396 research outputs found

    Titanium Nitride Coating of RF Ceramic Windows by Reactive DC Magnetron Sputtering

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    International audienceLAL-Orsay is developing an important effort on R&D and technology studies on RF power couplers for superconductive cavities. These are complex and high technology devices due to their basic functions: vacuum and temperature separation form the environment to the cavity. One of the most critical components of high power couplers is the ceramic RF window that allows the power flux to be injected in the coaxial line. The presence of a dielectric window on a high power RF line has in fact a strong influence on the multipactor phenomena, a resonant electron discharge that is strongly limiting for the RF components performances. The most important method to reduce the multipactor is to decrease the secondary emission yield of the ceramic window. Due to its low secondary electron emission coefficient, TiN thin film is used as a multipactor suppressor coating on RF ceramic coupler windows. In the framework of the EU program FP6 the LAL-Orsay and the LNL-Legnaro establish a collaboration to develop a coating bench that takes into account the different strong constraints on stoechiometry and film coating thickness given by coupler operating conditions. Reactive magnetron sputtering technology was chosen to obtain such deposit. A full description of a sputtering bench recently installed in LAL, and its main characteristics are given. Stoechiometric TiN films are obtained by optimization of reactive gas flow (N2), for a given bias and a given ionisation gas flow (Ar). XRD analysis was performed to control film composition. From the data obtained, lattice parameter is calculated for each deposit and film stoechiometry is determined. XPS analysis of stoechiometric film had shown the existence of oxygen and carbon mainly in the surface. However, it shows also that the ratio Ti/N in atomic percentage is equal to 1

    Cryphonectric acid and other minor metabolites from a hypovirulent strain of Cryphonectria parasitica

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    Investigations carried out on secondary metabolites produced in culture by a hypovirulent strain of Cryphonectria parasitica allowed the isolation of several compounds which were characterized by NMR analysis and derivatization reactions. The most abundant metabolite was a new compound, called cryphonectric acid (1). Other metabolites were diaporthin, the only known phytotoxic compound isolated from both virulent and hypovirulent strains of C. parasitica, (+)-orthosporin, and L-p-hydroxyphenyllactic acid (HOPLA). Root growth activity of the purified compounds was evaluated both on tomato seedlings and maize subapical segments

    Radioisotopic purity and imaging properties of cyclotron-produced 99mTc using direct 100Mo(p,2n) reaction

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    Evaluation of the radioisotopic purity of technetium-99m (99mTc) produced in GBq amounts by proton bombardment of enriched molibdenum-100 (100Mo) metallic targets at low proton energies (i.e. within 15\u201320 MeV) is conducted. This energy range was chosen since it is easily achievable by many conventional medical cyclotrons already available in the nuclear medicine departments of hospitals. The main motivation for such a study is in the framework of the research activities at the international level that have been conducted over the last few years to develop alternative production routes for the most widespread radioisotope used in medical imaging. The analysis of technetium isotopes and isomeric states (9xTc) present in the pertechnetate saline Na99mTcO4 solutions, obtained after the extraction/purification procedure, reveals radionuclidic purity levels basically in compliance with the limits recently issued by European Pharmacopoeia 9.3 (2018 Sodium pertechnetate (99mTc) injection 4801\u20133). Moreover, the impact of 9xTc contaminant nuclides on the final image quality is thoroughly evaluated, analyzing the emitted high-energy gamma rays and their influence on the image quality. The spatial resolution of images from cyclotron-produced 99mTc acquired with a mini-gamma camera was determined and compared with that obtained using technetium-99m solutions eluted from standard 99Mo/99mTc generators. The effect of the increased image background contribution due to Compton-scattered higher-energy gamma rays (E \u3b3 \u2009\u2009>\u2009\u2009200\u2009keV), which could cause image-contrast deterioration, was also studied. It is concluded that, due to the high radionuclidic purity of cyclotron-produced 99mTc using 100Mo(p,2n)99mTc reaction at a proton beam energy in the range 15.7\u201319.4 MeV, the resulting image properties are well comparable with those from the generator-eluted 99mTc

    Clickable cellulosic surfaces for peptide-based bioassays

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    The use of peptides in paper-based analytics is a highly appealing field, yet it suffers from severe limitations. This is mostly due to the loss of effective target recognition properties of this relatively small probes upon nonspecific adsorption onto cellulose substrates. Here we address this issue by introducing a simple polymer-based strategy to obtain clickable cellulose surfaces, that we exploited for the chemoselective bioconjugation of peptide bioprobes. Our method largely outperformed standard adsorption-based immobilization strategy in a challenging, real case immunoassay, namely the diagnostic discrimination of Zika + individuals from healthy controls. Of note, the clickable polymeric coating not only allows efficient peptides bioconjugation, but it provides favorable anti-fouling properties to the cellulosic support. We envisage our strategy to broaden the repertoire of cellulosic materials manipulation and promote a renewed interest in peptide-based paper bioassays

    Membrane-binding peptides for extracellular vesicles on-chip analysis

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    Small extracellular vesicles (sEVs) present fairly distinctive lipid membrane features in the extracellular environment. These include high curvature, lipid-packing defects and a relative abundance in lipids such as phosphatidylserine and ceramide. sEV membrane could be then considered as a "universal" marker, alternative or complementary to traditional, characteristic, surface-associated proteins. Here, we introduce the use of membrane-sensing peptides as new, highly efficient ligands to directly integrate sEV capturing and analysis on a microarray platform. Samples were analysed by label-free, single-particle counting and sizing, and by fluorescence co-localisation immune staining with fluorescent anti-CD9/anti-CD63/anti-CD81 antibodies. Peptides performed as selective yet general sEV baits and showed a binding capacity higher than anti-tetraspanins antibodies. Insights into surface chemistry for optimal peptide performances are also discussed, as capturing efficiency is strictly bound to probes surface orientation effects. We anticipate that this new class of ligands, also due to the versatility and limited costs of synthetic peptides, may greatly enrich the molecular toolbox for EV analysis

    Utilização de chuveiros na sala pré-ordenha e sua influência na produtividade de búfalas da raça Murrah (Bubalus bubalis).

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    O estudo foi realizado com 64 búfalas, em dois tratamentos (1 e 2), durante seis dias. No primeiro, antes da ordenha, os animais permaneceram 1h em sala de espera com acesso ao chuveiro No segundo, os animais não tiveram acesso ao chuveiro. Foram registrados Índice de Temperatura de Globo e Umidade (ITGU) e a Umidade Relativa (UR) das salas de ordenha e de espera, Temperatura de Corpo (TC), Frequência Respiratória (FR), Reatividade (REAT), Nível de Estresse (NEST) e a Produção Diária de Leite (PL). Os dados foram analisados com o auxílio do programa SAS. O efeito da FR não foi significativo (P>0,57) sobre a PL. Não houve diferença significativa na PL para a REAT. O NEST foi o mesmo nos dois tratamentos. As regressões da característica (PL_AJ) sobre ITGU Interno (ITGU_I), ITGU Externo (ITGU_E), TC e UR não foram significativas (P>0,12). No tratamento 2 foram observados maior número de animais em classes de estresse, verificou-se que o tratamento 1 possibilitou a mudança ( alguns animais) da zona de alerta ou estresse para a zona de conforto térmico em relação ao ITGU_I. No tratamento 2, todos os animais estavam em estresse térmico. Os animais submetidos ao estresse calórico em ambas as situações utilizaram com eficiência o seu sistema termorregulador, sem interferir na produção de leite

    Evaluación de la degradación de residuos de insecticidas organofosforados en granos de maíz (Zea mays L.) almacenados

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    The aims of this work were to monitor the  dissipation dynamics of the organophosphate insecticides applied to corn grains stored in  supervised experiments, establish the dissipation dynamics and determine the minimum period post application necessary to comply with the  established commercial standards. The  insecticides dichlorvos (DDVP), hlorpyrifosmethyl+deltamethrin (CPM) and pirimiphos-methyl (PMM) were applied to maize grains, which were then stored for 120 days. The samples were processed and extracted using the QuEChERS technique and  the pesticide residues were identified and  quantified by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. Deltamethrin residues were not  analized. After 90 days of storage, more than 80 % of the initial residue had been degraded, and after 120 days the residues were below the detection limit (LoD). DDVP, CPM and PMM residues  followed a first order degradation dynamics [Ct = C0×e(-kt)], with k values of 0.384, 0.025 and 0.020 and estimated half-lives of 1.8, 27.7 and 34.7 days, respectively. These results show that at recommended dosages, the insecticides CPM and PMM are safe for use on stored maize grains;  DDVP results provide additional evidence further reasserting its prohibition, which dates back to 2018. Los objetivos del trabajo fueron monitorear la degradación de insecticidas organofosforados aplicados a granos de maíz almacenados en ensayos experimentales, establecer las dinámicas de degradación y determinar el tiempo mínimo de espera post aplicación necesario para cumplir con estándares comerciales. Se aplicaron los insecticidas diclorvós (DDVP), clorpirifós-metil+deltametrina (CPM) y pirimifós-metil (PMM)  a granos de maíz almacenados durante 120 días. Las muestras se procesaron y extrajeron mediante la técnica QuEChERS y los residuos de plaguicidas  se identificaron y cuantificaron mediante  cromatografía de gases-espectrometría de masas.Los residuos de deltametrina no fueron determinados. Luego de 90 días de almacenamiento, más del 80 % del contenido inicial de residuos se había degradado y a los 120  días se encontraban por debajo del límite de detección (LoD). Los residuos de DDVP CPM y PMM siguieron una dinámica de degradación de primer orden [Ct=C0×e(-kt)], con valores de k de 0,384, 0,025 y 0,020 y vidas medias estimadas de 1;8; 27,7 y 34,7 días respectivamente. Estos resultados permiten concluir que a la dosis recomendada, los insecticidas CPM y PMM se pueden usar de manera segura en granos de maíz  almacenados, mientras que los resultados de DDVP aportan información adicional que ratifica su prohibición, que data del 2018

    Short-term economic impact of the Zika virus outbreak

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    Summary Zika virus (ZIKV) is mainly transmitted by mosquitoes bites. However, transmission by sexual contacts has been reported in 11 non endemic countries. The rapid spread of ZIKV in Latin American and Caribbean Countries (LCR), person-to-person transmission and perceived risk on people’s well being can affect the emerging economies of LCR which historically dependent on truism. Here we present an analysis on economic outputs for assessing the current impact of ZIKV on markets. Our analysis show an unexpected resilience of LCR markets to international alerts. This positive response represents an opportunity to scale-up interventions for preventing the further spreading of the ZIKV epidemic