2,480 research outputs found

    Kalte Schulter fĂĽr die Tessiner

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    Warum haben es die italienischsprachigen Bundesratskandidaten seit dem Rücktritt von Flavio Cotti (1999) so schwer, auf das offizielle Ticket der eigenen Partei zu kommen, von einer Wahl in den Bundesrat schon gar nicht zu sprechen? Ohne Zweifel hängt vieles von der Ausstrahlungskraft, der Erfahrung und der Machtbasis der einzelnen Kandidaten ab. Es gibt aber mindestens zwei strukturelle Faktoren, die erklären dürften, warum die Wahlperspektiven der Kandidaten aus der Südschweiz immer dünner werden und warum dies wohl auch in Zukunft der Fall sein wird

    Cross reactive arrays of three-way junction sensors for steroid determination

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    This invention provides analyte sensitive oligonucleotide compositions for detecting and analyzing analytes in solution, including complex solutions using cross reactive arrays of analyte sensitive oligonucleotide compositions

    Supplementary Feeding of Grazing Dairy Cows

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    The objective of this paper was to consider the effect of supplementary feeding of grazing dairy cows on dry matter intake (DMI), milk production and milk composition. Accurate estimations of total DMI and pasture DMI are important to the management of dairy grazing systems. The intakes of dry matter (DM) and net energy-NEL are lower on the pasture-only diet compared with cows supplementary fed with concentrate. Many pasture factors affect DMI, including pregrazing pasture mass and pasture allowance. Milk production of high producing grazing dairy cows in early lactation increases linearly as the amount of concentrate increases to 10 kg DM/day with a milk response of 1 kg milk/kg concentrate. In late lactation, increases are with a lower milk response per kilogram of supplemented concentrate. With the amount of concentrate supplementation, milk fat and protein yield increase while milk fat percentage decreases. Supplementation with rumen undegradable protein (RUP) is important for meeting requirements of grazing dairy cows, because the pasture has high ruminal crude protein (CP) degradability. Corn silage supplementation to grazing cows may increase milk production if pasture offered is restricted, but if pasture is offered ad libitum milk production does not change or can decrease. Supplementation of ruminally inert fat could have positive effect on milk production with concentrate supplemented at a lower rate

    Digital quantum simulation of scalar Yukawa coupling: Dynamics following an interaction quench on IBM Q

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    Motivated by the dearth of studies pertaining to the digital quantum simulation of coupled fermion-boson systems and the revitalized interest in simulating models from medium- and high-energy physics, we investigate the nonequilibrium dynamics following a Yukawa-interaction quench on IBM Q. After adopting -- due to current quantum-hardware limitations -- a single-site (zero-dimensional) version of the scalar Yukawa-coupling model as our point of departure, we design low-depth quantum circuits that emulate its dynamics with up to three bosons. In particular, using advanced circuit-optimization techniques, in the one-boson case we demonstrate circuit compression, i.e. design a shallow (constant-depth) circuit that contains only two CNOT gates, regardless of the total simulation time. In the three-boson case -- where such a compression is not possible -- we design a circuit in which one Trotter step entails 8 CNOTs, this number being far below the maximal CNOT-cost of a generic three-qubit gate. Using an analogy with the travelling salesman problem, we also provide a CNOT-cost estimate for quantum circuits emulating the system dynamics for higher boson-number truncations. Finally, based on the proposed circuits for one- and three-boson cases, we quantify the system dynamics for several different initial states by evaluating the expected fermion- and boson numbers at an arbitrary time after the quench. We validate our results by finding their good agreement with the exact ones obtained through classical benchmarking.Comment: 19 pages, 21 figure

    Phenolic Profile and Antioxidant Activity of Pulp and Peel from Peach and Nectarine Fruits

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    Peach (Prunus persica L.) is a fruit of high nutritional and economic value. Carbohydrates, dietary fibers, minerals and organic acids are among the major constituents of peach fruit, which contribute to the nutritional quality of both fresh fruits and juice. Polyphenolic compounds found in peach may play an important role in physiological functions related to human health. Different polyphenolics may have varied biological activities including antioxidant activity. In this study antioxidant characteristics between peel and pulp of different peach cultivars (‘RadmilovÄanka’, ‘June Gold’, ‘Blake’, ‘Hale’, ‘Vesna’, ‘Adria’) and one of nectarine (‘Fantasia’) were investigated. The peel and pulp extracts showed a huge amount of total phenolics (TP), total flavonoids (TF), total hydroxycinnamates (TH) and total flavonols (TFL), ranging from 42.7-211.4, 11.1-128.5 mg GAE/100 g fresh weight (f.w.) (TP), 21.9 -94.9, 5.0-58.9 mg CE/100 g f.w. (TF), 28.4-389.2, 8.5-165.8 mg kg-1 f.w. (TH) and 17.3-54 mg kg-1 f.w. (TFL). High contents of phenolic compounds were significantly correlated with high antioxidant capacities. Peach pulp and peel differ significantly in their phenolic profiles: the pulp contains mainly chlorogenic, neochlorogenic and p-coumaric acids, whereas the peel possesses chlorogenic, neochlorogenic and p-coumaric acids together with several flavonol glycosides in huge amounts. Our results indicate that cultivar and extraction solvent play important roles in phenolic compositions and antioxidant properties of peach and nectarine extracts, which was shown using statistical analysis (ANOVA). There are high correlations between extracted phenolic compounds and peach and nectarine cultivars, and used solvent and part of the fruit (peel and pulp)

    Discrete-Time Filter Synthesis using Product of Gegenbauer Polynomials

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    A new approximation to design continuoustime and discrete-time low-pass filters, presented in this paper, based on the product of Gegenbauer polynomials, provides the ability of more flexible adjustment of passband and stopband responses. The design is achieved taking into account a prescribed specification, leading to a better trade-off among the magnitude and group delay responses. Many well-known continuous-time and discrete-time transitional filter based on the classical polynomial approximations(Chebyshev, Legendre, Butterworth) are shown to be a special cases of proposed approximation method
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