66 research outputs found

    Drama hero in modern Serbian literature (1890-1918)

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    У намери да понудимо прецизну и убедљиву слику епохе, односно позицију драмске књижевности у њој, у фокус интересовања постављен је драмски јунак, преко кога смо посредно осветлили и друге аспекте дела условљене његовом егзистенцијом, ломовима, сукобима и хтењима. Сам јунак је постао оличење сукоба и чувар граничности између два сукобљена света, а неретко и знамен подвојености. Како је концепт јунака условљен правилима жанра, покушали смо да путем жанровске класификације осветлимо различите типове јунака као носиоце и реализаторе пишчевих идеја. Међутим, док се, са једне стране, у традиционалним врстама јунак прилагођава жанру, дотле је, на другој страни, сам јунак, као човек преузет из стварности онога времена, управо захваљујући таквој стварности транспонованој у књижевноуметнички свет, условио настанак појединих нових драмских врста. Узвишени и врлинама обдарени јунак трагедије и историјске драме је, силазећи са тих висина, све више постајао пишчев савременик, маргинализован и неспреман за борбу са животом. Такав јунак се све више испољавао као играчка случаја и носилац унутрашње трагике која се манифестовала као трајни раскол између унутрашњег и спољног света, између његовог јавног и приватног бића...In order to offer a precise and convincing image of the epoch, that is, the position of drama in it, the focus of our interests was positioned on the drama hero, by means of whom we indirectly shed light on other aspects of the work conditioned by the hero’s existence, ambiguities, conflicts and desires. The hero themselves became the embodiment of conflict and the guardian of the border between two competing worlds, and often a sign of ambivalence. Since the concept of a hero is conditioned by the rules of the genre, we tried to illuminate different types of heroes as the carriers and agents of the writer’s ideas by using genre classifications. However, on the one hand, in the traditional types, the hero adapts to the genre in question, the hero themselves, on the other hand, as a human being taken from the reality of that time, conditioned the emergence of some new types of drama, precisely owing to such reality which is transported into the literary and artistic world. An exalted and virtue-endowed hero of a tragedy and historical drama, by descending from these heights, was increasingly becoming the writer’s contemporary marginalized and unprepared for a fight with life. Such a hero demonstrated themselves more and more as a toy of the case and a carrier of internal tragedy which was manifested as a permanent dissidence between the inner and outer world, between its public and private being..

    Polyphenol-Rich Aronia melanocarpa Juice Consumption Affects LINE-1 DNA Methylation in Peripheral Blood Leukocytes in Dyslipidemic Women

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    Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is associated with alterations in DNA methylation and polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA) profile, both modulated by dietary polyphenols. The present parallel, placebo-controlled study (part of the original clinical study registered as NCT02800967 at www.clinicaltrials.gov) aimed to determine the impact of 4-week daily consumption of polyphenol-rich Aronia melanocarpa juice (AMJ) treatment on Long Interspersed Nucleotide Element-1 (LINE-1) methylation in peripheral blood leukocytes and on plasma PUFAs, in subjects (n = 54, age range of 40.2 ± 6.7 years) at moderate CVD risk, including an increased body mass index, central obesity, high normal blood pressure, and/or dyslipidemia. The goal was also to examine whether factors known to affect DNA methylation (folate intake levels, MTHFR C677T gene variant, anthropometric and metabolic parameters) modulated the LINE-1 methylation levels upon the consumption of polyphenol-rich aronia juice. Experimental analysis of LINE-1 methylation was done by MethyLight method. MTHFR C677T genotypes were determined by the polymerase chain reaction–restriction fragment length polymorphism method, and folate intake was assessed by processing the data from the food frequency questionnaire. PUFAs were measured by gas–liquid chromatography, and serum lipid profile was determined by using Roche Diagnostics kits. The statistical analyses were performed using Statistica software package. In the comparison after vs. before the treatment period, in dyslipidemic women (n = 22), we observed significant decreases in LINE-1 methylation levels (97.54 ± 1.50 vs. 98.39 ± 0.86%, respectively; P = 0.01) and arachidonic acid/eicosapentaenoic acid ratio [29.17 ± 15.21 vs. 38.42 (25.96–89.58), respectively; P = 0.02]. The change (after vs. before treatment) in LINE-1 methylation directly correlated with the presence of MTHFR 677T allele, average daily folate intake, and the change in serum low-density lipoprotein cholesterol but inversely correlated with the change in serum triacylglycerols (R = 0.72, R2 = 0.52, adjusted R2 = 0.36, P = 0.03). The current results imply potential cardioprotective effects of habitual polyphenol-rich aronia juice consumption achieved through the modifications of DNA methylation pattern and PUFAs in subjects at CVD risk, which should be further confirmed. Hence, the precision nutrition-driven modulations of both DNA methylation and PUFA profile may become targets for new approaches in the prevention of CVD

    8-Iso-prostaglandin F2α as a potential biomarker in patients with unipolar and bipolar depression

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    Objective: Previous studies have shown that the disturbance of redox homeostasis plays a role in the pathogenesis of mood disorders. It is currently unclear whether oxidative stress parameters can be used as biomarkers (state vs. trait). The aim of the present study was to investigate oxidative stress markers in patients with major depressive disorder (MDD) and bipolar disorder (BP) in acute depressive episodes and remission, and healthy individuals. Patients and methods: Thirty-two patients with a diagnosis of MDD, 32 patients with a diagnosis of BP and 32 matched healthy controls were included in the study. We measured the serum levels of markers of oxidative damage, including 8-hydroxy-2'-deoxyguanosine (8-OHdG), 8-Iso-prostaglandin F2α (8-iso-PGF2α; 8-isoprostane), and malondialdehyde (MDA), and also serum activities of superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT), glutathione peroxidase (GPX), and glutathione reductase (GR) in both acute and remission phase, and in control group. Results: After controlling for the effects of age, sex, body mass index, and smoking status, serum 8-iso-PGF2α levels were significantly higher in both patient groups compared to controls, regardless of disease phase. The activities of GPX and GR were significantly lower in the acute phase in MDD patients compared to controls. Serum GR activity was lower in both acute and remission phase in MDD compared to BP. Conclusions: Our results suggest that both MDD and BP are associated with a disturbed redox balance with a particularly pronounced increase in serum 8-iso-PGF2α levels in both groups and the presence of glutathione metabolism disorders in MDD patients. Further research is needed to confirm the importance of oxidative stress parameters as potential biomarkers of MDD and BP

    Uloga krvno-moždane barijere u psihijatrijskim oboljenjima

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    The blood-brain barrier (BBB) is formed by continuous, closely connected endothelial cells, enveloped in the basal lamina, pericytes, and foot extensions of astrocytes. BBB has a vital role in brain metabolism and protects the brain parenchyma from harmful agents present in the systemic circulation. Damage to the BBB and an increase in its permeability have an important role in many neurodegenerative diseases. This paper aims to review the literature on the impact of the BBB damage on psychiatric illness, a largely neglected and under researched area. Links between BBB impairment and specific neuropsychiatric disorders are described including schizophrenia, affective disorders, dementias with behavioral disorders, and alcohol use disorder, with comparison to typical hereditary small vessel diseases affecting the BBB such as cerebral autosomal dominant arteriopathy with subcortical infarction and leukoencephalopathy (CADASIL) and mitochondrial encephalomyopathy, lactic acidosis, and stroke-like episodes (MELAS). The authors critically summarize possible pathogenic mechanisms linking BBB damage and these common disorders.Крвно-мождана баријера (КМБ) се састоји од континураних, тесно спојених ендотелних ћелија омотаних базалном ламином, перицитима и сто-паластим продужецима астроцита. КМБ има виталну функцију и можданом метаболизму и штити мождани паренхим од штетних фактора присутних у системској циркулацији. Показано је да оштећење КМБ и повећање њене пропустљи-вости има значајну улогу у многим неуродегене-ративним обољењима. Циљ овога рада је преглед литературе о значају оштећења КМБ код психијатријских обољења, до сада занемареној и недовољно истраженој облас-ти. Повезаност измедју поремећаја КМБ и неуро-психијатријских поремећаја је посебно анализи-рана за схизофренију, афективне поремећаје, де-менције са бихевиоралним изменама, поремећај употребе алкохола, са посебним освртом на на-следне болести малих крвних судова мозга са оштећењем КМБ као што су церебрална аутозо-мално доминантна артериопатија са супкортика-ним инфарктима и леукоенцефалопатијом (CADASIL) и митохондријска енцефаломиопатија са лактатном ацидозом и епизодама налик можда-ном удару (MELAS). Аутори критички сумирају могуће патогенетске механизме који повезују оштећења КМБ са овим честим обољењима

    Is There a FADS2-Modulated Link between Long-Chain Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids in Plasma Phospholipids and Polyphenol Intake in Adult Subjects Who Are Overweight?

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    Dietary polyphenols promote cardiometabolic health and are linked with long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids in plasma phospholipids (LC-PUFA). The FADS2 polymorphisms are associated with LC-PUFA metabolism and overweight/obesity. This 4-week study examined the link between polyphenol intake, FADS2 variants (rs174593, rs174616, rs174576) and obesity in 62 overweight adults (BMI gt = 25), allocated to consume 100 mL daily of either: Aronia juice, a rich source of polyphenols, with 1177.11 mg polyphenols (expressed as gallic acid equivalents)/100 mL (AJ, n = 22), Aronia juice with 294.28 mg polyphenols/100 mL (MJ, n = 20), or nutritionally matched polyphenol-lacking placebo as a control (PLB, n = 20). We analyzed LC-PUFA (% of total pool) by gas chromatography and FADS2 variants by real-time PCR. Four-week changes in LC-PUFA, BMI, and body weight were included in statistical models, controlling for gender and PUFA intake. Only upon AJ and MJ, the presence of FADS2 variant alleles affected changes in linoleic, arachidonic, and eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA). Upon MJ treatment, changes in EPA were inversely linked with changes in BMI (beta= -0.73, p = 0.029) and weight gain (beta= -2.17, p = 0.024). Only in subjects drinking AJ, the link between changes in EPA and anthropometric indices was modified by the rs174576 variant allele. Our results indicate the interaction between FADS2, fatty acid metabolism, and polyphenol intake in overweight subjects

    Electrochemical characteristics of V2O5/rGO synthesized by sol-gel method in water electrolyte

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    Today, rechargeable Li- ion batteries have widespread use as power sources. However, the organic electrolytes used in these batteries are toxic, so the use of aqueous electrolytes is preferred. Vanadium pentoxide has been intensively studied as a cathode material for use in batteries with aqueous electrolytes. In this work, the V2O5 composite with reduced graphene oxide was synthesized by a simple sol-gel synthesis. Material was characterized by XRD, thermal analysis and optical microscope. The electrochemical properties of the composite material were examined by the method of cyclic voltammetry at different polarization speeds. Aqueous electrolytes LiNO3, NaNO3 and Mg (NO3)2 were used. These characteristics were correlated to determine for which type of batteries the tested composite can be used, as well as how reduced graphene oxide affects the stability and capacity value of V2O5

    ZnMn2O4 as a Cathode Material in an Aqueous Solution of ZnCl2 and Mn(NO3)2 for Zn-ion Batteries

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    Due to Li-ion batteries having become the main power source of most portable electronic devices, their waste has also become a significant environmental problem. To find batteries that would be environmentally friendly, this work examines Zn-ion batteries in an aqueous solution of ZnCl2. The ZnMnO4 was synthesized by glycine nitrate combustion of Zn(NO3)2, Mn(NO3)2 and glycine as a chelating agent [1]. The structure of the material obtained was characterized by X-ray powder diffraction (XRPD) showing a spinel structure; the morphology was characterized by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) showing that nano-particles were obtained. The electrochemical characterization was done by cyclic voltammetry in an aqueous solution of ZnCl2. The mixture pasted on the glossy carbon electrode was prepared by mixing the cathode material, graphite and polyvinyl diene difluoride (PVDF) in a ratio 85:10:5 [2]. Due to the low discharge capacity obtained of ~14 mAh g-1 for 5 mV s-1 , further examination was done by adding 1 ml of 1M Mn(NO3)2 into 10ml of a saturated aqueous solution of ZnCl2. After adding the Mn(NO3)2 , the discharge capacity increased from ~14 mAh g-1 to ~65 mAh g-1 at the same polarization rate, making this additive a promising one for aqueous Zn-ion batteries. Further investigation needs to be directed to adding the same additive in larger amounts compared to 1ml to the same volume of the electrolyte. The results obtained suggest the aqueous Zn-ion battery described in this work to be a potentially promising “green” battery that may replace harmful commercial organic Li-ion batteries

    Stabilization of Fly Ash Matrix Using Calcium-Oxide, Hydroxide and Carbonate

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    Sagorevanjem uglja u termoelektranama nastaju velike količine letećeg pepela koji u svom sastavu sadrži teške metale i metaloide čije izluživanje može naruštiti stanje životne sredine u ve- likoj meri. Cilj ovog rada jeste optimizacija procesa stabilizacije matrice letećeg pepela upotrebom oksida, hidroksida i karbonata kalcijuma, kao i ispitivanje stepena desorpcije (izluživanje) ele- menata u desorpcionim rastvorima. Stabilizacijom letećeg pepela omogućila bi se njegova dalja upotrebe u građevinskoj industriji ili u svrhu adsorbenta. Kako bi se dobili optimalni uslovi korišćeno je nekoliko različitih stabilizatora (CaO, Ca(OH)2 i CaCO3) u različitim koncentracijama (5% i 7%). Variraran je i sastav desorpcionog rastvora (dejonizovana voda i 4% i 8% sirćetna kiselina) kao i odnos letećeg pepela i desoprcionog rastvora (1:10 i 1:30). Koncentracija jona teških metala i metaloida (V, Cr, Mn, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, As, Cd, Pb) određivana je metodom masene spektrometrije sa indukovano spregnutom plazmom (ICP- MS). Za obradu podataka rađena je multivarijaciona statistička analiza (korelaciona analiza, ana- liza glavnih elemenata i klasterska analiza). Korišćen je statistički softver MINITAB.Combustion of coal in thermal power plants produces large amounts of fly ash, which contains heavy metals and metalloids, and their leaching can greatly damage the environment. The aim of this paper is to optimize the process of stabilization of the fly ash matrix using calcium oxide, hydroxide and carbonate, as well as to examine the degree of desorption (leaching) of elements in desorption solutions. Stabilization of fly ash would enable its further use in the construction industry or as an adsorbent. In order to obtain optimal conditions, several different stabilizers (CaO, Ca(OH)2 and CaCO3) were used in different concentrations (5% and 7%). The composition of the desorption solution (deionized water and 4% and 8% acetic acid) is also variable, as is the ratio of fly ash to the desorption solution (1:10 and 1:30). The concentration of heavy metal ions and metalloids (V, Cr, Mn, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, As, Cd, Pb) was determined by the method of Inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS). Multivariate statistical analysis (correlation analysis, principal component analysis (PCA) and cluster analysis (CA)) was performed for data processing. MINITAB statistical software was used.36. Međunarodni kongres o procesnoj industriji - PROCESING ′23 : zbornik radova ; 1-2. jun, Šaba