154 research outputs found

    Reconstruction of Mandibular Defects Using Bone Morphogenic Protein: Can Growth Factors Replace the Need for Autologous Bone Grafts? A Systematic Review of the Literature

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    Autogenous bone is still considered the “gold standard” of regenerative and reconstructive procedures involving mandibular defects. However, harvesting of this material can lead to many complications like increasing morbidity, expanding of the surgical time, and incomplete healing of the donor site. In the last few years many authors looked for the development of effective reconstruction procedures using osteoinductive factors without the need for conventional bone grafting. The first-in-human study involving the use of Bone Morphongenic Proteins (rhBMP) for mandibular reconstruction was performed in 2001 by Moghadam. Only few articles have been reported in the literature since then. The purpose of this study was to search and analyze the literature involving the use of rhBMP for reconstruction of mandibular defects. In all the studies reported, authors agree that the use of grown factors may represent the future of regenerative procedures with more research necessary for confirmation


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    Il contributo analizza, sulla base delle scarne notizione, la figura del fondatore del monastero di S. Vincenzo al Volturno e offre una rassegna recente della storiografia al riguardo

    Respuesta de tomate (Solanum lycopersicum L.) a la fertilización con nitrógeno y aplicación de composta.

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    The effects of municipal biosolid yard-waste compost and fertilizer N applications on tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) growth, yield and fruit quality were evaluated in Lajas (Typic Haplusterts) and Juana Díaz (Cumulic Haplustolls) (Fortuna Substation), Puerto Rico, for three years. In Fortuna, an initial application of compost at 50 t/ha significantly improved yields over those in unamended soil, yet a second application of compost the following year at 50 and 100 t/ha, reduced yields. No residual effect of compost on tomato yields was detected the third year. In Fortuna, levels of N fertilization did not significantly affect tomato yields, growth or quality, except in the third year, when tomato yields were significantly higher in soils fertilized with 75 kg N/ha than yields from unfertilized soil. At Lajas, there was a significant crop response to fertilizer N in one of the two site years, when crop response to initial fertilizer N application was evaluated. Compost addition in Lajas did not improve yields or plant agronomic components for the first year of cropping tomato. The use of the SPAD chlorophyll meter may be a useful N diagnostic tool for tomato grown under drip irrigation and polyethylene mulch. In general, maximum SPAD values coincided with maximum yields, depending on the hybrid or variety planted; treatment effects were adequately separated out. The economic optimum N rate was relatively insensitive to fertilizer and tomato price fluctuations in the range selected. The calculated optimum N rate to achieve 99% yield goals was 143 kg N/ha, at sites with initial N application in Lajas, and 165 kg N/ha, respectively, for second and third applications of N in Fortuna, with maximum yields near 54 t/ha.Por tres años se evaluaron los efectos de composta producida a partir de residuos vegetales y biosólidos, y de nitrógeno inorgánico en el crecimiento, rendimiento y calidad de fruta de tomate en las Subestaciones de Lajas (Typic Haplusterts) y Juana Díaz (Cumulic Haplustolls) (Subestación de Fortuna), Puerto Rico. En Fortuna, la aplicación de 50 t/ha aumentó el rendimiento sobre suelo sin enmendar pero una segunda aplicación de 50 y 100 t/ha redujo los rendimientos. No hubo un efecto residual de la composta en el tercer año. Los niveles de fertilización no incrementaron significativamente los rendimientos excepto en el tercer año, cuando los mayores rendimientos se obtuvieron con la aplicación de 75 kg N/ha en forma de fertilizante inorgánico. En Lajas, hubo respuesta a la fertilización inicial en uno de los dos sitios-años. La adición de composta no mejoró los rendimientos ni los componentes agronómicos del tomate. El uso del medidor de clorofila SPAD puede ser útil para la producción de tomate cultivado en bancos elevados, con plástico y riego por goteo porque los valores máximos de SPAD coincidieron con los mayores rendimientos obtenidos. La medida sirvió para evaluar el efecto de los tratamientos, aunque los resultados dependen de la variedad o híbrido utilizado. El nivel óptimo económico obtenido fue poco sensitivo a los precios de fertilizante y tomate seleccionado. El nivel óptimo de fertilización de N para obtener el 99% de rendimiento máximo fue 143 kg N/ha en áreas que recibieron aplicaciones iniciales de N en Lajas, y 165 kg N/ha en áreas con más de un año bajo el cultivo de tomate en Fortuna, con rendimientos cerca de 54 t/ha

    Survival and growth responses of eight Everglades tree species along an experimental hydrological gradient on two tree island types

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    Questions: How are the early survival and growth of seedlings of Everglades tree species planted in an experimental setting on artificial tree islands affected by hydrology and substrate type? What are the implications of these responses for broader tree island restoration efforts? Location: Loxahatchee Impoundment Landscape Assessment (LILA), Boynton Beach, Florida, USA. Methods: An experiment was designed to test hydrological and substrate effects on seedling growth and survivorship. Two islands – a peat and a limestone-core island representing two major types found in the Everglades – were constructed in four macrocosms. A mixture of eight tree species was planted on each island in March of 2006 and 2007. Survival and height growth of seedlings planted in 2006 were assessed periodically during the next two and a half years. Results: Survival and growth improved with increasing elevation on both tree island substrate types. Seedlings\u27 survival and growth responses along a moisture gradient matched species distributions along natural hydrological gradients in the Everglades. The effect of substrate on seedling performance showed higher survival of most species on the limestone tree islands, and faster growth on their peat-based counterparts. Conclusions: The present results could have profound implications for restoration of forests on existing landforms and artificial creation of tree islands. Knowledge of species tolerance to flooding and responses to different edaphic conditions present in wetlands is important in selecting suitable species to plant on restored tree island

    Herbage productivity and diverging botanical composition of two floristic variants of a natural grassland fertilized with N and P.

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    La fertilización con N (urea y nitrato de amonio) y P (superfosfato triple) aumentó, en general, la productividad primaria neta aérea (PPNA) del período comprendido entre octubre y marzo, de dos variantes de una comunidad herbácea del partido de Chascomús (35°34’S, 58°00’O; Prov. de Buenos Aires) y modificó la composición botánica de cada una de esas variantes al cabo de cuatro años de fertilización ininterrumpida. La fertilización consistió en la aplicación de 0 ó 100 kg-N.ha-1.año-1 combinados factorialmente con 0; 25 ó 50 kg-P.ha-1.año-1 a parcelas representativas de la comunidad que ocupaba la parte superior del microrelieve (variante 1, V1) y de la que habitaba el nivel intermedio de éste (variante 2, V2). La PPNA media anual expresada en materia seca en V1 y V2 fue 562 y 570 kg.ha-1.mes-1, respectivamente. Se observó una estrecha relación entre la PPNA y la acumulación de agua en el suelo durante el período correspondiente al cálculo de la PPNA. El incremento medio general de la PPNA, debido al agregado de N, fue 31 % (p £ 0,001) en V1 y 41 % (p £ 0,001) en V2. El incremento medio anual de la PPNA resultante del agregado de P fue 53 % (p £ 0,001) en V1 y 79 % (p £ 0,001) en V2. Sólo la cobertura de algunas especies se modificó de manera inmediata con la fertilización en V1 y V2 (Lolium multiflorum Lam., Gaudinia fragilis (L.) Beauv. , Bothriochloa laguroides (D.C.) Herter y Lotus tenuis Waldst. et Kit). Al final del período experimental se observó que V2 se había enriquecido en L. tenuis y Bromus mollis L., mientras que V1 lo había hecho en Paspalum dilatatum Poir., B. laguroides y Hypochoeris microcephala (Sch. Bip.) Cabr. respecto de la abundancia de esas especies antes de aplicar los fertilizantes.Fertilization with N (as urea and amonium nitrate) and P (as triple superphosphate) during 4 consecutive years increased the aerial net primary productivity (ANPP) in spring and summer months (from October to April) of two variants (V1 and V2) of a herbaceous plant community near Chascomús (35°34’S, 58°00’W; province of Buenos Aires). The botanical composition of each one of those variants was also changed by fertilization. Six factorial combinations of 0 or 100kg-N.ha-1.yr-1 with 0; 25 or 50 kg- P.ha-1.yr-1 were applied every spring (October) to plots arranged in five randomized blocks laid out on a representative site of each variant. The mean annual ANPP expressed as dry matter V1 and V2 were 562 and 570 kg.ha-1.mo-1 respectively. Mean annual ANPP and soil-moisture storage were directly related to each other in both variants. The mean annual increase in ANPP due to N was 31 % (p £ 0,001) and 41 % (p £ 0,001) in V1 and V2, respectively. The mean annual increase in ANPP due to P was 53 % (p £ 0,001) and 79 % (p £ 0,001) in V1 and V2, respectively. A few species changed cover soon after fertilization (Lolium multiflorum Lam., Gaudinia fragilis (L.) Beauv., Bothriochloa laguroides (D.C.) Herter and Lotus tenuis Waldst. et Kit) in both variants. The comparison between the initial botanical composition (1979) and that one at the end of the experimental period showed that V2 had become enriched in L. tenuis and Bromus mollis L and V1 was dominated by Paspalum dilatatum Poir., B. laguroides and Hypochoeris microcephala (Sch. Bip.) Cabr.Universidad Nacional de La Plata (UNLP) - Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias y Forestales (FCAF

    Tratamento remoto dos pacientes tabagistas durante a pandemia da COVID-19: Remote treatment of smoking patients during the COVID-19 pandemic

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    Introdução:  Estudos têm demonstrado a ocorrência de piores desfechos em pacientes fumantes infectados pelo SARS-CoV-2 quando comparados aos não fumantes. O objetivo do presente estudo foi oferecer, de forma remota, atendimento e auxílio à cessação do tabagismo aos pacientes frente à pandemia da COVID-19. Métodos: Realizadas ligações telefônicas para 88 pacientes inscritos na lista de espera do Programa de tratamento do tabagismo do Hospital Universitário Antônio Pedro. Elaborado roteiro de entrevista telefônica contendo dados sociodemográficos, história tabágica, teste de Fagerstrom, interesse e possibilidade de participação em sessões de  grupos online. Elaborada e disponibilizada aos pacientes uma cartilha contendo orientações para cessação do tabagismo. Foram selecionados pacientes que tinham possibilidade de participar de grupos online. Para avaliar o sucesso terapêutico, os pacientes deveriam participar de pelo menos quatro das seis sessões de terapia cognitivo-comportamental, de forma remota, realizadas nas plataformas Zoom Meeting e Google Meet. Os participantes que pararam de fumar durante ou ao término das sessões de grupo foram considerados de sucesso imediato. Resultados: O estudo incluiu 56 pacientes, sendo 42 do sexo feminino, com média de idade de 58 anos, carga tabágica média 46 maços/ano. A maioria possuía grau elevado de dependência à nicotina. Dos 56 pacientes, 49 (87,5%) manifestaram interesse de receber a cartilha enquanto aguardavam na fila de espera, 52 (92,8%) tinham conhecimento  que o tabagismo é fator de risco e agravamento da COVID-19, 44 (78,6%) relataram interesse e condições de participar remotamente das sessões online, sendo que, destes, dezesseis foram inicialmente convidados para compor o primeiro grupo on-line. Dos doze pacientes que completaram no mínimo quatro sessões, oito pararam de fumar. Conclusão: É imprescindível oferecer apoio e tratamento aos pacientes tabagistas durante a pandemia da COVID-19, uma vez que eles fazem parte do grupo de risco. O acesso remoto vem ao encontro da necessidade do momento, já que esses pacientes devem evitar aglomerações e espaços públicos coletivos