135 research outputs found

    An integrated component-oriented framework for effective and flexible enterprise distributed systems development

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    Although component-based platforms and technologies such as CORBA, COM+/.NET and Enterprise Java Beans (EJB) are now widely used for implementation and deployment of complex systems, the component way of thinking is still immature. Current CBD best practices, concepts, approaches and methods do not provide a full and consistent support for various component concepts, and therefore are not able to provide a full benefit of the CBD paradigm. This paper defines a new approach to components through an Integrated Component- Oriented Framework that provides a comprehensive component-oriented support for enterprise systems development. The framework enables that the same component way of thinking and the same consistent set of technology- independent component concepts can be applied in different aspects of enterprise systems development, from business services to distributed components

    Constitutional Law - Criminal Procedure - Equal Protection - Prosecutorial Discretion - Selective Prosecution

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    The United States Supreme Court held that evidence tending to show different treatment of similarly situated individuals is required to obtain discovery in support of a selective prosecution claim. United States v. Armstrong, 116 S. Ct. 1480 (1996)

    Improving the Wholesales Trough Using the Data Mining Techniques

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    Abstract. This paper describes the practical use of data mining techniques in wholesales though concrete steps of developing the distribution network. We are choosing a number of techniques for solving the problem through analyzing the specifics of the market situation, defining the business problem, and setting up its model. The cluster analysis enables us to group the data according to similarities of the market segmentation, product categories, regions and groups by turnover, while with the decision trees we are separating the big data collection into consecutive groups. Using these techniques we gain knowledge and have the opportunity to predict the future trends with high probability and on this basis to make a more precise and trustworthy business decision

    Assessment of the implementation of step-by-step adult basic life support sequence by emergency medical technicians and drivers during regular annual training

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    Objective. Evaluation of the efficiency of practicing step-by-step (SBS) BLS/AED (basic life support/automatic external defibrillator) sequence by emergency medical technicians (EMT) and ambulance drivers (AD) working in medical transport teams. Methods. A prospective two-month study was conducted in which EMTs and ADs working in medical transport teams performed their regular 4-hour annual training (1 h of lectures, 1.5 h of practical training and 1.5 h of testing). Each participant performed SBS of BLS/AED sequences in front of a three-member team of instructors. The implementation of BLS/AED sequence was evaluated by scoring from 0 to 2 (0 – not, 1 – partially, 2 – properly), separately for EMTs, ADs and in total. The final analysis compared a properly implemented SBS sequence (S1-S36) of actions: IA – initial assessment (S1-S10), BLS (S11-S18), AED (S19-S25), RP – recovery position (S26-S32) and FBAO – foreign body airway obstruction (S33-S36) for use by the BLS/AED between EMTs and ADs. The criterion for a completed regular training was at least 47 (65.0%) of the total number of points won for properly implemented procedures. Results. The study involved 31 EMTs and 63 Ads, regardless of gender and average age, with EMTs having slightly longer work experience (p>0.05). The results of our study show that EMTs are more skilled at IA, cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and AED, whereas ADs were better at implementing RP and performing the Heimlich maneuver (p<0.001). Conclusion. Although EMTs and ADs implement SBS BLS/AED procedures correctly and satisfactorily in more than 65.0%, future research should focus on finding more efficient, shorter and cheaper BLS/AED trainings

    The international program wheat varieties (IWWPMP) resistance to the powdery mildew causing agent

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    IWWPMP (International Winter Wheat Powdery Mildew Program) is being conducted over a long period of time and our team is involved in it for over two decades. In the last couple of years, the Coordinator of this program has been Dr. Stevan Leath from the North Carolina State University, U.S.A The attached paper discloses the 1990-1992 results obtained in the localities of Kragujevac and Novi Sad. Our investigations revealed that not all the varieties included in this program are resistant to Powdery Mildew. In the three years of our investigations (1990-1992) at the two localities (Kragujevac and Novi Sad), the number of resistant and the number of susceptible varieties has been approximately the same

    Morfološki deformiteti usnog aparata roda chironomus (diptera: chironomidae) izazvani teškim metalima

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    U slatkovodnim ekosistemima larve Chironomidae su izložene svim prisutnim toksičnim materijama u vodi i sedimentu i kao takve mogu se koristiti kao idealni biotest organizmi. Kod larvi hironomida često se razvijaju deformacije usnih delova, posebno mentuma, za koje se pretpostavlja da su uglavnom prouzrokovani neorganskim hemikalijama. Kod gajenih hironomida (Chironomus) na sedimentu iz šaranskog ribnjaka utvrđen je stepen i tip deformiteta u zavisnosti od koncentracije i tipa teških metala. Larve Chironomus-a (prikupljene iz Jelenačkog potoka) bile su izložene olovo (II) acetat-3 hidratu i bakar (II) sulfat-pentahidratu u koncentracijama 30, 120 i 200 µg/g suve mase sedimenta. Za procenu stepena deformiteta korišćen je indeks toksičnosti TSI po Lenatu. Kod larvi Chironomus-a, izloženih olovu primećen je porast učestalosti deformiteta sa povećanjem koncentracija i to najčešće deformitet medijalno-lateralnih zuba, koji su kraći, i nedostatak zuba. Larve Chironomus-a izložene bakru pokazuju pad stope deformiteta od najniže ka najvišoj koncentarciji, a najčešći tipovi deformiteta su kraći i podeljeni medijalni zubi i kraći medijalno-lateralni zubi


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    Deflection routing, where port-contentions in routers are resolved by intentionally misrouting some of packets along unwanted directions instead of storing them, has been proposed as a promising approach for improving power and area efficiency of large-scale networks on chip (NoCs). However, at high network load, when packets are misrouted more frequently, the cost and energy benefits of this simple routing scheme are offset by the performance degradation. To address this problem, we propose a technique that uses small in-channel buffers to capture some of deflected packets before they take a misrouting hop. The captured packets are then looped-back to the routers where they suffered deflection and routed again. To improve the efficiency of this in-channel misrouting suppression scheme we also slightly modify the routing function of the deflection router by restricting the choice of productive directions for misrouted packets. Evaluations on synthetic traffic patterns show that the proposed misrouting suppression mechanism yields an improvement of 36.2% in network saturation throughput when implemented into the conventional deflection-routed network

    Various aspects of two treatment approaches to patients with problems of hypodontia of upper lateral incisors

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    Introduction. The treatment of hypodontia of the upper lateral incisors could be orthodontic or multidisciplinary with combined orthodontic, surgical and prosthetic in-volvement. Both options have their pros and cons. They could be quite challenging to manage, particularly in the cases of unilateral missing of the upper lateral incisor in adult patients. We presented two cases with these different treatment approaches in young adult patients with unilateral missing of upper lateral incisors. Case report. The first case presents a combined orthodontic, surgical and prosthetic treatment of the missing upper right lateral incisor in an adult patient. Our clinical examination of a 22-year-old girl showed her missing tooth 12 with almost completely closed space, midline deviation, reduced overjet and overbite, Class III molar relationship on the right side and Class I molar relationship on the left side with V-shape maxillary arch and crossbite tendency in the frontal region. Based on the skeletal Class III relationship and intraoral findings, it was decided to open the space for tooth 12 and to establish the over jet, overbite and Class I occlusion as well. A surgical implant insertion followed the orthodontic preparation, with crown positioning after surgical healing. The second case described the orthodontic treatment of unilateral hypodontia in a young adult patient. Clinical and radiographic examinations of a 24-year-old female revealed hypodontia of tooth 12 with microdontic conical tooth 22 with severe crowding in the lower arch, Class I molar relationship on the right side and half-Class II relationship on the left side. The treatment decision was to extract atypical tooth 22, teeth 35 and 44 and to move the upper teeth forward to close the space. Af- ter the orthodontic treatment, upper canines were mesially moved to replace those missing lateral incisors. Conclu- sion. Both treatments successfully resolved malocclusion and obtained solid aesthetic and functional results. The treatment plan and decision to open or close the space in a case of hypodontia should be made individually for each pa- tient according to their age, malocclusion, canines' shape and size and patient preferences