30 research outputs found

    Različiti aspekti inhibicije rastenja i fotosinteze kukuruza (Zea mays L.) uzrokovanog herbicidom sulfosatom, 1 - manipulacija statusom korena

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    Effects of the herbicide sulphosate on growth, accumulation and partitioning of dry weight and photosynthesis in maize plants subjected to source-sink manipulation at the root were studied. The findings indicate that growth and dry weight accumulation correlate significantly only with the dry mass ratio and/or volume of the root (RMR, Vr, respectively), while a significant negative correlation was found with stem mass ratio (SMR) and generally with leaf mass ratio (LMR), which reflects an irregular distribution of carbohydrate metabolism in maize plants. As the root is where cytokinins, the plant hormons essential for maintaining photosynthetic structures, are synthesized, we assumed that the root status under stress caused by the herbicide sulphosate could be one of the factors of stability/sensitivity of photosynthesis/photosynthetic structures in plants exposed to this herbicide.U radu je razmatran uticaj herbicida sulfosata na rastenje, akumulaciju i preraspodelu suve mase, kao i fotosintezu biljaka kukuruza na kojima je vrÅ”ena manipulacija "proizvod-potroÅ”ač" odnosa na nivou korena. Nađeno je da akumulacija suve mase značajno KoreliÅ”e samo sa zapreminom i/ili udeonom suvom masom korena (Vr, RMR), a negativno značajno sa udeonom suvom masom stabla (SMR) i (uglavnom) listova (LMR), Å”to je u skladu sa neravnomernom preraspodelom ugljenohidratnog metabolizma kod biljaka kukuruza. Poznato je da je koren mesto sinteze citokinina, biljnih hormona neophodnih u održavanju fotosintetskih struktura. PoÅ”to rezultati ukazuju na značaj statusa korena u uslovima stresa izazvanim herbicidom sulfosatom, smatramo da isti može biti jedan od faktora stabilnosti /osetljivosti fotosinteze/ fotosintetskih struktura kod biljaka izloženih dejstvu pomenutog herbicida

    Uticaj različitih proporcija egzotične germplazme na prinos zrna i udeo vode u zrnu kukuruza

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    Two main questions in programs introgressing exotic maize germplasm into temperate materials are the choice of available exotic sources to work with, and the proportion of exotic germplasm that should be incorporated into adapted germplasm. The objective of this study was to compare effects of different proportions of tropical maize inbred line NC298 in hybrids male parent on grain yield and grain moisture content, using method of orthogonal polynomials. Methods of direct crosses and backcrosses were used to form four hybrid groups (six hybrids each) containing 0, 25, 50 and 75 percent of tropical exotic germplasm, respectively, by their male parent (or one half of mentioned proportions in the corresponding hybrids). The linear components of the germplasm proportions sum of squares, were significant (p lt 0.01) for both grain yield and moisture content and the cubic effect (p lt 0.05) for grain yield only. Results in this study clearly suggested backcross foundation populations with an adapted line to be appropriate selection sources for both grain yield and grain moisture content.Inkorporacija egzotične germplazme u genetički materijal umerenog klimata nameće dva osnovna pitanja: izbor i proporciju odgovarajućih egzotičnih izvora. Cilj ovog istraživanja je bio poređenje efekata različitog udela tropske linije kukuruza NC298 u očinskoj komponenti hibrida, na prinos zrna i udeo vode u zrnu, primenom metode ortogonalnih polinoma. Metodom direktnih i povratnih ukrÅ”tanja dobijene su četiri grupe hibrida (po Å”est hibrida u svakoj) koje su sadržale 0, 25, 50 i 75 procenata tropske germplazme, u njihovoj očinskoj komponenti (ili jednu polovinu pomenutih procenata u odgovarajućim hibridima). Sume kvadrata linearne komponente, bile su značajne (p lt 0.01) za prinos zrna i za udeo vode u zrnu, dok su sume kvadrata kubnog efekata bile značajne (p lt 0.05) samo za prinos zrna. Rezultati ovih istraživanja jasno ukazuju da su početne populacije nastale povratnim ukrÅ”tanjem sa adaptiranom linijom pogodan izvor za selekciju na prinos zrna i udeo vode u zrnu

    Različiti aspekti inhibicije rastenja i fotosinteze kukuruza (Zea Mays L.) uzrokovanih fosfonatnim herbicidom sulfosatom 5 - manipulacija statusom korena biljaka raslih u kontrolisanim uslovima

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    Effects of the herbicide sulphosate on growth, accumulation and distribution of dry weight and photosynthesis in maize plants grown in controlled environment and subjected to sourcesink manipulation at the root were studied. The findings indicate that growth and dry weight accumulation did not significantly correlate with any of the dry mass distribution parameters in those maize plants, but type of the root manipulation influenced parameters of plant growth. Also we found that plants with limited root growth has lower values of ETR parameter of photosynthesis, irrespective of herbicides treatment. As the root is place where cytokinins (plant hormons essential for maintaining photosynthetic structures) are synthesized, we assumed that content of cytokinins in the different manipulated roots influenced growth and photosynthesis of the plants irrespectively of exposition of the plants to the herbicide sulphosate.U radu se razmatra dejstvo herbicida sulfosata na rastenje, akumulaciju i preraspodelu suve mase, kao i fotosintezu biljaka kukuruza raslih u kontrolisanim uslovima i izloženih manipulaciji statusa korena. Nalazi govore da rastenje i akumulacija suve mase ne koreliÅ”u značajno sa parametrima preraspodele suve mase biljaka kukuruza, ali tip manipulacije korenom utiče na rastenje biljaka. Nađeno je i da biljke sa ograničenjem rastenja korena imaju niže vrednosti ETR parametra fotosinteze, nezavisno od tretmana herbicidom. PoÅ”to je koren mesto sinteze citokinina (fitohormon esencijalan za održanje fotosintetskih struktura), pretpostavljamo da sadržaj citokinina kod biljaka kukuruza sa različitim statusom korena utiče na rastenje i fotosintezu biljaka kukuruza, nezavisno od toga da li su ili nisu tretirane herbicidom sulfosatom

    GGE biplot analiza multilokacijskih ogleda NS hibrida kukuruza

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    GGE biplot analysis is a method used to identify mega-environments (i.e grouping, division of locations, which are examined in a joint mega-environment), evaluate the genotypes within these mega-environments and select the most discriminating and the most representative locations within a single mega-environment. This paper analyses twenty hybrids at five locations in 2006 and 2007. For the first year, mega-environment analysis showed a greater similarity between locations Rimski Å ančevi, Pančevo and Srbobran classifying them into one group (the potential mega-environment), whereas Sombor and Sremska Mitrovica were classified into another group. In 2007 grouping was different from the previous in that Rimski Å ančevi and Sombor comprised one mega-environment, whereas Sremska Mitrovica and Pančevo comprised the other, while Srbobran was separated from both groups. Discrepancies in formation of the mega-environments can be explained by different climatic conditions in two research years. This was confirmed by analyzing the ideal environment where the discrepancies between those two years are also reported. The results in this study suggest that more reliable data on the mega-environments formation should be sought in multi-year studies of the certain genotypes in a number of locations.Multilokacijski ogledi za prinos zrna izvode se svake godine kako bi se ocenila reakcija hibrida kukuruza na različite agroekoloÅ”ke uslove. Osnovni problem ovog načina ispitivanja hibrida jeste prisustvo interakcije genotip-spoljna sredina. Uzimajući u obzir interakciju, GGE biplot analiza pruža vizuelni prikaz ponaÅ”anja hibrida u različitim sredinama. Dvadeset hibrida kukuruza je ispitivano u toku 2006. i 2007. na pet lokaliteta po godini. Rezultati su predstavljeni preko GGE biplotova u cilju grupisanja sredina u tzv. megasredine i izdvajanja idealne sredine. Značaj izdvajanja megasredine ogleda se u odsustvu unakrsne interakcije koja remeti njihov rang, pa se hibridi mogu odabrati na osnovu prosečnih vrednosti određene osobine. Određivanje tzv. idealne sredine može biti od velikog značaja za izbor najreprezentativnijeg lokaliteta za testiranje, koji takođe ima i najveću moć diskriminacije hibrida

    Direct Estimation of Reference Intervals for Thyroid Parameters in the Republic of Srpska

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    Background: The aim of this study was to determine the reference values for thyrotropin (TSH), thyroid hormones (total and free thyroxine, T4 and fT4; total and free triiodothyronine, T3 and fT3), thyroglobulin (Tg) and thyroid antibodies (thyroid peroxidase, TPOAb and thyroglobulin antibody, TgAb) in the population of the Republic of Srpska. Methods: A total of 250 euthyroid subjects were enrolled in this study. A direct method for choosing reference subjects was used to establish reference intervals. The hormones and thyroid antibodies were measured by an electrochemiluminescence immunoassay method (ECLIA, Roche Diagnostics, Mannheim, Germany). We calculated the re f erence intervals by MedCalc, version (MedCalc software, Belgium) as recommended by the IFCC (CLSI C28-A3). Results: Using guidelines recommended by the National Academy of Clinical Biochemistry (NACB) and based on standard statistical approaches, the reference intervals derived for TSH, fT4, T4, fT3, T3 were 0.75-5.32 mIU/L, 12.29-20.03 pmol/L, 73.49-126,30 nmol/L, 4.11-6.32 pmol/L, 1.15-2.32 nmol/L and for Tg, TPOAb, TgAb were 3.63-26.00 mu g/L, lt 18.02 mIU/L, lt 98.00 mIU/L, respe ctively. We found a significant difference (p lt 0.05) in TSH and fT3 values between different age groups as well as in T4, fT4 and fT3 values between ge nder groups. Conclusions: The established reference values for the population of the Republic of Srpska were significantly different from the values recommended by the manufacturer of reagents (Roche Diagnostics). Our results showed that a laboratory needs to establish its own reference values in order to set up a proper diagnosis, as well as to treat patients successfully

    NS hibridi kukuruza u proizvodnim rejonima Srbije

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    Fifteen NS maize hybrids of FAO 300-700 maturity groups were evaluated in strip trials (plot size 1,120 m2) at 30 locations in Serbia. In all locations including all production regions, the most yielding hybrid was NS 6030 with average yield of 10.9 t ha-1. The additive Main Effects and Multiplicative Interaction (AMMI) and the sites regression (SREG) models were used to study basic structure of G x E interactions and the possible existence of different mega-environments in Serbian maize growing regions in 2009. The results of the 15 hybrids x 10 locations for grain yield in maize showed by biplot technique indicate several specific location-hybrid deviations (the AMMI biplot), and possible existence of at least one mega-environment (the GGE biplot).Ova istraživanja su deo viÅ”egodiÅ”njih istraživanja čiji je cilj rejonizacija hibrida kukuruza. Tokom 2009. ispitivano je 15 hibrida FAO grupa zrenja 300-700 u 30 lokacija na teritoriji Srbije. Najveći prosečan prinos zrna ostvario je hibrid NS 6030 (10,9 t ha-1). Za ocenu strukture interakcije genotip x sredina i mogućeg postojanja različitih mega-sredina (mega environment) u proizvodnim rejonima Srbije koriŔćeni su matematički modeli AMMI i SREG. Rezultati ispitivanja prinosa zrna kod 15 hibrida na 10 lokaliteta ukazuju na postojanje specifičnih devijacija lokalitet-godina (AMMI biplot) i najmanje jedne mega-sredine (GGE biplot)

    Kombinovana familijska selekcija na tolerantnost prema crvenilu kukuruza

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    Variability and interrelationships of traits in maize population NS 1-275 CRS after one cycle of combined HS-S1 family selection were studied. Independent field experiments with HS and S1 progenies were set up according to an incomplete block design in 2008 and 2009. The basic genetics parameters of zero (C0) and the first cycle of selection (C1) were assessed. The primary selection criterion for the formation of the C1 was grain yield (GY) and grain moisture (GM) and secondary stay green (SG) and stalk lodging (SL). Significant differences in mean values between selection cycles (PĀ£0.05) were determined for SG at S1 progenies and GY and SG at HS progenies. No significant changes in genetic variances were recorded after one cycle of selection. Positive correlations between GY and SG and negative between SG and SL exclude the occurrence of negative correlative response. In the upcoming period, some other agronomic traits have to be analyzed to get complete picture of their complex interrelationships, as well as the expected changes through cycles of selection.U radu je ispitivana varijabilnost i međuzavisnost svojstava u populaciji kukuruza NS 1-275 CRS nakon jednog ciklusa kombinovane HS-S1 familijske selekcije. Nezavisni ogledi sa HS i S1 potomstvima postavljeni su po nekompletnom blok dizajnu tokom 2008. i 2009. Ocenjeni su osnovni genetički parametri nultog (C0) i prvog (C1) ciklusa selekcije. Primarni selekcioni kriterijum za formiranje C1 bio je prinos zrna (GY) i sadržaj vlage u zrnu (GM), a sekundarni stay green (SG) i poleganje stabla (SL). Signifikantne razlike u srednjim vrednostima između ciklusa selekcije (PĀ£0,05) ustanovljene su za SG kod S1 potomstava i GY i SG kod HS potomstava. Nakon jednog ciklusa selekcije nije doÅ”lo do značajnih promena u visini genetičke varijanse svojstava. Pozitivne korelacije između GY i SG i negativne između SG i SL isključuju pojavu nepoželjnih korelativnih odgovora. U narednom periodu analizom treba obuhvatiti veći broj agronomskih svojstava kako bi se dobila potpunija slika njihovih kompleksnih odnosa i očekivanih promena kroz cikluse selekcije

    AHP method

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    Predana je zavrÅ”na verzija rada, koju je odobrio prof. Hunjak. U radu se opisuje AHP metoda. Njeni temeljni i matematički koncepti, te je prikazano rjeÅ”enje problema kod donoÅ”enja odluke za izbor poslovnog partnera uz pomoć programskog alata Expert Choice

    Organization of nurses' work with special reference to workload

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    Na učinak kliničkih medicinskih sestara utječu mnogi čimbenici, koji se dijele na tri prema svojim perspektivama: pojedinac (stres na poslu), situacija (opterećenje) i propisi (nadzor). Ovaj rad ima za cilj utvrditi razine iscrpljenosti, otuđenosti, kontrole posla i psiholoÅ”ke zahtjevnosti posla medicinskih sestara te usporediti te mjere radnog opterećenja s obzirom na to rade li sestre na bolničkom odjelu ili ambulanti, te s obzirom na to koliko dobrom procjenjuju organizaciju rada u ustanovi na svom radiliÅ”tu. Uzorak je uključivao 109 medicinskih sestara oba spola koji su zaposlenici Opće bolnice Pula. Istraživanjem su obuhvaćene sljedeće skupine: prva skupina su medicinske sestre koje rade u bolničkoj poliklinici a druga skupina su sestre koje rade na bolničkom odjelu. KoriÅ”teni su ovi upitnici: Upitnik općih podataka, OldenburÅ”ki upitnik sagorijevanja, Upitnik psiholoÅ”kih zahtjeva i kontrole posla i Upitnik procjene organizacije posla. Rezultati su pokazali da postoji značajan utjecaj na intenzitet sagorijevanja na poslu medicinskih sestara na svim mjestima rada. I iscrpljenost i otuđenost veći su kod sestara koje procjenjuju organizaciju rada loÅ”om, bilo u ustanovi, bilo na radiliÅ”tu. Iscrpljenost je neÅ”to veća kod sestara koje rade u ambulanti u odnosu na sestre koje rade na odjelu. Medicinske sestre procjenjuju da viÅ”e psiholoÅ”kih zahtjeva posla ima na odjelu nego u ambulanti, a veću kontrolu posla imaju u ambulanti i kad je organizacija posla bolja.The performance of clinical nurses is influenced by many factors, which are divided into three according to their perspectives: individual (work stress), situation (load) and regulations (supervision). The aim of this final paper is to determine the levels of exhaustion, alienation, work control and the psychological demands of nurses' work, and to compare these measures of workload, considering whether nurses work in a hospital ward or an outpatient clinic, and considering how well they assess the organization of work in the institution and at their workplace. The sample included 109 nurses of both sexes who are employees of the Pula General Hospital. The following groups were included in the research: nurses who work in the hospital polyclinic and nurses who work in the hospital ward. The following questionnaires were used: General Data Questionnaire, Oldenburg Burnout Questionnaire, Psychological Demands and Job Control Questionnaire, and Work Organization Assessment Questionnaire. The results show that nurses expereince burnout at all workplaces. Both exhaustion and alienation are greater in nurses who assess the work organization as poor, either in the institution or at the workplace. Nurses in the outpatient clinic express higher exhaustion that nurses int he ward. Nurses estimate that there are more psychological work demands in the ward than in the outpatient clinic, and they have more control over their work in the outpatient clinic especially when the work organization is better

    AHP method

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    Predana je zavrÅ”na verzija rada, koju je odobrio prof. Hunjak. U radu se opisuje AHP metoda. Njeni temeljni i matematički koncepti, te je prikazano rjeÅ”enje problema kod donoÅ”enja odluke za izbor poslovnog partnera uz pomoć programskog alata Expert Choice