170 research outputs found

    The Judicial Expansion of American Exceptionalism

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    The percolation theory is established as a useful tool in the field of pharmaceutical materials science.It is shown that percolation theory, developed for analyzing insulator–conductor transitions, can beapplied to describe imperfect dc conduction in pharmaceutical microcrystalline cellulose duringdensification. The system, in fact, exactly reproduces the values of the percolation threshold andexponent estimated for a three-dimensional random continuum. Our data clearly show a crossoverfrom a power-law percolation theory region to a linear effective medium theory region at a celluloseporosity of ;0.7

    Law School Libraries 2007

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    The primary mission of the law school library is to meet the information needs of the faculty and students of the institution it supports. In addition to their role in educating future lawyers, law schools are the major producers of scholarly literature in law and rely on academic law libraries to provide the resources and support needed for research and publication. Beyond support for the core functions of legal education and research, the specific missions of law school libraries vary depending on the size and missions of law schools of different types. Differences among law schools result in differences among their libraries in collection size and composition, staffing and services offered, and additional clienteles served

    Paso elevado para peatones, en Oslo, Noruega

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    This is a reinforced concrete bridge, in three spans, whose lengths are 18, 36 and 20 m, and its overall width is 3.85 m. In the horizontal plane the structure is S shaped, consisting of two 2nd degree parabolas, joined by two straight sections. From the construction and service aspects this was regarded as the most suitable shape. The main difficulties were due to the necessity of disposing of the required free vertical spaces and of avoiding the disruption of the traffic during the period of construction.<br><br>Consiste en puente de hormigón armado, de tres tramos, cuyas longitudes respectivas son 18, 36 y 20 m. Su anchura total es de 3,85 metros. La planta tiene forma de S y está construida por dos parábolas de segundo grado, unidas por tramos rectos. Esta forma se consideró óptima desde los puntos de vista de construcción y de servicio. Las mayores dificultades que hubo que resolver se derivaron de la necesidad de conseguir los correspondientes espacios libres verticales y de evitar toda alteración del tráfico durante la construcción del puente

    Kvinnors upplevelse av livsfasen klimakteriet : En litteraturstudie

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    Livsfasen klimakteriet eller övergångsåldern är en hormonell omställning som präglas av äggstockarnas åldrande och slutligen totala funktionsbortfall. Klimakteriet är en biologisk övergång gemensam för alla kvinnor. I västvärlden präglas den här livsfasen av tre olika synsätt; Klimakteriet ses som ett hormonellt bristtillstånd som varar livet ut,en social och kulturell konstruktion och en utvecklingsfas i kvinnans liv, den tredje åldern. Syfte med den här litteraturstudien är att belysa hur kvinnor upplever livsfasen klimakteriet. Resultatet visar att kvinnorna upplevde klimakteriet olika men det fanns en gemensam upplevelse av att upprätthålla en känsla av sammanhang i upplevelsen av förändring under den här livsfasen. Det är viktigt att dela upplevelsen med familjen och andra närstående. I mötet med vårdgivare är det viktigt att bli sedd och trodd på. Att genomgå de kroppsliga förändringarna upplevdes positivare om kvinnorna kunde se ett sammanhang. Kvinnorna erfor överlag en ökad livskraft då den nya livsfasen innebar en ny period i livet som till exempel att få barnbarn, ökad självkänsla och ökad frihet som att slippa ansvar över de egna barnen. Mötet med kvinnor i klimakteriet bör präglas av helhetssyn på kvinnan och hennes könsidentitet, livsvillkor och livssituation. Som barnmorska finns vana att arbeta förebyggande och stärka hälsoprocesser. Barnmorskan kan därför i sin proffession vara lämpad för att möta kvinnor i den här åldern.Program: Fristående kur

    Paso elevado para peatones, en Oslo, Noruega

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    This is a reinforced concrete bridge, in three spans, whose lengths are 18, 36 and 20 m, and its overall width is 3.85 m. In the horizontal plane the structure is S shaped, consisting of two 2nd degree parabolas, joined by two straight sections. From the construction and service aspects this was regarded as the most suitable shape. The main difficulties were due to the necessity of disposing of the required free vertical spaces and of avoiding the disruption of the traffic during the period of construction.<br><br>Consiste en puente de hormigón armado, de tres tramos, cuyas longitudes respectivas son 18, 36 y 20 m. Su anchura total es de 3,85 metros. La planta tiene forma de S y está construida por dos parábolas de segundo grado, unidas por tramos rectos. Esta forma se consideró óptima desde los puntos de vista de construcción y de servicio. Las mayores dificultades que hubo que resolver se derivaron de la necesidad de conseguir los correspondientes espacios libres verticales y de evitar toda alteración del tráfico durante la construcción del puente

    Future treatment options for early radiation-induced pulmonary hypertension

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    De begeleider en/of auteur heeft geen toestemming gegeven tot het openbaar maken van de scriptie. The supervisor and/or the author did not authorize public publication of the thesis.

    Sustainable Porous Carbon Materials Derived from Wood-Based Biopolymers for CO2 Capture

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    Porous carbon materials with tunable porosities and functionalities represent an important class of CO2 sorbents. The development of porous carbons from various types of biomass is a sustainable, economic and environmentally friendly strategy. Wood is a biodegradable, renewable, sustainable, naturally abundant and carbon-rich raw material. Given these advantages, the use of wood-based resources for the synthesis of functional porous carbons has attracted great interests. In this mini-review, we present the recent developments regarding sustainable porous carbons derived from wood-based biopolymers (cellulose, hemicelluloses and lignin) and their application in CO2 capture

    Photocatalytic Antibacterial Effects Are Maintained on Resin-Based TiO2 Nanocomposites after Cessation of UV Irradiation

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    Photocatalysis induced by TiO2 and UV light constitutes a decontamination and antibacterial strategy utilized in many applications including self-cleaning environmental surfaces, water and air treatment. The present work reveals that antibacterial effects induced by photocatalysis can be maintained even after the cessation of UV irradiation. We show that resin-based composites containing 20% TiO2 nanoparticles continue to provide a pronounced antibacterial effect against the pathogens Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus epidermidis, Streptococcus pyogenes, Streptococcus mutans and Enterococcus faecalis for up to two hours post UV. For biomaterials or implant coatings, where direct UV illumination is not feasible, a prolonged antibacterial effect after the cessation of the illumination would offer new unexplored treatment possibilities