119 research outputs found

    Evaluierung des steirischen Programms "Integration arbeitsmarktferner Personen": ESF-Schwerpunkt 3b 2008 - 2009

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    Im Rahmen des steirischen Schwerpunktprogramms ESF 3b mit den strategisch, operativ und budgetär leitenden Institutionen AMS Steiermark, Land Steiermark und Stadt Graz wurden in den drei Regionen Graz, Hartberg, Bruck an der Mur Projekte erprobt, die das Ziel hatten, arbeitsmarktferne Personen (Langzeitbeschäftigungslose, SozialhilfebezieherInnen, Arbeitslose ohne Arbeitslosenversicherungs- oder Sozialhilfebezug) an den Arbeitsmarkt heranzuführen. Vor dem Hintergrund der Einführung der bundesweiten Mindestsicherung war es zudem ein wichtiges Programmziel, mit der Umsetzung der Modellprojekte die bestehenden Kooperationen zwischen zentralen arbeitsmarkt- und sozialpolitischen Akteuren - AMS, Land Steiermark, Sozialhilfebehörden, Kommunen und unterschiedliche Trägervereine - weiter zu verstärken. Ziel der begleitenden Evaluierung dieses Programmes war es, vertiefende Kenntnisse über arbeitsmarktferne Personen zu gewinnen sowie die Prozesse und die Wirksamkeit der gewählten Maßnahmenansätze zu analysieren

    Evaluation der Leistungen und Wirkungen der St:WUK (Steirische Wissenschafts-, Umwelt- und Kulturprojektträgergesellschaft m.b.H.)

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    [Inhalt] 1 Beschäftigungsprojekte unter Legitimationsdruck. 2 Ziele und Arbeitsschritte der Evaluation. 3 Die St:WUK - Eine Beschäftigungsinitiative des Landes Steiermark. 4 Beschäftigung statt Arbeitslosigkeit und Arbeitsmarktbarrieren. 5 Arbeitsmarktpolitische Effekte - Integration und Einkommen. 6 Subjektiv wahrgenommene Effekte. 7 Regionalpolitische Ebene. 8 Der Nutzen für KundInnen und KooperationspartnerInnen. 9 Netto-Kosten der geförderten Beschäftigung. 10 Literatur

    Qualifikationsbedarf in der 'Metallbranche' Kärntens: Qualifikationsanforderungen und Ableitungen für das AMS-Schulungsprogramm

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    Das vorliegende AMS info beinhaltet den zusammenfassenden Kurzbericht zu der vom AMS Kärnten an das IFA Steiermark beauftragten Studie gleichen Titels, die 2008 abgeschlossen wurde. Download der Langfassung zu dieser Studie unter www.ams-forschungsnetzwerk.at im Menüpunkt 'AMS-Publikationen' - Jahr 2008

    A semi-analytical perspective on massive galaxies at z0.55z\sim0.55

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    The most massive and luminous galaxies in the Universe serve as powerful probes to study the formation of structure, the assembly of mass, and cosmology. However, their detailed formation and evolution is still barely understood. Here we extract a sample of massive mock galaxies from the semi-analytical model of galaxy formation (SAM) GALACTICUS from the MultiDark-Galaxies, by replicating the CMASS photometric selection from the SDSS-III Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey (BOSS). The comparison of the GALACTICUS CMASS-mock with BOSS-CMASS data allows us to explore different aspects of the massive galaxy population at 0.5<z<0.60.5<z<0.6, including the galaxy-halo connection and the galaxy clustering. We find good agreement between our modelled galaxies and observations regarding the galaxy-halo connection, but our CMASS-mock over-estimates the clustering amplitude of the 2-point correlation function, due to a smaller number density compared to BOSS, a lack of blue objects, and a small intrinsic scatter in stellar mass at fixed halo mass of <0.1<0.1 dex. To alleviate this problem, we construct an alternative mock catalogue mimicking the CMASS colour-magnitude distribution by randomly down-sampling the SAM catalogue. This CMASS-mock reproduces the clustering of CMASS galaxies within 1σ\sigma and shows some environmental dependency of star formation properties that could be connected to the quenching of star formation and the assembly bias.Comment: 15 pages, 10 figures, 2 tables, submitted to MNRA

    MultiDark-Galaxies: data release and first results

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    We present the public release of the MultiDark-Galaxies: three distinct galaxy catalogues derived from one of the Planck cosmology MULTIDARK simulations (i.e. MDPL2, with a volume of (1 h-1 Gpc)3 and mass resolution of 1.5 × 109 h-1 M⊙) by applying the semi-analytic models GALACTICUS, SAG, and SAGE to it. We compare the three models and their conformity with observational data for a selection of fundamental properties of galaxies like stellar mass function, star formation rate, cold gas fractions, and metallicities - noting that they sometimes perform differently reflecting model designs and calibrations. We have further selected galaxy subsamples of the catalogues by number densities in stellar mass, cold gas mass, and star formation rate in order to study the clustering statistics of galaxies. We show that despite different treatment of orphan galaxies, i.e. galaxies that lost their dark-matter host halo due to the finite-mass resolution of the N-body simulation or tidal stripping, the clustering signal is comparable, and reproduces the observations in all three models - in particular when selecting samples based upon stellar mass. Our catalogues provide a powerful tool to study galaxy formation within a volume comparable to those probed by ongoing and future photometric and redshift surveys. All model data consisting of a range of galaxy properties - including broad-band SDSS magnitudes - are publicly available.Facultad de Ciencias Astronómicas y GeofísicasInstituto de Astrofísica de La Plat

    MultiDark-Galaxies: data release and first results

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    We present the public release of the MultiDark-Galaxies: three distinct galaxy catalogues derived from one of the Planck cosmology MULTIDARK simulations (i.e. MDPL2, with a volume of (1 h-1 Gpc)3 and mass resolution of 1.5 × 109 h-1 M⊙) by applying the semi-analytic models GALACTICUS, SAG, and SAGE to it. We compare the three models and their conformity with observational data for a selection of fundamental properties of galaxies like stellar mass function, star formation rate, cold gas fractions, and metallicities - noting that they sometimes perform differently reflecting model designs and calibrations. We have further selected galaxy subsamples of the catalogues by number densities in stellar mass, cold gas mass, and star formation rate in order to study the clustering statistics of galaxies. We show that despite different treatment of orphan galaxies, i.e. galaxies that lost their dark-matter host halo due to the finite-mass resolution of the N-body simulation or tidal stripping, the clustering signal is comparable, and reproduces the observations in all three models - in particular when selecting samples based upon stellar mass. Our catalogues provide a powerful tool to study galaxy formation within a volume comparable to those probed by ongoing and future photometric and redshift surveys. All model data consisting of a range of galaxy properties - including broad-band SDSS magnitudes - are publicly available.Facultad de Ciencias Astronómicas y GeofísicasInstituto de Astrofísica de La Plat

    MultiDark-Galaxies: data release and first results

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    We present the public release of the MultiDark-Galaxies: three distinct galaxy catalogues derived from one of the Planck cosmology MULTIDARK simulations (i.e. MDPL2, with a volume of (1 h-1 Gpc)3 and mass resolution of 1.5 × 109 h-1 M⊙) by applying the semi-analytic models GALACTICUS, SAG, and SAGE to it. We compare the three models and their conformity with observational data for a selection of fundamental properties of galaxies like stellar mass function, star formation rate, cold gas fractions, and metallicities - noting that they sometimes perform differently reflecting model designs and calibrations. We have further selected galaxy subsamples of the catalogues by number densities in stellar mass, cold gas mass, and star formation rate in order to study the clustering statistics of galaxies. We show that despite different treatment of orphan galaxies, i.e. galaxies that lost their dark-matter host halo due to the finite-mass resolution of the N-body simulation or tidal stripping, the clustering signal is comparable, and reproduces the observations in all three models - in particular when selecting samples based upon stellar mass. Our catalogues provide a powerful tool to study galaxy formation within a volume comparable to those probed by ongoing and future photometric and redshift surveys. All model data consisting of a range of galaxy properties - including broad-band SDSS magnitudes - are publicly available.Facultad de Ciencias Astronómicas y GeofísicasInstituto de Astrofísica de La Plat