1,160 research outputs found

    Screening for hazardous alcohol use and dependence in psychiatric in-patients using the AUDIT questionnaire

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    The Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (AUDIT) has been used to screen for hazardous and harmful alcohol consumption among general hospital populations but not in psychiatric patients. Using the AUDIT, we assessed alcohol use in patients with four major types of psychiatric disorder, namely mood, adjustment, anxiety and psychotic disorders. Nine hundred and ninety consecutive admissions to the psychiatric units of two hospitals during a 12-month period underwent assessment. In each diagnostic group a high proportion of patients was alcohol-dependent. Among those with mood disorders 25.4% of men were alcohol-dependent, compared with 16.3% of women, while 34.5% of men with anxiety disorder were alcohol-dependent compared with 25.0% of women. Both gender differences were statistically significant. The differences were even greater for adjustment disorder (44.4% vs. 14.5%) and psychosis (29.2% and 4.2%, respectively). More men than women with anxiety disorder were classified as hazardous (24.1% vs. 11.7%) or harmful drinkers (13.8% vs. 3.3%), but for the other diagnostic groupings the percentages in these drinking categories were more nearly similar. Thus, there is a high rate of excessive alcohol consumption in people with psychiatric disorders, especially males. Such individuals may be particularly vulnerable to complications of alcohol misuse such as suicide and exacerbation of their disorder. The potential for decreased severity of psychiatric symptoms and a reduction in the number of hospital admissions following cessation or reduction in alcohol consumption is considerable. The AUDIT is a simple screening device for investigating alcohol use and dependence, and offers a means of initiating intervention in this population

    A Novel Joint Space-Wavenumber Analysis of an Unusual Antarctic Gravity Wave Event

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    As part of a collaborative research program between British Antarctic Survey, U.K. and Utah State University, USA, all sky airglow images were recorded at Halley Station Antarctica (75.5 S, 26.7 W). An unusual mesospheric gravity wave event was observed in the OH nightglow (nominal height 87 km) over a period of 3 hours on the 27–28 May, 2001. The characteristics of the bore wave event were determined by application of the one dimensional spatial S-Transform analysis. This is the first time such analysis has been performed on airglow data. By employing these local spatial spectral analysis, the evolution of the wave packet can be measured. The wave parameters (phase velocity, wave number, wavelength, period) were inferred from as little as 2 images (separated in time), which is a powerful ability when a data set of images is irregularly sampled in time, as is often the case in airglow imager studies. Several interesting and novel results were obtained regarding the dynamic evolution of the wave. The horizontal wavelength of the bore wave packet was seen to decrease as the packet evolved. Coincident with this observation, the horizontal phase speed decreased, with an associated decrease in wave packet amplitude

    A comparison of atmospheric composition using the Carbon Bond and Regional Atmospheric Chemistry Mechanisms

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    We incorporate the recently developed Regional Atmospheric Chemistry Mechanism (version 2, RACM2) into the Community Multiscale Air Quality modeling system for comparison with the existing 2005 Carbon Bond mechanism with updated toluene chemistry (CB05TU). Compared to CB05TU, RACM2 enhances the domain-wide monthly mean hydroxyl radical concentrations by 46% and nitric acid by 26%. However, it reduces hydrogen peroxide by 2%, peroxyacetic acid by 94%, methyl hydrogen peroxide by 19%, peroxyacetyl nitrate by 40%, and organic nitrate by 41%. RACM2 enhances ozone compared to CB05TU at all ambient levels. Although it exhibited greater overestimates at lower observed concentrations, it displayed an improved performance at higher observed concentrations. The RACM2 ozone predictions are also supported by increased ozone production efficiency that agrees better with observations. Compared to CB05TU, RACM2 enhances the domain-wide monthly mean sulfate by 10%, nitrate by 6%, ammonium by 10%, anthropogenic secondary organic aerosols by 42%, biogenic secondary organic aerosols by 5%, and in-cloud secondary organic aerosols by 7%. Increased inorganic and organic aerosols with RACM2 agree better with observed data. Any air pollution control strategies developed using the two mechanisms do not differ appreciably

    Reading Dickens’s characters: employing psycholinguistic methods to investigate the cognitive reality of patterns in texts

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    This article reports the findings of an empirical study that uses eye-tracking and follow-up interviews as methods to investigate how participants read body language clusters in novels by Charles Dickens. The study builds on previous corpus stylistic work that has identified patterns of body language presentation as techniques of characterisation in Dickens (Mahlberg, 2013). The article focuses on the reading of ‘clusters’, that is, repeated sequences of words. It is set in a research context that brings together observations from both corpus linguistics and psycholinguistics on the processing of repeated patterns. The results show that the body language clusters are read significantly faster than the overall sample extracts which suggests that the clusters are stored as units in the brain. This finding is complemented by the results of the follow-up questions which indicate that readers do not seem to refer to the clusters when talking about character information, although they are able to refer to clusters when biased prompts are used to elicit information. Beyond the specific results of the study, this article makes a contribution to the development of complementary methods in literary stylistics and it points to directions for further subclassifications of clusters that could not be achieved on the basis of corpus data alone

    A prospective, multicentre, observational cohort study of analgesia and outcome after pneumonectomy

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    Background Meta-analysis and systematic reviews of epidural compared with paravertebral blockade analgesia techniques for thoracotomy conclude that although the analgesia is comparable, paravertebral blockade has a better short-term side-effect profile. However, reduction in major complications including mortality has not been proven. Methods The UK pneumonectomy study was a prospective observational cohort study in which all UK thoracic surgical centres were invited to participate. Data presented here relate to the mode of analgesia and outcome. Data were analysed for 312 patients having pneumonectomy at 24 UK thoracic surgical centres in 2005. The primary endpoint was a major complication. Results The most common type of analgesia used was epidural (61.1%) followed by paravertebral infusion (31%). Epidural catheter use was associated with major complications (odds ratio 2.2, 95% confidence interval 1.1–3.8; P=0.02) by stepwise logistic regression analysis. Conclusions An increased incidence of clinically important major post-pneumonectomy complications was associated with thoracic epidural compared with paravertebral blockade analgesia. However, this study is unable to provide robust evidence to change clinical practice for a better clinical outcome. A large multicentre randomized controlled trial is now needed to compare the efficacy, complications, and cost-effectiveness of epidural and paravertebral blockade analgesia after major lung resection with the primary outcome of clinically important major morbidity

    The stigmatisation of people with chronic back pain

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    This study responded to the need for better theoretical understanding of experiences that shape the beliefs, attitudes and needs of chronic back patients attending pain clinics. The aim was explore and conceptualise the experiences of people of working age who seek help from pain clinics for chronic back pain. Methods. This was a qualitative study, based on an interpretative phenomenological approach (IPA). During in-depth interviews in their homes, participants were invited to 'tell their story' from the time their pain began. Participants were twelve male and six female patients, aged between 28 and 62 years, diagnosed as having chronic benign back pain. All had recently attended one of two pain clinics as new referrals. The interview transcripts were analysed thematically. Findings. Stigmatisation emerged as a key theme from the narrative accounts of participants. The findings expose subtle as well as overt stigmatising responses by family, friends, health professionals and the general public which appeared to have a profound effect on the perceptions, self esteem and behaviours of those interviewed. Conclusions. The findings suggest that patients with chronic back pain feel stigmatised by the time they attend pain clinics and this may affect their attitudes and behaviours towards those offering professional help. Theories of chronic pain need to accommodate these responses, while pain management programmes need to address the realities and practicalities of dealing with stigma in everyday life

    Signal Processing

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    Contains research objectives and reports on two research projects.Joint Services Electronics Programs (U. S. Army, U. S. Navy, and U. S. Air Force) under Contract DA 28-043-AMC-02536(E

    ’Something happened, something bad’:Blackouts, uncertainties and event construal in The Girl on the Train

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    This article examines the representation of mind style in Paula Hawkins’ (2015) best-selling novel The Girl on the Train. It examines how Hawkins presents the fictional mind of Rachel, a character who is affected by anterograde amnesia as a result of alcoholic blackouts. Rachel’s narrative voice drives the novel and its retelling of events is characterised by her inability to recall important information related to the night that a young woman disappeared and was murdered. This article specifically draws on the Cognitive Grammar notion of construal to explore the presentation of Rachel’s mind style and its affordances and limitations. In doing so, it builds on developing scholarship that has identified the potential for Cognitive Grammar to provide a richly nuanced account of the representation of a fictional mind. The analysis specifically examines two ways in which event construal is presented: nominal grounding strategies and reference point relationships. For the latter, the article also develops emerging work that has sought to make a connection between Cognitive Grammar and Text World Theory in terms of how mental representations are projected by the text

    Malaysia and the end of the Bretton Woods system 1965-72: disentangling from Sterling

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    This article examines the tense and complex monetary relationship between Britain, Singapore and Malaysia in the period from 1965 to 1972. It questions the assumption that Malaysia's economic significance to Britain was 'on the wane' by the 1960s. As the second largest government holder of sterling assets in the world, Malaysia should have been able to exert considerable leverage in London over the disposition of these assets. Ultimately, however, the very scale of these assets limited Malaysia's room for manoeuvre, as it could not sell off a significant proportion of them without undermining international confidence in the exchange rate of the pound and thereby precipitating the devaluation of its remaining sterling assets. The devaluation of sterling in 1967 emerges as a watershed in relations between London and Kuala Lumpur, with the Malaysians thereafter seeking to forge a more independent monetary policy. It is clear, however, that they did not actually succeed in doing so until 1972