2,549 research outputs found

    An investigation into linearity with cumulative emissions of the climate and carbon cycle response in HadCM3LC

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    We investigate the extent to which global mean temperature, precipitation, and the carbon cycle are constrained by cumulative carbon emissions throughout four experiments with a fully coupled climate-carbon cycle model. The two paired experiments adopt contrasting, idealised approaches to climate change mitigation at different action points this century, with total emissions exceeding two trillion tonnes of carbon in the later pair. Their initially diverging cumulative emissions trajectories cross after several decades, before diverging again. We find that their global mean temperatures are, to first order, linear with cumulative emissions, though regional differences in temperature of up to 1.5K exist when cumulative emissions of each pair coincide. Interestingly, although the oceanic precipitation response scales with cumulative emissions, the global precipitation response does not, due to a decrease in precipitation over land above cumulative emissions of around one trillion tonnes of carbon (TtC). Most carbon fluxes and stores are less well constrained by cumulative emissions as they reach two trillion tonnes. The opposing mitigation approaches have different consequences for the Amazon rainforest, which affects the linearity with which the carbon cycle responds to cumulative emissions. Averaged over the two fixed-emissions experiments, the transient response to cumulative carbon emissions (TCRE) is 1.95 K TtC-1, at the upper end of the IPCC’s range of 0.8-2.5 K TtC-1

    Abrupt climate changes: from the past to the future - a review

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    A review of climatic variability is given with a focus on abrupt changes during the last glacial. Evidence from palaeoclimatic archives suggests that these were most likely due to reorganisations of the atmosphere–ocean system. The mechanisms responsible for these changes are presented. Their implication for future climate changes is discussed in light of recent climate model simulations

    A model for long-term climatic effects of impacts

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    We simulated climatic changes following the impacts of asteroids of different sizes on the present surface of Earth. These changes are assumed to be due to the variations of the radiation energy budget as determined by the amount of dust globally distributed in the atmosphere following the impact. A dust evolution model is used to determine the dust particle size spectra as a function of time and atmospheric altitude. We simulate radiation transfer through the dust layer using a multiple scattering calculation scheme and couple the radiative fluxes to an ocean circulation model in order to determine climatic changes and deviations over 2000 years following the impact. Resulting drops in sea surface temperatures are of the order of several degrees at the equator and decrease toward the poles, which is deduced from the increasing importance of infrared insulation of the dust cover at high latitudes. While gravitational settling reduces the atmospheric amount of dust significantly within 6 months, temperature changes remain present for roughly 1 year irrespective of impactor size. Below 1000 m ocean depth, these changes are small, and we do not observe significant modifications in the structure of the ocean circulation pattern. For bodies smaller than 3 km in diameter, climatic effects increase with impactor size. Beyond this threshold, there is enough dust in the atmosphere to block almost completely solar radiation; thus additional dust does not enhance climatic deviations anymore. In fact, owing to interaction in the infrared, we even observe smaller effects by going from a 5 km impactor to larger diameters

    Intermittent convection, mixed boundary conditions and the stability of the thermohaline circulation

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    Intermittent convection and its consequences on the stability of the thermohaline circulation are investigated with an oceanic global circulation model (OGCM) and simple box models. A two-box model shows that intermittency is a consequence of the non-linearity of the equation of state and of the ratio of heat and freshwater fluxes at surface versus the fluxes at depth. Moreover, it only occurs in areas, where the instability of the water column is caused by temperature or by salinity. Intermittency is not necessarily suppressed by long restoring times. Because intermittent convection causes temporal variations of the ocean-atmosphere fluxes, an OGCM cannot reach an exact equilibrium. After a switch to mixed boundary conditions, changes of the convective activity occur in areas where intermittency is observed. Intermittent convection becomes either continuous or is stopped depending on the method used for calculating the freshwater fluxes. Advective and diffusive fluxes between these regions and their surroundings change in order to balance the altered convective fluxes. A comparison between the OGCM and a six-box model illustrates that this may lead to an alteration of adjacent deep convection and of the related deep water formation

    Variations of the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation in control and transient simulations of the last millennium

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    The variability of the Atlantic meridional overturing circulation (AMOC) strength is investigated in control experiments and in transient simulations of up to the last millennium using the low-resolution Community Climate System Model version 3. In the transient simulations the AMOC exhibits enhanced low-frequency variability that is mainly caused by infrequent transitions between two semi-stable circulation states which amount to a 10 percent change of the maximum overturning. One transition is also found in a control experiment, but the time-varying external forcing significantly increases the probability of the occurrence of such events though not having a direct, linear impact on the AMOC. The transition from a high to a low AMOC state starts with a reduction of the convection in the Labrador and Irminger Seas and goes along with a changed barotropic circulation of both gyres in the North Atlantic and a gradual strengthening of the convection in the Greenland-Iceland-Norwegian (GIN) Seas. In contrast, the transition from a weak to a strong overturning is induced by decreased mixing in the GIN Seas. As a consequence of the transition, regional sea surface temperature (SST) anomalies are found in the midlatitude North Atlantic and in the convection regions with an amplitude of up to 3 K. The atmospheric response to the SST forcing associated with the transition indicates a significant impact on the Scandinavian surface air temperature (SAT) in the order of 1 K. Thus, the changes of the ocean circulation make a major contribution to the Scandinavian SAT variability in the last millennium

    Direct north-south synchronization of abrupt climate change record in ice cores using Beryllium 10

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    A new, decadally resolved record of the <sup>10</sup>Be peak at 41 kyr from the EPICA Dome C ice core (Antarctica) is used to match it with the same peak in the GRIP ice core (Greenland). This permits a direct synchronisation of the climatic variations around this time period, independent of uncertainties related to the ice age-gas age difference in ice cores. Dansgaard-Oeschger event 10 is in the period of best synchronisation and is found to be coeval with an Antarctic temperature maximum. Simulations using a thermal bipolar seesaw model agree reasonably well with the observed relative climate chronology in these two cores. They also reproduce three Antarctic warming events observed between A1 and A2

    Holocene carbon-cycle dynamics based on CO2 trapped in ice at Taylor Dome, Antarctica

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    A high-resolution ice-core record of atmospheric CO2 concentration over the Holocene epoch shows that the global carbon cycle has not been in steady state during the past 11,000 years. Analysis of the CO2 concentration and carbon stable-isotope records, using a one-dimensional carbon-cycle model,uggests that changes in terrestrial biomass and sea surface temperature were largely responsible for the observed millennial-scale changes of atmospheric CO2 concentrations

    Fingerprints of changes in the terrestrial carbon cycle in response to large reorganizations in ocean circulation

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    CO<sub>2</sub> and carbon cycle changes in the land, ocean and atmosphere are investigated using the comprehensive carbon cycle-climate model NCAR CSM1.4-carbon. Ensemble simulations are forced with freshwater perturbations applied at the North Atlantic and Southern Ocean deep water formation sites under pre-industrial climate conditions. As a result, the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation reduces in each experiment to varying degrees. The physical climate fields show changes qualitatively in agreement with results documented in the literature, but there is a clear distinction between northern and southern perturbations. Changes in the physical variables, in turn, affect the land and ocean biogeochemical cycles and cause a reduction, or an increase, in the atmospheric CO<sub>2</sub> concentration by up to 20 ppmv, depending on the location of the perturbation. In the case of a North Atlantic perturbation, the land biosphere reacts with a strong reduction in carbon stocks in some tropical locations and in high northern latitudes. In contrast, land carbon stocks tend to increase in response to a southern perturbation. The ocean is generally a sink of carbon although large reorganizations occur throughout various basins. The response of the land biosphere is strongest in the tropical regions due to a shift of the Intertropical Convergence Zone. The carbon fingerprints of this shift, either to the south or to the north depending on where the freshwater is applied, can be found most clearly in South America. For this reason, a compilation of various paleoclimate proxy records of Younger Dryas precipitation changes are compared with our model results. The proxy records, in general, show good agreement with the model's response to a North Atlantic freshwater perturbation

    Reconstructing climate variability from Greenland ice sheet accumulation: An ERA40 study

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    Re-analysis data covering the period 1958–2001 are used to investigate the relationship between regional, inter-annual snow accumulation variability over the Greenland Ice Sheet (GrIS) and large scale circulation patterns, cyclone frequency, and strength. Four regions of the GrIS have been identified that are highly independent with respect to accumulation variability. Accumulation indices of three of these regions are associated with distinct large-scale circulation patterns: Central-western GrIS reveals an inverse relationship with a NAO-like pattern, the south-west a positive correlation with a high pressure bridge from central North Atlantic to Scandinavia, and the south-eastern GrIS a positive correlation with a high-pressure anomaly over the Greenland Sea. These large-scale patterns also impact European climate in different ways. Accumulation variability in north-eastern GrIS, however, is dominated by cyclones originating from the Greenland Sea. Thus, Greenland ice core accumulation records offer the potential to reconstruct various large-scale circulation patterns and regional storm activity
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