18 research outputs found

    Ein allgemein gĂŒltiges Abrechnungssystem fĂŒr Online- und Offline-Dienste

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    Aus der EinfĂŒhrung: 'Das in diesem Paper vorzustellende Projekt ist ein Teilprojekt der Sonderfördermaßnahme 9: „Erprobung elektronischer Angebotsformen, Abrechnungsmodelle und Zahlungsverfahren auf einer Testplattform flir GLOBAL INFO“. Hierbei soll das System eVerlage zum kommerziellen Vertrieb von Inhalten (textuell, multimedial) geschaffen werden

    Spectral analysis and resolving spatial ambiguities in human sound localization

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    This dissertation provides an overview of my research over the last five years into the spectral analysis involved in human sound localization. The work involved conducting psychophysical tests of human auditory localization performance and then applying analytical techniques to analyze and explain the data. It is a fundamental thesis of this work that human auditory localization response directions are primarily driven by the auditory localization cues associated with the acoustic filtering properties of the external auditory periphery, i.e., the head, torso, shoulder, neck, and external ears. This work can be considered as composed of three parts. In the first part of this work, I compared the auditory localization performance of a human subject and a time-delay neural network model under three sound conditions: broadband, high-pass, and low-pass. A “black-box” modeling paradigm was applied. The modeling results indicated that training the network to localize sounds of varying center-frequency and bandwidth could degrade localization performance results in a manner demonstrating some similarity to human auditory localization performance. As the data collected during the network modeling showed that humans demonstrate striking localization errors when tested using bandlimited sound stimuli, the second part of this work focused on human sound localization of bandpass filtered noise stimuli. Localization data was collected from 5 subjects and for 7 sound conditions: 300 Hz to 5 kHz, 300 Hz to 7 kHz, 300 Hz to 10 kHz, 300 Hz to 14 kHz, 3 to 8 kHz, 4 to 9 kHz, and 7 to 14 kHz. The localization results were analyzed using the method of cue similarity indices developed by Middlebrooks (1992). The data indicated that the energy level in relatively wide frequency bands could be driving the localization response directions, just as in Butler’s covert peak area model (see Butler and Musicant, 1993). The question was then raised as to whether the energy levels in the various frequency bands, as described above, are most likely analyzed by the human auditory localization system on a monaural or an interaural basis. In the third part of this work, an experiment was conducted using virtual auditory space sound stimuli in which the monaural spectral cues for auditory localization were disrupted, but the interaural spectral difference cue was preserved. The results from this work showed that the human auditory localization system relies primarily on a monaural analysis of spectral shape information for its discrimination of directions on the cone of confusion. The work described in the three parts lead to the suggestion that a spectral contrast model based on overlapping frequency bands of varying bandwidth and perhaps multiple frequency scales can provide a reasonable algorithm for explaining much of the current psychophysical and neurophysiological data related to human auditory localization

    Lange termijneffecten van jeugdparticipatie : Persistente effecten van deelname aan jeugdverenigingen in Nederland en de Verenigde Staten

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    Gelet op het belang van primaire socialisatieprocessen, kan men van de verwachting uitgaan dat participatie in jeugdverenigingen persistente effecten zal hebben op latere gedrags- en attitudinale actoren. Deze effecten kunnen zowel verklaard worden vanuit een sociale integratie- (interiorisatie van prosociale houdingen), een hulpbronnen- (opdoen van sociale en organisatorische vaardigheden) als vanuit een selectieve mobilisatie-hypothese (integratie in netwerken). In dit artikel toetsen we deze drie hypothesen, enerzijds met behulp van het onderzoek ‘Geven in Nederland’, waarbij de jeugdparticipatie retroactief bevraagd werd, en anderzijds via de paneldata (1965-1982) van het ‘Political Socialization’ onderzoek in de Verenigde Staten. Hoewel de verbanden in het panelonderzoek systematisch zwakker zijn dan die in het retrospectieve onderzoek, kunnen we toch vaststellen dat geen van deze hypothesen overtuigend kan weerlegd worden. Wel blijkt jeugdparticipatie een sterker effect te hebben op volwassen participatie dan op volwassen houdingen. Bij elk van de analyses bleek ook dat de invloed van ouderlijke kenmerken een belangrijke rol blijft spelen. Long Term Effects of Youth Participation : The Persistence of Youth Participation Effects in the Netherlands and the United States. Given the importance of primary socialisation processes, it can be expected that the participation in youth associations leads to persistent effects on adult behaviour and attitudes. These effects can be explained, using a 1) social integration (socialisation of prosocial attitudes); 2) resources (acquiring social and organisational skills) or 3) selective mobilisation (integration into networks) hypothesis. In this article we put these three hypotheses to the test, using the cross-sectional data of the survey ‘Giving in the Netherlands’ (with retrospective questions on youth participation) and the panel data from the Political Socialization survey in the US (1965-1982). Despite the fact that the effects are consistently weaker in the panel study, we could not invalidate any of these hypotheses. However, youth participation seems to have a stronger effect on adult participation levels than on adult prosocial attitudes. The results of the analysis revealed significant effects of both behavioural and attitudinal characteristics of the parents of the respondents.

    Ein allgemein gĂŒltiges Abrechnungssystem fĂŒr Online- und Offline-Dienste

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    Aus der EinfĂŒhrung: 'Das in diesem Paper vorzustellende Projekt ist ein Teilprojekt der Sonderfördermaßnahme 9: „Erprobung elektronischer Angebotsformen, Abrechnungsmodelle und Zahlungsverfahren auf einer Testplattform flir GLOBAL INFO“. Hierbei soll das System eVerlage zum kommerziellen Vertrieb von Inhalten (textuell, multimedial) geschaffen werden

    Ein allgemein gĂŒltiges Abrechnungssystem fĂŒr Online- und Offline-Dienste

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    Aus der EinfĂŒhrung: 'Das in diesem Paper vorzustellende Projekt ist ein Teilprojekt der Sonderfördermaßnahme 9: „Erprobung elektronischer Angebotsformen, Abrechnungsmodelle und Zahlungsverfahren auf einer Testplattform flir GLOBAL INFO“. Hierbei soll das System eVerlage zum kommerziellen Vertrieb von Inhalten (textuell, multimedial) geschaffen werden

    Measurement and Analysis of Inadequate Friction Mechanisms in Liquid-Buffered Mechanical Seals Utilizing Acoustic Emission Technique

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    Mechanical seals play an important role in the reliability of a process. Currently, the condition monitoring of mechanical seals is restricted due to the limitations of the traditional monitoring methods, including classical vibration analysis. For this reason, the objective of the present work is the detection and analysis of friction mechanisms inside a mechanical seal that are unfavorable and induce fault conditions using the acoustic emission technique, which allows the measurement of high-frequency vibrations that arise due to material fatigue processes on a microscopic scale. For this purpose, several fault condition modes were induced on a test rig of an agitator vessel system with a double-acting mechanical seal and its buffer fluid system. It was possible to detect the presence of inadequate friction mechanisms due to the absence and limited use of lubrication, as well as the presence of abrasive wear, by measuring a change in the properties of the acoustic emissions. Operation under fault condition modes was analyzed using the acoustic emission technique before an increase in the leakage rate was evaluated using traditional monitoring methods. The high friction due to the deficient lubrication was characterized by a pattern in the high-frequency range that consisted of the harmonics of a fundamental frequency of about 33 kHz. These results demonstrate the feasibility of a condition monitoring system for mechanical seals using the acoustic emission technique

    Gemeenschap der burgers : Sociaal kapitaal in buurt, school en verenigingen

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    Inhoud: Beate Völker Sociaal kapitaal, gemeenschap en burgerschap: bij wijze van inleiding BURGERWACHT: OVER SOCIALE (WAN)ORDE IN BUURTEN Henk Flap en Beate Völker Gemeenschap, informele controle en collectieve kwaden Herman Lelieveldt en Henk van der Kolk Structureel sociaal kapitaal en het oplossen van buurtproblemen BURGERSCHOOL: OVER COLLECTIEVE EN INDIVIDUELE SOCIALE HULPBRONNEN RenĂ© Veenstra, AnneBert Dijkstra en Jules Peschar Sociaal kapitaal van middelbare scholieren: effecten van netwerkbindingen en intergenerationele relaties van leerlingen op scholen voor voortgezet onderwijs Herman G. van de Werfhorst De invloed van normafdwingend en horizonverbredend sociaal kapitaal op schoolprestaties in een gedifferentieerd schoolsysteem BURGERZIN: OVER VERENIGINGEN EN POLITIEKE PARTICIPATIE Ronan van Rossem en Chris Baerveldt Activisme en het middenveld: lidmaatschap en actiebereidheid in BelgiĂ« en Nederland RenĂ© Bekkers, Marc Hooghe, Dietlind Stolle Langetermijneffecten van jeugdparticipatie: persistente effecten van deelname aan jeugdverenigingen in Nederland en de Verenigde Staten RenĂ© Bekkers ‘Nee heb je, ja kun je krijgen’: de effectiviteit van fondsenwervings- en rekruteringsstrategieĂ«n van maatschappelijke organisaties

    Trust and volunteering: Selection or causation? Evidence from a four year panel study

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    Participation in voluntary associations is often believed to make citizens more trusting of others. This paper reports longitudinal analyses of a time intensive form of participation—volunteering—and generalized social trust using data from three waves of the Giving in the Netherlands Panel Study spanning 4 years (2002–2006; n = 692) refuting this belief. Trust is relatively stable over a 4 year period (0.73). Changes in volunteering are not related to changes in trust. Trust is higher among volunteers mainly because of selective attrition: persons with low trust are more likely to quit volunteering