81 research outputs found

    Single-poly floating-gate memory cell options for analog neural networks

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    In this paper, we explore the use of a 180 nm CMOS single-poly technology platform for realizing analog Deep Neural Network integrated circuits. The analysis focuses on analog vector–matrix multiplier architectures, one of the main building blocks of a neural network, implementing in-memory computation using Floating-Gate multi-level non-volatile memories. We present two memory options, suited either for current-mode or for time-domain vector–matrix multiplier implementations, with low–voltage charge-injection program and erase operations. The effects of a limited accuracy are also investigated through system-level simulations, by accounting for the temperature dependence of the stored weights and the corresponding impact on the network error rate

    Balanced Propofol Sedation in Patients Undergoing EUS-FNA: A Pilot Study to Assess Feasibility and Safety

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    Introduction and aims. Balanced propofol sedation (BPS) administered by gastroenterologists has gained popularity in endoscopic procedures. Few studies exist about the safety of this approach during endosonography with fine needle aspiration (EUS-FNA). We assessed the safety of BPS in EUS-FNA. Materials and methods. 112 consecutive patients, referred to our unit to perform EUS-FNA, from February 2008 to December 2009, were sedated with BPS. A second gastroenterologist administered the drugs and monitorized the patient. Results. All the 112 patients (62 males, mean age 58.35) completed the examination. The mean dose of midazolam and propofol was, respectively, of 2.1 mg (range 1–4 mg) and 350 mg (range 180–400). All patients received oxygen with a mean flux of 4 liter/minute (range 2–6 liters/minute). The mean recovery time after procedure was 25 minutes (range 18–45 minutes). No major complications related to sedation were registered during all procedures. The oxygen saturation of all patients never reduced to less than 85%. Blood systolic pressure during and after the procedure never reduced to less than 100 mmHg. Conclusions. In our experience BPS administered by non-anaesthesiologists provided safe and successful sedation in patients undergoing EUS-FNA

    Microscopic origin of random telegraph noise fluctuations in aggressively scaled RRAM and its impact on read disturb variability

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    Random telegraph noise (RTN) is an important intrinsic phenomenon of any logic or memory device that is indicative of the reliability and stochastic variability in its performance. In the context of the resistive random access memory (RRAM), RTN becomes a key criterion that determines the read disturb immunity and memory window between the low (LRS) and high resistance states (HRS). With the drive towards ultra-low power memory (low reset current) and aggressive scaling to 10 × 10 nm2 area, contribution of RTN is significantly enhanced by every trap (vacancy) in the dielectric. The underlying mechanisms governing RTN in RRAM are yet to be fully understood. In this study, we aim to decode the role of conductance fluctuations caused by oxygen vacancy transport and inelastic electron trapping and detrapping processes. The influence of resistance state (LRS, shallow and deep HRS), reset depth and reset stop voltage (VRESET-STOP) on the conductance variability is also investigated. © 2013 IEEE

    Strained Silicon Complementary TFET SRAM: Experimental Demonstration and Simulations

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    A half SRAM cell with strained Si nanowire complementary tunnel-FETs (TFETs) was fabricated and characterized to explore the feasibility and functionality of 6T-SRAM based on TFETs. Outward-faced n-TFETs are used as access-transistors. Static measurements were performed to determine the SRAM butterfly curves, allowing the assessment of cell functionality and stability. The forward p-i-n leakage of the access-transistor at certain bias configurations leads to malfunctioning storage operation, even without the contribution of the ambipolar behavior. At large VDD, lowering of the bit-line bias is needed to mitigate such effect, demonstrating functional hold, read and write operations. Circuit simulations were carried out using a Verilog-A compact model calibrated on the experimental TFETs, providing a better understanding of the TFET SRAM operation at different supply voltages and for different cell sizing and giving an estimate of the dynamic performance of the cell

    GOLFIG Chemo-Immunotherapy in Metastatic Colorectal Cancer Patients. A Critical Review on a Long-Lasting Follow-Up

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    Background: GOLFIG is a chemo-immunotherapy regimen established in preclinical models that combines gemcitabine + FOLFOX (fluoropyrimidine backbone coupled to oxaliplatin) poly-chemotherapy with low-dose s. c. recombinant interleukin-2 (rIL-2) and granulocyte-macrophage colony stimulating factor (GM-CSF). Promising antitumor effects in metastatic colorectal cancer (mCRC) patients were obtained in previous phase II and III trials. Here we report the results of 15 years of follow-up. Methods: This is a multi-institutional retrospective analysis including 179 mCRC patients receiving GOLFIG regimen between June 2002 and June 2018. Sixty-two of them received the treatment as frontline (enrolled in the GOLFIG-2 phase III trial) and 117 as second/third line (49 enrolled in the GOLFIG-1 phase II trial and 68 as compassionate use). One hundred twelve patients showed a primary left side and 67 a primary right side; K/N-ras mutational status was available in 74 cases, and an activating mutation was detected in 33. Kaplan–Meier and Cox regression analyses were carried out to relate PFS and OS with different parameters. Results: Overall, we recorded a mean PFS and OS of 15.28 (95% CI: 10.36–20.20) and 24.6 (95% CI: 19.07–30.14) months, respectively, with 14 patients surviving free of progression for 10 years. This regimen, in our updated survey of the GOLFIG-2 trial, confirmed superiority over FOLFOX in terms of PFS (hazard ratio (HR) = 0.58, p = 0.006) with a trend to a longer OS (HR = 0.69, P = 0.06) in the first line. Our analysis also confirmed significant antitumor activity in pre-treated patients, reporting a mean PFS and OS of 12.55 (95% CI: 7.19–17.9) and 20.28 (95% CI: 14.4–26.13) months, respectively. Immune-related adverse events (irAEs) were recorded in 24% of the cases and were related to a longer survival (HR = 0.36; P = 0.0001). Finally, patients' outcome was not correlated to sex, sidedness, and MT-K/N-ras. Conclusions: The GOLFIG regimen is a reliable underestimated therapeutic option in pre-treated mCRC patients and offers a strong rationale to design further trials

    A Two-Factor Mobile Authentication Scheme for Secure Financial Transactions

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    Ad ultimos usque terrarum terminos in fide propaganda. Roma fra promozione e difesa della fede in età moderna

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    La Roma dell’epoca moderna fu una realtà istituzionale, topografica, architettonica e culturale in sé creatrice e propagatrice: communis patria dei cristiani a fronte delle frammentazioni nazionali, linguistiche e etniche, delle specificità dei diversi ordini religiosi e dei plurimi retaggi storici che sempre più contraddistinguevano le aree di diffusione della religione cattolica. Le strutture di accoglienza dei pellegrini, gli organismi internazionali in cui venivano parlati numerosi idiomi, i collegi, le accademie e le confraternite plurilinguistiche, stimolate dalla politica delle indulgenze e delle conversioni, fecero progressivamente assumere a Roma, tra Quattro e Seicento, una centralità che costituì il prerequisito simbolico indispensabile alla “giurisdizione sul mondo” incarnata dall’opera di Propaganda Fide. In conseguenza di questo processo, nel corso del Cinquecento Roma mutò stabilmente la sua struttura e la sua fisionomia: dall’epoca di Giulio II a quella di Sisto V e Clemente VIII, l’aggregato di eredità medioevale, per diversi aspetti caotico, si trasformò in un moderno tessuto urbano, che sarebbe durato, sebbene demograficamente depauperato, fino alla città primo-ottocentesca

    Endoscopic mucosal resection for early colorectal neoplasia : pathological basis, procedures and outcome

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    Open access endoscopy and screening programs enable detection and removal of an increased number of colon polyps in the early stages of neoplastic transformation. Unfortunately, polyps larger than 3 cm, involving more than one-third of circumference or two haustral folds, or with a flat/depressed morphology are more challenging to remove with standard polypectomy techniques. Endoscopic mucosal resection potentiates the removal, in a minimally invasive way, of certain colonic lesions that would otherwise require surgical or ablative treatment. Because the plane of resection during endoscopic mucosal resection is typically the middle to deep submucosal layer, compared with standard polypectomy, which normally provides resection at a mucosal level, endoscopic mucosal resection offers the advantage of providing en bloc resection specimens for histopathologic analysis. Indications to perform endoscopic mucosal resection are adenoma and small, well-differentiated carcinoma, confined to the mucosa or with minimal invasion to submucosa, and without any invasion to lymphatic channels or vessels. The most frequently reported major complications, such as perforation (0-5%) and bleeding (0.5-6%), may be controlled by endoscopic methods and rarely require surgical treatment. Follow-up postendoscopic mucosal resection is essential because of the risk of neoplastic recurrenc