429 research outputs found

    Fotografski arhivi utemeljeni u zajednici i „potencijalne“ povijesti hladnog rata u Istočnoj Europi

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    The article proposes to look at the recently emerged online photographic archives in Eastern Europe as a form of digital commons. The bulk of the collected photographs in these archives are vernacular, family or amateur photographs, the sort which obstinately resists being included in the histories of photography. The online archives under scrutiny here, Fortepan in Hungary and Karta/CAS in Poland, disregard the established divisions between the photographic genres, allowing the reconfiguring of the hierarchies and values perpetuated by other archives and museum collections. Most significantly, by being accessible and relying on the contributions of its users, the online archives also forge a new public. The aim of this article is to investigate the affordances of these archives in constructing new photographic histories of the Cold War. Looking at selected photographs showing collective manifestations and street protests, the article will demonstrate the realignment of the private and the public in these archives.U članku se predlaĆŸe da se na digitalne fotografske arhive koji su se nedavno pojavili u Istočnoj Europi gleda kao na oblik digitalnoga zajedničkog dobra. Najveći dio fotografija u tim arhivima su vernakularne, obiteljske ili amaterske fotografije, odnosno ĆŸanrovi koji se uporno opiru uvrĆĄtavanju u povijesti fotografije. Digitalni arhivi o kojima je ovdje riječ, Fortepan iz Mađarske i Karta/CAS iz Poljske, ignoriraju uvrijeĆŸene podjele između fotografskih ĆŸanrova, čime omogućavaju ponovnu konfiguraciju hijerarhija i vrijednosti koje perpetuiraju drugi arhivi i muzejske zbirke. Ono ĆĄto je joĆĄ vaĆŸnije jest da svojom pristupačnoơću i oslanjanjem na doprinose svojih korisnika digitalni arhivi stvaraju novu publiku. Cilj ovog članka je istraĆŸiti mogućnosti tih arhiva u stvaranju novih fotografskih povijesti hladnoga rata. Odabranim fotografijama kolektivnih manifestacija i uličnih prosvjeda u članku će se prikazati preslagivanje privatnoga i javnoga u tim arhivima

    Letters to the Fight: The Liga Newspaper and its Sayings about / to the Peasant’s Education

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    In this paper we worked on the modes of saying to or about the peasants in their movement of education and instruction for fighting which are materialized in clippings of theLiganewspaper Based on these clippings we will work in order to understand the imaginaries that are implicated in this process of saying the peasant and the necessary raise of their awareness especially observing the insistence of knowing the peasant and their way of life in order to recreate new sense paths regarding these subjects and their way of existence which allows them to become subjects for the fight These reflections are based on notions from the theoretical framework of Pecheux s Discourse Analysis which guides us through the work of describing and interpreting the setting of the peasantry s discourse in Brazil between 1955 and 196

    Corrective Osteotomy in a Patient With Congenital Absence of Pronation Based on Three-Dimensional Statistical Shape Modeling

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    We present a new indication of a three-dimensional statistical shape model (SSM): a patient with bilateral impaired forearm rotation due to a congenital variance in bone shape. A corrective osteotomy was planned and performed to best match the SSM created by computed tomography (CT) scans of 18 peers. Postoperatively, pronation increased by 70°, and the patient was pain-free. A CT scan showed accurate correction of the deformity and union of all osteotomies. This technique offers opportunities for patients with bilateral nontraumatic osseous forearm pathology.</p

    BRAIT, Beth (org). BAKHTIN: CONCEITOS-CHAVE. SĂŁo Paulo: Contexto,2005.

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    Resenhado por: Fabiele Stockmans de Nard

    Belgian debates for a migration policy. Mapping of the stakeholders

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    Cette publication propose un inventaire des principaux acteurs qui contribuent ou peuvent contribuer Ă  dĂ©finir une politique migratoire pour la Belgique ; elle fait aussi le point sur leurs prises de position rĂ©centes. Quel est par exemple le point de vue de la FGTB sur une rĂ©gularisation ? Que pense la FEB d’une nouvelle migration Ă©conomique ? Que dit le Conseil des Femmes sur l’accueil des primo-arrivants ? Et bien d’autres encore


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    Our task in this work is an attempt to understand some of therelations that are established between tongue, discourse and memory, basedon what the discourse theory proposes,. We will provide, for this purpose,a brief theoretical explanation, working with the construction and functioningof these concepts, in order to specify their contour and reflect abouttheir inter-relation. Passing through the real language, treating it as amateriality that feeds the discursive process, we will seek for the discourse,place for the production of senses and memory game. To conclude wepropose a brief reflection about the effects of the assumption of the conceptsof the discourse analysis to the work of the second language teaching

    Arthroscopic Subtalar Arthrodesis after a Calcaneus Fracture Covered with a Forearm Flap

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    Surgical treatment of intraarticular calcaneal fractures is often associated with postoperative wound problems. Soft tissue necrosis, bone loss and uncontrollable infection are a challenge for the surgeon and amputation may in some cases be the ultimate solution. A free flap can be very helpful to cover a significant soft tissue defect and help in fighting the infection. However, the free flap complicates the surgical approach if subtalar arthrodesis and bone reconstruction are needed. This study demonstrates the value of an arthroscopic technique to resect the remaining articular cartilage in preparation for subtalar arthrodesis and bone grafting. This approach avoids compromising the soft tissues and minimizes damage to the free flap

    InSPECtor: an end-to-end design framework for compressive pixelated hyperspectral instruments

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    Classic designs of hyperspectral instrumentation densely sample the spatial and spectral information of the scene of interest. Data may be compressed after the acquisition. In this paper we introduce a framework for the design of an optimized, micro-patterned snapshot hyperspectral imager that acquires an optimized subset of the spatial and spectral information in the scene. The data is thereby compressed already at the sensor level, but can be restored to the full hyperspectral data cube by the jointly optimized reconstructor. This framework is implemented with TensorFlow and makes use of its automatic differentiation for the joint optimization of the layout of the micro-patterned filter array as well as the reconstructor. We explore the achievable compression ratio for different numbers of filter passbands, number of scanning frames, and filter layouts using data collected by the Hyperscout instrument. We show resulting instrument designs that take snapshot measurements without losing significant information while reducing the data volume, acquisition time, or detector space by a factor of 40 as compared to classic, dense sampling. The joint optimization of a compressive hyperspectral imager design and the accompanying reconstructor provides an avenue to substantially reduce the data volume from hyperspectral imagers.Comment: 23 pages, 12 figures, published in Applied Optic

    RELAÇÕES ENTRE CULTURA E ENSINO: um olhar discursivo sobre as polĂ­ticas pĂșblicas para formação de professores

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    Notre but dans cet article est d’observer la notion de culture mobilisĂ©e dans un document sur le programme destinĂ© aux enseignants des Ă©coles Ă©lĂ©mentaires. Le point de dĂ©part est une discussion de la notion de culture, que nous avons pris comme un lieu d’interpretation,  pour observer les contradictions qui traversent la proposition mĂȘme de culture, parfois en rĂ©affirmant son caractĂšre dynamique, parfois en supposant des mouvements de neutralisation dans ces relations entre la culture et les environnements Ă©ducatifs. Cette analyse permet de rĂ©affirmer la complexitĂ© de la relation entre le sujet et la culture, surtout quand on considere la place destinĂ©e Ă  la culture dans les processus d’ensegnement et d’apprentissage, et permet aussi une rĂ©flexion sur les relations de pouvoir impliquĂ©es dans le dĂ©veloppement  de la construction des connaissances
