837 research outputs found

    The FTC\u27s Reliance on Extrinsic Evidence in Cases of Deceptive Advertising: A Proposal for Interpretive Rulemaking. \u3ci\u3eKraft, Inc. v. FTC\u3c/i\u3e, 970 F.2d 311 (7th Cir. 1992), \u3ci\u3ecert. denied\u3c/i\u3e, 113 S. Ct. 1254 (1993)

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    The Federal Trade Commission\u27s ( Commission”) decision in In re Kraft, Inc., shocked many members of the legal community. The decision reasserted the Commission\u27s long dormant authority to disregard relevant extrinsic evidence and rely solely on its own reasoned analysis in determining whether an advertisement implicitly conveys deceptive claims. Viewed by many as an example of the Commission flexing its regulatory muscle, the decision was reminiscent of the expansive discretion asserted during the Commission\u27s pre-Reagan era. On appeal, the Seventh Circuit reluctantly upheld the Commission\u27s decision, solidifying the Commission\u27s broad discretion to determine when commercial speech is deceptive and thereby exclude such speech from full constitutional protection. This Note analyzes the dilemma the Seventh Circuit faced in Kraft, Inc. v. FTC as it heard arguments that were compelling as a matter of policy but weak as a matter of law and suggests that the Commission should clearly define the parameters of its reliance on extrinsic evidence through administrative rulemaking. Part II begins by describing the basis of the Commission\u27s authority to regulate advertising and how that authority is implemented, and then provides the factual background and procedural history of Kraft. Part III first provides an analysis of the standard for deception implemented by the Commission in advertising cases. Next, it provides an analysis of Kraft\u27s principle arguments regarding extrinsic evidence and why those arguments succeed as a matter of policy but fail as a matter of law. Finally, it suggests that both the development of precedent and the issuance of policy statements have failed to adequately restrain the Commission\u27s discretion in the area of extrinsic evidence, and that administrative rulemaking would provide a more efficient and effective means of restraining the Commission\u27s discretion. Part IV concludes the note with a suggestion that the Commission initiate a rulemaking proceeding to clarify the area of reliance on extrinsic evidence

    Politainment in the transmedia construction of the image of politicians

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    This article explores the application of the concept of transmedia narrative to the construction of the public image of political figures, in a media context characterised by the prevalence of infotainment and the dissolution of the boundaries of political content. To attain this objective, a case-study on a specific leader is carried out; he is a regional leader recognised at a national level thanks to his discursive strategy: president of Cantabria, Miguel Ángel Revilla, chosen for his role as a regular guest on T.V shows of all kinds, as well as for having become the third most followed Spanish politician on social networks. Through content analysis, we examine the character’s own performance on different media (television, social networks and an autobiographical book) along with the reactions provoked among the cybernauts. The results show a multiplatform narrative adapted to the specific formal language of each of those media and formats, constantly maintaining the application of politainment features (personalisation, entertainment, emotiveness and trivialisation of the issues). Regarding the effects, there is a high level of involvement and a love-hate dichotomy among the public, as proved in social networks. Consequently, in the transmedia political narrative (TPN) the users co-create the resulting image of the politician who is finally perceived by the audience. In addition, the success of Revilla’s communication strategy is verified via ensuring that the self-assigned values in his speech, such as leadership and closeness to the people, match those that the audience identify with his figure.El presente artículo explora la aplicación del concepto de narrativa transmedia a la construcción de la imagen pública de las figuras políticas en un contexto mediático dominado por el infoentretenimiento y la disolución de los límites del contenido político. Con este objetivo, se realiza un estudio de caso sobre un líder regional reconocido a nivel nacional gracias a su estrategia discursiva: el presidente de Cantabria, Miguel Ángel Revilla, elegido por su rol de invitado asiduo de programas televisivos de diversa índole y por haber conseguido ser el tercer político español con más seguidores en redes sociales. A través del análisis de contenido, se examina la producción propia del personaje en distintos medios (televisión, redes sociales y libro autobiográfico) y las reacciones que provoca en los cibernautas. Los resultados muestran un relato multiplataforma que se adapta al lenguaje formal de cada espacio manteniendo de forma constante la aplicación de los rasgos del politainment (personalización, entretenimiento, emotividad y frivolización de los temas). Por lo que refiere a los efectos, se observa una alta implicación de los públicos y una dicotomía de amor-odio que se evidencia en redes sociales. En consecuencia, en la narrativa política transmedia (NPT) los usuarios participan en la co-creación de la imagen final del político que percibe la audiencia. Además, se constata el éxito de la estrategia comunicativa de Revilla al conseguir que los valores que se asigna en su discurso, como liderazgo y cercanía con el pueblo, sean los que los receptores identifican con su figura

    Extended description of tunnel junctions for distributed modeling of concentrator multi-junction solar cells

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    One of the key components of highly efficient multi-junction concentrator solar cells is the tunnel junction interconnection. In this paper, an improved 3D distributed model is presented that considers real operation regimes in a tunnel junction. This advanced model is able to accurately simulate the operation of the solar cell at high concentraions at which the photogenerated current surpasses the peak current of the tunnel junctionl Simulations of dual-junction solar cells were carried out with the improved model to illustrate its capabilities and the results have been correlated with experimental data reported in the literature. These simulations show that under certain circumstances, the solar cells short circuit current may be slightly higher than the tunnel junction peak current without showing the characteristic dip in the J-V curve. This behavior is caused by the lateral current spreading toward dark regions, which occurs through the anode/p-barrier of the tunnel junction

    Levantamento detalhado de solos de áreas de produção florestal no Município de Ponte Serrada, oeste catarinense.

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    Introdução; Material; Levantamento de solos; Metodologia de trabalho; Resultados do mapeamento de solos; Legenda do mapeamento de solos; Classes de solo (definidas conforme Embrapa, 2006); Latossolos Brunos (LB); Nitossolos Brunos (LB); Cambissolos Húmicos (CH); Neossolos Litólicos (RL), Neossolos Regolíticos (RR) e afloramentos de rocha (AR); Gleissolos Melânicos; Considerações finais; Referências; Anexo - mapa detalhado de solo da Fazenda Cristo Rei, Celulose Irani S.A.bitstream/item/121209/1/Doc.-249-Joao-Bosco-versao-final.pd