23 research outputs found

    Age-related alterations in meningeal immunity drive impaired CNS lymphatic drainage

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    The meningeal lymphatic network enables the drainage of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) and facilitates the removal of central nervous system (CNS) waste. During aging and in Alzheimer\u27s disease, impaired meningeal lymphatic drainage promotes the buildup of toxic misfolded proteins in the CNS. Reversing this age-related dysfunction represents a promising strategy to augment CNS waste clearance; however, the mechanisms underlying this decline remain elusive. Here, we demonstrate that age-related alterations in meningeal immunity underlie this lymphatic impairment. Single-cell RNA sequencing of meningeal lymphatic endothelial cells from aged mice revealed their response to IFNγ, which was increased in the aged meninges due to T cell accumulation. Chronic elevation of meningeal IFNγ in young mice via AAV-mediated overexpression attenuated CSF drainage-comparable to the deficits observed in aged mice. Therapeutically, IFNγ neutralization alleviated age-related impairments in meningeal lymphatic function. These data suggest manipulation of meningeal immunity as a viable approach to normalize CSF drainage and alleviate the neurological deficits associated with impaired waste removal

    Endothelial LRP1 transports amyloid-β1-42 across the blood-brain barrier

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    According to the neurovascular hypothesis, impairment of low-density lipoprotein receptor-related protein-1 (LRP1) in brain capillaries of the blood-brain barrier (BBB) contributes to neurotoxic amyloid-beta (A beta) brain accumulation and drives Alzheimer's disease (AD) pathology. However, due to conflicting reports on the involvement of LRP1 in A beta transport and the expression of LRP1 in brain endothelium, the role of LRP1 at the BBB is uncertain. As global Lrp1 deletion in mice is lethal, appropriate models to study the function of LRP1 are lacking. Moreover, the relevance of systemic A beta clearance to AD pathology remains unclear, as no BBB-specific knockout models have been available. Here, we developed transgenic mouse strains that allow for tamoxifen-inducible deletion of Lrp1 specifically within brain endothelial cells (Slo1c1-CreER(Tz) Lrp1(fl/fl) mice) and used these mice to accurately evaluate LRP1-mediated A beta BBB clearance in vivo. Selective deletion of Lrp1 in the brain endothelium of C57BL/6 mice strongly reduced brain efflux of injected [I-125] A beta(1-42). Additionally, in the 5xFAD mouse model of AD, brain endothelial-specific Lrp1 deletion reduced plasma A beta levels and elevated soluble brain A beta, leading to aggravated spatial learning and memory deficits, thus emphasizing the importance of systemic AD elimination via the BBB. Together, our results suggest that receptor-mediated A beta BBB clearance may be a potential target for treatment and prevention of A beta brain accumulation in AD

    The metalloprotease ADAMTS4 generates N-truncated Aβ4–x species and marks oligodendrocytes as a source of amyloidogenic peptides in Alzheimer’s disease

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    Brain accumulation and aggregation of amyloid-β (Aβ) peptides is a critical step in the pathogenesis of Alzheimer’s disease (AD). Full-length Aβ peptides (mainly Aβ1–40 and Aβ1–42) are produced through sequential proteolytic cleavage of the amyloid precursor protein (APP) by β- and γ-secretases. However, studies of autopsy brain samples from AD patients have demonstrated that a large fraction of insoluble Aβ peptides are truncated at the N-terminus, with Aβ4–x peptides being particularly abundant. Aβ4–x peptides are highly aggregation prone, but their origin and any proteases involved in their generation are unknown. We have identified a recognition site for the secreted metalloprotease ADAMTS4 (a disintegrin and metalloproteinase with thrombospondin motifs 4) in the Aβ peptide sequence, which facilitates Aβ4–x peptide generation. Inducible overexpression of ADAMTS4 in HEK293 cells resulted in the secretion of Aβ4–40 but unchanged levels of Aβ1–x peptides. In the 5xFAD mouse model of amyloidosis, Aβ4–x peptides were present not only in amyloid plaque cores and vessel walls, but also in white matter structures co-localized with axonal APP. In the ADAMTS4−/− knockout background, Aβ4–40 levels were reduced confirming a pivotal role of ADAMTS4 in vivo. Surprisingly, in the adult murine brain, ADAMTS4 was exclusively expressed in oligodendrocytes. Cultured oligodendrocytes secreted a variety of Aβ species, but Aβ4–40 peptides were absent in cultures derived from ADAMTS4−/− mice indicating that the enzyme was essential for Aβ4–x production in this cell type. These findings establish an enzymatic mechanism for the generation of Aβ4–x peptides. They further identify oligodendrocytes as a source of these highly amyloidogenic Aβ peptides

    Abstracts from the 20th International Symposium on Signal Transduction at the Blood-Brain Barriers

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    Brain endothelial LRP1 maintains blood–brain barrier integrity

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    Abstract The entry of blood-borne molecules into the brain is restricted by the blood–brain barrier (BBB). Various physical, transport and immune properties tightly regulate molecule movement between the blood and the brain to maintain brain homeostasis. A recent study utilizing a pan-endothelial, constitutive Tie2-Cre showed that paracellular passage of blood proteins into the brain is governed by endocytic and cell signaling protein low-density lipoprotein receptor–related protein 1 (LRP1). Taking advantage of conditional Slco1c1-CreER T2 specific to CNS endothelial cells and choroid plexus epithelial cells we now supplement previous results and show that brain endothelial Lrp1 ablation results in protease-mediated tight junction degradation, P-glycoprotein (P-gp) reduction and a loss of BBB integrity

    Regulatory effects of simvastatin and apoJ on APP processing and amyloid-β clearance in blood-brain barrier endothelial cells

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    Amyloid-β peptides (Aβ) accumulate in cerebral capillaries indicating a central role of the blood-brain barrier (BBB) in the pathogenesis of Alzheimer\u27s disease (AD). Although a relationship between apolipoprotein-, cholesterol- and Aβ metabolism is evident, the interconnecting mechanisms operating in brain capillary endothelial cells (BCEC) are poorly understood. ApoJ (clusterin) is present in HDL that regulates cholesterol metabolism which is disturbed in AD. ApoJ levels are increased in AD brains and in plasma of cerebral amyloid angiopathy (CAA) patients. ApoJ may bind, prevent fibrillization, and enhance clearance of Aβ. We here define a connection of apoJ and cellular cholesterol homeostasis in amyloid precursor protein (APP) processing/Aβ metabolism at the BBB. Silencing of apoJ in primary porcine (p)BCEC decreased intracellular APP and Aβ oligomer levels while the addition of purified apoJ to pBCEC increased intracellular APP and enhanced Aβ clearance across the pBCEC monolayer. Treatment of pBCEC with Aβ(1-40) increased expression of apoJ and receptors involved in amyloid transport including lipoprotein receptor-related protein 1 [LRP1]. In accordance, cerebromicrovascular endothelial cells isolated from 3 x Tg AD mice showed elevated expression levels of apoJ and LRP1 as compared to Non-Tg animals. Treatment of pBCEC with HMGCoA-reductase inhibitor simvastatin markedly increased intracellular and secreted apoJ levels, in parallel increased secreted Aβ oligomers and reduced Aβ uptake and cell-associated Aβ oligomers. Simvastatin effects on apoJ, APP processing, and LRP1 expression in BCEC were confirmed in the mouse model. We suggest a close and complex interaction of apoJ, cholesterol homeostasis, and APP/Aβ processing and clearance at the BBB

    LRP1 Modulates APP Intraneuronal Transport and Processing in Its Monomeric and Dimeric State

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    The low-density lipoprotein receptor-related protein 1, LRP1, interacts with APP and affects its processing. This is assumed to be mostly caused by the impact of LRP1 on APP endocytosis. More recently, also an interaction of APP and LRP1 early in the secretory pathway was reported whereat retention of LRP1 in the ER leads to decreased APP cell surface levels and in turn, to reduced Aβ secretion. Here, we extended the biochemical and immunocytochemical analyses by showing via live cell imaging analyses in primary neurons that LRP1 and APP are transported only partly in common (one third) but to a higher degree in distinct fast axonal transport vesicles. Interestingly, co-expression of LRP1 and APP caused a change of APP transport velocities, indicating that LRP1 recruits APP to a specific type of fast axonal transport vesicles. In contrast lowered levels of LRP1 facilitated APP transport. We further show that monomeric and dimeric APP exhibit similar transport characteristics and that both are affected by LRP1 in a similar way, by slowing down APP anterograde transport and increasing its endocytosis rate. In line with this, a knockout of LRP1 in CHO cells and in primary neurons caused an increase of monomeric and dimeric APP surface localization and in turn accelerated shedding by meprin β and ADAM10. Notably, a choroid plexus specific LRP1 knockout caused a much higher secretion of sAPP dimers into the cerebrospinal fluid compared to sAPP monomers. Together, our data show that LRP1 functions as a sorting receptor for APP, regulating its cell surface localization and thereby its processing by ADAM10 and meprin β, with the latter exhibiting a preference for APP in its dimeric state

    The LepR-mediated leptin transport across brain barriers controls food reward

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    Objective: Leptin is a key hormone in the control of appetite and body weight. Predominantly produced by white adipose tissue, it acts on the brain to inhibit homeostatic feeding and food reward. Leptin has free access to circumventricular organs, such as the median eminence, but entry into other brain centers is restricted by the blood–brain and blood–CSF barriers. So far, it is unknown for which of its central effects leptin has to penetrate brain barriers. In addition, the mechanisms mediating the transport across barriers are unclear although high expression in brain barriers suggests an important role of the leptin receptor (LepR). Methods: We selectively deleted LepR in brain endothelial and epithelial cells of mice (LepRbeKO). The expression of LepR in fenestrated vessels of the periphery and the median eminence as well as in tanycytes was not affected. Results: Perfusion studies showed that leptin uptake by the brain depended on LepR in brain barriers. When being fed with a rewarding high-fat diet LepRbeKO mice gained more body weight than controls. The aggravated obesity of LepRbeKO mice was due to hyperphagia and a higher sensitivity to food reward. Conclusions: The LepR-mediated transport of leptin across brain barriers in endothelial cells lining microvessels and in epithelial cells of the choroid plexus controls food reward but is apparently not involved in homeostatic control of feeding. Keywords: Leptin, Reward, Blood–brain barrier, LepR, Obesity, Endothelial cell

    Meprin β knockout reduces brain Aβ levels and rescues learning and memory impairments in the APP/lon mouse model for Alzheimer’s disease

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    β-Site amyloid precursor protein (APP) cleaving enzyme-1 (BACE1) is the major described β-secretase to generate Aβ peptides in Alzheimer’s disease (AD). However, all therapeutic attempts to block BACE1 activity and to improve AD symptoms have so far failed. A potential candidate for alternative Aβ peptides generation is the metalloproteinase meprin β, which cleaves APP predominantly at alanine in p2 and in this study we can detect an increased meprin β expression in AD brain. Here, we report the generation of the transgenic APP/lon mouse model of AD lacking the functional Mep1b gene (APP/lon × Mep1b−/−). We examined levels of canonical and truncated Aβ species using urea-SDS-PAGE, ELISA and immunohistochemistry in brains of APP/lon mouse × Mep1b−/−. Additionally, we investigated the cognitive abilities of these mice during the Morris water maze task. Aβ1-40 and 1–42 levels are reduced in APP/lon mice when meprin β is absent. Immunohistochemical staining of mouse brain sections revealed that N-terminally truncated Aβ2–x peptide deposition is decreased in APP/lon × Mep1b−/− mice. Importantly, loss of meprin β improved cognitive abilities and rescued learning behavior impairments in APP/lon mice. These observations indicate an important role of meprin β within the amyloidogenic pathway and Aβ production in vivo