5 research outputs found


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    The civil construction industry is responsible for a considerable environmental impact, whether the demand for natural raw materials or the generation of waste from its activities. The Resolution 307 of 5 July 2002 of the National Environmental Council classified construction and demolition wastes into different classes according to their physical characteristics, and forms to submit its disposal. This resolution highlights that construction waste can´t be disposed of on domestic wastes in landfills, slopes, water bodies, and areas protected by law. Thus, it is the responsibility of the waste generator provide the correctly destination of the produced waste according to their classification. This research presents the economic feasibility of using recycled demolition waste in replacing natural material for the base implementation of the third basement subfloor a building in Sao Paulo. Through the conducted studies it was concluded that the use of recycled waste has led to a cost 64 % less than using natural material as possible to reduce the costs of acquisition and transportation of natural material.Aconstrução civil é responsável por um considerável impacto ambiental, quer sejapela demanda por matérias primas naturais ou pela geração de resíduos de suasatividades.  A resolução no307 de 5 de julho de 2002 do Conselho Nacional do Meio Ambiente classifica osresíduos de construção civil em diferentes classes em função de suas características,além de apresentar  formas para suadestinação final.   Esta resoluçãodestaca que os resíduos de construção civil não poderão ser dispostos ematerros de resíduos domiciliares, em áreas de “bota fora”, encostas, corposd’água, lotes vagos e em áreas protegidas por lei. Dessa maneira, fica deresponsabilidade do gerador destinar de forma correta os resíduos produzidos deacordo com sua classificação. Esta pesquisa apresenta a viabilidade econômicade utilização de resíduos de demolição reciclados na substituição de materialnatural para a execução base do contrapiso do terceiro subsolo um edifíciolocalizado em São Paulo. Por meio dos estudos conduzidos pôde-se concluir que autilização dos resíduos reciclados conduziu a um custo 64% inferior à utilizaçãodo material natural, pois possibilitou a redução dos custos com aquisição dematerial natural e transporte.Economic viability of demolition recycled wastes used during the construction of the subfloor of a building located in the east side of the city of São Paul

    Prospecção de Patentes para a Solução Sustentável de Problema da Indústria da Construção: O Espaçador de Concreto

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     Este trabalho destaca a importância da busca de patentes para solucionar problemas empresarias e tecnológicos. O objetivo é demostrar uma pesquisa feita em bases de dados com mais de 80 milhões de patentes através de softwares e filtros, melhorando a qualidade e restringindo a busca. A busca foi realizada em de sites como aulive.com, espacenet.com e wipo.com, juntamente com Patent2Net, software para recuperar dados de patentes, e Gephi, software para criar redes de dados. O retorno da pesquisa inicial foi de 2,687 patentes, porém, com a utilização de filtros e redes de dados, a busca foi restringida para 50 patentes. Através da análise da busca refinada foi possível encontrar uma patente aplicável como alternativa para o uso de espaçadores de aço para estruturas de concreto armado, possibilitando a reutilização de matérias primas e evitando custos de construção adicionais.

    <b>Evaluation of compressive strength and water absorption of soil-cement bricks manufactured with addition of pet (polyethylene terephthalate) wastes

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    This paper presents the evaluation of compressive strength of soil-cement bricks obtained by the inclusion in their mixture of PET flakes through mineral water bottles grinding. The Polyethylene Terephthalate (PET) has been characterized by its difficulty of disaggregation in nature, requiring a long period for this. On the other hand, with the increase in civil construction activities the demand for raw material also increases, causing considerable environmental impacts. In this context, the objective of this research is to propose a simple methodology, preventing its dumping and accumulation in irregular areas, and reducing the demand of raw materials by the civil construction industry. The results showed that compressive strengths obtained were lower than recommended by NBR 8491 (Associação Brasileira de Normas Técnicas [ABNT], 2012b) at seven days of curing time. However, they may be used as an alternative solution in masonry works in order to not submit themselves to great loads or structural functions. The studied bricks also presented water absorption near to recommended values by NBR 8491 (ABNT, 2012b). Manufacturing costs were also determined for this brick, comparing it with the costs of other brick types. Each brick withdrew from circulation approximately 300 g of PET waste. Thus, for an area of 1 m2 the studied bricks can promote the withdrawal of approximately 180 beverage bottles of 2 L capacity

    Gerenciamento dos Resíduos de Demolição Gerados nas Obras de um Edifício Localizado na Zona Leste da Cidade de São Paulo/SP

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    Due to civil construction industry improvement, the generation of solid wastes from this economic sector consists in an important problem to be solved. Different procedures aiming the reuse of these wastes and the development of management tools have been presented in several papers in order to mitigate the effects caused by construction works environmental impacts. However, the absence of effective public policies, that consider the generation, handling and disposal of these wastes as a real problem to be solved, consists in an obstacle to sustainability practices adoption. This paper presents the reuse of demolition solid wastes in the construction of the basement floor of a building located on the east side of the city of São Paulo. Considering the obtained parameters it can be concluded that reuse “in situ” of the generated wastes by demolition works resulted in significant economic advantages, once the transportation costs required for final disposition of these wastes and costs of acquisition of raw natural materials were both reduced