26 research outputs found

    Semivowel Reflexes in Paštrovske isprave from the Sixteenth to the Nineteenth Century

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    Prispevek predstavlja kontinuante za stari polglasnik v Paštroviških listinah 16.–19. stoletja, ki so med najpomembnejšimi jezikoslovnimi problemi v teh dokumentih srbskega jezika in tudi v današnjem govoru kraja Paštrovići. To je hkrati tudi ena od najzanimivejših fonetičnih potez v zgodovini srbskega jezika, še posebej pri obravnavi obrobnih govorov, med katere spada tudi govor Paštrovićev. Za to raziskavo smo analizirali okoli 600 listin. Po korpusu Paštroviških listin se polglasnik od 16. do 19. stoletja ni izenačil z nobenim od samoglasnikov: izgovor variira med a in e.This article presents the reflexes of the old semivowel in Paštrovske isprave (the Paštrovići Documents), which are considered the most important linguistic problems in these Serbian‑language documents as well as in today’s Paštrovići subdialect. In addition, this is also one of the most important phonetic features in the history of Serbian, especially when examining marginal subdialects, such as the one from Paštrovići. Approximately six hundred documents were analyzed for this research. According to the Paštrovske isprave corpus, from the sixteenth to the nineteenth century the semivowel did not develop into any other vowel: the pronunciation varies between a and e

    The effects of overtraining on cardiodynamics and parameters of oxidative stress in isolated rat heart

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    Cilj istraživanja bio je da ispita efekte protokola usmerenog izazivanju pretreniranosti na kardiodinamiku, koronarni protok i oksidativni stres u koronarnom efluentu izolovanog srca pacova. Pacovi su podeljeni u tri grupe (kontrole, umereno trenirani, preterano često trenirani pacovi) i podvrgnuti različitom trenažnom protokolu tokom 9-12 nedelja. Nakon žrtvovanja životinja, srce je izolovano i perfundovano na Langendorf aparatu, a tokom koronarne autoregulacije (koronarni perfuzioni pritisak 40-120 mmHg) praćeni su sledeći kardiodinamski parametri leve komore: maksimalna i minimalna stopa promene pritiska, sistolni i dijastolni pritisak, srčana frekvenca. Koronarni protok meren je floumetrijski, a u koronarnom efluentu određeni su nivoi parametara oksidacionog stresa (superoksid anjon radikal, vodonik peroksid, nitriti, lipidni peroksidi). Primenjeni eksperimentalni protokol plivanja nije indukovao pretreniranost kod pacova. Preterano često plivanje dovelo je do pozitivnih promena u kardiodinamici i koronarnom protoku izolovanih srca pacova, u većoj meri od umerenog trenažnog protokola. Rezultati naše studije potvrđuju pozitivne efekte redovnog aerobnog treninga na srce, i pokazuju da često vežbanje, ukoliko je intenzitet vežbanja umeren, nema štetne efekte na kardiodinamiku. U poređenju sa kontrolama, srca umereno treniranih, a posebno često treniranih pacova, produkovala su niže nivoe prooksidanata. Ovakvi rezultati verovatno su posledica bolje srčane funkcije, kao i aktivnosti antioksidativnog sistema kod često treniranih pacova. Obzirom na izostanak dijagnoze pretreniranosti, naša studija ne doprinosi značajno rasvetljavanju veze između ovog fenomena, funkcije srca i uloge oksidativnog stresa u ovom sindromu, međutim, ona daje važne smernice za dizajniranje budućih plivačkih trenažnih protokola, posebno onih koji za cilj imaju indukovanje pretreniranosti. Takođe, naša studija doprinosi saznanjima o efektima različitih trenažnih protokola na kardiodinamiku i redoks status u srcu.The aim of the research was to explore the effects of the training protocol designed for overtraining induction on cardiodynamics, coronary flow and oxidative stress in coronary effluent from an isolated rat heart. The rats were divided into three groups (control, moderately trained, overfrequently trained rats) and subjected to different training protocol during 9-12 weeks. After sacrificing animals, hearts were excised, isolated and perfused on a Langendorf apparatus, and following cardiodynamic parameters of the left ventricle were measured during coronary autoregulation (coronary perfusion pressure 40-120 mmHg): maximal and minimal rate of pressure change, systolic and diastolic pressure, heart rate. Coronary flow was measured flowmetrically, and in coronary effluent following parameters of oxidative stress were measured: superoxide anion radical, hydrogen peroxide, nitric oxide, lipid peroxides. Applied experimental protocol did not induce overtraining in rats. Overfrequent swimming lead to positive changes in cardiodynamics and coronary flow, in a greater rate than moderate training. The results of our study confirm positive effects of regular aerobic exercise training on the heart, and show that frequent exercise, if the intensity of exercise is moderate, it is not harmful for the heart. In comparison with controls, hearts of rats trained moderately, and especially hearts of overfrequently trained rats, produced lower levels of prooxidants. Those results are probably a consequence of better cardiac function, as well as activity of antioxidative system in overfrequently trained rats. Given the lack of diagnosis of overtraining, our study does not contribute significantly to shed light on the relationship between this phenomenon, function of the heart and the role of oxidative stress in this syndrome, however, it provides important guidance for designing future swimming training protocols, especially those that aim to induce overtraining. Also, our study contributes to knowledge about the effects of different protocols of training on cardiodynamics and redox status of the heart

    Morfološke karakteristike izolata Colletotrichum spp. - prouzrokovača antraknoze

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    In the morphological studies were included isolates of Colletotrichum spp. originating from pear, apple and sour cherry fruits, as well as reference strains of C. acutatum (CBS 294.67) and C. gloeosporioides (CBS 516.97). The colony characteristics, appearance, shape and size of conidioma, appressoria, and conidia of isolates of Colletotrichum spp. were studied. The four morphological groups of colonies on PDA were observed, confirming the great phenotypic variability of isolates of Colletotrichum spp. Most isolates from apple and pear fruits (KC-6, KC-9, KC-12, JC-5, JC-7, JC-9), formed the first morphological group. The isolates from sour cherry (VC-3, VC-5, VC-7, VC-9) are separated in the fourth morphological group. The size and shape of conidia from these isolates fit the description of C. gloe­osporioides. The chromogenic isolates from pear (KC-21, KC-23, KC-82) formed the second morphological group, and in the third morphological group is isolate (JC-4) from apple fruit. The morphology of conidia from these isolates fit the description of C. acutatum. During this research were evident that all isolates formed conidioma - acervuli. The tested cultures of Colletotrichum spp. did not form teleomorpf. Because of outstanding variability, most of the studied characteristics cannot be independently applied as taxonomic criteria. Obtai­ned results showed that, for Colletotrichum species classification, at least two taxonomic criteria should be used: morphological features combined with molecular identification.U morfološka ispitivanja su uključeni izolati Colletotrichum spp. poreklom sa plodova kruške, jabuke i višnje, kao i referentni sojevi C. acutatum (CBS 294.67) i C. gloeosporioides (CBS 516.97). Proučavanjem njihovih morfoloških karakteristika, dobijeni su podaci o izgledu ispitivanih kolonija, odlikama plodonosnog tela, apresorija, veličini i obliku konidija. Na podlozi KDA moguće je razlikovati četiri morfološke grupe kolonija, što potvrđu­je fenotipsku varijabilnost proučavanih izolata Colletotrichum spp. Većina izolata sa ploda kruške i jabuke (KC-6, KC-9, KC-12, JC-5, JC-7, JC-9) obrazuje prvu morfološku grupu. Izolati sa ploda višnje (VC-3, VC-5, VC-7, VC-9), su izdvojeni u četvrtu morfološku grupu. Veličina i oblik konidija ovih izolata odgovara opisu vrste C. gloeosporioides. Hromogeni izolati sa kruške (KC-21, KC-23, KC-82), obrazuju drugu morfološku grupu, a u trećoj morfološkoj grupi je izolat sa ploda jabuke (JC-4). Morfologija konidija ovih izolata odgovara opisu vrste C. acutatum. Tokom ovih istraživanja je utvrđeno da svi izolati obrazuju plodonosna tela - acervule. Testirane kulture Colletotrichum spp. ne formiraju teleomorfni stadijum. Zbog izražene varijabilnosti, većina ispitanih osobina ne mogu se primeni kao samostalni taksonomski kriterijum. Na osnovu dobijenih rezultata, za klasifikaciju vrsta roda Colletotrichum, potrebno je koristiti najmanje dva taksonomska kriterijuma: morfološke karakteristike uporedo sa molekularnom identifikacijom

    Characteristics of Phomopsis sp. isolates of plum trees origin

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    Twelve isolates of Phomopsis sp. were obtained from the branches and the trunk of plums (Prunus domestica L) with decay symptoms in Valjevo, Ljig Koceljeva and Ub vicinity during 2004-2006. Morphological, pathogenic and growing characteristics were studied. Pathogen caused tissue necrosis of branches around the inoculate seats, and wrinkling and watering of plum fruits. All media were suitable for pathogen development, except prune agar. The best growth of isolates was at medium pH 5,5. The optimal temperature for growth and germination of pycnidiospores was 25°C

    Provera antagonističkog delovanja mikroorganizama na Colletotrichum acutatum i Colletotrichum gloeosporioides

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    The antagonistic activities of five biocontrol agents: Trichoderma harzianum, Gliocladium roseum, Bacillus subtilis, Streptomyces noursei and Streptomyces natalensis, were tested in vitro against Colletotrichum acutatum and Colletotrichum gloeosporioides, the causal agents of anthracnose disease in fruit crops. The microbial antagonists inhibited mycelial growth in the dual culture assay and conidial germination of Colletotrichum isolates. The two Streptomyces species exhibited the strongest antagonism against isolates of C. acutatum and C. gloeosporioides. Microscopic examination showed that the most common mode of action was antibiosis. The results of this study identify T. harzianum, G. roseum, B. subtilis, S. natalensis and S. noursei as promising biological control agents for further testing against anthracnose disease in fruits.Antagonističko delovanje pet agenasa biološke zaštite: Trichoderma harzianum, Gliocladium roseum, Bacillus subtilis, Streptomyces noursei i Streptomyces natalensis, testirano je in vitro na Colletotrichum acutatum i Colletotrichum gloeosporioides, prouzrokovače antraknoze plodova. Svi mikrobni antagonisti inhibiraju porast micelije u testovima dvojne kultivacije i klijavost konidija Colletotrichum izolata. Dve vrste roda Streptomyces ispoljavaju najjači stepen antagonizma prema izolatima C. acutatum i C. gloeosporioides. Mikroskopsko ispitivanje pokazuje da je antibioza najčešći način delovanja antagonista. T. harzianum, G. roseum, B. subtilis, S. natalensis i S. noursei su rezultatima ovih istraživanja identifikovani kao biološki agensi koji se mogu uspešno uključiti u buduća testiranja u cilju suzbijanja antraknoze plodova

    Intenzitet infekcije rđe (Puccinia spp.) na jesenjem belom luku u uslovima organske i konvencionalne proizvodnje

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    Due to low requirements for fertilizers and pesticides, garlic is a valuable crop in organic systems, although production may be hampered by diverse pathogens. In recent years, garlic rust (Puccinia spp.) has been increasingly present in our agro-ecological climate, developing into a significant problem for garlic production. The aim of the study was twofold: i) to monitor winter garlic rust rate in organic and in conventional production, and ii) to monitor genotype sensitivity to the pathogen in both production systems. Trials were conducted in 2012/2013 in Bački Petrovac, Serbia at the Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops in Novi Sad, and included 30 genotypes planted in organic and conventional field, simultaneously. Disease severity was evaluated visually, using a scoring system between zero and five. Overall average infection intensity score in conventional plots was 1.18, and in organic plots 0.79. There was no statistically significant difference between infection intensity in conventional versus organic plots. Nevertheless, reactions of certain genotypes to the causal agents of rust differed across organic and conventional plots ranging from no apparent infection symptoms in organic to severe symptoms in conventional plots.Beli luk predstavlja značajnu biljnu vrstu u organskim sistemima proizvodnje, čije gajenje može biti otežano uticajem različitih patogena. Rđa luka (Puccinia spp.) na našim prostorima primećena je davno, ali poslednjih nekoliko godina zabeležena je intenzivnija pojava. Cilj rada bio je praćene intenziteta infekcije u uslovima organske i konvencionalne proizvodnje, kao i reakcija genotipova na prisustvo patogena. Ogled je postavljen 2012/2013. godine u uslovima organske i konvencionalne proizvodnje. U tu svrhu posađeno je 30 genotipova jesenjeg belog luka. Intenzitet infekcije ocenjivan je vizuelnom metodom, upotrebom skale ocene od 0 do 5. Prosečna ocena ispitivanih genotipova u konvencionalnoj parceli bila je 1,18, a u organskoj 0,79. Nije utvrđena statistički značajna razlika između intenziteta infekcije na konvencionalnoj i organskoj parceli. Reakcije genotipova na prisustvo patogena bile su različite - pojedini genotipovi su bili bez vidljivih simptoma infekcije u uslovima organske proizvodnje, dok su u uslovima konvencionalne proizvodnje simptomi na istim genotipovima bili uočljivi

    Morfološka i molekularna identifikacija Colletotrichum acutatum sa ploda paradajza

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    Colletotrichum gloeosporioides, Colletotrichum acutatum, Colletotrichum coccodes, and Colletotrichum dematium are the four main species of Colletotrichum that cause tomato anthracnose. In Serbia, the occurrence of anthracnose on tomato fruit has been recorded during the last several years. Typical fruit symptoms include dark, sunken, and circular lesion with orange conidial masses. Pathogen isolates were obtained from a diseased tomato fruits, on PDA medium forming a white to gray colonies. The cultures developed black acervuli around the center of the colony. Conidia were hyaline, aseptate, and fusiform or rarely cylindrical. Appressoria were smooth, simple, clavate to ovate, and varied from light to dark brown. Pathogenicity tests with representative isolates were conducted on symptomless, detached tomato fruits. All tested isolates caused anthracnose lesions on tomato fruit after 7 days of incubation. Koch's postulates were fulfilled by reisolation from inoculated tomato fruits. PCR analysis (using species-specific primer pair, CaInt2/ ITS4) of genomic DNA from tomato isolates resulted in an amplification product of 490 bp, specific for C. acutatum, further confirming the identity of the pathogen. Based on morphological and molecular characteristics, the isolates from tomato fruit were determined as C. acutatum.Četiri glavna prouzrokovača antraknoze paradajza iz roda Colletotrichum su: Colletotrichum gloeosporioides, Colletotrichum acutatum, Colletotrichum coccodes i Colletotrichum dematium. U Srbiji je tokom poslednjih godina zabeležena pojava antraknoze ploda paradajza. Tipični simptomi na plodu su tamne, ulegnute, kružne lezije sa masom narandžastih konidija. Sa obolelih plodova paradajza dobijeni su izolati patogena koji na KDA podlozi obrazuju bele do sivo obojene kolonije. Acervuli crne boje formiraju se u kulturi oko centra kolonije. Konidije su hialinske, neseptirane, fusiformne ili ređe cilindrične. Apresorije su glatke, jednostavne, okruglastog ili oblika izdužene palice, svetlo do tamno braon boje. Test patogenosti je obavljen sa reprezentativnim izolatima, na odabranim, zdravim plodovima. Svi ispitivani izolati prouzrokuju antraknozne lezije na plodu paradajza 7 dana nakon inokulacije. Kohovi postulati su zadovoljeni reizolacijama sa inokulisanih plodova paradajza. PCR analiza (korišćenjem para prajmera specifičinog za vrstu, CaInt2/ITS4) iz genoma DNA izolata sa paradajza rezultirala je amplifikacijom produkta od 490 bp, specifičnog za C. acutatum, što je potvrdilo identitet patogena. Na osnovu morfoloških i molekularnih karakteristika izolati sa ploda paradajza determinisani su kao C. acutatum

    Intelligent textiles and sports clothing

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    Special purpose fibers were found only in the middle of the last century and since then the possibility of their application has been studied. These fibers are used in the production of clothing that requires specific protective functions such as: protection against fi re and heat, ballistic protection, protection against various types of radiation, protection against nuclear, biological and chemical effects, sportswear etc...The new generation of textiles, intelligent textiles, no longer serves only as protection, but it can receive and recognize stimuli from the environment and respond to them

    Multiple myeloma invasion of the central nervous system

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    Introduction. Multiple myeloma (MM) is characterized by the presence of neoplastic proliferating plasma cells. The tumor is generally restricted to the bone marrow. The most common complications include renal insufficiency, hypercalcemia, anemia and reccurent infections. The spectrum of MM neurological complications is diverse, however, involvement of MM in the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) and leptomeningeal infiltration are rare considered. In about 1% of the cases, the disease affects the central nervous system (CNS) and presents itself in the form of localized intraparenchymal lesions, solitary cerebral plasmocytoma or CNS myelomatosis (LMM). Case report. We presented the clinical course of a 55-year-old man with MM and LMM proven by malignant plasma cells in the CSF, hospitalized with the pain in the thoracic spine. His medical history was uneventful. There had been no evidence of mental or neurological impairment prior to the seizures. Physical examination showed no abnormalities. After a complete staging, the diagnosis of MM type biclonal gammopathia IgG lambda and free lambda light chains in the stage III was confirmed. The treatment started with systemic chemotherapy (with vincristine, doxorubicin plus high-dose dexamethasone - VAD protocol), radiotherapy and bisphosphonate. The patient developed weakness, nausea, febrility, dispnea, bilateral bronchopneumonia, acute renal insufficiency, confusions, headaches and soon thereafter sensomotor aphasias and right hemiparesis. The patient was treated with the adequate therapy including one hemodyalisis. His neurological status was deteriorated, so Multislice Computed Tomography (MSCT) of the head was performed and the findings were normal. Analysis of CSF showed pleocytosis, 26 elements/ mL and increased concentrations of proteins. Cytological analysis revealed an increased number of plasma cells (29%). Electrophoretic analysis of proteins disclosed the existance of monoclonal components in the serum, urine and CSF. Immunofixation electrophoretic and quantitative nephelometric tests confirmed Biclonal multiple myeloma of IgG lambda and light chain lambda isotypes. Analysis of neurothropic viruses with ELISA methods was negative. Once the presence of LMM was confirmed, the patient received intrathecal chemotherapy with methotrexate, cytosine arabinoside, dexamethasone three times a week, and systemic high doses of dexamethasone iv like a single agent without craniospinale irradiations. Despite the treatment, the patient died one month after the diagnosis. Autopsy was not performed. Conclusion. Presented patient, as well as most other patients with MM progressing to CNS infiltration was in the stage III. In addition to the detailed clinical examination, and all investigations required for MM diagnosis and staging of the disease, we introduced the additional CSF examination and calculation of kappa lambda ratio, that helped us make an early diagnosis and prognosis of MM with LMM. Although LMM had a low prevalence, it could be more frequent than expected especially in patients with high risk. CSF examination with positive plasma cells and abnormal morphology remains the hallmark for diagnosing CNS infiltration

    Morpho-chemical characterization of dry and snap bean (phaseolus vulgaris l.) Landraces collected on Fruska Gora mt.

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    Disappearance of old cultivars, including dry and snap bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) has been accelerated in last five to six decades, which mainly led to great genetic impoverishment. For all the humanity and its future, particularly is important the maintenance and evaluation of old cultivar's seeds. The research presented in this paper has been conducted on the territory of southwestern Fruska gora Mt. Of the collected samples of field and vegetables crops, as well as wild plants on the mountain, 13 accessions of snap bean and 21 accessions of dry bean have been analyzed in this paper. Seed color, seed shape, 1000-seed mass and phaseolin type was determined for all the accessions. Seeds of collected bean and snap bean accessions were predominantly white and cylindrical in shape. Mass of 1000 seeds ranged between 104,90 g and 634,96 g. T phaseolin type dominated, while S type of phaseolin was present in six bean and in two snap bean accessions