichiuridae, even though they are the bases for fisheries in Australia , South Africa, Madeira, and parts of Asia. There is also a paucity of lifehistory information about the non-schooling Scombridae. This paper describes young stages of the scombroid Acanthocybium solandri (Cuvier and Valenciennes), the gempylid Nealotus tripes Johnson, and the trichiurid Diplospinus multistriatus Maul, all three belonging to monotypic genera. The first has a slight commercial importance (Iversen and Yoshida, 1957:370) , the others may be considered rare species of no commercial value

    A framework for cost-sensitive automated selection of intrusion response

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    In recent years, cost-sensitive intrusion response has gained significant interest due to its emphasis on the balance between potential damage incurred by the intrusion and cost of the response. However, one of the challenges in applying this approach is defining a consistent and adaptable measurement framework to evaluate the expected benefit of a response. In this thesis we present a model and framework for the cost-sensitive assessment and selection of intrusion response. Specifically, we introduce a set of measurements that characterize the potential costs associated with the intrusion handling process, and propose an intrusion response evaluation method with respect to the risk of potential intrusion damage, the effectiveness of the response action and the response cost for a system. The proposed framework has the important quality of abstracting the system security policy from the response selection mechanism, permitting policy adjustments to be made without changes to the model. We provide an implementation of the proposed solution as an IDS-independent plugin tool, and demonstrate its advantages over traditional static response systems and an existing dynamic response system

    Peak analysis in gas chromatography and the development of new stationary phases for anion chromatography

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    Causes of band broadening in capillary, gas chromatography are investigated. Using the Golay equation, it is shown that the presence of a diluent significantly increases the extra-column variance, in early eluting peaks, when a liquid injection is used. The cause of this phenomenon is also discussed;A mathematical method based on an iterative method is developed to obtain the correct hold-up time of a capillary column using a flame ionization detector. This method takes advantage of the programmable ability of a common, hand-held calculator. Also discussed is the application of this method for calculating Kovats indices and the calculation of capacity factors;The injection peak in single-column, anion exchange chromatography is used to quantitatively determine simple mixtures of cations in solution. By preparing the sample so that it contains the same concentration and pH value of eluent ions as the mobile phase, it is shown that the injection peak area is proportional to the concentration of cations and dependent on the type of cation present. Binary mixtures of salts in the presence of moderate amounts of acid or base can be quantitated by the combination of information from injection and sample peak areas;A new, low capacity, anion-exchange resin is developed which possesses a unique selectivity for sulfate and oxalate over bromide and nitrate. This low capacity resin makes it possible to separate dicarboxylic acids without interference from inorganic ions. This selectivity is shown to be caused by interaction between the resin matrix and large monovalent anions. This resin also makes it possible to use very short columns, which reduces the analysis time for many anions. Efficiency of this resin is shown to be quite good


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    Os Restaurantes Universitários (RUs) da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS) estão localizados em quatro campi na cidade de Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, e serviram em 2012 mais de 1,5 milhões de refeições. Esse trabalho tem como objetivo apresentar a caracterização dos aspectos e impactos ambientais referentes às atividades de produção de refeições nos RUs. Foram desenvolvidos dois formulários específicos para a caracterização dos aspectos e impactos ambientais que foram aplicados nos RUs. Quanto à tipologia de resíduos gerados nos processos identificaram-se os de natureza orgânica provenientes dos alimentos utilizados e os recicláveis das embalagens de diversos materiais. Constatou-se nos RUs a inadequação quanto à correta separação dos tipos de resíduos. Quanto ao uso de recursos naturais, foram quantificados: os pontos de água, e os equipamentos que utilizam energia elétrica e gás liquefeito de petróleo. A identificação e entendimento dos aspectos e impactos ambientais relacionados ao fornecimento de refeições é o primeiro passo no sentido de reforçar ações de sustentabilidade.University Restaurants (URs) of Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul(UFRGS) are distributed across four campi at Porto Alegre, the capital of thestate of Rio Grande do Sul. More than 1.5 million meals were served in 2012.This paper describes a characterization study of the environmental aspectsand impacts of the activities involved in producing meals at the five URs.Two checklists were developed to conduct the survey of the environmentalaspects and impacts, and they were applied at the URs. A typology ofthe waste produced at the URs was compiled, identifying organic wasteoriginating from the employed foodstuffs and recyclable waste from thepackaging of a wide range of items. It was observed that the URs’ wasteseparation practices were inadequate. As to the use of natural resources, weidentified: the water supply outlets, and the equipment that use electricityand liquefied petroleum gas. The identification and understanding of theenvironmental aspects and impacts of providing meals is the first step inthe direction of improving sustainability

    The Management of septic abortion at Groote Schuur hospital

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    Hardt Award puts spotlight on selfless couple's activities

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    Donor supplied date: none givenOriginally scanned to TIFF at 600 dpi in 2014. Original scan in preservation repository.Place of distribution not identifie

    Risk Management for the Impacts of Coronal Mass Ejections, Electromagnetic Pulse Threats and Climate-Related Weather Events on Power Cables Supporting the Potential of Offshore Wind Energy Off of the Northern East Coast of the United States

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    The offshore wind industry is in the midst of its technology breakthrough phase, as humankind has experienced recently in other technology breakthroughs such as the internet and the smart phone. Wind turbine capability is growing considerably every few years, and infrastructure is in rapid advancement in hopes to barely keep up. As the offshore wind industry has announced the technology of a 15 MW turbine, a 525 KV HVDC subsea transmission cable has also made its debut, reflecting a capability to support 2 GW, more than 130 of these new turbines. Offshore Wind power has very positive risk benefits. It has been in a steady decline in price possibly supporting economic feasibility, while also growing in potential for abundance, where it could provide as a solid improvement in CO2 emissions from our power grid. However, there are negative risks that the supportive infrastructure will face. The coastal areas are more susceptible to Earth’s weather disasters, mainly hurricanes and tropical storms, and findings also suggest a higher susceptibility to solar weather caused by our sun. When it comes to addressing these risks and assuring a reliable, resilient power source to the public, there are politics involved. Offshore Wind Energy is new to the energy mix of the United States. As a result, it may face challenges if policy does not maintain an accurate evaluation of these risks into policy. This study investigates how Offshore Wind Energy in the North Atlantic offshore region of the United States will be affected by recent policy mitigating geomagnetic storm impacts, by analyzing its resiliency to the risk within thresholds presented to and enacted by congress. Findings suggest that future Offshore Wind Energy farms and grid resiliency efforts will benefit from early planning and collaboration efforts, especially in the use of larger cable sizes and HVDC power infrastructure. Conclusive results also suggest key future partnering opportunities in policy to address risks from solar weather events and climate-related events

    Cotton domestication: dramatic changes in a single cell

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    Investigations on the nature of genetic changes underpinning plant domestication have begun to shed light on the evolutionary history of crops and can guide improvements to modern cultivars. A recent study focused on cotton fiber cells tracks the dramatic genome-wide changes in gene expression during development that have accompanied selection for increased fiber yield and quality