19 research outputs found

    Вибір основи-носія гелю «Алое-дентал» для застосування у стоматології

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    Despite the variety of drugs of domestic and foreign manufacture using in dental practice at the pharmaceutical market of Ukraine the effectiveness of treatment of periodontal disease remains insufficient. The aim of this work was to develop the science-based composition of the gel base with plant extracts for use in dentistry, in particular for the treatment of inflammatory diseases of the oral mucosa and periodontal disease. To provide the pharmacotherapeutic effect of the drug the following biologically active substances of the natural origin have been introduced: a thick extract from oak bark, which is the complex of plant polyphenols with the antimicrobial, membrane-stabilizing, and hemostatic activity, and a dry aloe extract, which has a pronounced anti-inflammatory properties and accelerates regeneration. Based on the experimental research carbopol 934 in the concentration of 3% has been selected as a gelation agent in the carrier base for the gel developed. The effect of introduction of active substances on the structural and mechanical properties of the base has been studied. Thus, the composition selected will provide a wide range of the pharmacological activity of the gel developed with minimal side effects, and it will allow using it effectively in the treatment of dental diseases.Несмотря на разнообразие лекарственных средств отечественного и зарубежного производства для применения в стоматологической практике на фармацевтическом рынке Украины, эффективность лечения заболеваний пародонта остается недостаточной. Целью работы была разработка научно обоснованного состава основы геля с растительными экстрактами для применения в стоматологии, а именно для лечения воспалительных заболеваний слизистой оболочки полости рта и пародонта. Для обеспечения фармакотерапевтического эффекта в состав препарата введены биологически активные субстанции природного происхождения: густой экстракт коры дуба, который представляет собой комплекс растительных полифенолов и проявляет антимикробное, мембраностабилизирующее, кровоостанавливающее действие, и сухой экстракт алоэ, который обладает выраженными противовоспалительными свойствами и ускоряет процессы регенерации. На основании экспериментальных исследований в качестве гелеобразователя в составе основы-носителя разрабатываемого геля выбран карбомер 934 Р в концентрации 3%. Изучено влияние введения действующих веществ на структурно-механические свойства основы. Так, выбранный состав обеспечит широкий спектр фармакологической активности разработанного геля с минимальными побочными проявлениями, что позволит эффективно применять его при лечении стоматологических заболеваний.Незважаючи на різноманітність лікарських засобів вітчизняного та іноземного виробництва для застосування у стоматологічній практиці на фармацевтичному ринку України, ефективність лікування захворювань пародонта залишається недостатньою. Метою роботи була розробка науково обґрунтованого складу основи гелю з рослинними екстрактами для застосування у стоматології, а саме для лікування запальних захворювань слизової оболонки порожнини рота та пародонта. Для забезпечення фармакотерапевтичного ефекту до складу препарату уведено біологічно активні субстанції природного походження: густий екстракт кори дуба, що являє собою комплекс рослинних поліфенолів та виявляє антимікробну, мембраностабілізувальну, кровоспинну активність, і сухий екстракт алое, який має виражені протизапальні властивості та прискорює процеси регенерації. На підставі експериментальних досліджень як гелеутворювач у складі основи-носія гелю, що розробляється, обрано карбомер 934 Р у концентрації 3%. Вивчено вплив уведення діючих речовин на структурно-механічні властивості основи. Так, обраний склад забезпечить широкий спектр фармакологічної активності розробленого гелю з мінімальними побічними проявами, що дозволить ефективно застосовувати його при лікуванні стоматологічних захворювань

    The Impact of Oxygen on Metabolic Evolution: A Chemoinformatic Investigation

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    The appearance of planetary oxygen likely transformed the chemical and biochemical makeup of life and probably triggered episodes of organismal diversification. Here we use chemoinformatic methods to explore the impact of the rise of oxygen on metabolic evolution. We undertake a comprehensive comparative analysis of structures, chemical properties and chemical reactions of anaerobic and aerobic metabolites. The results indicate that aerobic metabolism has expanded the structural and chemical space of metabolites considerably, including the appearance of 130 novel molecular scaffolds. The molecular functions of these metabolites are mainly associated with derived aspects of cellular life, such as signal transfer, defense against biotic factors, and protection of organisms from oxidation. Moreover, aerobic metabolites are more hydrophobic and rigid than anaerobic compounds, suggesting they are better fit to modulate membrane functions and to serve as transmembrane signaling factors. Since higher organisms depend largely on sophisticated membrane-enabled functions and intercellular signaling systems, the metabolic developments brought about by oxygen benefit the diversity of cellular makeup and the complexity of cellular organization as well. These findings enhance our understanding of the molecular link between oxygen and evolution. They also show the significance of chemoinformatics in addressing basic biological questions

    'Gut health': a new objective in medicine?

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    'Gut health' is a term increasingly used in the medical literature and by the food industry. It covers multiple positive aspects of the gastrointestinal (GI) tract, such as the effective digestion and absorption of food, the absence of GI illness, normal and stable intestinal microbiota, effective immune status and a state of well-being. From a scientific point of view, however, it is still extremely unclear exactly what gut health is, how it can be defined and how it can be measured. The GI barrier adjacent to the GI microbiota appears to be the key to understanding the complex mechanisms that maintain gut health. Any impairment of the GI barrier can increase the risk of developing infectious, inflammatory and functional GI diseases, as well as extraintestinal diseases such as immune-mediated and metabolic disorders. Less clear, however, is whether GI discomfort in general can also be related to GI barrier functions. In any case, methods of assessing, improving and maintaining gut health-related GI functions are of major interest in preventive medicine

    S-Wave velocity, basalt chemistry and bathymetry along the Mid-Atlantic Ridge

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    Major element chemistry of mid-ocean ridge basalt, S-wave velocity and bathymetry along the Mid-Atlantic Ridge are correlated on an intermediate length scale, and the large anomalies in these observations are associated with hotspot locations. The best correlations are for at depths of 100–200 km, and there is no correlation for depths of 300 km or deeper. S-Wave velocities are low directly under the Mid-Atlantic Ridge above 100 km, but the low-velocity regions shift away from the ridge at greater depth, and a sinuous strip of asthenospheric low velocity extends along the Atlantic hotspots from the Azores to Tristan da Cunha. These features suggest that common physical processes in the upper mantle produce these anomalies. An inspection of the history of the Atlantic Ocean suggests that the asthenospheric low-velocity strip may record earlier ridge position or possible upwelling in the mantle. Possible interaction between hotspots and the ridge blurs the distinction between passive and active upwellings


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    The aerodynamic properties of the developed generic product Salbutamol metered dose inhaler 100 μg/dose and Salbutamol-Teva metered dose inhaler 100 μg/dose using apparatuses A, C, D and E in accordance with the general article 2.9.18 of the European Pharmacopoeia have been studied. In vitro equivalence of the generic product and the comparator with regard to such aerodynamic characteristics as the fine particle dose, the particle size distribution, the relative amount of salbutamol passed through the apparatus stages, the mass median aerodynamic diameter (MMAD), and the geometric standard deviation (GSD) has been shown. It is shown that the device A is useful for testing of the respirable fraction, and the apparatuses D and E are suitable for the assessment of the particle size distribution, MMAD and GSD


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    The risks for the functional characteristics of Salbutamol pressurized metered dose inhaler (pMDI), such as the uniformity of delivered dose, the distribution of salbutamol particles at the stages of the Andersen impactor (apparatus D), and the respirable fraction, were studied and identified. It is shown that these risks can be associated with the solubility of salbutamol sulfate (SS), the formulation of pMDI, the water content in the SS and ethanol, as well as the particle size distribution of SS. A relationship is shown between the particle size distribution of the SS, the rate of their sedimentation and the performance characteristics of the preparation. The properties of SS crystals are investigated and the possibility of enantiomers presence is shown. The risks associated with the production process, the materials of the primary packaging and the correctness of the quality control procedures are discussed. It is shown that the use of containers made of aluminum alloy EN AW-5052-0 without internal coating does not pose the risk of the release of elemental impurities into the preparation. Unjustified replacement of actuators may pose a risk to the performance characteristics of Salbutamol pMDI and in vitro equivalence as compared with the reference medicinal product