710 research outputs found


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    The study described in the paper aimed to measure the level of resistance of public sector employees to organizational changes, in order to draw a conclusion on whether the level of resistance is a risk to the successful implementation of change or not. The differences between the resistance of several categories of employees were observed, depending on age, education and satisfaction with personal monthly income. In addition, the most important causes of resistance to change within the sample were determined, such as: lack of involvement of employees in the process of planning change, conviction of employees about non-existence of adequate rewards for the accomplishment of change and high levels of stress at work. The findings indicate that the level of change resistance in public sector is within moderate limits, which means that this issue needs further attention in planning and management of organizational change, but, on the other hand, the situation can not be characterized as highly risky for the process of change implementation. The paper also provides a brief theoretical overview of the most important findings in the field of organizational changes in the public sector

    The influence of pyrolysis type on shale oil generation and its composition (Upper layer of Aleksinac oil shale, Serbia)

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    The influence of pyrolysis type on shale oil generation and its composition was studied. Different methods such as Rock-Eval pyrolysis, thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) and pyrolysis in the open and closed systems were applied. Samples from the Upper layer of Aleksinac oil shale (Serbia) were used as a substrate and first time characterized in detail. The impact of kerogen content and type on the shale oil generation in different pyrolysis systems was also estimated. Majority of the analysed samples have total organic carbon content > 5 wt. % and contain oil prone kerogen types I and/or II. Therefore, they can be of particular interest for the pyrolytic processing. Thermal behavior of analysed samples obtained by TGA is in agreement with Rock-Eval parameters. Pyrolysis of oil shale in the open system gives higher yield of shale oil than pyrolysis in the closed system. The yield of hydrocarbons (HCs) in shale oil produced by open pyrolysis system corresponds to an excellent source rock potential, while HCs yield from the closed system indicates a very good source rock potential. The kerogen content has a greater impact on the shale oil generation than kerogen type in the open pyrolysis system, while kerogen type plays a more important role on generation of shale oil than the kerogen content in the closed system. The composition of obtained shale oil showed certain undesirable features, due to the relatively high contents of olefinic HCs (open system) and polar compounds (closed system), which may require further treatment to be used

    The role of biochemical markers as early indicators of cardiac damage and prognostic parameters of perinatal asphyxia

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    Background/Aim. In recent years, the focus of interest of the scientific community is the application of heart markers as early indicators and prognostic parameters of perinatal asphyxia (PA). The aim of this study was to evaluate the significance of clinical application of heart markers in term newborns with perinatal asphyxia. Methods. During a 3- year period we analyzed 91 full-term newborns (55 with and 36 without perinatal asphyxia). In all the subjects within the first 24-48 h after birth, we simultaneously determined serum concentrations of cardiac troponin I, brain natriuretic peptide, MB fraction of creatine kinase (CK-MB) and Creactive protein. Results. In the group of full-term neonates with PA significantly higher levels of cardiac troponinI (p = 0.000), CK-MB fraction (p = 0.000), brain natriuretic peptide (p = 0.003) and C-reactive protein (p = 0.017) were found, compared to the group of healthy full-term newborns. In merged group (n = 91) cardiac troponin I level correlated with the fifth minute Apgar score (r = - 0.637, p = 0.000) and the serum lactate concentration in the first 12h after birth (r = 0.529, p = 0.000). Early increase in cardiac troponin I > 0.135 μg/L predicted the risk of death with the sensitivity of 84.6% and specificity of 85.9%, while the increase in CK-MB fraction, brain natriuretic peptide and C-reactive protein did not have a predictive value with respect to a mortality outcome. Conclusion. Among the tested cardiac markers, cardiac troponin I is the most sensitive and the only reliable early predictor of mortality in fullterm neonates with perinatal asphyxia


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    Background: Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) experience significantly higher prevalence of other mental disorders, which amplifies their need for overall support. The outbreak of novel coronavirus (COVID-19) resulted in restrictions and limited access to different services with great challenge for families and children with ASD. Subjects and methods: We used an electronic SurveyMonkey questionnaire to examine the experiences of 114 caregivers of children with ASD. We compared: (a) level of support by the child’s school, changes in child behavior, and priority needs for families of ASD and ASD with comorbidities (ASD+) children, during pandemic, and (b) developmental history and diagnosis for ASD and ASD+ children before the pandemic. Results: Our research shows significant behavioral difficulties in the population with ASD and ASD+ that arose in the field of altered living conditions and overall functioning during the COVID-19 pandemic. Statistically significant results comparing ASD to ASD+ children we found in area of getting additional help and support before the outbreak of the pandemic (47.1% vs 16.0%, p=0.002), as well as in worsening of sleep problems, statistically significant more common in children with ASD+ (ASD+ 47.7% vs. ASD 25.7%, p=0.046). Conclusions: Our findings can contribute to the faster development and implementation of protocols for dealing with situations such as pandemics, related to the vulnerable population of children with ASD and their caregivers

    Trends in thyroid cancer incidence and mortality in Central Serbia, 1999-2014

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    Introduction. Thyroid cancer (TC) is the the most common malignant disease of the endocrine system. The incidence of the TC has been increasing worldwide, especially in female population. However, mortality from TC is low in both males and females. The objective of the paper was to determine and analyze incidence and mortality trends of TC in males and females in the central Serbia in the period 1999-2014. Method. Descriptive study was used. Data were obtained from the Serbian Cancer Registry. Crude and age-adjusted rates (ASR) of incidence and mortality were calculated. Trend and annual percentage change (APC) of the incidence and mortality rate with corresponding 95% confidence intervals (CI) were calculated by performing Jointpoint regression analyses. Results. A total number of new cases of TC was 3113. TC was diagnosed in 2343 females and 770 males (female-to-male ratio, 3 to 1). A total number of fatal cases was 770 (while 504 female and 266 male died from TC, female-to-male ratio, 2 to 1). TC was not common before 30 years of age. The highest incidence was recorded both in males and females aged 50-59. Joinpoint regression analysis showed the statistically significant increase of ASR of TC incidence in males in 1999-2014 period with APC of 6.2% (95%CI:4.2-8.3, p<0.001) and there was also significant increase of ASR of TC incidence in females in the same study period with APC of 6.1% (95%CI: 4.2-8.0, p<0.001). Joinpoint regression analysis showed an insignificant increase of ASR of TC mortality in males with APC of 2.4% (95%CI:-0.5-5.5, p=0.1). There was an insignificant decrease of ASR of TC mortality in females with APC of -1.3% (95%CI: -4.4-1.9, p=0.4). Conclusion. The increasing trend of age-adjusted incidence rate of TC both in males and females and decreasing trend of age-adjusted mortality rates of TC in during the period were registered. Females had higher age-adjusted incidence and mortality rates than males. Female to male ratio of incidence was 3:1 and for mortality 2:1. Measures of primary and secondary prevention are needed.

    Značaj sorte u organskoj proizvodnji povrća

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    The organic farming system differs fundamentally in soil fertility management, weed, disease and pest management, and has higher demands on product quality and yield stability compared to conventional farming. By stimulating internal self-regulation through functional agrobiodiversity in and above the soil, organic farming system aim at resilience and buffering capacity in the farm-ecosystem. For futher optimisation of organic product quality and yield stability new varieties are required that are adapted to organic farming systems.Organski sistemi uzgoja povrća su u pogledu upravljanja plodnošću zemljišta, korova, bolesti i štetočina i zahtevom za povišenim kvalitetom i stabilnošću prinosa različiti konvencionalnim. Stimulišući unutrašnju samoregulaciju putem funkcionalnog agrobiodiverziteta u i iznad zemljišta, umesto spoljne regulacije sredstvima zaštite, cilj organskih sistema je povećanje otpornosti proizvodnog ekosistema. Izbor visokokvalitetnog organskog semena i sadnog materijala pogodnih sorti je ključ uspešne organske proizvodnje. Dalja optimizacija kvaliteta organskih proizvoda i stabilnosti prinosa zahteva uvođenje novih sorata adaptiranih na specifične uslove organske proizvodnje

    The effect of corn grain micronization on diet digestibility and blood biochemical parameters in weaned Holstein calves

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    Aim of study: To evaluate corn grain micronization for calves fed a grower diet. Area of study: Padinska Skela – Belgrade, Serbia. Material and methods: Thirty weaned Holstein dairy calves (65–74 days of age) were randomly assigned to one of two treatments with growers containing micronized (MCG) or untreated corn grain (UCG). The experimental period lasted for 60 days. Main results: The values of total tract apparent digestibility of dry matter (DM), organic matter (OM), crude protein (CP), and nonfiber carbohydrates (NFC) were higher for calves fed MCG versus those within the UCG treatment by 3.9% (p<0.05), 7.0% (p<0.01), 7.1% (p<0.01) and 7.5% (p<0.05), respectively, for the days 25–30 of the experimental period. In addition, the values of digestibility of OM, CP, and NFC were higher by 4.9% (p<0.05), 5.7% (p<0.05), and 6.0% (p<0.05), respectively, for the days 55–60 of the experimental period. The density of metabolizable energy, net energy for maintenance and gain in consumed dietary DM was higher (p<0.001) by 4.7, 5.5, and 7.2%, respectively for calves fed on the grower containing micronized corn grain (MCG), during the first digestibility period, and by 3.0, 3.6, and 4.6%, respectively, during the second digestibility period. Energy intake was lower (p<0.05) during the second digestibility period, for calves fed a diet with micronized corn. Blood urea N was affected (p<0.001) by dietary treatments. Lower values (10.2%) were observed for calves fed the grower containing MCG. Research highlights: The micronization of corn grain is a useful tool for optimizing weaned calf production due to the improvement in the digestibility and energy content of the ration. © 2023 CSIC