41 research outputs found

    Instancyjna kontrola rozstrzygnięcia umarzającego postępowanie administracyjne z powodu bezprzedmiotowości w świetle orzecznictwa WSA i NSA : zarys problematyki

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    The Code of Administrative Procedure (Kpa) provides for the issuance of a decision discontinuing proceedings in a situation where a public administration body finds that the on-going administrative proceedings have become irrelevant (Article 105 of the Code). This paper presents the problems related to the discontinuation of administrative proceedings by first instance bodies. The scope of the instance control of decisions discontinuing the proceedings was also presented, including the inability of the second instance authority to issue a substantive decision in appeal proceedings in the event of a prior discontinuation of the proceedings by the first instance authority. The existing court- and administration-jurisprudence has established the view that in a situation where the first-instance authority discontinues administrative proceedings due to its irrelevance, the appeal body cannot overrule the decision and in this respect decide on the essence of the case (Article 138 § 1 point 2 of the Code), because the decision issued in this way violates the principle of two instances of administrative proceedings (Article 15 of the Code). In such cases, the appeal body is obliged to issue a cassation decision (Article 138 § 2 of the Code of Administrative Proceedings)

    FPO++: Efficient Encoding and Rendering of Dynamic Neural Radiance Fields by Analyzing and Enhancing Fourier PlenOctrees

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    Fourier PlenOctrees have shown to be an efficient representation for real-time rendering of dynamic Neural Radiance Fields (NeRF). Despite its many advantages, this method suffers from artifacts introduced by the involved compression when combining it with recent state-of-the-art techniques for training the static per-frame NeRF models. In this paper, we perform an in-depth analysis of these artifacts and leverage the resulting insights to propose an improved representation. In particular, we present a novel density encoding that adapts the Fourier-based compression to the characteristics of the transfer function used by the underlying volume rendering procedure and leads to a substantial reduction of artifacts in the dynamic model. Furthermore, we show an augmentation of the training data that relaxes the periodicity assumption of the compression. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our enhanced Fourier PlenOctrees in the scope of quantitative and qualitative evaluations on synthetic and real-world scenes

    An economic comparison of the waste management schemes employed in Cape Town and Johannesburg.

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    Thesis (M.Sc.Eng.)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban, 2006.The disposal of waste into landfill sites is currently the most commonly employed method of dealing with waste in South Africa as well as internationally. However the global trend towards operating waste management systems in a more sustainable way has lead to the need to reverse this situation towards a waste management system that predominantly makes use of waste minimization schemes to deal with waste and relies minimally on waste disposal. The focus of this research was to determine which waste minimization schemes would be most effective in the Municipal Solid Waste Management Systems (MSWMS) of Cape Town and Johannesburg with regard to achieving this reversal in an economically sustainable manner. The method used to achieve this objective was threefold, firstly requiring the development of a waste flow diagram for each respective city, followed by the development of a waste stream model based on the specific flow diagram and finally the extension of this material model into an economic model. The models were developed in Microsoft Excel and work on the premise that each particular stream (separate collected waste, transfer station waste, etc) of the MSWMS concerned has a particular associated cost (defined as cost per ton of waste processed). The model operates on the principle that under several pre-determined constraints the Excel Solver function calculates the optimal flow rates of the various waste streams which give the minimum overall MSWMS cost for future years. The developed model has shown that the recovery of waste reduces the overall MSWMS costs until a threshold value (at which point under the proposed system all economically recoverable waste has been exhausted). Different waste minimization schemes were found to be appropriate for each respective city. However, the use of Material Recovery Facilities (MRFs) to recover recyclables has been shown to be a viable waste recovery scheme for both Cape Town and Johannesburg. Cape Town is in the process of implementing the development of MRFs in conjunction with existing transfer stations, while it is envisaged that MRFs will be developed on all of Johannesburg's Municipal landfill sites in the future. Significant changes to the MSWMS of both cities are required for their respective landfilling waste streams to be substantially reduced in accordance with the Polokwane Declaration. Decreasing the landfilled waste stream is not only required by legislation, but the developed model has shown that the recovery of waste also reduces the overall MSWMS costs

    Instancyjna kontrola rozstrzygnięcia umarzającego postępowanie administracyjne z powodu bezprzedmiotowości w świetle orzecznictwa WSA i NSA: zarys problematyki

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    The Code of Administrative Procedure (Kpa) provides for the issuance of a decision discontinuing proceedings in a situation where a public administration body finds that the on-going administrative proceedings have become irrelevant (Article 105 of the Code). This paper presents the problems related to the discontinuation of administrative proceedings by first instance bodies. The scope of the instance control of decisions discontinuing the proceedings was also presented, including the inability of the second instance authority to issue a substantive decision in appeal proceedings in the event of a prior discontinuation of the proceedings by the first instance authority. The existing court- and administration-jurisprudence has established the view that in a situation where the first-instance authority discontinues administrative proceedings due to its irrelevance, the appeal body cannot overrule the decision and in this respect decide on the essence of the case (Article 138 § 1 point 2 of the Code), because the decision issued in this way violates the principle of two instances of administrative proceedings (Article 15 of the Code). In such cases, the appeal body is obliged to issue a cassation decision (Article 138 §2 of the Code of Administrative Proceedings).Kodeks postępowania administracyjnego (Kpa) przewiduje wydanie decyzji umarzającej postępowanie w sytuacji, gdy organ administracji publicznej uzna, że prowadzone postępowanie administracyjne jest bezprzedmiotowe (art. 105 Kpa). W artykule przedstawiono problematykę związaną z umorzeniem postępowania administracyjnego w wyniku jego bezprzedmiotowości przez organy pierwszej instancji oraz zakres instancyjnej kontroli rozstrzygnięć umarzających postępowanie przez organy odwoławcze. W orzecznictwie sądowo-administracyjnym utrwalił się pogląd, zgodnie z którym w sytuacji, gdy organ pierwszej instancji umorzy postępowanie administracyjne z uwagi na jego bezprzedmiotowość, to organ odwoławczy nie może uchylić tej decyzji i w tym zakresie orzec co do istoty sprawy (art. 138 § 1 pkt 2 Kpa), gdyż tak wydana decyzja naruszałaby zasadę dwu-instancyjności postępowania administracyjnego (art. 15 Kpa). Organ odwoławczy w takich sytuacjach jest zobowiązany do wydania decyzji kasacyjnej (art. 138 f§ 2 Kpa). W artykule przedstawiono pogląd o braku możliwości wydania przez organ drugiej instancji decyzji merytorycznej w prowadzonym postępowaniu odwoławczym w sytuacji uprzedniego umorzenia postępowania przez organ pierwszej instancji, w oparciu o analizę stosownego orzecznictwa WSA i NSA

    Efficient 3D Reconstruction, Streaming and Visualization of Static and Dynamic Scene Parts for Multi-client Live-telepresence in Large-scale Environments

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    Despite the impressive progress of telepresence systems for room-scale scenes with static and dynamic scene entities, expanding their capabilities to scenarios with larger dynamic environments beyond a fixed size of a few square-meters remains challenging. In this paper, we aim at sharing 3D live-telepresence experiences in large-scale environments beyond room scale with both static and dynamic scene entities at practical bandwidth requirements only based on light-weight scene capture with a single moving consumer-grade RGB-D camera. To this end, we present a system which is built upon a novel hybrid volumetric scene representation in terms of the combination of a voxel-based scene representation for the static contents, that not only stores the reconstructed surface geometry but also contains information about the object semantics as well as their accumulated dynamic movement over time, and a point-cloud-based representation for dynamic scene parts, where the respective separation from static parts is achieved based on semantic and instance information extracted for the input frames. With an independent yet simultaneous streaming of both static and dynamic content, where we seamlessly integrate potentially moving but currently static scene entities in the static model until they are becoming dynamic again, as well as the fusion of static and dynamic data at the remote client, our system is able to achieve VR-based live-telepresence at close to real-time rates. Our evaluation demonstrates the potential of our novel approach in terms of visual quality, performance, and ablation studies regarding involved design choices

    ‘Letting the right one in’: Provider contexts for recruitment to initial teacher education in the United Kingdom

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    We exploit policy differences within the UK to investigate provider context and recruitment to initial teacher education (ITE). We identify three dimensions of variation: conceptions of professionalism, universal or context specific preparation and costs and benefits to providers. University-led ITE programmes used similar criteria and processes in each jurisdiction, but there were differences between university-led and school-led recruitment. Our study suggests that the current shortfall in recruitment to ITE in England may be a product of the contextual constraints which schools experience. It also suggests that school-led recruitment may tend to emphasise short-term and school-specific needs

    Single-instance grievance procedure vs. Manifestation of dissatisfaction with the method of handling the complaint

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    Artykuł przedstawia procedurę postępowania skargowego wszczętego w wyniku skargi powszechnej, które charakteryzuje zasadniczo uproszczony tryb, odformalizowanie i jednoinstancyjność. Omówiono w nim przyjęte sposoby załatwiania skarg oraz przedstawiono problematykę powstałą w sytuacjach, gdy skarżąca jednostka podejmuje próby zaskarżenia otrzymanego zawiadomienia o sposobie załatwienia skargi, wyrażając przy tym niezadowolenie z otrzymanej odpowiedzi. Wyraz niezadowolenia ze sposobu załatwienia skargi ze względu na jednoinstancyjność postępowania skargowego nie przenosi sprawy do organu wyższej instancji, a także nie jest instytucją regulowaną w przepisach kodeksu postępowania administracyjnego. Zakwestionowanie sposobu załatwienia skargi skutkuje nową skargą i wszczęciem kolejnego postępowania skargowego przed organem, który rozpatrywał pierwotną skargę.This paper presents the procedure of grievance proceedings initiated as a result of a common complaint, which is essentially simplified, informalised and of single instance. This paper also discusses the adopted methods of handling complaints and presents the issues arising in situations where the complaining party attempts to challenge the received notification on the manner of handling the complaint, expressing dissatisfaction with the response received. Manifestation of dissatisfaction with the method the complaint is handled due to single-instance nature of the grievance procedure does not refer the case to the higher instance, and is not an institution regulated in the provisions of the Code of Administrative Procedure. Challenging the method of handling a complaint results in a new complaint and the initiation of another grievance procedure before the authority that reviewed the original complaint

    Nowa formuła postępowania legalizacyjnego samowoli budowlanych w Polsce

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    This article presents the characteristics of the simplified legalisation procedure concerning unlawful building work which has been in force since 19 September 2020 in Poland. The newly-introduced solution will enable to make the buildings or their parts made unlawfully more than 20 years ago legal in a significantly simplified scope, beneficial for the building owners and administrators. The so-called old unlawful building work can be legalised in this procedure, provided complete legalisation documents are submitted, with no need to pay the legalisation fee and even when the buildings or structures do not comply with the area development plans. However, legalisation is possible solely if it is verified that the technical condition of the building or structure does not pose any hazard to human health or life and ensures its safe use. The article discusses the assumptions of the amendment and summarises the introduced regulation.Niniejszy artykuł przedstawia charakterystykę obowiązującego od 19 września 2020 roku w Polsce uproszczonego postępowania legalizacyjnego samowoli budowlanych. Nowo wprowadzona instytucja w sposób korzystny dla właścicieli i zarządców obiektów w znacznie uproszonym zakresie pozwoli doprowadzić samowolnie wykonane ponad 20 lat temu obiekty budowlane lub ich części do stanu zgodnego z prawem. Warunkiem zalegalizowania tzw. starych samowoli budowlanych w tej procedurze jest przedłożenie kompletnych dokumentów legalizacyjnych, bez konieczności wniesienia opłaty legalizacyjnej oraz nawet w sytuacji niezgodności obiektów z miejscowymi planami zagospodarowania przestrzennego. Legalizacja jest jednakże możliwa wyłącznie w razie stwierdzenia niestwarzającego zagrożenia dla życia lub zdrowia ludzi stanu technicznego obiektu budowlanego, przy tym pozwalającego na jego bezpieczne użytkowanie. W artykule omówiono założenia nowelizacji oraz podsumowano wprowadzoną regulację w języku angielskim